Body By Tabs in Wollongong, New South Wales | Business service
Body By Tabs
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Address: 91-95 Montague Street 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 My 2020 body composition journey 57.9kg Vs 62.5kg Vs 60.7kg First Picture: ... Calorie intake: 1500-1700 Start of quarantine, mentally shook because gyms were closed. Struggling to increase strength. Training quality was inconsistent because my focus was more on my business thriving then on myself. Second Picture: Calorie intake: 2200 This was mid quarantine during my building phase literally just using plates and a barbell and focusing on increasing strength on big lifts e.g hip thrusts, deadlifts, squats, overhead presses. I decided to bulk here because #1 I wasn’t getting the results that I wanted in my strength and I realise the only way to do that was to fuel my body with more calories. Obviously an increase of body fat is inevitable. #2 Mid quarantine my stress levels were through the roof and I wasn’t in the mental place to add extra stress on myself and my body three dieting. #3 I wanted more shape around my shoulders and my glutes are and the only way to do this was to build more lean mass through increasing my strength. Third Picture: Calorie intake: 1600 This is my most recent check in. 6 weeks into my dieting phase prepping for a @wbff_aust show unfortunately not going ahead. Maintaining strength as calories drop and strangely I’ve hit strength PBS all round. Probably due to a few factors. My sleep is on point. My eating is consistent. I’m managing my stress, and I haven’t stopped pushing myself or let myself get weak. My top tips for whether you’re dieting or building: Accept and appreciate yourself no matter what phase you are in, life’s too short to hate yourself. Get a dam trainer. I am a trainer and I believe in my coaching abilities. But I also believe in having someone external to keep you accountable. Maybe it’s time to start a building phase if you’ve been dieting back to back and need a break. Don’t tie your self worth to the number on the scale. Remember it’s normal when building for your weight to increase, you must go through in order to transform your body. If anyone has any questions regarding dieting/bulking/calories/nutrition/training slide in my DMS I’m more than happy to help! @ Wollongong, New South Wales
25.01.2022 HAPPY SUNDAY Today is the day that you reflect upon your week just passed and set goals for a brand new week ahead. I have been seen tremendous results in my clients mindsets the more that they sit down for at least an hour to objectively look at their week and discuss what they are proud of themselves for, what they want to improve upon, what obstacles they encountered and how they overcome them. ... This journey is all learning, and your truly missing out on so many lessons if you are not reflecting. So do yourself a favour and give yourself the time of day! @ Wollongong, New South Wales
25.01.2022 Monday Morning Reminder We find it so easy to point out what we don’t like about ourselves, our flaws, our downfalls, our mistakes I say, let’s try to change this up and start to highlight the positives in our lives. ... How hard we are trying The wins, no matter how big or small And the fact we are growing more resilient every time you pick yourself back up & start again. Whether it be in the area of your diet, training, mindset, career, study ANYTHING, You can begin to apply an attitude of gratitude towards yourself, life is too short to beat yourself up. What’s your plan today? Mine is travelling back up from the coast, training myself, food shopping, meal prep for the week and training face to face clients this afternoon.
24.01.2022 K I L L I N G I T February 2020 > August 2020 All I can say is bloody well done to one of my successful clients @bridierosa for transforming herself mentally and physically, always sticking to the plan and being consistent (not perfect) but consistent with her macros/training program week in week out, & all whilst having fun along the whole process and lifting heavy shit! ... The single most important thing I am proud of how independent Bridie now is with her training. She hits the gym up everyday & keeps herself accountable to her goals. Wouldn’t you love that to be your lifestyle?
24.01.2022 A big warm welcome to the newest addition to the #bodybytabs tribe Isn’t Dixie just precious and absolutely rocking that jumper? Meeting her today has made my week 100000x better! ... H a p p y T h u r s d a y @rachelleabba
24.01.2022 yOu cAnT eAT ThAt & LoSE WEigHt me Swipe for my top tips on how to manage eating out & still get results. ... I love flexible dieting because it teaches us there is so such thing as bad food. It’s just food. Yes - some choices are better than others. But at the end of the day - what’s the fun in ruling out entire food groups, food items & not being able to incorporate a little bit of what you love? I teach my clients to aim for an 80/20 rule in my approach to nutrition. This also works for me personally. I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten chocolate every day since starting my cut. 80% of the time, making healthy choices, eating high volume foods, focusing on fibre intake, micronutrients as well as focusing in on macros/calories. Then the remaining 20% is made up of allowing myself to have a burger, chocolate or whatever I crave. I believe it’s about what you do the majority of the time. If you are on top of your nutrition daily, hitting your training goals & being active, it’s unlikely that one or two meals worked in to your week will throw off your results. On the contrary, if you say your goal is FAT LOSS & you having a massive pig out - it will throw off your fat loss results, (calories in VS calories out still exists on the weekend) & you shouldn’t be disappointed about not losing weight - your values may not be clearly geared to losing body fat & may be more to just generally enjoying yourself, living your best life & that’s okay if you don’t complain about the result. As well as if you are consistently exceeding your calorie intake every day, not keeping your nutrition in check or partaking in poor eating habits this will be up on you and will prevent you from reaching your goals. SAVE & SHARE with a family member or friend who will benefit from this Happy Monday Ladies!
24.01.2022 we got this girls hump day reminder that you are all strong as fuck - so embrace it let’s get through the rest of the week absolutely THRIVING
24.01.2022 2020 has been pretty goddamn crazy if you ask me & you girls - have truly kept me sane thank you to each & every one of my clients, past & present, face to face & online who continuously choose to allow me to guide them on their fitness journey & have a shit tonne of fun in the process you guys are bloody legends & I have so much love for you. ... who’s down for the next body by tabs event? drinks? dinner? who knows - however pink clothing will be compulsory
23.01.2022 Are you aware of the calories your drinking? I mentioned in a previous post this week that I am a die hard calorie/macro tracker and have been doing it for a fair few years due to the many bodybuilding comps that I’ve done. One thing that I have become more aware of is how many calories are in the drinks that we consume. ... I’ve put together this list of the calories in the drinks I consume regularly (I love my almond cappucinos ) as well as my clients too. This will help give you some insight to how you may be using up a majority of your calorie intake through these drinks and is it worth it? Is there a better alternative you can swap with? As well to highlight, you can still have these drinks in your diet in moderation, just fit them into your calories and keep yourself accountable! Happy Friday @ Wollongong, New South Wales
23.01.2022 What can I do if & when I lose motivation? When I was writing up this post I was going to put my top tips... then I had a thought. Why not ask a client about their strategies?... SWIPE for the response of client I asked how they personally get back on track after they have had a decrease of motivation. This client has been getting coaching with myself for almost a year, she truly is now a living breathing example of someone who has built a whole new lifestyle that incorporates self care. I have also added some extra tips from myself on the side, building upon the strategies that this client uses. Your task on this journey is to find out what works & what tools you need to get you back on track & feeling motivated again. TAG/SHARE with a friend or a family member who may benefit from this
22.01.2022 A little progress each day, each week adds up to big results over time SWIPE to see how happy my little @taraacullenn was when she compared her most recent check in photos to when she first started!! This is why I get my girls to take weekly progress photos, to release the emotionally attachment to the scale & highlight how your body is transforming regardless of what you are weighing! ... Small changes are still changes, & you should feel proud of yourself! In Tara’s first month she has: started to feel more confident within herself & her body been adhering to calories, hitting close to 1500 calories which is way more than she has eaten before consistently made it a priority to get to the gym at least 3 times minimum weekly even with her busy work schedule developed better habits to set up her week for success including bi-weekly meal prep & groceries to avoid eating take-out all the time has started implementing more self care practicing such as meditation & journaling Girl, you are a superstar & I am so proud of your efforts so far
20.01.2022 B & A @bridierosa January 2020 > November 2020 Same BEAUTIFUL woman, just upgraded mindset, upgraded beliefs & upgraded self confidence. ... I have watched her self confidence in everyday life absolutely skyrocket as well as to her ability to bounce back from minor slip ups has improved tremendously! I am so deeply proud of how far Bridie has come physically & mentally. I have noticed especially lately Bridie has this vibe that screams I believe in myself, I know what I want & I’m going to fucking make it happen no matter how long it takes. So proud of you superstar Change is hard. It is so hard. Especially when you may not believe in yourself yet, or you may not believe the results you want for yourself is impossible to attain. So find someone who DOES believe in you. If you want it, you can get it - just like Bridie! ______________________________ Want to join my body by tabs babes? : [email protected] for all enquires on programs, meal plans or coaching.
19.01.2022 Monday Morning Reminder If you haven’t had the best weekend, food wise, may have over consumed a bit too many drinks ... didn’t get as much exercise in as planned Don’t worry, we got this. Life is too short to beat yourself up about temporary defeat or slip ups. Pick yourself back up, learn from your experience, reach out for help and let’s go! A brand new week is ahead. So what you do from now & how you come back from obstacles is the most important thing. Tag/Share with someone who may benefit from seeing this.
18.01.2022 EMOTIONAL EATING: Common Problems & Solutions Just want to start this post by saying by all means I am NOT an expert in working with dealing with clinical eating disorders and I do recommend if you have any sort of disordered eating patterns to SEEK PROFESSIONAL help before trying to solve unresolved issues on your own. HOWEVER, this post is purely coming from personal experience in my own health and fitness journey & working with a tonne of female clients and what has ...worked for them in the past in assisting them with their emotional eating habits. Tag/Share with a friend or family member you feel may benefit from these strategies! #happyhumpday
14.01.2022 Overcoming Gym Anxiety Going to the gym is something that can be so therapeutic if you want it to be. When I’m in the weight room I feel like I am my strongest physically and mentally. ... Because to me personally, it’s the time that I get to focus on escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, there was a point in my life where I was crippled with anxiety to train by myself, especially when I first started weight training. This is why it’s one of my biggest goals out of my business is to teach females to also feel confident within themselves to: enter the gym. complete their program. push themselves outside their comfort zone. & leave feeling accomplished. SWIPE for tips to leave gym anxiety and insecurities behind!
14.01.2022 A CLIENT’S JOURNEY - Overcoming Gym Fear & Anxiety. This is part II. To my previous post earlier in the week of my own personal tips on this topic. I want to thank @dani.stanford for taking the time to answer the questions I’ve given her to gain more insight into her personal experience with working through gym intimidation and fear. ... I selected Dani because I recall having so many conversations in our PT sessions about how she wanted to come in and complete more sessions by herself, by she was feeling scared. Even though it feels like it’s the new normal, females weight training. (Which I am ALL for by the way ) This is still such a common issue for so many females, so I hope a few tips, and an insight into someone else’s story helps you with your own journey, makes you feel less alone & helps you get into the gym! P.S Dani I am so proud of you, your efforts and tour dedication to get to the gym daily even with your busy life of being a full time business owners of @justlashes_wollongong as well as a mum to 2 beautiful dogs
13.01.2022 CORE TRAINING I wish I had this information back when I first started training. Completing gruelling high rep, ab work-outs was just not fun for me nor the most effective way to achieve visible abs or a strong core. ... My core is at its strongest point now through incorporating: Compound lifts Working hard in lifts to focus on correct bracing Additional Core Focused Exercises with more load SWIPE to the end to see the exercises I recommend to promote building a strong, functional core.
10.01.2022 HOW TO TRAIN YOURSELF TO DO PULL-UPS SWIPE LEFT FOR MY TOP SIX TIPS If you are someone who wants to be able to one day do pull-ups or generally just improve there pull-ups have a read. ... There was a time when I couldn’t do pull-ups, and I used to beat myself up about the fact that I couldn’t! HOWEVER I never actually practiced them What they say is true, PRACTICE = PROGRESSION. The more i improve my upper body’s strength, performed them more frequently and remained PERSISTENT & CONSISTENT with performing them. I noticed they started to improve! Things take time, so if it’s important for you to work on and it’s something you really want to do, Put the work in @rachelkutznerphoto
08.01.2022 INTUITIVE EATING This is a bit of a different post for me because most people know I am a hard calorie tracker and have been consistently since I was comp prepping However, that’s just the way that I like to live my life and everybody is different. ... After my most recent body building competition in 2019 I spent a good 5 to 6 months practising intuitive eating and I did notice that I was a lot less stressed and worried about the numbers of food and this was a great emotional break for me however I recognised that if I wanted to continue to make more linear progress with my body fat levels I would have to consider calorie tracking again. I’ve decided to give my two cents on the topic of intuitive eating and some tips I would suggest if this is something that you’re looking to get into. H a p p y S a t u r d a y L a d i e s @ Wollongong, New South Wales
08.01.2022 1ST MAY 2020 89KG 1ST DECEMBER 2020 86KG This is a reminder - you don’t always have to lose weight on the scale to shift body composition. Biggest shout out to one of my successful online clients Naomi Halliday. ... It all started out with the SABBT 8 Week Challenge run by & @bodybytabs After the challenge ended Naomi had already made such amazing physical progress, however she still wanted more! She wanted to continue her progress in the gym via her structured training program, she was motivated to continue to push her body & learn how to lift heavy with optimal form as well as to improve & form a healthier relationship with food. All I can say is how proud I am of Naomi for transforming herself physically for always sticking to the plan - even if she wasn’t perfect she has always been consistent for picking herself back up after every obstacle for going after what she wants unapologetically
07.01.2022 A few positive words to affirm to yourself this morning #happysaturday I’ve had this one thought that’s been circling around my head for the past week that I’ve also been discussing with clients too and that is: ... We need to let go of trying to forcefully change others and everything around us. When it comes to our clients, customers, friends, family trying to jam our advice in their faces isn’t going to work. Don’t drain your energy trying to change others. Focus on transforming yourself, take responsibility for your own experience and be the living, breathing example. Keep doing your inner and outer work. Let them know you are 100% there for them, and allow them space to reach out. This will help create a safe space for them to approach us when they are ready to change.
06.01.2022 Female fitness industry myths There’s a lot of boloney out there playing off peoples insecurities. I’ll be the first to tell you how much I used to believe. ... If someone even mentioned good for fat loss I was already on google researching how to start it. I wish I knew this stuff when I first started training so I’m sharing it with you now! SWIPE LEFT GIRLS to add, this is my personal opinion. Be mindful however and look out for anyone or anything that tries to convince you that one way is best. I believe there is no best way to do anything. It’s up to what works best for the individual.
05.01.2022 Meal prep SWIPE for Benefits & My Personal Tips We’ve all heard of the quote ... Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Well in this scenario this can be true! I find personally, when I fail to do a proper grocery shop & meal prep of my protein portions I feel disorganised and feel like lack control of my nutrition leading into the week. I also incorporate a flexible dieting approach to my own nutrition and so do most of my clients. HOWEVER, this does not mean we don’t prepare meals ahead of time. Incorporating a structure is great to make sure that we are meeting our calorie, macro and micro nutrient targets are being met. As well as having a regular routine with food prep is a great way take control control of your nutrition, sticking to prepped meals can help with your level of discipline of your food choices and save you some Food for thought
05.01.2022 In awe at how cute is @brookesophiawilson in her @bodybytabs hoodie So grateful for all of my Body By Tabs girls. When I started this business, I did not think I would be where I am today with the community I have built. #blessed ... It is my favourite thing in the world to meet new women who are all each so different, but have such amazing and inspiring stories. So this just a post to let ya’ll know how much your support means to me, whether it’s a reshare of a post, liking a post, purchasing a jumper ANYTHING. I appreciate and love you girls #bodybytabs #bbt
05.01.2022 A lot can happen in a year @bridierosa It’s always this time of year people are waiting for that right time to begin their health & fitness journey. If you are seeking lifestyle changes long term, there is no perfect time to start. ... My advice is, Don’t wait. Start with small habitual changes. Start today. Don’t wait for New Years resolutions. Don’t wait until you NEED to change. Start today because you want to change for the better & you want to start feeling good now. Don’t wait until you’re ready, you’ll never be ready when you’re striving for something outside of your comfort zone.
05.01.2022 8 Week Program Progress *This was not a fat loss program. @being_melanese_ has completed her first 8 Week Lean Muscle Building Program, has for the first time completed a consistent weight training program, which hence has lead to such great progress with her body composition. A few words Mel had to say about our experience training together. ... After going through a shitty break up and losing weight due to stress I decided it was time I did something for me. When I started training with Tabs I thought I’d be eating a diet of kale and broccoli. When I got my eating plan I thought to myself... maybe I shouldn’t train with her surely I can’t eat homemade pizza and learning how to fit in ice cream?!?!! But from the moment I trained with Tabs I knew I was in good hands... The photos speak for themselves, but my mindset has changed so much as well. Tabs genuinely cares and will send msgs throughout the week to check in on me and make sure I’m eating etc. Every training session ends up in laughter. Tabs isn’t just my trainer, she’s my friend.
04.01.2022 We are the sum of the people and environments in which we surround ourselves with. If you want to: do well focus on your goals... achieve goals that are important to you become the best version of yourself... Then you best be certain that who and what your giving your time to is on the same path as you. Change is hard and twice as challenging when the people around us aren’t on board. However! Rather than focusing on changing others, focus on strengthening your own intrinsic motivation and invest more energy on your own personal growth and development. You’ll never regret it
02.01.2022 One of the hardest workers in the room @rachelleabba Rachelle began training with me to early Feb & this is her now. DAM I’m so proud of her. Her weight has only shifted a few KG, but you can clearly see her body composition has changed in so many ways. ... It’s amazing what consistent weight training and adherence to a calorie deficit can do. We’ve never been overly fixated on the scales because the focus has been on: Building Strength and Setting Goals around exercises Rachelle enjoys and is motivated by. Setting Goals around Body Composition. Keeping Track of Physical Changes through measurements and photos. Keeping Track of Habits. There seems to a massive movement at the moment about not being fixated about what you weigh on the scales. And I’ll tell you what, I’m all for it. Life is too short to beat yourself up because you’re not the same number you were a year ago or 5 years ago, The point being is, you don’t walk around with your weight on your forehead. It’s YOU, it’s your body, your self confidence that people notice.
02.01.2022 Spreading the positive vibes this Friday We can be too self critical and tough on ourselves most of the time, so give yourself some love, praise and appreciation today. If you’re biggest achievement this week was just making it to the weekend and surviving, then you better give yourself credit for it! ... #happyfriday #BBT #bodybytabs #health #fitness #selflove #positivevibes #positiveenergy #quotes #weightloss #musclebuilding #personaltrainer #coach #wollongong
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