Bodyschool | Sport & recreation
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25.01.2022 Bodyschool This Is Xmas // Last night we piled out to the airport to welcome our sister Kris, who lives in Melbourne. We waited and watched mask clad daughters run into their mother’s arms sobbing. We watched whole families like ours, waving banners, desperate to see their loved ones. We have zoomed, called and whatsapped our sister about the huge family changes over the past year. She has run an organisation from her lounge room, kept fit over zoom, managed a household and ...a week ago, said goodbye to her 12 year old canine son - Felix Wallwork. She has been unable to see our Mum all year. All this during lockdown. We stood at the gates with our arms open and our eyes full of tears - ready for her to to fall into our arms. She walked out with her friend Tariq and there we were - her family - a soft place to land. This is Xmas to me. It’s not all perfect and presents. It’s this picture right here - a father of six children desperate to have his daughter back with the family , in his arms. Merry Xmas to you all See more
24.01.2022 Outdoor fitness for teen girls starts this Thursday! There are a few spots left. I support and encourage the girls to move their bodies in lots of different ways. We observe how exercise makes us feel happy and enjoy being outside under the trees. There will be 9 lessons this term and the cost is $108. Message me if your child would like to join.
24.01.2022 Bodyschool Margaret River Ultra // Well we did it. Last year I had the enviable second leg through the Boranup Forest, this year I had the devil’s leg - number three. It was too sunny, too hilly and too beach sandy and it killed me. The 20kms took me just under 3 hours and then I spent 3 hours convalescing in the back seat of my ute. Doctor google had me down with heat stroke. My incredible Bodyschool team gave it ALL !!!!!! We have trained, talked, discussed gear and bonde...d over this adventure- and that is the point. People coming together doing CRAZY adventurous things in nature. As I stomped through 4 kms of sinky beachsand at midday today I had a million thoughts, not all helpful but I kept coming back to focusing on how grateful I was to be in this beautiful place and knowing there would be people supporting and thinking about me as I forged on. Regular classes and strength training at Bodyschool has meant we all survived the Margaret River Ultra Marathon - until next year......Thankyou team for this incredible experience - ALL of it See more
24.01.2022 Bodyschool Group Class Times // Is there a little voice in your head that says I should try that .... The sun is nearly up when we start class and it’s a tad warmer. Night classes are quieter. Even coming to one class per week is a great way to start the process! You can work to your own level and slowly build your strength and fitness with a bunch of awesome Freo peeps! Message me for any details
24.01.2022 R & R - Riddell Beach Broome
23.01.2022 Bodyschool Training Buddy // In just over a week, my team and I head to the Margaret River Ultra, an 80km trail race. I have a chunky 20kms with a decent stretch of beach sand. I know the scenery will be epic. The training is done and a huge thanks to this little Kelpie keeping me company. I have an incredible team of runners who have trained so hard who are now ready to RUN! Wahoooooooo
23.01.2022 Bodyschool // Last week Mum moved into the dementia specific area at Regis North Fremantle. She’s had a few moves this year and fingers crossed she can settle here. They had a music session in her area the other day and apparently she stood in the same spot and conducted the entire performance. The lovely activity lady took this pic.
23.01.2022 My word for 2021 is PATIENCE. Patience as an intention for the year. It’s broad sweeping, but feels right considering some of the challenges I know I will face and of course all the other unknown ones. We like to get things packaged up, sorted, under control, certain and perfectly planned. We want what we want NOW. We’re used to getting things instantly, if not delivered a couple of days later. Instant power, technology, foods, drinks, attention, weight loss, fitness, health,...Continue reading
23.01.2022 What I am seeking Not perfection , working towards .....
23.01.2022 Menopausal Tiredness // Aside from any serious medical conditions that have been checked by a doctor, menopause and the lead up to it, can deliver some serious tiredness. Not unlike teenagers , there is some serious hormonal changes going on that can make us feel exhausted. You may be caring for ageing parents , struggling kids or kids with special needs. Your sleep may be interrupted by sweating or toilet breaks.... You may be navigating a long marriage and the way forward. You may be navigating a new relationship and step children. You may be grieving. You may be drinking more alcohol and struggling with your health. You may be struggling with money. You may be struggling with the idea of the future you. Tired of being tired?! That list above is huge, set aganst the backdrop of you changing at a cellular level! We need to be firm masters of our ships - insisting on rest , quiet peaceful time and regular early nights. We can’t smash ourselves with ridiculous amounts of high intensity exercise - we need to balance - strength training , cardiovascular conditioning and flexibility training. We need to be firm about our social calendar - learn to say no kindly so we can cope during this transition time. We need to do nourishing things regularly - walk the beach with bare feet . Go for a bush walk or have a massage. Do a yin yoga class - this is focused and restorative. Read a book instead of Netflix . We need to mindfully prepare and eat nourishing foods and drink lots of water. We need to ease up on caffeine and alcohol - both interrupt sleep. We can take herbs and magnesium - see a naturopath. Lastly know it will change. Maybe just maybe, this tiredness is a big call to ourselves - saying come back into your body - slow down and focus back in - I’m calling you because big change is happening. I’m not talking about stopping your life , just listening a bit closer and responding to what you need . See more
22.01.2022 Bodyschool Feet // Showing you my feet makes me feel very vulnerable especially because my pedicure buddy is in quarantine!!! Feet are crazy aren’t they? Mine are especially crazy, I have completely different feet and toes - no symmetry at all. However...... I have never had a sit down job!!!!!! I run 3 times per week and have completed many races including a marathon. Feet are SOOOOO hard working and important. We need to look after them and give them some love. We need to r...econnect with our feet. Try not to shove them into tight shoes. Get them out - walk around barefoot where ever you can. Roll out all the soft parts of your feet with a tennis ball. Stuff something between each toe and give them a break from each other. Stretch and move your toes. Good ankle mobility is so important. Before you get out of bed in the morning, do some foot circles and point and flex. Stretch your calves. See a podiatrist if you have any problems. Exercise to increase circulation. I used to hide my feet away but now I’m a loud and proud foot owner. I’m incredibly grateful for all they’ve done for me. See more
22.01.2022 Bodyschool Singing // Last night I did a song at my singing teacher Cecelia’s, end of year recital. I sang Walking After Midnight by Patsy Cline. I also sang Don’t Cry by All Our Exes Live in Texas - with three other women. I was sooooooooo nervous but I decided to just give it my all and enjoy the moment. I also knew there was wonderful support in the room. My singing teacher spoke about how much she loves her mum and how awesome mothers are in general. She also spoke about... the importance of mothers taking time to do things for themselves. My mum was a piano and music teacher and had a music concert in our lounge room every year in December. I feel close to my mum through music. I knew she would’ve loved our little concert yesterday. I also feel proud of myself for showing up, doing something that brings me great joy. I’m not a brilliant singer but I’m learning HOW to sing and doing it regularly. I absolutely love singing in harmony with other women and I get to do this in our family choir led by my daughter Stella. It’s so therapeutic.This has been a wonderful aspect of 2020. See more
21.01.2022 Bodyschool Babies // 22 years ago - right at the beginning . A baby holding a baby. My first baby Stella.
21.01.2022 Bodyschool Schooling DONE !!!!! // It’s a wrap peeps. As of today, I never have to make another school lunch. My daughter Ginger has finished her ATAR exams and my work is DONE ( on that front ). Congratulations to my girl for finishing year 12. She has a wonderful rich life with beautiful friends, music , soccer and a whole big exciting future waiting. I’ve been clearing and changing our home as spaces arise that were filled with people and LOTS of things. There’s a rearranging happening in my world. I now have a WHOLE room for writing, dancing, zooming - for anything. Our bedroom is freshly painted and uncluttered. There’s all this space. This transition is like any other that has happened in my 51 years. There’s an adjustment and questioning - who am I now ? My husband and I turn to each other and wonder who are we now? I am excited about this new freedom coming into my life. I’m ready to start the adventure of being a couple without heavy parenting responsibilities. We were only together for 18 months and then we had our older daughter - so now we have time and space for each other. We have started exercising together twice a week and this is such a positive start to the day. We just snuck off to Dumbleyung for a night on the weekend and stayed at an old pub, meeting gorgeous locals and travellers at the bar. This was quirky and fun! It’s time to embrace the next stage of life See more
21.01.2022 Stretching time after 6am class this morn
21.01.2022 Bodyschool Mama // I sit on the floor at your feet and close my eyes and listen to your beautiful improvisation. You hands glide over the keys and you gaze at the magazine reading notes and melodies. The music is etched into your brain. You’ve told me before you can feel the music in your body and that it feels good. I don’t have words today - I want to be etched on your brain and the grief is washing over me. I want you back talking , planning and knowing - me. Dementia grief is like every other grief. You travel along fine and then you have days that floor you. Days when the only person you need is that person who is no longer there. It doesn’t matter how old we get - we are still a son or daughter living with loss. And we all go through it . Biggest love to anybody out there grieving today.
20.01.2022 This is a wonderful reminder - Strong Back, Soft Front & Wild Heart
20.01.2022 Bodyschool Dog // What better reason to get outside and move! My running partner Shelby the Kelpie. She NEVER says I’m too tired, or I can’t be bothered. As soon as I put my shoes on she’s waiting by the door. What better motivation to get moving - not letting down your best friend. Do you take your dog walking/ running? Photo @b_o_w_o_n_g
19.01.2022 Bodyschool Kindness // One of the beautiful, inspiring aspects of my mum’s dementia journey is that she has found a real friend in herself. She was showing me her bathroom today and she discovered her friend in the mirror ... Oh hello, you look lovely! She said to herself. Sarah’s here, isn’t that great ! She smiled and laughed with her friend self and continued to be warm and kind.... What a golden lesson. This was heart to heart. She didn’t see the woman with dementia - she saw a loving friend. When I was younger I would criticise myself in the mirror, berating myself for not being thin enough or good enough. Now I try not to dwell long in the mirror and if my thinking is heading there I say to myself thinking , thinking and this snaps me out of the negative self talk. This idea came from a book I read by Pema Chodron ( Tibetan Buddhist Nun) called When Things Fall Apart - she says to use it when you get off track meditating. To say it in a fun silly way - knowing the moment and thinking can change. Thanks Mama for the reminder to be kind to me See more
18.01.2022 Yummy lunch - Loaded Veg Tikka Masala.
18.01.2022 Bodyschool Thoughts // This is my kitchen table as it looks all the time except when I go on a cleaning frenzy or company is coming. It has stuff belonging to other people, our calendar , my bag , a cat - the stuff of life. This pic is not curated , it is as life IS. I have beautiful photos taken of me , clients etc for my business - but I also like to remind us of the beautiful messiness and normalness of life. Don’t believe the bullshit and gloss on instagram or dive into ...comparison because ALL our lives are my kitchen table right? I have weeks of depression , weeks where I question everything in my life . Weeks where I drink too much and eat mountains of cheezels. I have conflict, scratchiness and tears over my sink. Because THIS is the messiness of life - not the picture perfect we are told to show on instagram. I will not be part of that bullshit. Life is hard - for ALL of us at different times and then things shift and change. That table has held countless dinners, boozy lunches tears , laughter and deep discussions with all the people I love in my world. It should have some mess on it ! We keep plodding along , not entertaining perfection because this will truly kill joy. We are doing the best we can with what we have. I dislike this expression but - let’s keep it real people. Life is life - life is not the feed. R U OK. See more
17.01.2022 Bodyschool WHO 2020 Guidelines on Physical Activity // Are you moving enough? Move the way you LIKE and move often. This is not about how you look , this is about your health. I am passionate about encouraging young people to move more. They watch what we do, so be the change. Help your kids discover how they like to move and support and encourage them. Walking is free and a wonderful way to be together , side by side. Both our girls played soccer from a young age and they l...ove the game and play as young adults. It’s not about whether you are sporty or not, or whether you have the right leggings it’s about trying new things and experiencing your heart pounding and your lungs pumping and the wonderful feelings experienced after exercise. In my teenage class we are observing how over the term we get fitter and stronger. I am so impressed with their attendance and comittment. We encourage each other and applaud each others strength in different areas. All the girls go to different schools and have different interests but we come together to move. I have never seen a kid reach for their phone during my class - this says to me that they are present and invested! They want to move. See more
17.01.2022 Having just finished Spring Clean 2020 it was interesting to see this massive study by CSIRO ! Being organised is the key - as I preach during Spring Clean! If you want to change habits you need to set yourself up to succeed and that is done by dedicating some TIME ( 4 weeks on one of my programs ) to being organised and focused when it comes to your health! Allow two days to organise yourself before you start a weight loss program, including purchasing food and getting familiar with meal plans," she said.
17.01.2022 Bodyschool Tips // No matter what class or training you are participating in, you are the boss of your body and you know how it feels. If something doesn’t feel right tell your teacher and ask for another option. I would much rather know and help you, than you push on in pain and not return. ... You might say things like My back seems to be sore after burpees.. or Can I switch these weights for something lighter ? .. or I feel like I might have pulled something in the back of my leg or I am on day one of my menstrual cycle so I might just take it a bit easy .or My arm is a bit sore from my covid jab so I will just bicep curl with the other arm You want your workouts to be consistent and sustainable, not something you fear and loathe. So work TO your strengths and within your limitations. As an experienced trainer, I can offer alternate exercises or stretches for problem areas. You have one amazing body for your life - speak up and be its wonderful advocate.
16.01.2022 Bodyschool Spring Clean Your Health 2020 Success!!// Britta sent this to me after she completed the 4 week program. This makes me so happy. She set her goals, turned up to all her classes and she is still coming to class regularly and keeps getting fitter & stronger! There is ONE more program before the end of the year......... The last three months of the year are CRAZY so it’s good to have some structure before Xmas madness. Don’t wait to be feeling great! Watch this space for Fitmas 2020.
16.01.2022 Bodyschool Sandwich Game // Sometimes I really just feel like a sandwich. Perhaps not the polony and sauce I grew up on or the weird combination of capsicum and peanut butter that my mum would put in our school lunches. Instead, I load up some sour dough with : fruit chutney avocado marinated tempeh brocolli sprouts... grated carrot ( child of the 70s) grated fresh beetroot cucumber S&P Do you love sandwiches? Any weird combos? See more
15.01.2022 Bodyschool Spring Clean Your Health 2020 // We are heading into the third week of our Spring Clean and feeling good. No alcohol means better sleep. Alcohol inihibits REM sleep, interrupts your circadian rhythm , has you trotting to the loo and snoring more ! I don’t know about you, but I am Sarah with sleep and cranky Roxy ( some other nasty girl ) without it! Menopause already messes with your sleep and alcohol makes it worse. Everybody on the program is sleeping better. We ...are also focusing on going to bed earlier - before 10.30pm. The plan includes trying to read before bed instead of screens. There’s been great numbers in my classes as we start to see the sun coming up a bit earlier. We chat about our successes and struggles in class and in our private facebook group. We have members in Denmark , Dubai and Melbourne doing the program! It’s a weird crazy time to put the brakes on some unhelpful habits but the benefits are wonderful. Our health and immunity has never been more important or challenged. The anxiety we all feel about the future affects our physical health too! Many participants felt like they needed some structure in their lives , amidst the uncertainty. So for four weeks we have a framework to do everything to improve health and try and be more focused and rested. This is a core part of my business that my clients expect and enjoy. I believe in a holistic approach to health - not just smashing your body with exercise. Getting good sleep , eating more plants , movement , rest & water AND social connection is the recipe for vitality. Sometimes we need to slow down , focus in on this areas and feel the benefits Photo: @b_o_w_o_n_g See more
15.01.2022 Bodyschool Wheels // The new / used Bodyschool wheels - keeping Fremantle peeps moving & connecting outside. I’m a little bit excited !!!!!!!! This is incredibly practical of me as I nearly bought a 1976 Belmont Ute from Albany .........
15.01.2022 Bodyschool & Favourite Child // I had lots of fun being a mature model for @the.favouritechild who do AWESOME hoodies & tees. They gave me a pink tshirt with Favourite Child on the front that I may wear on Xmas day . ( I am the middle child of six)! Thankyou to @erinmaie for tackling the mane and doing my makeup. Also @liz_mitch for styling and @fragmentsphoto for the great pics. My favourite moment of the shoot was when Erin the makeup artist said I reminded her so much of her mum whom she hadn’t seen for ages due to covid.
15.01.2022 Bodyschool Bubba // Derby circa 1969/70, held by my Mum
15.01.2022 Bodyschool Bowl // Brown rice with all the bits around. Avo, cucumber, rocket, cabbage, tofu corn and broccoli. Sprinkle a few black sesame seeds for effect and top with Peko & Peko miso and ginger dressing. When I was growing up, Sunday night dinner was cheese toasties and tinned tomato soup ( with milk added to make it go further for 6 kids ). Do you have a Sunday night special ? Brilliant book of short stories by Adam Thompson.
14.01.2022 Bodyschool New Week // I did triple nature time this morn. Taught by the beach , ran in the bush and then swam in the ocean. Ready for a new week.
14.01.2022 Bodyschool Mama // What are you thinking about Mum ? My Stuff .. she said giggling. ... And then we could not stop laughing - and that’s a wonderful visit in the journey of dementia!
13.01.2022 This is an amazing podcast about the huge importance of our gut microbiome and how fibre is king. The take home message is eat a huge variety of plant foods!! Yay that’s me !!! Backed by evidence based science Dr Will Bulsiewicz ( gastroenterologist) and gut health expert talks with Rich Roll about lifestyle medicine - using a wholefood plant based diet to improve your gut health and health in general. Did you know that your gut is responsible for 80 percent of your immunity ?
13.01.2022 Bodyschool Banana Blosson Curry // I made a delicious curry with tinned banana blossom that I bought at my local supermarket. It’s the flower that grows at the bottom of a bunch of bananas. They are high in iron, magnesium and potassium and high in both types of fibre. I rinsed and chopped the blossom and then added to the curry. It’s a similar texture to artichoke. This is a fantastic vegan curry recipe. I roasted cashews and almonds and sprinkled over the curry. I also used coconut cream instead of milk, so verrrrrrrry decadent and yummy. My girlfriend told a story that the best meal she ever had was a banana blossom curry in India - this sparked my interest and I am very happy to discover these little gems. I will add the recipe to linktree.
13.01.2022 Bodyschool That’s Life - on Zoom // When you are teaching a stretch / meditation class to peeps in Vic and didn’t realise your kelpie has taken over the show
13.01.2022 Bodyschool Spring Clean 2020 // We finished up the program last week and there were some wonderful results. I want to add that Elle had a check up with a doctor before and after the program to be able to add these results. Elle commits to the program wholeheartedly and knows this is the key to her success! This is why I do what I do - to help people take charge of their health - beginning with some simple focused changes.
13.01.2022 Bodyschool Ponder // A theme of my year has been the stories we tell ourselves and how tightly we hang onto them. Sometimes without really exploring those ideas. I have read so many books this year about women’s stories in history ( or lack of them ) and also the outdated ones that no longer serve us. There is always usually a FUNCTION and reason behind keeping these stories. ... We really need to question why we think the way we do and why we cling to certain ideas. I seem to be having lots of conversations about vaccination at the moment and I am keen to understand both sides and really dig into why I am pro vaccination. I really want to understand how anti vaccinators think we could manage this pandemic. I’ve been regurgitating and sharing information from people I like but I want to dig in myself. What am I afraid of ? What are anti vaccers afraid of ? Starting with the first point given to me in a conversation last night. Covid 19 is the 39th cause of death in Australia. I have spent a few hours on multiple sites this morning including the Australian Bureau of Stats to find it is the 38th cause of death in Australia. Heart disease is number one so get moving peeps! But wait. It’s number THREE in the United States with 735,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic. At one point it was the number ONE cause of death in India. Why so low is Australia? Because we had mandated mask wearing, stay at home measures and a vaccination program that ramped up slowly but surely. Guess what ? Overall deaths in Australia DROPPED since covid due to all of the above measures. I understand now why I am so afraid of covid because the number ONE group of people to DIE in Australia from covid is - Women over 80 in a nursing home with DEMENTIA. Thats’s my mum. Some of you may think oh well she’s old and out of it who cares ? I do. Another reason I really care is that disadvantaged people are THREE times more likely to die from covid. So if poverty and poor health outcomes was not bad enough - add in covid. The seven day average deaths per day in the United States is 1366. 1366 per day. 1366 people dying per day. What do you think of this ?
12.01.2022 Bodyschool Bali // I had a few cups of cooked rice leftover from dinner last night so I scoured the internet for a good Nasi Goreng recipe as this time last year I was enjoying it on Nusa Lembongan. I made a sambal first which included a couple of leaves from my kaffir lime tree. Blitzed this and set aside. Fried some shallots, chopped green beans and lots of chopped coriander. Added in cooked rice and all the sauces ( including the sambal ) and bean shoots. I topped with fresh chopped cucumber & toasted raw peanuts. I could almost hear the giggles of my girlfriends as we sat, feet in sand , looking over the boats in Lembongan Adapted recipe from Bon Appetit - Vegetable Nasi Goreng.
12.01.2022 Spring Veg Soup with loads of herbs
12.01.2022 The team working hard this morn while watching the beautiful rain come in - getting full support from Willow the greyhound
12.01.2022 I'm so excited to show you my new look!!! Thanks to fantastic photos by Bo Wong and talented Graphic Artist and Website Developer Orla Larkin - I have a new logo AND WEBSITE !!!!Go to to check it out! My website will show you who I am and what I offer plus classes, times, location and pricing. I will also be linking a blog soon where I can write longer pieces. Tell your friends !!
12.01.2022 Bodyschool Teen Class // Another term completed with these awesome girls. Every week at the end of the class we do a street run. The girls love trying to beat their best personal time or if they have low energy, they like just running and chatting with their friend. My favourite moment was when one of the girls came running in saying I RAN THE WHOLE WAY!!!!!! She was so excited and happy. We do all kinds of movement including skipping, boxing, squats and pushups to name a ...few. I ask the girls to reflect on the amazing things their body can DO. To notice how they improve by showing up and being consistent. I encourage and support them and I ask them to notice their energy and work to that level. We are outside at a park in South Freo amongst the trees, dogs and other people coming together. At the end we have a stretch and a chat. We listen to each other. I have a few places available for term 4. Thursdays 5pm - 45 mins - girls 12 and up. See more
11.01.2022 Bodyschool Dry November // I have downloaded the Try Dry ap as a helpful tool as I go booze free in November. Many of my clients are doing the same. The next couple of months are VERY busy so it’s a good time to go booze free. I know I will sleep more soundly and have more energy. I really notice the difference in my skin, looking more hydrated. I take regular breaks from alcohol and look forward to all the benefits instead of feeling deprived. It’s not too late to join us ?
11.01.2022 Bodyschool David Dad // If he had it his way - our kids would probably be coming with us on date night. David is a dedicated , loving , committed father . He is playful and loves pranks and is generous and kind. My daughters have been blessed with this dad!! Photo: Bo Wong
11.01.2022 Bodyschool Show UP // When it comes down to it life is just about showing up. If you water your plants and feed them , you will probably have a beautiful garden. If you just talk about it - nothing will grow. If you never call or catch up with your friends and family they may feel a bit neglected and the relationships may strain. We must catch up - this is just talk. This will not feed the relationship. Our health is not going to improve by talking. Our lips and mouth ma...y be in good shape but we will be in exactly the same position as time goes on.We need to show up for ourselves in this way. Find your thing and do it consistently - a few times every week. Drink lots of water everyday. Go to bed when you’re tired. Make your own food and include lots of veggies. Don’t talk about it - get out there and do it. A group of us are training for a big trail run and I know the only thing that is going to stop it REALLY hurting on the day is getting the runs in every week - even when I don’t feel like it. This is showing up for the team and myself. In my business I show up for my clients - I am always there and have been for many years. I consistently show up for them. This is a very clear value in my life and has kept me in good health. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, just show up in YOUR life Photo: Bo Wong See more
10.01.2022 Bodyschool Xmas Shanans // Last night I hosted our Xmas party on our new deck with yummy plant based finger food AND a marguerita bar! Nat made the most incredible vegan cake !!! It was important to me to honour the support we have shown each other amidst this crazy year. Connection and company are vital ingredients for maintaining good health. So last night we ate, laughed, danced and celebrated the wonderful Bodyschool community - for which I am truly grateful.
10.01.2022 Bodyschool Dementia // My mum is now back in aged care in a dementia specific wing. It’s a wild and wonderful world.The thing about being with someone with dementia is you need time, patience and presence. But most of all you need a big kind heart and an incredible imagination. They will speak to you of other worlds in a fantastic new language and they will repeat the same story over and over. They may be angry, frustrated and sad as they have glimpses of insight into their o...ld life and home.They may not speak at all and be dozy due to the medication and wandering the halls all night. This is a wonderful time to just give human touch and reassurance. It can be difficult trying to calm our own emotions during visits - overwhelmed with sadness or frustration that we don’t recognise our important person anymore. I like to have fun with my mum and say things like I’m Sarah, your kid, the best one- who you are leaving all your money to....... - then we laugh wickedly and raucously together. I’m not afraid of the dementia with my mum. I just want her to know I’m there with her on her journey. See more
10.01.2022 Bodyschool Tiredness // Tiredness is pretty much the number one complaint of perimenopausal and menopausal women. Apparently it may last for the duration of your transition. I am a person who normally has boundless energy so it’s taking some getting used to. There’s a heady mix of hormonal changes , weird sleep, early mornings and the general stress of life in a pandemic One of my coping strategies is to imagine I’m in the worst part of my transition so it will be... over soon. I go to bed at about 7.30pm, I don’t have coffee after lunchtime and I have been watching my alcohol intake. I am trying to drink loads of water and I eat mountains of plant foods. Exercise is recommended for menopausal tiredness as it helps with anxiety and depression and will boost energy. I went for a short run this afternoon and threw my tired, hot self into the soothing ocean. The ocean is a day changer, it elevates my mood and makes me feel tingly and fresh. I am super excited because I have found a functional holistic female doctor to make specific plans for MY health. This will be in conjunction with my naturopath. Everybody is tired at this time of the year - we have all had a big year. Whether you are midlife tired or just bone tired - I feel ya December may take some clever energy management as we juggle the desire to celebrate the end of 2020 with making it to the end in one piece. See more
09.01.2022 Bodyschool Whoa// Please watch this and be prepared to have your mind blown and adjust how you use tech and social media and how you parent. The suicide rate of girls between 10-14 in the United States has gone up 150 percent since the start of social media. Holy SHIT. I’m relieved to be shown the incredibly addictive nature of the socials and to adjust my behaviour accordingly. Most importantly to get back to focusing on doing what I DO well. This insidious manipulation has created ridiculous conspiracy theories, elected hideous leaders and stolen OUR time and relationships. Yes we can connect, create change and communicate through these mediums but we must understand who is ultimately in control!
08.01.2022 This guy is on point
08.01.2022 The Raw Kitchen Freo has become Mother and the plant based food is delicious !!!! I had mushroom pate and a cauliflower burger - so Yum !!!! Well done guys !!
08.01.2022 Lots of fun and movement at the beach this morn - 6am Cardio class with all the girls & 7am small group training with Denise Muir and the gang ! ( and Stanley the Lab and his friend the Willy Wagtail
07.01.2022 I am offering a regular Zoom class on Tuesdays 3pm Perth time . There will be 6 classes before Xmas. This would be a great way to build a base or continue to build strength , stamina and flexibility. I transitioned to Zoom during WA lockdown and I have continued to teach both outdoor classes ( Perth ) and Zoom to people outside Perth. This class is available to anyone. Cost is $20 and the class will be 50 minutes. Send me a message if you are keen.
07.01.2022 Bodyschool Teens // Lily and Ziggy made me smile with their fun loving situps today !!!! The sun was shining and the kids were energized and friendly to each other. So gorgeous to see. ... Mixed teen boys & girls outdoor fitness class Tuesday 5pm.
07.01.2022 Bodyschool Zoom // I loved seeing the happy faces of Melbournians on Zoom this week!!!! Well done Victoria!!! A special thankyou to those regulars who joined me on Zoom classes - we met every week, watched the seasons pass and connected across our screens. I’ve met your pets, children & flatmates and had glimpses into all your homes. I’m so impressed with your stamina and your ability to show up with a smile every week. The Zoom classes were part exercise and just simple human connection. Both equally important.
07.01.2022 Bodyschool Food // Veggie Cabbage Soup - I know some people think cabbage is a lesser veggie but I LOVE it - it’s so sweet and yummy. In this simple recipe by @delish you don’t boil the crap out of it - you just loosen it up a little - like I get on the dance floor after a couple of pinots. But no pinots for 4 weeks because we are all spring cleaning our health! We have arrested some of our unhelpful habits and we are cooking delicious nourishing plant based meals like this !!!!
05.01.2022 Bodyschool Training // Last year I did a section of the Margaret River Ultra that nearly killed me and at the time I thought I would never do that leg again. ( 19kms of trail with 4kms of beachsand ). 2020 was a big year and the race was moved from May to October. I was so exhausted that I lost my voice and got my thyroid checked. It was fine. On reflection, doing a race at the end of a shite year with your kid doing year 12 and very little energy was NOT a great idea. Howe...ver, I’m a pretty determined person. I spent this summer lying around reading books and getting lots of rest. I started 2021 feeling hopeful and restored. So I am going BACK to tackle the beast. I have been training hard ( running / strength & yoga ) and regularly getting chiro / massages etc. I will manage my race nutrition better and generally have much better energy. I know the beast and I am feeling better prepared. I am looking forward to joining my team on May 1 try and beat my time. Some may say WHY? I love running and I love trail events. I constantly remind myself to enjoy the process. This morning I stopped to watch a herd of kangaroos bounding through a paddock and the day before I ran kilometres barefoot along a deserted beach at dawn. I am constantly inspired by my clients committment and dedication. I want to run my talk. I also know that life keeps throwing up challenges and running is good practise for how I deal with those challenges. I remind myself to stay steady and present , I remind myself to check in with my breathing and posture. I remind myself to start out slow and pace myself according to my energy. I remind myself to look around and take in the beauty. If it’s a really shit hard run, I remind myself it will end and I will feel better after. Everything in life takes effort, practise and focus. See more
05.01.2022 Bodyschool Birthday // Happy 24th Birthday to my incredible daughter Stella. My whacky , warm , wonderful girl. Watching her sing her beautiful songs last night was pure bliss. A TRUE individual with lion like courage for vulnerability and growth AND one of the funniest people I know. Lucky Mama
04.01.2022 Bodyschool Dad // My dad is very very funny. We had so much fun travelling in Italy a few years ago . This is such a typical scene - he delivering a wry gag and us and our mum in fits ! This year he has packed up and sold the family home , moved into his new place and continues to visit mum in dementia aged care every day. My favourite time with Dad is on the boat at Shoalwater Bay . Happy Father’s Day to my dad.
04.01.2022 Mr Bodyschool // Date day/night with this guy today - my amazing husband David. Time to CHERISH, not be be bogged down in detail but to remember the awesome essence of each other. Time to PLAY, have fun, and CONNECT! I love this pic, walking forward - side by side. So important to make TIME for each other.
03.01.2022 Bodyschool // How wonderful are words
03.01.2022 just chillin on a Sunday .......
03.01.2022 This is wonderful - I French films.
02.01.2022 Bodyschool Xmas Party Prep // I’ve been trialling some of my party food for our Bodyschool end of year celebration on Friday. I made a vegan XO sauce and put this through stir fried eggplant. The XO sauce is incredible and I’m sure I will use it in loads of dishes. I will link the recipe. We are excited to see each other in normal clothes at a normal hour and to celebrate another year of classes, fun and friendship. I am incredibly grateful for a community of kind and committed people.
02.01.2022 How to Stay Healthy During the Silly Season. 2020 has been a bruiser of a year. There has been so much to worry about. My business has been so busy as a world-wide spotlight has been put on health and well-being. So, I want to share some ideas to finish the year with vitality instead of exhaustion. It’s all about planning. Which sounds really boring but IF you look ahead, a spontaneous blow out here and there can be accommodated. ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Bodyschool Back On the Horse// Perhaps you’ve let your workouts slip. Maybe you’ve stopped meeting your friend for a walk. You’ve got out of your routine and cringe watching those dollars get sucked out of your account for your gym membership????? Just get back on the horse. Start today, head out for a walk and have a chat with yourself about these busy months in the lead up to Xmas.You will need some kind of structure to ensure it happens. It’s been a crazy year of adjustmen...ts and anxiety but I GUARANTEE you will feel better if you restart your health and fitness routine. Here’s a simple plan for you, walk 5 days per week for 45 minutes. Drink 8/10 glasses of water per day. Eat more veggies with every meal and less red meat. No alcohol Mon - Fri and earlier than 10.30pm to bed. If this all seems too much, do ONE of these things. Time to get back on the program. See more
02.01.2022 Bodyschool Bular Mial Walk ( Bluff Knoll ) // As part of our Bodyschool Great Southern adventure we climbed the maginificent Bular Mial. A steady climb of medium difficulty with incredible views particularly from the ridges. There were stunning spring wild flowers and wiry grass trees to enjoy and swirling clouds over the peaks. The Stirling Ranges and Bular Mial are important spiritual places that are considered powerful by the Nyoongar people. Bular Mial means many eyes as the rocks of the mountain are said to be those of the ancestral spirits. It was so special to be in this place.
01.01.2022 I've written a little piece about crying in your 50's. It's my first proper blog piece , apart from an introduction. I probably should have written something a bit more UP , but this was calling me and I think the way we cry so easily in our fifties is beautiful. It's compassionate and hopeful and creates connection. Have a squizz and leave a comment.
01.01.2022 Bodyschool Guns // Here’s my little guns but I have strong horse like legs that get me everywhere in my active life. Strength training is an important part of my weekly exercise. After 30 we start losing muscle - accelerating as we age. It’s so important to maintain your muscle because: The muscle contracts and the tendon pulls on the bone to make us MOVE Muscle helps with immunity and is vital for longevity and in the treatment of chronic disease! Muscle helps w...ith posture - keeping us upright ! Muscles contracting keeps our bones STRONG. Muscle cells need a lot of energy so they burn more calories. Muscles act like a pump , pushing glucose into muscles instead of it circulating in the blood. How to KEEP muscle ? Use them. Try to do some kind of resistance training ( either bodyweight, resistance bands or weights) TWICE per week. Get a trainer to make you a program. It’s also super important to include good quality protein in your diet to help build that muscle ! If you are unsure about how much protein you need talk to a Accredited Practising Dietician. I am plant based so I include tofu, tempeh, beans & legumes, nuts & seeds, quinoa and occasionally some shellfish. See more
01.01.2022 Bodyschool Nature Nest // This little orange tent was my nest for the weekend, nestled among the overhanging peppies. I was sleeping in the dunes at Cosy Corner East, a neighbour to the bandicoot. The roaring ocean my lullaby. Just before dawn, I quietly unzipped my tent and shuffled down to the beach, pulling my coat around me. I sat on the bottom step watching the sun start lighting the day. No noise, just the ocean and me. This is the peace I had been dreaming of.
01.01.2022 What’s GOOD about Zoom classes ? You just head into a room in your house and voila ! You’re ready to go ! You can wear ANYTHING and be near a toilet and water if you need it ! Your animals LOVE ZOOM - they will want to climb all over you! You get to meet people from everywhere ... It take so much LESS time ! No travel time , waiting for class to start - you get ready and go ! 50 mins later you are DONE. If you are an introvert then you will be happy because you can exercise on your own. If you live with others, they can join in ! Try it - you may even like it ! Zoom Tuesdays 3PM Perth time with Me ! Msg me for any details See more
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