BodyFlux in Glenelg, South Australia | Sports & fitness instruction
Locality: Glenelg, South Australia
Phone: +61 435 790 033
Address: The Gym Glenelg, L1 bayside village shopping centre, cnr of Brighton rd and Jetty rd 5045 Glenelg, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hes Back - October KINSTRETCH Series! Dorsiflexion Correction -... Arguably the body part I get the most questions about, the ankle takes centre stage this month as we improve overall ankle mobility, but a big emphasis on our ankle dorsiflexion. Taking a secondary focus is the Knee as we work to increase our rotational capacity within the knee. - With winter sports over, this is the ideal time to future proof your body leading into the upcoming preseason. - Always had trouble getting full depth on your squat? You need this... - Ankle injuries taken the fun out of your run? Get on board! - Have questions? Comment down below or inbox me. - A few things to note, Thursday session are out for this month. And the second session on Sunday the 13th will be an online session available only to members as Ill be in Sydney for professional development. - Hope to see you there! See more
25.01.2022 HAMSTRING WARMUP Leading on from my last post, Im going to elaborate on some more hamstring work, because in all honesty, its shocking how many clients I see that have a hugely over-active quads and under-active hamstrings. So today we dive into something that will prime the hamstrings for activities, so we can try to mitigate the compensation that the rest of our posterior chain insists on providing.... This video is sped up 2.5x, so slow controlled contractions are the order of the day. Starting the activation from the end range to maximise the range that the nervous system is comfortable working through... I gained an easy 10-15 degrees of free movement in just 1 minute. I started from dead cold with absolutely zero warm up prior. The perfect addition to your warm up for leg day, aerobic activity or explosive movements... Try it out and let me know how you go #rangeofmotion #mobility #warmup #functionaltraining #movement #footy #soccer #legday #cycling #neuralnetworks #neuralpathways
24.01.2022 On to the next one! Sunday August 4th we begin our second series Rotator Ruff 2 Rotator Cuff. Focusing in on all things shoulder mobility, stability and thoracic spine control. Did you know 90% of stiff necks and headaches I treat in my practice stem from poor scapular control and imbalance. Your rotator cuff dominates your thoracic and cervical posture, but nobody gives it the time of day!... Join in on the series as we rebuild your shoulders and from the ground up, and give you the prerequisites needed for everyday shoulder movements. Classes held every Sunday and Tuesday through August. Join up as a BODY FLUX KINSTRETCH MEMBER to: - Save 33% on classes - Classes programmed for progressive overload - Guarantee your spot in 4 classes - Get access to homework videos - Access to exclusive KINSTRETCH Facebook group Link in bio to sign up. #kinstretch #functionalrangeconditioning #mobilitytraining #shoulderstrength #controlyourself #functionaltraining See more
22.01.2022 Internal Hip Rotation This is the easiest way to get your body more comfortable with internal hip rotation. In all honesty, this is the movement I see a majority of my clients struggle with. I mean, when do the general population actually utilise the movement? ... Have you ever twisted on your knee and felt a Tweak? Chances are you went into internal (or external) rotation, but your body didnt have the capacity to stabilise or stay structurally sound, so something else gave way... this is where we see meniscus tears, ligament failure, labrum tears and muscular tears. Teach your body these movement patterns and it will know exactly how to respond to prevent catastrophic failure. During this exercise, we sit with legs spread, working one leg at a time, rotate from the hip and drive your knee towards the ground. You should be activating the adductors to get to your end range of motion. Keep both glutes anchored to the ground. (If you feel you glutes leave the ground, youve hit your end range of motion). Work each side for 2-5 minutes with controlled 10 second reps and you should notice an improvement in both the amount of internal rotation, as well as a decrease in pain at end of range. #internalrotation #adductors #hipmobility #frc #functionalrangesystems #functionalrangeconditioning #mobility #mobilitytraining
21.01.2022 Lets take a minute to look at the way we move and some underlying issues that can eventuate from being under prepared for the movements we do on a regular basis. So its been very well documented the amount of people that are injured in a gym setting (usually seen to be a controlled situation). People attempting movements that they have either never done or using weights that their bodies have no business using. Ive been there and chances are, you have too. But wh...y do these injuries happen in a supposedly controlled situation? Well it all starts with prerequisites, do you actually have the 1. Range of motion required? 2. Required strength in that range of movement? Truth bomb Just because you can force your body down into a squat because there is X amount of weight pushing you down, doesnt mean its a good idea... you are literally forcing your body to try and work in ranges it has likely never worked before, which forces compensations within other areas of the body. Quite literally, your muscles cannot fire. So in closing, spend some time finding these deficiencies, and work on rectifying them, every time you increase your bodies capacity to move, every movement the body does is improved. See more
20.01.2022 Its all in the hips - Chubbs Peterson 1996. If you get it, Im glad you enjoy early Adam Sandler too! But seriously, Chubbs had a point, your hips are by far your most powerful joint, and when we can control our hips, that power expands! Neglect it and other joints have to compensate leading to chronic pain and dysfunctions in our bodies (lower back and knee more often than not). Truth be told, rotation trumps all else, it is the precursor to all other movements... y...ou cant hip flex or extend if the joint cannot stabilise itself, you end up with more internal or external which then throws the entire movement out, then requiring abductors or adductors to kick in and take over. Find power in your minor internal and external rotators and let all the larger muscles do the larger movements. Hip external rotation end range lift off, what a mouthful #passiverangehold #kinstretch #functionaltraining #functionalrangeconditioning #mobilitytraining #mobility #gluteactivation #externalrotation See more
20.01.2022 Alternate Hamstring Stretch Today we look at an alternative hamstring stretch. In this variation we add a twisting motion to apply tension to the fascia, but also applying tension through an alternate movement plane, teaching the individual hamstring muscles how to control movement. You see, on a day to day basis, our bodies move in quite simple ways, our hamstrings flex and extend, but we dont apply much if and rotational loading through them. But this is when they are at risk of failure. Quick anatomy... our hamstring group consists of 3 muscles, semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus and the biceps femorus. The two semi muscles are medial or on the inside of the leg, and the biceps is lateral or on the outside of the leg. Because of their positioning, each muscle has its own movement in which they get more activation. So as we twist, we apply more tension to either the lateral or medial side. We need to take more time to prepare our body for uncommon positions, and less time focusing on RAW strength. The Gym Glenelg 24/7 #hamstringstretch #functionalrangeconditioning #hipmobility #mobilitytraining #frc #sportsinjury #prehab #rehabilitation #hamstrings
18.01.2022 A little snippet from a mobility Sunday session with the boys (@mattystevz @instachiggz @olliepeake). Working through PAILs and RAILs contractions to open up more space within the hip capsule. These look pretty innocent, but they will bring even the Strongest people to the reality that strength is nothing if there is a lack of movement variability.... Mobility Sundays will be available to the public very soon, so watch this space, Ill be releasing more information in the coming weeks! Comic book effects because the boys are heros for getting through this one. @thegymglenelg #functionalrangeconditioning #kinstretch #pailsandrails #mobility #conditioning #functionaltraining
17.01.2022 Feed back like this is the reason Im so passionate about what I do! Its not enough to just have a hands on massage treatment. You need to constantly be giving your body feedback on what it is you want it to do. One session of massage a week isnt enough to reverse all of what happens in the other 167 hours in that week. This is why Ive gone and found the best systematic approach to bringing on change to our biology, down to a cellular level... and guess what?... Its as simple as moving consistently. Yes there is method behind it, but it is based off the proof that consistent input into the body will result in long term consolidated changes. If you want the full 20 minute long CARs morning routine video, I have a Facebook group called Body Flux Community head over and request to join, its completely free and I post more in-depth long form content over there. #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #functionaltraining #kinstretch #functionalanatomyseminars #sportsmedicine See more
17.01.2022 A second clip from a recent Mobility Sundays with the boys (@mattystevz @instachiggz @olliepeake). Working through Passive Range Holds for hip flexors... Can you tell which one of these legends kicks people in the head for a living? @mattystevz. the idea behind passive range holds, is we find your absolute maximum conscious contraction, then sink past that into your passive range, then when we release what is holding us in our passive range, we try our very to hold the joint in that position. So why do we need to train the ability to contract further than we already can? So listen carefully, because this is where injury prevention comes in. If we think of the range we can actively use a muscle or joint, this is our active range. In this active range we have a power curve, this power curve will show that at max shortening and max lengthening we are weakest, and there is the least potential for power. In the middle of our power curve, we are like gods, our strength and integrity in that muscle or joint is unparalleled. So if we can build extra range in either direction, this curve expands out and our previous max range is now a bit closer to our strongest point in the mid range.which means the ranges where you are likely to use your body in a competitive setting are further from your end range where you have no power. In closing, work on your end ranges as it may just save you an injury, but it will also bring you more power and movement potential... and who the hell doesnt want that? #functionaltraining #mobilitytraining #physicaltherapy #kinstretch #passiverangehold #functionalrangeconditioning #mobility #injuryprevention #rehab #hipflexors See more
16.01.2022 Bringing Flexy Back - The September KINSTRETCH Series If youve never been to one of my KINSTRETCH classes, feel free to come along and try for free this Sunday, as we kick of the Spine Series. - We are really opening up a can of worms with this one, and Im sure theres a few questions that youve got going through your head right now... 1. Q-Can you do a whole series on the spine?... A- 100%, the movement potential within the spine is quite phenomenal, youll be pleasantly surprised. 2. Q- Whats that on your head? A- Could it be 2 minute noodles? Of course not, this Series is paying homage to one of the greats @justintimberlake and his hit Sexy Back. - The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae making up to 139 synovial joints, that ads up to a lot of movement potential, but if you dont have control of just a few of them, well lets just say the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. - The spine is literally the best indicator of our overall health. It provides a strong structure that connects top to bottom, it insulates and protects our spinal cord so that our nervous system has a safe passage down to our extremities, works as a shock absorption structure and provides the body a stable base to create dynamic movements from. If your spine isnt moving optimally, chances are the rest of you is not either. - In this series we work through everything your spine needs to be moving optimally: - We learn to move each and every vertebral joint independently, taking control over how your spine works. - Mobilising hip and shoulder joint, both of which usually contribute highly to restrictions within the spine. - If this interests you, get on board, this series will be a fun one! See more
16.01.2022 It’s been a hot minute... Back to creating more insightful content, here’s a little taster #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #hipflexion #endrangetraining #bodyflux
14.01.2022 Its been a hot minute... Back to creating more insightful content, heres a little taster #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #hipflexion #endrangetraining #bodyflux
14.01.2022 A brief introduction and overview of my time within the massage and fitness industry. Still trying to get used to speaking to a camera, it certainly doesnt come naturally . But theres many more of these on the way, where Ill share some insight into treatments, training, corrective exercises and much much more.... by @redesign_apparel . Support local businesses (thanks @tomhobbs__ ) #massage #mobilitytraining #glenelg #thegymglenelg #physicaltherapy #functionaltraining #business See more
14.01.2022 A lot of my regular clients have known this for quite some time, but I have KINSTRETCH classes starting up at the end of June. But what is KINSTRETCH? Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion. Born out of scientific research, all of the movements and training techniques are based on a meticulous and rigorous investigation of evidence, conducted by physical conditioning and medical experts, a...s it pertains to body control, injury prevention, joint health and physical longevity. Unlike many training systems, KINSTRETCH practice is complete with a self-assessment system allowing you the ability to monitor your own body for dysfunction that may be causing pain, loss of performance, or that may be putting you at an increased chance of injury. To my knowledge I will be the first instructor in Adelaide, and Im absolutely thrilled to be offering it to you all! Ill be releasing more information as the opening date gets closer! See more
13.01.2022 Ive had a bunch of questions about the different between the 2 KINSTRETCH classes. So heres a bit of an overview. 9am intense KINSTRETCH is a class focused on building more active Range of Motion. In this class we test the body, we find new Passive Ranges of Motion within joints and muscles. We teach the brain how to use these, and build them into Active Ranges of Motion. We tend to really hone in on just a few joints but get a huge amount of work into them. Expect i...t to be a work out, but also to feel lively afterwards as your body feels light and strangely more controllable. :30 Recovery KINSTRETCH is a class focused on rejuvenating the body after strenuous and taxing activities. Working to open the body up as a whole, it takes a less specific approach and moves away from single joint specific movements to turbo charge the recovery process. A hint of breath work and meditation at the end put you into an optimal state of mind leading into the new week. Pair this one with some cold water exposure before hand, and plenty of water after to maximise the recovery benefits. Ill have some more information out this weekend regarding the classes and what they will look like beyond opening day on the 30th of June. Im very excited to help you all develop more movement potential! See more
12.01.2022 Morning CARs Routine To see the full length (20 minute) follow along style video, head over and join my Facebook Community page Body Flux Community. This routine is far more potent than 90% of the mobility work that gets posted on social networks. It takes things back to basics and works on the fundamentals. Do this consistently and youll realise what a functioning body is supposed to feel like.... It works because we are forcing every joint to move in every possible direction it can, at end range. If we develop end range strength, the mid range becomes stronger. Then we what we get is a human body that can compensate for deficiencies in the best way possible. If you have questions, please ask! I nerd out over all of this stuff and love to chat about it! Thanks @olliepeake for jumping in on this one! #functionalrangeconditioning #kinstretch #functionaltraining #bioflow #mobilitytraining #morningroutine #mobility #flexibility #movementculture
12.01.2022 1 After 3 months of focussing on building a strong cardiovascular foundation... the results are pretty cool. - Both of these of these sessions were ice hockey (roughly an hours worth). After 3 months Ive reduced my zone 5 to nothing, and knocked zone 4 down to a quarter of what it was... but all of that load hasnt even gone to zone 3, its dispersed over zone 1 and 2... absolutely phenomenal! - But why am I so stoked with this? Well zone 4 and 5 are the burn zones...... not where you most efficiently burn fat, but where lactic acid builds up in the muscles and we use fuel storage. Zone 1,2 and 3 predominantly use oxygen, a readily available fuel source and provide next to no burn. - It was actually easier to achieve this than I ever thought it would be... - The end result it me being able to focus on the game instead of how sore my legs are... #idonthatecardiosomuchanymore See more
12.01.2022 Its a secret love of mine, behavioural economics. Its interesting to think about what the health and fitness industry will look like over the next 6-12 months, either in Australia, or around the world... vastly different or back to the same old system??? Share your thoughts
09.01.2022 Movement Breakdown No matter your sport, the fact it is competitive means its skill based. The person with a higher level of skill generally wins. Skills are acquired by repetition and over time our bodies adapt to the required movements, eventually giving more movement potential or Movement Variability (If you dont understand the concepts of movement variability, I highly recommend you look into it, very interesting stuff).... Now this is the age old way to learn new skills, but what if I told you there was a quicker way to skill acquisition? By having more movement potential in each of the movements associated with the skill you wish to learn, you skip the step of needing to teach the body how to do a certain movement (hip rotation, shoulder extension,etc) and jump straight to teaching the neural patterning and movement variability portions of the skill, which grants you use of a perfected skill under a greater range of situations and circumstances a lot sooner. Theres even more science behind all of this, but lets leave that brain bomb for another post. For now, understand that the more time you spend on basic movements and strengthening the more distant ranges of motion, the quicker youll learn and perfect new skills. Heres a break down of my slap shot practice from yesterday, and my focus points for the next few weeks. #slapshot #hockeymobility #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #skillaquisition #icehockey #mobilitytraining #mobility @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
09.01.2022 Hamstring DOMSinance Challenge Warning not for the faint hearted, full run through at the bottom of the description. Hands up if you: 1. Have trouble feeling your hamstrings work.... 2. Have tight hamstrings that wont release. 3. Have excessive anterior tilt at the pelvis. Chances are 90% of people should have put their hands up. All 3 are signs of neurologically weak hamstrings. You see, in this, the age of , desk jobs and generally sedentary life styles, we spend so much time in the seated position. Body constantly folded in the same way with very little utilisation of the hamstrings. Quads and glutes become dominant as we pick ourself up from every different seated position we get into, but the hamstrings get no love... in fact they tend to just switch off! today that all changes... today we switch them back on and give them some love in the form of movement and isometric contractions. The Challenge is just as you see me doing here. From the half kneeling position (lunge) we are assisting our foot to our butt through knee flexion. Once you reach YOUR end range, activate the hamstring at 100% (your maximum hamstring activation), and try to keep your heel as close to your butt as you can, let go of your foot and hold for 3-5 seconds, then catch foot and pull back up to go again. 3 sets of 5 reps each leg... thats all it takes. If you were contracting maximally I can almost guarantee youll have some of the most excruciating DOMS in your hamstrings... with some people reporting up to 6 days worth (is this ideal? Not really but either is inactive hamstrings ). This is a Passive Range Hold, this means we are stretching to a range we cant achieve without an external force, then activating to try to convert some of that passive range into active range... isometrically we load the tissue which is known to stimulate neurological activity within the target muscles, which equates to more movement potential. See more
08.01.2022 New hip, who dis? The July Technical KINSTRETCH Series by Body Flux. If your hips just dont move like they used to, get in for the month of July, where we look to progressively revamp your hips. Hips already feel okay? Come make them stronger and more resilient, theres no limit! Each week we work to build extra capacity upon that which we gained in the prior session. ... By the end of the month Ill be getting a bunch of messages stating New hip, who dis?. book in online at or via the link in the bio. @kinstretch #kinstretch #functionaltraining #functionalrangeconditioning #newhipwhodis See more
07.01.2022 Sound on for this one I found this little gem of a clip from a bunch of stuff I recorded on the weekend. So here we have me getting set up for some mobility work and I felt a blockage within the hip capsule... I tried releasing it with a little force, but to no avail. So I went back to the mechanics of our biology and used the concept of tensegrity to get the blockage out (you can actually hear it in the video ).... So what exactly is tensegrity? Im glad you asked. By definition - the property of skeleton structures that employ continuous tension members and discontinuous compression members in such a way that each member operates with the maximum efficiency and economy. And in easy to understand terms? It is how the human body interacts with itself. Tensile integrity as every part of the human body supports one another, acting as a complex system of pulleys and levers to create complex movements while every part of the body stays intact. One pulley pulls and another pushes. It seems like something so simple, push your knee and it goes click... but the levels to this are insane! -Because I had neurological weakness in deep ext. rotators -The brain had forbidden them from releasing. -Even though Im quite strong through internal rotation, it does not matter... both sides must work in harmony or there is no harmony. -Excite the deep ext. rotators and the brain allows them the stretch and release! -It goes much deeper, and were not even scratching the surface at this point... End result is a hip that feels a million bucks... but on the next level down... it is legitimately healthier and far less prone to injuries, wear and tear. As per usual, questions down below #tensegrity #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #kinstretch #gluteactivation #bodyflux #glenelg #adelaide #thegymglenelg See more
07.01.2022 Mobility spotlight on external rotation of the hip. Today we look at a simple no equipment needed way of building external rotation of the hip. Hitting the external rotators with some sweet, sweet passive range holds, we can start to familiarise them with the new ranges! Do this consistently and youll find your external rotation to be plentiful.... But Jaak, why do I need to build more external rotation than I already have? Great question! Literally any time you move your leg, you are utilising your external rotators. They stabilise your leg in conjunction with internal rotators to provide strength and integrity within the hip joint. They literally keep you upright every minute that you stand. Truth be told, the more mobility you have in any given joint, the stronger the mid ranges will be! So lets take it to a sports basis... if you are evading an opponent in literally any sport, your hip works so incredibly hard, that insufficient strength or stability in the hip, will nearly always result in an injury! Your rotators provide the stability that your larger power muscles need to do their thing! So give it to them! In closing, everybody regrets not training the position they get injured in... *drops mic* #kinstretch #functionaltraining #functionalrangeconditioning #mobilitytraining #mobility #glutes #passiverangehold
06.01.2022 Last week was so much fun Tomorrow is the last week of the New Hip, Who Dis? Series. Its truely been so much fun, but tomorrow is going to be the best one yet. PROMISE! 9AM start, if youd like to join in, jump over to the Body Flux website and reserve your spot.
05.01.2022 Book via link in bio, hit either of the Opening Day links and follow the prompts. I am happy to confirm that in 2 weeks time, the mobility classes that I know a lot of you have been listening to me carry on about emphatically, are finally taking off. Sunday June 30th - save the date!... This is officially the Body Flux KINSTRETCH opening day! And whats more, both classes on opening day are absolutely FREE!!! (limit 1 class per person on this day). Bookings MUST be made online via Just look for the Opening Day Kinstretch classes listed and follow the prompts. Classes will continue each week on Sunday with the eventual opening of mid week classes! I am overwhelmed and excited to be bringing KINSTRETCH to Adelaide. I wholeheartedly believe in this approach to Mobility and Human function, I really cant wait to have you all there. A limit of 15 spots per class applies so be quick! 9 The 9am class is more intense with an emphasis on generating more mobility and opening up space within the joint capsules. The 10:30am class being more centred around recovery for the weekend athlete or working professional and focusing on freeing joints, relaxing exhausted muscles and a hint of breath work at the end. As always, if there are any questions, please comment or message me and we can chat about it! See more
05.01.2022 Project Slap Shot Follow along as I use joint specific exercises to increase my movement potential with the intention of bettering my Slap Shot. The first instalment is Hip External Rotation, one I particularly felt restricted in (it may have been the 55km ride a few hours before ).... Find the full follow along exercise clip in the link in my bio. Its an unlisted video over on YouTube, so even consider subscribing to the channel while youre there . #hiprotation #functionaltraining #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #projectslapshot #hockeytraining See more
05.01.2022 Something unexpected. While this video isnt sharing exciting mobility movements or previews of what happens in my @kinstretch classes. It is little testimonial that at its core is the reason I love what I do. Whats said, is in relation to the maximum expansive breathwork that we do at the end of every class. This was only after a handful of classes @pep_73 had taken.... The importance of breathwork is constantly neglected, its the very way that we can influence our parasympathetic nervous system which is in control of the rest and digest aspects of our bodies subconscious activity. So doing so at the end of every #kinstretch class, we can reset the body and begin the recovery aspect of our training faster. The other positives we gain from breathwork is: - Increased lung capacity and function - Improved diaphragmatic function and control - Increased rib movement (potential increase in lung volume) - Enhanced intercostal muscular activation. Have questions about any of this stuff? Leave your comment down below See more
05.01.2022 Movement Breakdown No matter your sport, the fact it is competitive means it’s skill based. The person with a higher level of skill generally wins. Skills are acquired by repetition and over time our bodies adapt to the required movements, eventually giving more movement potential or ‘Movement Variability’ (If you don’t understand the concepts of movement variability, I highly recommend you look into it, very interesting stuff).... Now this is the age old way to learn new skills, but what if I told you there was a quicker way to skill acquisition? By having more movement potential in each of the movements associated with the skill you wish to learn, you skip the step of needing to teach the body how to do a certain movement (hip rotation, shoulder extension,etc) and jump straight to teaching the neural patterning and movement variability portions of the skill, which grants you use of a perfected skill under a greater range of situations and circumstances a lot sooner. There’s even more science behind all of this, but let’s leave that brain bomb for another post. For now, understand that the more time you spend on basic movements and strengthening the more distant ranges of motion, the quicker you’ll learn and perfect new skills. Here’s a break down of my slap shot practice from yesterday, and my focus points for the next few weeks. #slapshot #hockeymobility #mobilitytraining #functionalrangeconditioning #skillaquisition #icehockey #mobilitytraining #mobility @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
05.01.2022 Might have to start a BodyFlux book club
05.01.2022 Running is such a brutal activity... The repetitive nature of running is what really hit hard on the body... like every step is close to a replica of the last, and the steps required to see out a marathon are insane, let alone every step that got you to that point in training! So take a moment post run to treat your body to some quality movement that will help to reverse the rigours of the repetitive stress that is running.... Some simple CARs and activation exercises targeting intrinsic foot work, ankle stabilisation, ankle mobility, knee rotation, knee flexion and extension, hip mobility and spinal mobility. Have questions? Drop them below #functionalrangeconditioning #running #runningtips #functionaltraining #prehab #mobility See more
03.01.2022 A gift for the weak adductor in you. A flash back to not long after I finished my FRC certification last year... my hips have come a long way since then Hit your PAILs and RAILs, your body will thank you kindly .... Get fluxed #functionalrangeconditioning #pailsandrails #mobility #truemobility #getfluxed
03.01.2022 Deficiencies Take some time to focus on what your body cant do, rather than perfecting what it can do... Its about the bigger picture If your body is constantly breaking down, things have gotten out of hand and you need to take a step back and fill in the blanks.... Today I spent well over an hour working on improving shoulder extension, because it sucks. What do you suck at? #getfluxd #shoulderextension #functionaltraining #functionalanatomyseminars #trainyourweaknesses See more
02.01.2022 Did anyone pull up a little tender from the KINSTRETCH class on the weekend? Id like to say that was an accident... but it wasnt. Thats mobility work, we teach the body to work in ways it hasnt in a long time, or sometimes ever before! which usually ends in DOMs. But this is our starting point! Its like the first time you ever lifted weights... you pulled up tender the day after... because you challenged your body to do something it never had.... Mobility work is exactly the same. We teach joints and muscles to work in ways they cant today, so they can tomorrow! Stay consistently persistent and youll reap the benefits! Ill see you all back in on Sunday to build upon the ranges we earned! #kinstretch #functionaltraining #shouldermobility #functionalrangeconditioning #pailsandrails #isometrics See more
01.01.2022 Deficiencies Take some time to focus on what your body can’t do, rather than perfecting what it can do... It’s about the bigger picture If your body is constantly breaking down, things have gotten out of hand and you need to take a step back and fill in the blanks.... Today I spent well over an hour working on improving shoulder extension, because it sucks. What do you suck at? #getfluxd #shoulderextension #functionaltraining #functionalanatomyseminars #trainyourweaknesses See more
01.01.2022 The Muscle Breakdown! . Tibialis Anterior . Anatomical location- ... Origin: Upper 1/2 & Lateral Condyle of Tibia . Insertion: Medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones of the foot . Function - watch the video above . Key exercises - walking, running, hiking, kicking, but plays a large part in ankle stability. . Related pain - The most common pain is through the arch of the foot or an aching shin (shin splint) . How to release it - watch the video above . #massage #anatomy #mobility #gym #training #deeptissue #triggerpoint #flexibility #glenelg #adelaide #functional #pain #release #musclebreakdown #cupping #scraping #cycling #footy #soccer #afl #muaythai #tennis See more
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