Tasmania's Body & Soul Festival in Launceston, Tasmania | Event
Tasmania's Body & Soul Festival
Locality: Launceston, Tasmania
Phone: 9500-8220
Address: 47 Tamar St & Cimitere St, Launceston 7250 Launceston, TAS, Australia
Website: http://bodyandsoulfestival.com.au
Likes: 2590
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25.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! It is certainly a different Easter this year but it doesnt have to stop us from connecting with family & friends. Looking forward to when we can all gather again & celebrate... Stay home, stay safe, enjoy & make the most of your time #happyeaster #stayhomestaysafe #eastercelebration #bodysoultas #tasmaniasbodysoulfestival
25.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY! Wishing you all a Wonderful week & staying Positive #BodySoulExpos #TasmaniasBodySoulFestival #staypositive #happymonday #wonderfulweek #mondayinspiration
23.01.2022 Activate your courage and momentum with Kay! Kay will be one of our many amazing exhibitors at the Body and Soul Festival next year, be sure to check it out <3
23.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE! Launceston Body & Soul Festival is back in 2020 APRIL 18 & 19... 2 days of Entertainment, Free Presentations & Workshops and up to 50 Exhibitors all to Nourish your Mind, Body & Soul Love to see you there. For more information go to our www.bodysoultas.com OR Facebook page Tasmanias Body & Soul Festival. Exhibitors Welcome: 03 9500 8220 #bodysoultas #alberthalllaunceston #launcestionbodyandsoulfestival #savethedate #nourishyourmindbodysoul #April2020
23.01.2022 QUOTE FOR THE WEEK! Inspirational affirmation to inspire. Affirm with intent and have a great week ahead.... #newmiracles #receiving #expectmiracles #affirmwithintent #launcestonbodysoufestival #comingsoon #bodysoultas #alberthalllaunceston
23.01.2022 Need to get to this level
20.01.2022 The Norwex Mission, improving quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes, is the backbone of my business as well. Since I first started using Norwex in 2014, I have not only changed an entire generation within my own family to realise they dont need nasty chemical sprays, bleaches and throw away cloths to clean but I have also changed many of my customers lives as well. This includes their health and those of their families, money saved by not spending hundreds of dollars per year on unnecessary cleaning products, or chemically laden body care products, time saved by using products that are unreservedly wow and that really, truly work!!
20.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day! We wish all the Mum's a wonderful day relaxing and being spoilt. It may be different this year, our families are doing video chats and look forward to when we can all gather and celebrate together... #mothersday #mothersdaycelebration #lovetoallthemums #happymothersday
19.01.2022 NEW MOON BLESSINGS Manifesting time Set your intentions Release to the universe... #newmoonenergy #newmoonblessings #manifestations #newmoonintentions #bodysoultas #bodyandsoulfestival
19.01.2022 ON TONIGHT! All About do TERRA with Adam Barralet Starts at 6pm at the Albert Hall, Launceston... Take this opportunity while Adam is here in Tassie If you would like to join simply PM to adam or turn up at the door
18.01.2022 Today we have a Full Moon in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and she loves all that rich top shelf quality good stuff, from good food and wine through to the arts and beautiful music. Allow yourself to be indulgent and enjoy all the good things in life with this rich and powerful Full Moon. The Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Scorpio during this Full Moon. Scorpio and Taurus are polar opposites. Remember that Mercury is still Retrograde. We may experience a "BFO" momen...t. BFO stands for "Blinding Flash of the Obvious." So be prepared for a moment when you suddenly become conscious about something that you were completely in the dark about. Whatever came up for us on the New Moon in Scorpio last month on 27 October, we now have the opportunity to bring it all to a head and reap the rewards.
17.01.2022 Excited to have Kerry back this year offering readings! Kerry sees is a gifted Psychic Medium, Crystal Ball Reader. She brings messages from loved ones and has a natural gift which stem from her mother. Kerry has been reading for over 38 years now. https://www.facebook.com/kerrysees.com.au/
15.01.2022 Kays Oils offers a wide range of pure essential oils from the top essential oil company in the world. Young Living is leading the world with its global farms, partner farms and approved suppliers who follow the Young Living Seed to Seal promise. The Young Living sustainability policy and high standards guarantee that you can access the highest quality of pure essential oils and essential oils infused products available. You can be rest assured that you can promote, support a...nd maintain your Wellness, Purpose and Abundance with our safe and natural plant-based options for all your home and personal needs. Find Kays Oils and indulge your senses in the range of products, discover the divine aromas of these pure aromas with no synthetic additive and fillers, no GMO seeds and the highest standards of testing in the world.
14.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! It is certainly a different Easter this year but it doesn't have to stop us from connecting with family & friends. Looking forward to when we can all gather again & celebrate... Stay home, stay safe, enjoy & make the most of your time #happyeaster #stayhomestaysafe #eastercelebration #bodysoultas #tasmaniasbodysoulfestival
14.01.2022 Spirit of Mandala focuses on promoting your Life Force Energy flow. On a personal level we offer Reiki and on an environmental level, Feng Shui. Workshops and live events around Tasmania. Our online retail store sells, crystals, smudge sticks, pendulums and more...
13.01.2022 FULL MOON BLESSINGS)0( The energies of the moon are most purifying and can be used to clear and program any crystal for extra vitality. Place directly under the moonlight and charge it up under the full and new moons to get the most potent frequencies. The moon as a feminine energy can help with spiritual and emotional healing.... Before setting your crystals out to bathe in the full moonlight, gently wash them in a little purified water, after washing and drying your crystals set them out on the earth for their full moon bath. If you are unable to place them directly on the ground, any natural surface will work. If you do not have a space outside, pop them on a windowsill that will receive the light of the moon. Happy Recharging #fullmoonenergies #rechargeyourcrystals #fullmoon #bodysoultas #bodysoulfestival
12.01.2022 TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS & EXHIBITORS Following the announcement by the Government to further implement more closures and restrictions due to the Corona Virus, we are now forced to postpone the Launceston Body, Soul Festival for the time being until further notice. All expos have been suspended and we will keep you updated with new alternative dates as we see the situation change and when all restrictions have been lifted.... All our lives have changed for the time being, it is important to stay healthy, stay positive, support each other until what is going on passes. We appreciate the support of our Exhibitors and our Visitors and we look forward in seeing you all again once we get back to some sort of normality and life can move on. In the meanwhile, please take care of yourselves and stay safe With Blessings Maureen, Lesley & Sarah Tasmanias Body, Soul Festival Team
12.01.2022 A Big Thank You... To all our visitors who attended our 2 day event over the weekend. To all the exhibitors who attended because without you we dont have a festival.... We look forward to being in Launceston same time next year In the meantime, we will be organizing for the our event in Hobart which will be happening in September. We will be announcing dates and venue very soon. With Blessings Tasmanias Body & Soul Festival
12.01.2022 Sending Everyone Healing Energy Hoping everyone is doing well #healingenergy #wellbeing ##stayingpositive #bodysoultas #alberthalllaunceston #tasmaiasbodysoulfestival
11.01.2022 Mikel Shang, Tasmanian Psychic of the Year 2018 has been in the industry for over 25 years. A trusted and reliable psychic, Mikel has read for locals, interstate and overseas customers. Mikel is available for face to face, email, text messaging, Skype and Facebook video. A reading with Mikel is life changing with many hugs and love. https://www.facebook.com/mikelshangangelpsychicmedium/ https://www.facebook.com/mikelshangangelpsychicmedium/
11.01.2022 [SAVE THE DATE] The Body & Soul Festival is Tasmanias largest event for alternative therapies, psychics and products. Visit over 50 interstate and local exhibitors showcasing the very best in their field.... See, try and buy unique products including crystals, essential oils, music, books, giftware, clothing, jewellery, workshops, treatments and more! Join free meditation sessions, seminars or check out the main stage for some amazing performances running all day, plus entertainment for the kids & loads of daily giveaways and door entry prizes to be won. Entry 1 day pass $10.00 2 day pass $15.00 Children under 16 FREE Open Hours Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 5pm For bookings visit www.bodysoultas.com
10.01.2022 Not Long to go till @Tasmanias Body & Soul Festival being held in Launceston April 18 & 19 Albert Hall... Wonderful array of Exhibitors Free Workshops, Meditations, Seminars & Performances Entry $10 Kids under 16yrs FREE www.bodysoultas.com www.facebook.com/bodysoultas #bodysoultas #launceston #tassie #mindbodysoul #tasmaiasbodysoulfestival #uplifting #inspiring #mindbodyspirit
09.01.2022 Stones from Heave & Earth will be attending the festival year with handpicked large medium and small crystals, generators and spheres, eggs, handtied necklaces, gold and silver rings and pendants rings, pendants, crystal infused drink bottles plus lots more. Be sure to save the date!
09.01.2022 [ R E L A X ] There is those days where staying in your pjs, staying at home, relaxing and taking it easy feels soooo good. Enjoy your Sunday everyone... #lazysundays #relaxing #pjcomfort #relaxingsundays #tasmaniasbodysoulfestival
09.01.2022 Barb Psychic Readings - Barb is based in Queensland and travels throughout Australia to provide psychic and mediumship readings using oracle cards and channeling messages as she connects with her guides. Barb and her husband Bernie will have amazing new age products from Tarot/ Oracle Cards, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Cotton Throws, Incense, Jackets, New Age Books and lots of other amazing products
08.01.2022 Pure, Safe & Beneficial ~ Arbonne products are premium, Swiss-heritage, botanically-based and clinically proven for optimum results. Our product range: includes anti-aging skin care, makeup, baby care, mens skincare, nutrition, sports hydration and personal care products that will have you feeling and looking amazing! Be sure to check out their range at the 2020 Body & Soul Festival! http://www.facebook.com/ArwenDyerArbonneIC
07.01.2022 Welcome to Spring What a beautiful time of the year. As trees and flowers begin to blossom, bulbs begin to shoot up from beneath the earth bursting with colour, all synonymous with Spring, reminding us we are entering another season. Springtime has arrived. Mother Nature bursts forth with new life producing a beautiful tapestry with an abundance of colour and fragrances. After a phase of sleep, nature now awakens to enliven our spirit, coming out from the dormancy of wi...nter, it is a welcome sight. We welcome the new energy of Spring, reflecting freshness, abundance and growth, a time of new life and beginnings. Innately at this time we are drawn to Spring Clean our environment, ourselves physically and emotionally, from the reflective time of Winter we now move into what we want to get rid of and what we dont need, be it things or people we have outgrown, beliefs and habits that dont work and release any anchors to the past. Like opening the windows and doors of our homes, it is a time to open ourselves to release and welcome new changes. As we shed our winter clothing and begin to feel lighter, on a physical and emotional level we are doing the same. It is a notable time to make healthier life changes, time to clean and clear our spaces and invite all we have prepared for during the year to now blossom. Lesley #bodysoultas #SpringBlessings #springtime #bringinthenew #springcleaning #launcestonbodysoulfestival
06.01.2022 Doreen offers Psychic Readings. She uses her Clairsentience and Clairaudience in combination with her Tarot cards and Numerology to channel answers to guide you in all areas of life, career, love and relationships and your finances. Doreen has been reading for over 25 years. A Reiki Master Teacher for over 18 years. Doreen was honoured to be named 2018 Australian Psychic of the Year.
06.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you for your continued support to both our Exhibitors and Visitors to our expos in 2019 Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year... We look forward to seeing you all in 2020 at the Launceston Body & Soul Festival in April
06.01.2022 Lizz Teare, International Clairvoyant. Uses psychometrics and tarot cards in her readings and can also read photos of loved ones. Liz can answer your questions about love, relationships, travel, money, career and future influences coming up for you in your life.
06.01.2022 Just one of the many exhibitors attending the festival this year. The Happy Heart Centre is about finding your joy, your soul purpose, working beside you using doterra essential oils, Aromatouch, intuitive readings and self directed healing clients to realize their potential, let go of limitations and heal themselves. Narelle will be working on mindset, emotional blockages and releasing old patterns. Their unique Self Directed Healing process (SDH) enables them to make positive change in a rapid and sustainable way. https://www.facebook.com/happyheartcentre
06.01.2022 Excited to have the wonderful Andrew exhibiting at this years Body & Soul Festival Andrew Has been gifted from birth and is the 5th generation in his family to practice Mediumship and Clairvoyance. Andrew has been working full time as a Psychic Medium for the last 10+ years in Hobart. Andrew is well known for his accuracy and uses a traditional Crystal Ball handed down by his grandmother, Tarot cards & Connecting with Spirit.
05.01.2022 Victoria Cochrane (M Ed. Hons) is the Tasmanian Psychic Expos 2019 Tasmanian Psychic of the Year and regular presenter of The Spiritual Wisdom Hour on Spiritual Events Directory Facebook Page She is a certified member of the IPA and Australian Reiki Connection. A trained Advanced Theta Healing practitioner, Usui Reiki Master and author. https://www.facebook.com/reachingoutspiritualnews/
05.01.2022 I N S P I R A T I O N You are worthy of attracting beautiful things into your life Have a wonderful week... www.bodysoultas.com April 18 & 19 Launceston Albert Hall #miracles #miracleshappen #inspirational #acceptance #bodysoultas #alberthalllaunceston #haveagreatweek
04.01.2022 Come and meet international teacher and author Adam Barralet at his stand and discover a range of good to help you connect deeper with the gifts of Nature. Adam will have his books, oracle cards and meditation CDs as well as a full range of doTERRA essential oils for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. He also offers a range of online classes that you can find out about on the day.
03.01.2022 As the year draws to an end we would like to thank you everyone for your continued support in 2019 and look forward to the start of a new. Happy New Year 2020 #newyearblessings #2020vision #2020 #newyearinspiration #newyearenergy #bodysoultas #launcestionbodyandsoulfestival
02.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day! We wish all the Mums a wonderful day relaxing and being spoilt. It may be different this year, our families are doing video chats and look forward to when we can all gather and celebrate together... #mothersday #mothersdaycelebration #lovetoallthemums #happymothersday
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