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Body & Face Thyme in East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care

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Body & Face Thyme

Locality: East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 403 746 908

Address: 25 Wallis Street 2323 East Maitland, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hi lovely people. It has been ages since I’ve put up a post on my business page. I’m still here!!!!! I’ve just put all my love and time into this little miracle, Ginger Lily who is now nearly 3 months. What a transformation motherhood has been. We can easily forget what we did before we had children!! Between dirty nappies, sleepless nights and not having time to do my cleansing ritual! It is totally worth it. I believe focusing on ourselves and remembering what we are passionate about is essential for the happiness of both parties. ‘A happy baby a happy Mother’!

25.01.2022 This is your final chance to spoil yourself for the year. You have worked hard for the last 12 months. Whether it’s for an AMAZING mind blowing Indian Head massage, facial or massage, do it. Mark the end of the year with something special. Appointments available: (few spaces left) Fri 20th, Sat 21st, Sun 22nd, Mon 23rd.

25.01.2022 A MUST treatment for EVERYONE!!!!! If you have never had an Indian Head massage before you really don’t know what you’re missing. Better than a full body massage. Book yourself in for a treatment experience like no other.... You only have 3 weeks left to do so before I finish for maternity leave. Call or text 0403746908.

25.01.2022 When you LOVE what you do it’s so hard to think about not doing it for a while. I can never imagine giving up what I’m most passionate about. I know I won’t!! Instead of performing treatments(temporarily)due to the little miracle that is soon about to arrive into our lives, my focus will be on creating and handcrafting more beautiful natural skincare which I’m excited about. Balms, moisturisers, serums, cleansers, salves & the list goes on!! #naturalmomma #naturalskincare #lovewhatyoudo #passion #change

25.01.2022 #xmasgiftideas #indulge #massage #facial #naturalproducts VOUCHERS AVAILABLE! Just a reminder that Christmas is around the corner. Would you like to treat someone extra special? It’s so hard knowing what to get friends and family. How about a beautiful treatment that will leave them feeling completely nurtured and relaxed. You can never go wrong!! Contact Lee on : 0403746908 to organise one.

23.01.2022 Preparing a beautiful Spearmint and Chamomile toner for my Saturday morning facial clients. You can’t get fresher than that!!! Ingredients straight from my garden. One of my clients informed me prior to her appointment that she has dry skin. This knowledge allows me to take this into account when preparing products for your treatment. Every client has different needs/ skin issues. This is what makes what I offer very unique from other places. Everything is personalised and handmade. Not only beautiful skin but a beautiful experience is what I want to leave you with.

23.01.2022 I made this delicious rich nourishing hair mask for one of my beautiful clients. It feels just like silk. Actually there is silk in there. Silk peptide is just one of the extracts I’ve used in my formula. Amazing softener for your hair. I also used Rosemary essential oil. It is one of the best oils for the health of your hair and scalp. My hair has just died and gone to heaven!!

22.01.2022 Haven’t tried my Indian Head massage yet? If you have could I ask you in one word to describe it? Thanks in advance. Would love to hear your feedback. My Indian Head massage special is finished at the end of June. Don’t miss your chance to experience something so special. Appointments available.

22.01.2022 I’m so busy in my garden that I forget to go on social media!! That’s not a bad thing I suppose. I’m constantly researching /studying the healing power of herbs, plants and flowers topically. Here I have made an oil infusion using dried rose petals and organic extra virgin Olive oil. It will take 3-4weeks to properly infuse. I will then add it when making moisturisers, cleansers, serums and balms. I have dried lemon myrtle I plan on infusing next. It contains the highest am...ount of citral than any other plant. Citral is antimicrobial and antifungal. My Calendulas are nearly ready to open. These are the ones I’ve been waiting for!! With this infusion I will use the oil to make healing salves. The excitement!! It doesn’t take much!!

21.01.2022 Still have 1 week left in me I reckon!!! Don’t miss out on your last chance to receive the amazing........ INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE or deluxe natural FACIAL. Read the reviews on both these treatments. Do it, book in for one of these beautiful treatments. You will be so glad you did.

18.01.2022 Sunflowers for some reason naturally cheer you up with their happy vibrant appearance. Thank you Christine Martin. Just had to take a photo of them in the early morning sun!!

17.01.2022 I apologise for not being consistent on social media. I’m still here!! Still looking after my beautiful clients. I love that I can make a positive difference to your wellbeing. It’s what I was born to do. I’ve found another passion which I knew was locked up inside waiting for the right timing. Finally, now that we have our own property I have unleashed that passion. That passion is growing food, medicinal plants and working in harmony with nature. I’ve learned so much alre...ady it’s unreal!! I should be on the show Gardening Australia at this stage!!!!! The one thing I am so excited for is having our own chooks. We are all set up and ready for the girls. Oh what a sanctuary they will have!! We have an abundance of space and bamboo for them to rest in the shade in the summer. I just wanted to let you know what has been going on in my life in case you thought I had vanished from this earth!!! Still offering you beautiful therapeutic face and body treatments.

17.01.2022 My tranquil place!! Here’s a little peep into my garden. So many Calendulas and Iris growing. Calendulas are drying beautifully for the salves I will be making. The chickens have settled in and laid their first egg yesterday. Looks lonely there in the fridge!!!! It’s just lovely having chickens. Great feeling. My new hobby/ interest is in bee keeping. So much to learn. Soon I’ll be able to use my own raw honey and beeswax in my products. Life’s good!! I hope you are all keeping well.

17.01.2022 A post that is long overdue!! What a busy couple of months it has been with moving to our dream location, spending time with my daughter and my mother visiting for 3 months. Social media was the last thing on my mind!! I’ve been so occupied in our new garden planning out the layout of our veggies, compost heaps, chickens and my worm farm. I’m truly in heaven. This is what I have dreamt my life to be. Peaceful, green and with an abundance of life around me. I have bird baths... all around the house and even a bug hotel. I also have two large rain tanks to collect all the precious water. My new treatment room is now ready for you. So spacious, quiet and even has an ensuite!! Come and experience it for yourself. I’m ready to heal and nourish you. Indian head massage, massage and natural facials (products all handmade and some ingredients from my garden!). You will love them all. To book text or call on 0403746908.

17.01.2022 Beautiful misty morning from our balcony. The beauty that’s right in front of us!

16.01.2022 SPECIAL- INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE is back!! For the month of May & June. The most divine treatment you will experience. It was so popular last year that I was completely booked out. These past few months have proved challenging for most of us. This treatment is perfect to clear and relax both your mind and body. ... With every 45 minute Indian head massage receive a COMPLEMENTARY hair balm treatment. This beautiful nourishing handcrafted balm is heated and used to condition your hair and scalp. Great for split ends & flaky scalps. I use only pure natural ingredients such as butters, waxes, plant oils and essential oils. Indian Head massage deals not only with your scalp but it also involves massaging your décolletage, neck and shoulders. If you have never had an Indian Head Massage you don’t know what your missing!! It’s mind blowing. Call our text 0403746908 today to book your appointment.

16.01.2022 This rain is so beautiful. Everything living has come to life. Busy catching up on my clients product orders. What a fabulous day to do so. Love the art of formulating and handcrafting natural skincare. The science behind it fascinates me. knowing that you are getting a product that is as natural as possible is so important for me. All you have to do is smell it and you just know the difference between store bought and custom made. Nothing synthetic.

14.01.2022 Therapeutic hair pulling is a move I perform during your Indian Head massage. Your first thought.....painful!!! It’s the total opposite. Amazing are my clients words. The skull and muscles on your head are covered by a layer called fascia. The fascia is a layer that surrounds your muscles, bones, organs and nerves and helps support and protect your body. It can be soft and pliable or hard and dense. A tense fascia can compress on your nerves causing discomfort. Hair pulling... stretches your fascia making it more soft and pliable, easing muscular tension in your skull. Great for headaches, migraines, sleep issues, anxiety, hair loss, depression, memory and concentration. This is a must treatment for everyone. Indian Head massage special ends soon. Book your appointment to experience this beautiful treatment for yourself. Call or text 0403746908

13.01.2022 One of my natural creations waiting for collection. Deodorant, containing just 5 pure ingredients. No Aluminium, preservatives or GMO oils. Who needs toxins?!!!!

13.01.2022 I am open. Appointments are available. Call or text 0403746908 to make your appointment.

13.01.2022 Happy New Year folks. May this year be filled with more positive vibes. No this isn’t extra pounds since the festive season!! That’s baby number 2 in there! Feeling great and keeping busy. Life is great. Just to let you know I’m up and running after the Xmas break. Appointments are available Friday and Saturdays. ... Whether you are after my famous Indian Head massage, facial or Massage just contact me and we’ll book you in. 0403746908

12.01.2022 It’s great to be back in action!!! Preparing a beautiful chamomile & rose petal toner for one of my facial treatments. One of my clients always says at the end of her treatment Every product you apply smells so natural & earthy. She is completely right. Everything I use you could basically eat. Knowing what ingredients are applied to your face & body is essential. The same goes for your household cleaning products. Our world is toxic enough without these overloads.

12.01.2022 Body & Face Thyme is REOPENING!!! What a full on start to the year 2020 it has been. A year we won’t forget. Like every other business that has had to step back I have decided to reopen my doors. Abiding by the COVID-19 rules of course. Working from home I’ve always only had 1 client in my establishment at a time. I will wear a mask during your treatment. Both our hands will be washed and sanitised before your treatment commences. Your safety is my priority. If you are unwell and vice versus, your appointment will be cancelled. I have missed looking after the wellbeing of my clients and look forward to being able to offer you my therapeutic treatments again. Call or text 0403746908 to make your booking.

11.01.2022 My German Chamomile is thriving in the beautiful spring weather. There is something so special about harvesting your own plants, flowers and herbs. I will dry it and use it for making my facial toners and masks.

11.01.2022 Here’s a little taste of my heaven. Being in a environment that makes you FEEL good is essential for your wellbeing. For me, treating my clients in such a beautiful space is so therapeutic for both parties. Nature has a special magic!

10.01.2022 Reminder!!! Indian Head massage special is on till end of June!!! Don’t miss out on this unique experience. Appointments available this week.

10.01.2022 I have some appointments available for next week. Don’t miss your chance to get a treatment like no other... Whether it’s for my famous MIND BLOWING Indian Head massage, Aromatherapy or a delicious deluxe facial using only beautiful handcrafted products made by myself. The count down is on... I will soon be temporarily finishing up for the birth of my little one. 2.5 weeks to go!!! Call or text 0403746908 to make your appointment.

10.01.2022 My first Calendula!! So excited. My little girl is as obsessed about plants and flowers as I am. Had to hide it from her!! She picks every flower on sight!!! This plant has so many healing benefits for skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. Now all I need is the rest to bloom and dry out so I can make a salve/balm. Patience!!

10.01.2022 Busy day yesterday making a batch of products for one of my beautiful clients. Here we have a cleansing oil - ‘Like dissolves like’. Removes all make-up and dirt without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Serum- adds extra hydration underneath your moisturiser. Less moisturiser is then needed. Contains a blend of specific oils, vitamins, essential oils and extracts. ... Moisturiser- contains all the ingredients your skin needs to maintain the barrier. Seals in all the moisture. Contains Oils, butters, humectants, proteins, H20 and vitamins. If you would like your skin care products custom made contact me on 0403746908.

09.01.2022 Spent my Sunday morning making my little bubba some nappy rash cream. It contains only 5 natural ingredients. No preservatives or petrochemicals. 100% natural. Reading some of the ingredients in commercial nappy rash creams shocks me. The same goes for most baby products. Makes me cringe. I don’t use baby wipes as again they contain preservatives. I use the old fashioned wash cloth with some water. Back in the day that’s what was used. I also try to be as eco as I possibly ca...n. It actually works so well for me. My eco baby list: Cloth nappies, Reuse baby bath water for watering plants, Make all my own baby products, Walk to most places instead of using car, Buy second hand baby stuff, Use wooden toys (Fsc certified), Eventually get child’s bike seat.

07.01.2022 This is the smallest hand & foot I’ve ever massaged. My precious little 4 month old, Ginger!! She’s spoilt as I can’t stop massaging her. You know what it’s like??! You just can’t get enough of their smell and their tiny hands grasping yours!!

07.01.2022 Appointments available Thursday 28th and Friday 29th. As a lot of you know it’s hard fitting in work when you have a little one. Now is your opportunity! I will also put my schedule up for December once I know my partners roster. Call or text 0403746908 to make it happen.

07.01.2022 People that know me, know how much I love nature and everything natural. Here is a few snippets of what I have been up to on our little oasis. The aloe Vera has taken off!! These beauties are used fresh in your facial masks. The lavender is infused in your toners. Knowing that I harvest and grow my own natural ingredients for your facial treatment is very satisfactory. My Calendulas and lemongrass are growing nicely. This is what I’ve always dreamt of. My own little alchemy.... I have so many plans on growing more varieties of herbs and botanicals. My veggie garden is thriving and my worm farm is getting there!! Months before I get any castings. I live in my gum boots!! My favourite things!! I’m in my element being out in the semi country and being able to offer this to you.

07.01.2022 I can’t tell you how excited I am seeing the results of my hard work!! I am a first time gardener. The feeling of going out and picking your own produce for dinner is one of the most satisfying things. My aim in life is to keep my family’s body internal and external as toxin free as possible. With so many little changes in your life such as eating organic, using organic personal care products and household products you can help live a clean life. Of course you can’t escape all toxins unfortunately. My little girl hopefully will grow up believing the same. All I can do is be the best role model. She already eats me out of kale and silverbeet!!! There’s nothing she won’t try. Makes me incredibly happy to see her eat so well. May it continue!!

07.01.2022 Have a fantastic Easter break. I’ll be up and running again next week for appointments/ treatments!!!! Some of my clients are stunned that I’m still working! Seriously..... I feel great. No stopping this 39 week pregnant woman from doing what she LOVES.

06.01.2022 FACT....... Indian head massage can have a positive effect on your sleep. This mind blowing treatment encourages a deeper, more restful sleep. This is one of the many beneficial effects it has on the body. It is one of those treatments you will NEVER forget!! Book yourself in for the May/June SPECIAL’. .

06.01.2022 Body & Face Thyme is thrilled to announce.... that I’m relocating to a piece of the country. This is my view. We were lucky to find a peaceful, quiet place in EAST MAITLAND and will be moving at the end of January. My treatment room is all ready to heal and nourish you. Pictures to follow. I will have 1,100m2 to grow more of the herbs, flowers and plants I use in your treatments and products. I can’t tell you how excited I am to share this with you. My little retreat!!!! No ...traffic, noise and is a heritage listed street. So much space. I’m a country girl through and through and have plans for chickens and all the fruit & veg of the day!! Can’t wait to share my little oasis with you. Will be in touch soon.

06.01.2022 This is beauty looking right at you. One of my fabulous clients yesterday arrived with this beautiful Camellia for me. It’s the smallest things that count. Thank you.

05.01.2022 Indian Head Massage Special - A treatment like no other...... Don’t miss out on this amazing experience. If you have never had one, all I can say is .... ‘Mind blowing’. This treatment focuses on helping to clear congestion in your head space. It leaves you feeling completely and utterly relaxed. Every thought and emotion is left at the door. Feel the sensation and effects for yourself. Appointments available.

05.01.2022 Facial Therapy...... Another of my specialties. Have you ever had a facial that felt like more than just a facial? A facial that felt like a whole body experience. Well, that is what I offer my clients. I handcraft all my own natural skincare products. I spend time on formulating before your treatment. Using ingredients from my own garden in the process such as Chamomile, rose petals, Calendula, lemon myrtle, lavender, peppermint, Davidson plum, lemongrass and Aloe vera. ... In the 75 min Deluxe facial I use raw superfoods in your mask. You could eat it literally. This is a very special facial. Then adding to that I immerse my entire self into massaging your face, décolletage, neck and shoulders. I spend a lot of time on your massage. Many therapists skip this essential part. As part of your treatment I also say affirmations silently on your behalf . I put all of my energy into you. That is what makes it very special. A facial like no other. If you feel like experiencing one I work Friday and Saturdays. You can get me on 0403746908.

04.01.2022 Rain is forecast for the next couple of days. Having your treatment when it’s pouring outside is truly a magical feeling. It’s knowing you are in a safe, beautiful space cocooned in warmth. Don’t miss out on your opportunity for the INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE SPECIAL. It could be the ideal time for some self-love. Appointments available for the weekend.

04.01.2022 #skinfood #organic #naturalliving #antioxidants My beautiful harvest. Now I’ve just got to hang my garlic up to dry. Going to make a skin nourishing soup.

04.01.2022 Feeling sad today. My beautiful Mum returned to Ireland after spending 6 months with us. I was in her company 24/7. How I miss her already. We spent hours in the garden together. Designing our veggie patch, sowing seeds and filling the hanging baskets with an abundance of colour. Flowers are one of her favourite delights. I have so many fabulous memories. Can’t wait till we are able to fly again so I can visit her. God knows when that will be!

04.01.2022 I’ve had a busy morning formulating one of my lovely clients order. After having a few facials with me, she’s making the change to all natural skincare. Here I’ve made an oil cleaner which in my opinion is the best. Suitable for all skin types. Oil dissolves oils (make-up, dirt and excess sebum). The most important thing is it doesn’t upset the PH of your skin which is vital for healthy skin. A serum nourishes, feeds and protects your skin barrier (acid mantle). A moisturiser seals everything in, prevents water loss, leaving your skin protected from the elements.

03.01.2022 XMAS VOUCHERS available! Spoil someone special with a gift of an Indian Head massage, Body massage or Natural facial. Contact Lee on 0403746908 to organise a truly amazing gift.

03.01.2022 Have you ever wanted to know the actual benefits of facial therapy? Well here you have it. What’s even more beneficial is facials using completely natural products. Products that are handmade. Ingredients such as raw honey, oats, plants, flowers, herbs, oils and butters just to name a few. I pride myself in the facial treatments I offer my clients. Something unique. They are something special. ... If you have never had a facial or always questioned the benefits of one I recommend trying one of my special delights. You will be mesmerised!!

03.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mums. May you all have a fabulous day. This picture resonates with me so much as now I am a new mother to a beautiful girl. I can’t wait to share my life with her. ‘Ginger Lily’.

02.01.2022 One of my creations! Whipped Australian Ivory clay Mask with Calendula. I’ve incorporated a blend of plant butter, Vit E, essential oils, nourishing carrier oils such as Jojoba and macadamia and Dried Calendula. A great mask for dry dehydrated skin. Fantastic thing about this product is because it’s anhydrous (without water) no preservative is needed. I can say it’s 100% natural. When people think of clay masks they think it’s mainly for oily problematic skins. False. There... are many types of clay. Some are for sensitive and dry skins believe it or not. Ivory clay can even be used on children. It’s that gentle. Now I’ve got to package and parcel it and post it to one of my beautiful clients in Queensland.

01.01.2022 So thankful for the rain on Saturday and may it continue especially for the bushfires. When it happens I get so excited. Never felt like this back in Ireland!! First thing I think about is putting all my houseplants outside. Took this beautiful photo of my peacock plant. If only they could talk I know exactly what there words would be. People who know me know that I have an obsession with indoor plants. I plan on introducing more and more to my home. This is for many rea...sons. 1. To purify the air in our home. It’s known that the air quality in our home can be 2-5 times more toxic than outside. 2. To create a beautiful feeling of being in touch with nature which has a very calming effect on us. They are a must in every home.

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