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Body Balance in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Other

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Body Balance

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Address: 43 Mount Nebo Road 4064 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Hay fever season is upon us! Can Bowen therapy help? "While most commonly known for helping back pain and postural issues, Bowen Therapy also helps calm the bod...ys nervous system. The entire body is influenced during a Bowen treatment, through restoring balance in the autonomic nervous system. The Bowen moves prompt a shift from the stressed, sympathetic 'fight or flight' mode, to parasympathetic 'rest and repair' dominance. Bowen moves impact the body in a number of ways. Nerve receptors activated during treatment act to calm the body and mind, and facilitate the bodys ability to heal. There is a clear influence of Bowen moves along the bodys fascia lines supporting muscle coordination, postural alignment, and overall structural and functional integrity. Bowen moves also impact the lymphatic system, providing support to the bodys immune system. Specific moves for targeted support of the respiratory system and sinuses have helped many hay fever sufferers. Within a few treatments, many people feel a difference that lasts for months, being able to enjoy life in the outdoors again!"

23.01.2022 "Typically, doctors prescribe medications to combat inflammation. However, there's growing evidence that another way to combat inflammation is by engaging the v...agus nerve and improving vagal tone." Bowenwork has a vagus nerve procedure, and its aim, along with all Bowen moves, is to shift the body from the flight or fight response (sympathetic nervous system) to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest mode) where healing can occur. In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

23.01.2022 "These (Bowen therapy) moves can have the ability to reset the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic (fight/flight) to parasympathetic (rest/relax and repai...r). This can result in greater blood flow, pain calming, oxygen delivery and restoration of cellular activity in the whole distribution of that segment of the ANS (both in muscles and organs). Posture can be restored and pain reduced. An added benefit of Bowen moves is the stimulation of lymph flow, which aids in detoxification. So how cool is that? One innocuous move that seems to have a profound affect on the nervous system and structure of the body, that can help people in pain!" In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

21.01.2022 A new study reveals the gut has a much more direct connection to the brain through a neural circuit that allows it to transmit signals in mere seconds. Tom Myer...s weighs in on this new finding: "This is a small, one-piece-of-the-puzzle discovery of a humbling but exciting trend in science that the public at large has yet to absorb: Our gut made us, and continues to run us. We think we have a stomach, but our stomach actually the whole gut has us to contend with. Our gut was here first." In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

19.01.2022 How cool is this visual?

18.01.2022 For a couple decades, the argument that the weed killer glyphosate was safe for humans has been based on the idea that it cant hurt people because it only dama...ges bacteria. Now, scientists have proven beyond a doubt that what happens to the bacteria in our gut determines our health, our performance, and even to some extent our life span. However, the chemical industry insists that this toxic product is still safe and it is sprayed on millions of acres, destroying soil bacteria, causing soil fungus to become much more toxic, and now it looks like it is killing bees by disrupting bacteria in their stomachs. At what point do we as humans and stewards of our planet simply put up our hands and say, We made a mistake. We have learned that glyphosates benefits do not outweigh the damage to ourselves and the planet. We are going to stop using it now.? Given how important bees are to the entire ecosystem, how important soil is to life, and how much we enjoy living lives without disease, we have reached that point.

17.01.2022 I am a parent to three very different children, who have all had very different mental, emotional and physical experiences in their young lives. Because setting up the foundations for a healthy life for them is so important to me, it has been paramount to find effective and gentle options to ease or heal any health issues that may arise. My children all request regular bodywork from me as they feel the difference before and after and they enjoy the relaxing effects upon their body and mind. [ 156 more words ]

16.01.2022 Our therapy room is being renovated at the moment, so we are currently offering a mobile service for Bowen Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy. Phone us on 0414 467 653 to enjoy bodywork in the comfort of your own home while we put the finishing touches on our Paddington clinic.

16.01.2022 A must-read piece on the shoulder! "It may surprise some people that when a client comes in with a shoulder problem, the shoulder is not the first area I look a...t..." "The shoulders are at the mercy of the rest of the body. The main goal of most Bowen Therapists is to restore symmetry in the body. When the body has returned to symmetry, its then possible to feel what part of the shoulders musculature remains as problematic." In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

15.01.2022 Over the last decade, there have been a handful of discoveries that have helped overturn previous assumptions and revealed new insights into our anatomy. Here's... a sample of those discoveries: 1) The brain's drain 2) Fluid-filled spaces 3) The mesentery: An organ? 4) Blood vessel networks in bone 5) Reptile-like muscles in fetuses 6) The fabella makes a comeback Explore them all in the link below .

13.01.2022 Happy School Holidays to those of you already in your first week and those about to begin them. Here are some ideas to relax and recoup your energy.

13.01.2022 "Bowen works with fascia as its target. When skin, muscles and tendons are moved, the fascia they are connected to moves. If gently and methodically done, the... fascia will again separate into its beautiful web-like structures. The armor will soften, the tissues are hydrated and the information highway is connected again." In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

12.01.2022 Balance out the phone bones caused from screen time with some green time

11.01.2022 Whenever I share this info in my talks it seems to have a big impact, so if you haven't seen this picture before, read on.... If you thought food breaks down in... landfill then you might be shocked to know that archaeological digs of landfill sites by the University of Arizona have turned up un-decomposed 40 year old hot dogs and perfectly preserved 25 year old lettuces (Grimes, 1992)! Out of curiosity I wanted to see a photo of the hotdog but couldn't find one. Instead, I found this picture of carrots* that had been in landfill for 10 years! In a compost heap vegetables will only take 5 days to 1 month to breakdown! The reason biodegradable things don't biodegrade in landfill (well they do eventually but it's incredibly slow) is because landfill is so tightly packed (to get as much rubbish in as possible) and that creates an environment without oxygen, dirt, water, and microorganisms. Anaerobic (lack of oxygen) conditions leads to methane production. Methane is a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. If we compost at home or via council facilities we will reduce the amount of methane going into the atmosphere and save a huge amount of space in our fast filling landfills. Don't want to compost at home (or have issues composting bones, bread, dairy, etc.) and don't have council organics pickup? You could try ShareWaste but you should also contact your council and ask them to get on with organising FOGO (food and garden organics collection). You can even add dog poo, tissues, and shredded paper for processing into compost. *Photo from City of Kirkland, Washington.

11.01.2022 Have you watched The game changers on Netflix yet?

10.01.2022 People that were sleep deprived had increased feelings of loneliness and were less likely to engage in social interaction. Sleep deprivation activated brain reg...ions involved in perceived threats and decreased activity in brain regions involved in social interaction. Sleep-deprived individuals were also more socially unattractive to others. This new study is by Dr. Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at UC Berkeley. I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Walker yesterday to discuss the critical importance of sleep in human health. Epic 2.5 hour podcast coming soon!

09.01.2022 Bowen therapy can increase lymphatic movement in the breast and relieve lymphatic congestion around the breasts. Note that any breast issues such as chronic con...gestion, lumps or changes should be referred for medical investigation. Contact your local Bowen therapist to find out if the breast lymphatic move is appropriate for you and to learn how to apply. This move can be done through light clothing. Visit to find a Bowen therapist near you, or to train in Bowen therapy in Australia.

09.01.2022 From bed-ridden to biking: Meet the woman who tackled MS with diet.

07.01.2022 Can buying toilet paper, shampoo or a tote bag really change the world? Find out how to do good with your dollar:

06.01.2022 Two very strong women, walking their talk and talking about what matters, and bonding. This photo warms my heart like nothing else. Young women are powerful, gentle, smart, witty, inspirational, real, raw and just flipping awesome. Embrace your power for justice and embrace those young people around you that want to be heard. Give them a voice, support their voice, hand them the megaphone while standing with them. Have their back.

06.01.2022 11th-century herbal remedy guide now digitized and online.

05.01.2022 Please don't feed my bees The past few weeks I've seen post after post about how bees are starving. How if you just feed them their futures will be so much... more optimistic. Most of this originated from a post reportedly shared by Sir David Attenborough who was reflecting on a situation and context far different to that in which we live in Australia. He was talking about a geographical area where honey bees and bumble bees are native insects; where they exist in both a managed and unmanaged (natural) context and where they are fighting pests and diseases that are yet to reach our shores. In Australia, Apis Mellifera, the European Honeybee, is an introduced species. For the most part, they're managed by beekeepers who have taken on the responsibility to care for their bees. While not all beekeepers make the best choices, it is ultimately their role to decide on the needs of the colonies they own. Most of us choose not to feed our bees. Instead we make conservative decisions about honey harvesting to ensure that they can live on the nectar and pollen they forage from natural sources. If my bees were at risk of starvation I would be the first to intervene to feed them to help them through. The suggestions on posts I've seen started with a teaspoon of sugar syrup for a solitary fatigued bee and have progressed to suggestions of filling birdbaths and buckets with syrup with floats/pebbles. One post even had people saying they buy honey from the supermarket to feed bees! Knowing that others may be feeding my bees unnecessarily with open air feeders is really sad for me. They have surplus honey they made to feed on which is nutritionally far superior than heavily processed man-made cane sugars. Most importantly, it is against the Biosecurity Code of Practice in Australia to feed honey. This practice carries a very high risk of spreading diseases such as AFB, which would mean certain death for a bee colony and likely many more hives in the vicinity. In areas of extreme drought conditions as we're seeing in parts of NSW and QLD, many are already feeding their bees. When we do so we avoid certain sugars which can cause dysentery for the bees and often incorporate specific additives to improve their health. Bees will store syrup in the same way they do nectar, thus making tainted honey if enough is provided for them. Ultimately we only feed when there is no other choice and this is the reason why Australian honey can be relied upon for quality and its pure state. I prefer my honey to come from nectar gathered from flowers rather than cane sugar or corn syrup, which pervades most things we eat these days. So pretty please with cherry on top, can I ask Aussie good Samaritans to think twice about feeding bees. Bees can and will die from exhaustion, but making sugary food sources available to save lethargic Bees may be doing more damage than good. #beekeeping #bees #apiary #pollinators #beekeeper #beekeepers #apis #pollinator #insects #urbanbeekeeping #sustainability #Australia #busybees #backyardbeekeeping #honey #organic #nectar #liquidgold #nosugar #processedsugarisbad #feedbeeswithflowers See more

05.01.2022 "Bowenwork's sole function is to move your body into a parasympathetic state. The gentle, soft touches of Bowen take your body out of a state of distress and a state of healing. In such, your body will be reminded how to nourish and regenerate, to balance, to get quality sleep, to rebalance chemistry and hormones, and BEGIN TO HEAL." In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

05.01.2022 This case study follows the recovery of a client who has had experienced right shoulder pain since she was in her mid-twenties. Amy (name changed) is a 38-year-old HR Manager who works at a desk, 5 days per week. Amy used to train as a weightlifter 5 to 6 days a week but now she only lifts weights irregularly when she isn't in pain. [ 912 more words ]

03.01.2022 Another reason to add Brain Octane oil to your daily routine... (Brain Octane is the most powerful of the four types of oil you can legally call MCT) "A Pu...blic Library of Sciences (PLOS) study reveals that medium chain triglycerides (MCT) the saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil boost exercise endurance in athletes. While past studies show MCT oil improves athletic performance, this study is the first to explain how this occurs as it relates to two unique bodily processes metabolism and mitochondria creation." See more

02.01.2022 "Gentle body work is also of great benefit when needing pain relief." "Bowen Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, effective body therapy that helps your body begi...n to relax as well as addressing the cause of the pain and discomfort in your body. Whilst no single therapy or pain killer helps everyone, Bowen Therapy has had great success for many people relieving their pain or reducing it significantly so people can resume active lives and feel whole again. " With thanks to BTA instructor Katrina Ridley. In Australia? Visit to find a Bowen therapist. Visit to train in Bowen therapy. Worldwide, visit

01.01.2022 Written by the amazing, Christiane Northrup

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