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Body Confident Personal Training & Massage
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25.01.2022 Keys on the plate and grab a chocci... #christmas #massage #chocolate #bodyconfident #treatyoself
25.01.2022 My client was having difficulty externally rotating her shoulder. It came to a painful stop with pain in the front of her shoulder. She pointed to where the sub...scapularis attaches to the humerus, the back of the scapula, and to the deltoid area. NKT found the fascia between the anterior and middle deltoid adhered and preventing range of motion. Myofascial release was performed until movement increased. Then NKT testing found the subscapularis overworking and the infraspinatus underworking. Released the subscap at the humerus and activated the infraspinatus. Her range of motion improved and with much less discomfort. Homework is needed for this to resolve. See more
24.01.2022 Using the BIG cups on the legs today! The larger cup size on his body enabled me to obtain a greater surface area of superficial tissue and therefore allowing for a bigger stretch of all of the fibres. ********************************************... Myofascial Cupping is a soft tissue therapy that encourages healing by creating a negative pressure or suction on the skin using plastic or glass cups that pull up underlying tissues, blood, and other fluids close to the surface of the skin. Myofascial Cupping does not use heat or fire to depressurize the cups and rather a pistol gun to suction into the cup to secure the tissue. I use it in a combination of ways, all dependant in the client and their needs. If you would like more information or would like to try Myofascial Cupping in your next treatment, please let me know at the time of booking
23.01.2022 I am booked out until mid October............... HOWEVER this week I have had 2 cancellations where 2 lucky people on my cancellation list have been able to nab a last minute spot! If you are a current client of mine and you would like to get on the cancellation list for the rest of September and start of October, please get in contact.... T xx
23.01.2022 My client was told she needed a hip replacement because her MRI showed the beginnings of arthritis. I asked if they had assessed her range of motion and functio...n of the joint. The answer was no. First I did a FABER test and she was positive. When I pushed down it hurt her adductors and deep glutes, both associated with the hip joint. NKT testing found the adductors overworking and the rectus femoris underworking. Released the adds and activated the rec fem. Then we found the obturators overworking and the rec fem underworking. Released the obturators and activated the rec fem. Her FABER was now almost normal, so I assigned hip traction (next post), release of the adds and obts, and activation of the rec fem. See more
22.01.2022 Tight lats pulling on your shoulder or lower back? Parked cups along the pull of the lat up and across the arm can give that stretch to the area we all struggle to get.... and feel benefit from. Couple this with active movement, and the results are almost immediate.... You do get a few souvenir cup makes, but the whole area feels a whole lot better than what it did before. #cupping #myofascialcupping #massage #deeptissue #flexibility #soreshoulders #sorelowerback #bodyconfident
21.01.2022 The FABER test is used to identify the presence of hip tightnesses by attempting to reproduce pain in the hip, lumbar spine or sacroiliac region. The test is a passive screening tool for musculoskeletal pathologies, such as hip, lumbar spine, or sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or an iliopsoas spasm. A positive straight-leg raise test produces pain starting at the hip with radiation down to the ankle. Pain that remains localised to the posterior thigh is caused by tension on th...e hamstrings. A crossed straight-leg raise sign is present if testing the uninvolved leg produces contralateral symptoms.
20.01.2022 To think this time last year we were off to the UK What a different world we are in right now and how uncertain everything is ... For those that know me well, they’ll know that I thrive on traveling- I always have since a young age. I use my travel plans as something to work towards physically and financially and goal set right up to the day we leave. We didn’t have an overseas trip planned for this year, thankfully, but I still miss the idea that we will be on the ground for the foreseeable future.
19.01.2022 BREAKING: Premier Steven Marshall has announced sweeping new restrictions will be put in place in South Australia almost immediately to restrict movement and sl...ow the virus’ spread. More info: The latest in 7NEWS at 4pm and 6pm. #7NEWS
17.01.2022 This is my number 1 stretch/movement I want my clients to perform at the end of their massage and to continue daily between sessions. It improves the sacroiliac relationship and how it sits at the base of the spine and dictates how much restriction you may or may not feel. Performing both movements up to 5x each way, attempting to progress the stretch each time, 2-3x per day will increase your mobility through your lumbar spine and ultimately reduce your lower back pain.... #catcow #mobility #stretch #lowerback #lowerbackpain #lumbar #spinehealth #flexibility #bodyconfident
17.01.2022 Is it a tight hip or tight quads... or both? The Thomas Test (pictured below) will give you the answer. Ideally the femur should be horizontal or in a downward trend.... If the femur is up, and the knee is above the hip, it indicates the tightness is predominately in the hip. If the knee is extended rather than at a 90 degree bend, your quads are showing to be tight. And, if you have an extended knee and the femur is above horizontal you’re tight in both. #thomastest #quads #glutes #hippain #backpain #kneepain #stretch #flexibility #bodyconfident
16.01.2022 Later this week we’re off camping in ‘Jan the Caravan’..... it’s no Gold Coast holiday or UK trip like last year, but I am still super excited to get the sand between my toes and sit back in a deck chair whilst the kids ride the caravan park loop During this time, my phone will be off... or quite possibly out of range, so please message now or be patient with me whilst we’re away.... Tan
15.01.2022 To all clients, please make sure that you are 48hrs symptom free from any gastro symptoms before coming in for your appointment. Cancelling sucks but I promise you that the massage won’t feel all that great if you’re still having symptoms- and of course there’s a chance I and my client list will get sick too.. Please do the right thing
15.01.2022 Glute bridges.. they’re not just a booth building exercise! Great for the core, mobilizing and stretching the anterior hip and releasing pressure in the knee or lower back. Incorporate 3 sets of 15-20 with a good squeeze at the top, and you’ll notice the difference
15.01.2022 A few days ago I had a client ask how do you know so much about anatomy? And my answer was; once upon a time I knew next to nothing. And it’s been hard work learning to get to where I am today.... and I’m still nowhere close to knowing it all. Today I caught up with two good friends from my Institute days who, if I’m honest are 2 of the key people who helped me develop my skills and anatomy knowledge in the early stages of my career.... I remember when I’d got back from Scotland, where I had successfully worked as a PT, and got a job as a course coach at the @AustralianInstituteofFitness. I thought I was an awesome trainer with so much experience, but I learnt very quickly that I had no clue when it came to anatomy, muscle origins and insertions or what movements they were involved in. Annette (in white) would often give me quite critical feedback after my sessions about how I delivered my content and or that I quite frankly didn’t know enough to be up there as a coach. This hurt, and brought me down quite a lot as she was right. Instead of giving up and quitting, I would go home each night and study every single muscle and try and learn as much as I could to get as good as the other coaches... Although, I got better at it, it never came naturally and it never seemed to click like it did the other coaches I was working with. Until I learnt massage..... When Heather (in red) taught me how to massage and how to feel the muscles it all made sense. She taught me how to understand the muscles and break down the terminology into a way that made sense to me, and them ultimately how I then I helped my students understand it. There were many other mentors during my career thus far who I owe a lot of thanks too, but it was these two who really defined the paths I needed to take to get to get to where I needed to go!
15.01.2022 New client, a runner, has knee pain diagnosed as patellofemoral syndrome (PFS). PFS is also known as jumper's knee or runner's knee. It simply means pain in the... patellar tendon for unknown reasons. The rectus femoris is a 2 jointed muscle, spanning the hip and knee. 2 jointed muscles can have one end overworking and the other underworking. NKT testing found the distal rec fem (knee) overworking and the proximal (hip) rec fem underworking. Released the distal and activated the proximal. Knee pain much better but now he felt a pin in the back of his knee. NKT testing found the popliteus overworking and the proximal rec fem underworking. Released the popliteus and activated the rec fem. Now his knee felt solid. See more
14.01.2022 I do love seeing that tight tissues are changing before my eyes whilst I work on other areas! The power of cupping! #myofascialcupping #functionalcupping #tightmuscles #remedialmassage #bodyconfident
14.01.2022 For all clients booked in next week, can you please check your bookings and confirm whether you want your session still. I have a full cancellation list and taking from Dec 25th-Jan 4th off so need as much notice as possible if needing to change and reschedule sessions. I will be contacting people who are booked in tonight and tomorrow.... Thankyou
13.01.2022 11.15 AVAILABLE Thurs 14th (tomorrow) for 45, 60mins or 70 mins Message 0431086810 to book it :)
12.01.2022 Cancellation 11.20 Tuesday the 19th (tomorrow) Text 0431086810 to book (New clients welcomed)
12.01.2022 Do the work, and the results will come. #quoteoftheday #powerofwords #commit #work #doitforyou
12.01.2022 And I’m back to a full week in the Massage Room as of today . To all clients booked in this week, please be reminded that I cannot open/offer the bathrooms for you and I encourage you to bring your own water bottles with you. Please also use the bowl provided to put your keys/wallet into etc as that then decreases the amount of contact surfaces I need to wipe over before the next person comes in.... And finally, if you cannot make your appointment for whatever reason please contact me ASAP so that I can contact those on my cancellation list- I have quite a few people on there as a result of last weeks immediate shutdown. I appreciate everyone’s understanding and ongoing support. It really is calming to know I have such a great client list backing me all the way Tanna xxx
11.01.2022 I am now booked out until the 1st week of November. My cancellation list is also filling up quite quickly with the next 3wks having 4-5people on the list each week. For this I will have to put a pause on adding anyone else to the list at this stage... but do not worry, as I will let you know as soon as I open the list back up again!... Thankyou for your ongoing support and trust in me as your remedial therapist. Tanna
11.01.2022 Well, I had an AMAZING Upper body work out today! I could feel all the right muscles working so much better! What AWESOME feedback for dry needling! This client doesn’t really like neck massages or trigger pointing so we tried needling instead... fair to say we’ll be continuing with dry needling to keep getting her optimal results ... #dryneedling #triggerpointing #deeptissue #massage #remedial #soreshoulders #traps #headaches #stressrelief
11.01.2022 Rather than just getting a massage for those sore shoulders, look at adding in some shoulder squeezes or chest stretches to alleviate pain. I will always send you away with a series of stretches for you to continue with after your massage, but if you really want to get serious with fixing the pain you really need to do your stretches or exercises a number of times daily. When you get up, while preparing lunch and dinner or maybe even every time you get up to go to the The more often you do it the better and more long term the result #soreshoulders #painfree #rehab #flexibility #neckpain #headaches #selfcare #posture
10.01.2022 SYMPTOMS OF A PINCHED NERVE A pinched (compressed) nerve is an uncomfortable sensation and numbness caused by increased pressure and compression of nerve tha...t leads to damage and irritation of peripheral nerves. A pinched nerve is mostly associated with back pain and neck injury. What Are The Causes Of Pinched Nerve? A pinched nerve occurs due to compression of a nerve mostly in areas where there is less soft tissue such as bone, ligaments and tendons. Pinched nerve in the upper back and neck area is very common due to intricacy of the region as many nerves pass through the area. Pinched nerve could be caused due to poor posture and improper body position (prolonged leaning on elbows), frequent crossing of legs and with time this may lead to pressure injury of nerves in these areas. It is a result of either disc herniation, degenerative changes such as arthritis or autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, and repetitive motions such as typing or using certain tools. The pressure on nerve due to above activities can lead to irritation of nerve or its protective covering (myelin sheath) or both. This causes abnormal nerve conduction leading to numbness. The damage from pinched nerve can be mild or severe and can be temporary or permanent; most of the times reversible, but in some cases can be irreversible. What Are The Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve In Your Upper Back? The most common symptom of a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine and cervical spine is numbness and tingling sensation in the upper back or neck region that might also radiate to the arms, shoulders, hands, fingers and upper chest area and is felt as pins and needles sensation or a burning sensation. Initially, the sensations are fluctuating, but with time, they become persistent. It may also be accompanied by pain that is typically felt as a sharp or an electric sensation or on occasion’s dull sensation in the middle of the back. The pain might also radiate to the front of the chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms and hands. Pain might also be accompanied by muscle or back spasms along with muscle stiffness in few people. Nerve compression in the cervical/neck region might also cause severe headaches that might be felt on the same side as the numbness or pain. In severe cases, it might lead to muscle weakness leading to decreased contraction of muscles even with enough force or temporary paralysis of muscles below the thoracic spine or cervical spine such as the legs or arms depending on severity of nerve injury. These symptoms typically subside with proper treatment. The common areas of pinched nerve in hands are medial nerve at the wrist causing carpal tunnel and ulnar nerves at the elbows (due to frequent leaning on elbows while sitting or driving) and cervical spine causing pain and tingling in the neck that might radiate to the arms and shoulders. How Is Pinched Nerve Treated? The primary aim of treatment of pinched nerve is to reduce the inflammation and release pressure around the nerve. This can be achieved by resting and icing of the area, especially if it is caused by repetitive motion. For cervical pain, neck collars and for carpal tunnel, wrist braces can be used to rest the area and restrict movement of the joints. In the beginning, conservative treatment with anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen is done along with postural correction. Antispasmodics can also be used if muscle spasms are present. If this does not cure the symptoms then home exercises and/or physical therapy and corticosteroid injections can be opted for. It usually cures the symptoms, but if there is persistence of symptoms then the last resort is surgery to release pressure of the compressed nerve. Nowadays, alternative medicine is also becoming popular and some people prefer to go to a chiropractor or acupuncturist and benefit from the sessions too.
08.01.2022 A 'SPECIAL PERFORMANCE' of Disney's 'Moana JR' will be presented on Saturday 23rd January at 11am and will be a NO CHARGE performance for children with disabili...ties and their families. We have 250 tickets to give away for this 1 hour show and we can't wait to share the day with some inspiration young people and their families! To apply for tickets please email: [email protected] with the below details: Age of Child: Disability Type: Wheelchair: YES or NO Number of Tickets Required: Contact Name: Email address:
08.01.2022 A 2pm school bell means schools out for 2wks! My work hours have changed for the holiday period. I am also away for a few days camping over the long weekend so I may not be as quick to reply over the next fortnight.... If you do have an enquiry, please contact me on 0431086810, and I’ll get back to you when possible. Thankyou.
07.01.2022 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF SKELETAL MUSCLES A. A motor unit consists of a single motor neuron and the muscle fibers innervated by it. B. Epimysium is the s...ame as investing fascia. Actin (thin) and myosin (thick) filaments are contractile elements in the muscle fibers. FUNCTIONS OF MUSCLES Muscles serve specific functions in moving and positioning the body: A prime mover (agonist) is the main muscle responsible for producing a specific movement of the body. It contracts concentrically to produce the desired movement, doing most of the work (expending most of the energy) required. In most movements, there is a single prime mover, but some movements involve two prime movers working in equal measure. A fixator steadies the proximal parts of a limb through isometric contraction while movements are occurring in distal parts. A synergist complements the action of a prime mover. It may directly assist a prime mover, providing a weaker or less mechanically advantaged component of the same movement, or it may assist indirectly, by serving as a fixator of an intervening joint when a prime mover passes over more than one joint, for example. It is not unusual to have several synergists assisting a prime mover in a particular movement. An antagonist is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. A primary antagonist directly opposes the prime mover, but synergists may also be opposed by secondary antagonists. As the active movers concentrically contract to produce a movement, antagonists eccentrically contract, relaxing progressively in coordination to produce a smooth movement.
07.01.2022 New client, has right sided sciatica, spine cleared for disc problems. She pointed to 2 spots on her glutes that hurt. One was in her glute med/min area, the ot...her in the piriformis. Tightening of the piriformis and glute min can cause sciatica. NKT testing found the piriformis overworking and the glute max underworking. Released the piriformis and activated the glute max. Then testing found the glute min overworking and the rectus femoris underworking. released the glute min and activated the rec fem. When she stood up and walked around a big smile appeared. That toothache in her butt was gone. See more
06.01.2022 The erector spinae muscles looksa bit like a fennel plant where it’s fat and bulbous at the bottom and long and stringy up the spine and ribs. The erector spinae group is compiled of 3 main muscles; iliocostalis, longissimus and spinalis. Together their main role is to support our skeletal structure in posture and movement.... When tight they can produce anterior referral into the stomach, localised back pain and difficulty expanding the rib cage. Massage is great for keeping these muscles strong but supple as they are very difficult to stretch comfortably if tight. #spine #erectorspinae #backmuscles #lowerbackpain #ribpain #backpain #remedialmassage #sportsmassage
06.01.2022 Well.... I did have a feeling this would happen?!? But bummed... obviously it’s a financial hit and at the same time I was really enjoying having my business running at full capacity again It is what it is and our health is more important!... This time I will try to stay more active on here with some self care stuff but I will also take the opportunity to do some gardening and cleaning around the house (I’ve been avoiding it), open back up the study and just chill at home. So.. on that note....Be good. Do the right thing and I’ll hopefully see you all in a couple of weeks
05.01.2022 Many complaints of an aching lower back can be due to a tightness in the glutes- particularly the piriformis. The piriformis is a deep glute muscle that acts a bit like a hinge in a door- it’s tight and restrictive in its movement. When it is too tight it will pull on the hip and the lower back as well as put pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs over the surface of the pelvic bone.... This stretch is fantastic for creating length and opening up the hip preventing lower back and sciatic pain! This partnered with foam rolling and hip stability exercises will do great things for this area! Get on board! #glutes #glutemax #piriformis #lowerbackpain #sciaticpain #painfree #backpain #stretch #lowerback #flexibility #bodyconfident
05.01.2022 I haven’t had any one ask... but maybe none of you have ever known this is something I can do?
05.01.2022 Cups on... and streeeetttcccchhhh! Cat/Cow with the cups along the erectors can feel a little strange, but when those cups come off, the freedom in your back truly is something quite remarkable! #myofacialrelease #myfascialcupping #drycups #stretching #deeptissue #massage #deeptissuemassage
03.01.2022 Did you know that the Straight Leg Raise, doesn’t only reflect your hamstring flexibility but can be an indicator for a bulging disc. If there is back pain in the first 15 degrees of the leg raise, this gives a positive reading for compromised disc integrity. This test is 1 of 4 that may be done to assess the discs in the lower back.
01.01.2022 Awesome fun fact!
01.01.2022 All masked up and ready to go. *Clients, whilst it is not mandatory for you to wear a mask, please let me know if you want one. Alternatively please consider bringing your own with you* Hopefully, this is all just a small bump in the road
01.01.2022 Although I have been pretty lenient over the past few wks/months, I will have to reinforce a 50% NO SHOW or last minute cancellation fee (after 9am om same day). I have a cancellation list that is overflowing, and booked out for the next 5wks, so I need ample notice if you can’t make it so I can get in touch with those on my list. Most of you give me plenty of notice, and even text in the night to maximise my chances of filling the spot, and for that I thank you.... Once my day starts at 9, I hardly touch my phone let alone have the time to rebook for a session that day. If you have any concerns please contact me. Thanks for your understanding. Tanna
01.01.2022 Another favourite of mine!! Promotes length to the spine, opens up glutes and bends the knee. All of the things most of us need to reduce our aches and pains.... Try it first thing in the morning and then at night before you head to bed.... you’ll notice the difference. #childspose #massage #stretch #flexibility #lowerbackpain #lowerback
01.01.2022 WHY ARE THE PSOAS MUSCLES CONSTANTLY CONTRACTED DURING PROLONGED PERIODS OF STRESS? Whether you run, bike, dance, practice yoga, or just hang out on your couc...h, your psoas muscles are involved. That’s because your psoas muscles are the primary connectors between your torso and your legs. They affect your posture and help to stabilise your spine. The psoas muscles are made of both slow and fast twitching muscles. Because they are major flexors, weak psoas muscles can cause many of the surrounding muscles to compensate and become overused. That is why a tight or overstretched psoas muscle could be the cause of many or your aches and pains, including low back and pelvic pain. ANATOMY Structurally, your psoas muscles are the deepest muscles in your core. They attach from your 12th thoracic vertebrae to your 5 lumbar vertebrae, through your pelvis and then finally attach to your femurs. In fact, they are the only muscles that connect your spine to your legs. Your psoas muscles allow you to bend your hips and legs towards your chest, for example when you are going up stairs. They also help to move your leg forward when you walk or run. Your psoas muscles are the muscles that flex your trunk forward when bend over to pick up something from the floor. They also stabilize your trunk and spine during movement and sitting. THE PSOAS AND FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE The psoas muscles support your internal organs and work like hydraulic pumps allowing blood and lymph to be pushed in and out of your cells. Your psoas muscles are vital not only to your structural well-being, but also to your psychological well-being because of their connection to your breath. Here’s why: there are two tendons for the diaphragm (called the crura) that extend down and connect to the spine alongside where the psoas muscles attach. One of the ligaments (the medial arcuate) wraps around the top of each psoas. Also, the diaphragm and the psoas muscles are connected through fascia that also connects the other hip muscles. These connections between the psoas muscle and the diaphragm literally connect your ability to walk and breathe, and also how you respond to fear and excitement. That’s because, when you are startled or under stress, your psoas contracts. In other words, your psoas has a direct influence on your fight or flight response! During prolonged periods of stress, your psoas is constantly contracted. The same contraction occurs when you: sit for long periods of time engage in excessive running or walking sleep in the fetal position do a lot of sit-ups Here are some tips for getting your psoas back in balance: Avoid sitting for extended periods Add support to your car seat Try Resistance Flexibility exercises Get a professional massage Release stress and past traumas Stretch HOW TO STRETCH Roller Psoas Stretch Use a foam roller for this passive, relaxing stretch that lengthens your psoas, one of your deep hip flexors. 1. Place the roller perpendicular to your spine and lie with your sacrum (the back of your pelvis) not your spine on the roller. 2. Pull your left knee toward your chest, keeping your right heel on the ground. You should feel a stretch on the front of your right hip. 3. To increase the stretch, reach your right arm over your head and open your left knee slightly out to the left. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs. Repeat as needed.
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