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25.01.2022 An incredible thing to witness. Solar Eclipse in Chile.

25.01.2022 Im posting today from another blog as Im a bit behind with my writing. This is a great post from Astrobutterfly. This is a really important celestial event - a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer - (Full Moon) & there is a stellium of planets in Capricorn in opposition. Lots to think about. I hope you enjoy.....

24.01.2022 FULL MOON IN ARIES.....find the balance & peace within. This will then become your outer world

23.01.2022 SOLAR ECLIPSE IN CANCER ..... nurturing yourself and getting ready for your transformation.

23.01.2022 FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS....think outside the square and break a few rules!

23.01.2022 "Psychic Supper" Just letting you know "Two Old Mystics" are presenting a "Psychic Supper" at The Builders Club, Dee Why on Saturday 6th April. New Moon in Aries on 5 April. Charged with new beginnings there is potential for major change!... Let's clear any barriers holding us back so we can move forward with trust and without of fear. Receive messages from loved ones in Spirit, your Guides, questions past or future welcome! $65 per person or $360 table of 6 so book early and bring your friends! For more info call Genevieve 0401 864 771


21.01.2022 in a new tab)

21.01.2022 SATURN MOVES INTO AQUARIUS....a new way of living indeed! Some Astro juice to hopefully explain some of what is taking place at this crazy time....

18.01.2022 Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Capricorn.

18.01.2022 LUNAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS....Wild times of change.

17.01.2022 Full Moon in Leo. Shining a spotlight on self expression. Healing with creativity & joy!

16.01.2022 FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ....... Will reveal some real truths. The fiery energy from Sagittarius is going to give us the courage we need to be honest with ourselves and with others. It's also going to give us the confidence to face our truths head on, and move on from them.

16.01.2022 NEW MOON IN VIRGO PURITY, CLARITY & PLEASED TO BE OF SERVICE! We have a beautiful New Moon in Virgo today. This time, as with all new moons, is a time of renewal and making the changes and paving the way ahead with a clean slate. With the energies of Virgo we are asked to maybe look at our diet, get in touch with where it is we may need to make changes to lead a healthier and live a more wholesome lifestyle. Perh...aps it is a reminder to be of service and make a difference to someone's life if they are suffering and it could be something as simple as 'paying forward' on a cup of coffee or making a meal for someone who is not well etc.. Virgo is the 'purist' and the messages here are really about taking a humble look at where it is we can tidy up our lives and really implement those self care practices. Get motivated with that new fitness and meal plan that has been on your mind but have perhaps lacked the motivation to get started. This New Moon in Virgo is also speaking harmoniously to Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn. What a powerhouse of support these two planets in these signs give to this moon phase. It will just add the glue to whatever you decide to change and give your focus to as Jupiter expands and gives great luck and positivity and Pluto is the powerful transformer ensuring that what your new mantra or lifestyle changes are, will be set in concrete and implemented with passion and determination. Take advantage of this wonderful time as the New Moon in Virgo aims to improve and pave the way to a much healthier and refined way of lifestyle for us all. All done with humility and a practical style which is one of Virgo's most admirable traits. Best wishes for this lovely New Moon in Virgo. See more



14.01.2022 I like sharing this song on a Full Moon!



12.01.2022 Today is a partial Solar Eclipse in Leo! Sitting on the Nth Node of the Moon (always a New Moon for the SE) we have the opportunity for new beginnings and this is a very powerful time to manifest what it is we want to happen in our lives. It's on that creative axis and along with the Nodes already sitting on Leo and Aquarius, it really underscores our own limitless and creative potential so go for the important stuff in your lives. There is much more going on in the heavens a...bove, and the retrogrades are a theme, so going within is the key and really sorting out your inner worlds will really be reflected in your outer worlds with this eclipse energy. This is just a brief post but promise to follow up with more astro insights as we move forward into this fabulous energy. This is the 3rd and last eclipse for now so it is quite significant. The last time a SE was on the 18th degree of Leo was 1999, so if you can look back and remember what was going on for you then, it will have a thread of meaning, and I don't mean that in a light way. It is the patchwork of the universe guiding us. I wish you all well for this special time and just remember to take some quiet time out and set your intentions and look inward to set the tone for the up and coming months! Enjoy! See more

11.01.2022 I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. I've had a lot happening in my world, as no doubt you all have as well, and so I've neglected this page. I am in the process of posting some vey relevant content around this very trying time for us all. Please look after yourselves and I hope we can all find some positives at the end of this journey. Thanks for your patience.

11.01.2022 NEW MOON IN GEMINI........ Welcome to this New Moon in Gemini at 12 deg 33". It'a all about communication and curiosity with the busy sign influencing the tone at this time.


09.01.2022 FULL MOON IN SCORPIO...the 3rd Super moon in a row.....

08.01.2022 FULL MOON & LUNAR ECLIPSE IN CAPRICORN Letting go, soul lessons and closures.....

08.01.2022 FULL MOON IN LIBRA....balancing the scales while we rock the boat!

07.01.2022 This page has been quiet for some time, but stay tuned for some new & exciting news - coming soon. If you are interested in some personal astro updates, let me know.

05.01.2022 NEW MOON IN LEO......Mercury going direct, Venus snuggles up....enjoy the love and sunshine!

05.01.2022 Full Moon in Libra - all about the you & me in life. A strong highlight on all aspects around relationships & illuminating those areas which my or may not be operating at their full potential. Mercury ( communication) is retrograde & also opposite this moon & conjunct the Sun in fiery Aries so expressing our feelings may not come so easy with this added configuration. Venus ( ruler of Libra) is also snuggled up to unpredictable & change hungry Uranus so this adds some charge to the energy as well. Enjoy this special energy as with all Full Moons, we reach the end to some of what we started around the New Moon earlier in the month 2 weeks ago.

05.01.2022 As I am a long time fan of Neil Young...I thought I'd share this video which is perfect for this Harvest Full Moon in Pisces!

04.01.2022 FULL MOON IN SCORPIO........Welcome to this powerful and intense Full Moon at 27 degrees 39 minutes of Scorpio. Depending on your location it is exact over this weekend of the 18th and 19th May. In Australia it is on Sunday 19th. However, it is felt gradually over a few days as the moon waxes and wanes. The effects can be felt over the next few weeks.

03.01.2022 Full Moon in Pisces....a Harvest Moon.

01.01.2022 The Solstice, New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer. I thought I'd share this great post from 'Astro Butterfly' - one of my favourite astro bloggers. Some really great insights into the active astro-weather we have going on at the moment. Enjoy!

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