Bodywork Integration in Perth, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Bodywork Integration
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Address: 2/5 Norfolk Street, Fremantle 6160 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 At Bodywork Integration we pride ourselves in constantly furthering our knowledge, we believe in not becoming stagnant and always seeking out the latest research so that we can provide our clients the best quality of treatments so you can help yourself be the best version of you! We all have had our game faces on this weekend. Julie and Ash was teaching a group of students in our Fremantle classroom, whilst Lewis was also geeking out, as part of his structural integration t...raining online, (see if you can spot him) Have a great day x
25.01.2022 What an amazing year Ive had! Making the move to the West, meeting the community of Secret Harbour & Fremantle, working with amazing therapists, finishing my ATSI pt 2 training and starting pt 3, washing endless amounts of towels and doing what I love A big thank you to Julie Hammond for supporting me, kicking me up the bum and giving me a chance. Also, the amazing Ash for her friendship, support and great cheeseboards ... Looking forward to many more amazing years. Lewis
25.01.2022 Sciatica Pain in the backside stopping you from doing what you love? Youre not alone!... Sciatica is one of the most common pain pattern symptoms I treat in clinic Clients who book a Structural Bodywork Massage with Lewis often report immediate and long-lasting relief after just 1 session! Private Health Rebates Full Body Assessment Treatment Plan Specifically for YOU Exercises and Tips on Self-Release at Home Book: Lewis. #sciatica #secretharbour #massage
24.01.2022 Hello everyone! I have just updated my calendar to include morning and afternoon appointments as both clinics have been very busy and hard to book in! SECRET HARBOUR ... Tuesday 10am - 5pm Wednesday 10am - 5pm Thursday 12pm-7pm FREMANTLE Friday 11am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 1pm BOOK online now with Lewis:
24.01.2022 Just a reminder... Its all about finding the calm in the chaos. -Donna Karan Find what your anchor is, and ground yourself!... Mine are my children and the beach. This week Im certainly needing to find my calm, its easy to get caught up in the chaos of life with all our schedules and so easy to forget to take a moment to be still to recharge! I often find when Im emotional and overwhelmed I have to reconnect with the things that bring me the most joy and its always the same, the simple joys of laughter with my kids Find your joys! Dont get too caught up on the unimportant things and always put yourself first!!! Have a great Wednesday, Love Ash x
24.01.2022 Wow Face Just bought my copy of the newly released Anatomy Trains 4th edition and noticed in the first chapter my clients before and after photograph has been published! I couldnt have achieved such significant changes in my client and my practice as a therapist without attending the Anatomy Trains Structural Integration program - truly life changing.... Thanks so much Anatomy Trains and Tom for publishing - amazing Lewis.
24.01.2022 Hey everyone, Lewis here, I hope youre all enjoying your Monday I just got back from a nice afternoon run around my local lake. It was great to see a nice blue sky and the birds chirping again. I also got to take my new barefoot runners out for a test run ... A client and I were talking last week about ME TIME, for me running is that time. I always feel so good and free after a long run, especially when life gets busy. I hope youve booked some ME TIME in for yourself this week. Lewis
23.01.2022 . ALL ABOUT THE SIDES . The third session in the Structural Integration (SI) 12 series is all about the sides of your body. Here we start to address any side-to-side imbalances that may be affecting your postural or movement function and open the breath from the sides. With lift and support from the front of the body in session 1 and a deeper awareness of the back of the body and it’s contact with ground itself in session 2, awareness to the sides in session 3 will promote a ...3-dimensional awareness of the body in each and every step. I have to say this is one of my favourite sessions of the 12 series, for many clients it’s also a new experience to have the sides of their body worked - so often the front and back get all the attention! In many one-off Structural Integration sessions, the client may be treated in one or all of the following positions: side lying, seated, back, front and even standing! Clients with hip pain or movement restriction in this area share my love of this session too. In clinic I often treat clients with chronic hip pain or movement restriction on one side and they are often surprised to find that the culprit is coming from their good side! This can be due to the hip shifting excessively to one side in everyday movement from shortening or restriction in their good side. This isn’t all cases; some are more complex but it’s a common one. Common postural patterns seen in clinic in the sides of the body are pronated feet, bow-leg or knock-kneed patterns, side tilts of the pelvis, shifts of the pelvis, bend or shift in the ribcage or in the head and neck. The patterns are commonly assessed in this session. Soft tissue treatment is always specific to the individual and based on detailed evaluations and assessments, which is common throughout each session. Lewis. Book SI with Lewis or Julie: Learn more about SI:
22.01.2022 Important message: Julie Hammond's personal Facebook account has been hacked. Please do not open any messages from her personal account for the time being. Our business page has not been affected so you can still reach out through this channel.
21.01.2022 Full body maintenance with Lewis Experience lasting change with structural bodywork 3 series massage The first session focuses on the lower body... The second session focuses on the upper body The third session focuses on the spine and unifying the previous sessions to integrate the body as a connected whole Health Fund Rebates available Full body postural & movement assessment Hands on treatment Treatment plan specifically for YOU Exercises and tips on self-release at home Each session is 90mins but will be at the same cost as a 60min structural bodywork session as apart of a special Im running. Clients who have booked a Structural Bodywork 3 series with me often report at the end of the series a reduction in pain, smoother movement, feeling lighter, taller and more comfortable in their bodies. Book a 3 series: Lewis. #remedialmassage #secretharbour #massage
21.01.2022 The November Newsletter has just been Sent This Month Julie talks about what we do, Ash talks about her 12 series experience, Lewis shares a spooky story/unexplainable experience and Darryl talks about the importance of rest and recovery for athletes. If you're not an email subscriber we have attached a link to view below... Remember to click the subscribe button for more great content Happy Reading, Bodywork Integration & Anatomy Trains Australia Clinic Team
21.01.2022 Quick Fix 30 with Lewis Neck & Shoulder Maintenance/Relief Remedial Massage in 30mins! Great for office workers, tech users and those short on time... Private Health Rebates Exercises and Tips on Self-Release at Home Book with Lewis: #neckandshouldermassage #secretharbour #massage
20.01.2022 Happy 1st of AUGUST Everyone! We say it each month and we will say it again... can you believe it!? August is here already..! We can almost here the Christmas tunes ringing at the shopping centres ... We have just emailed out the August newsletter, so check your mailboxes! If youre not an email subscriber we have attached a link for you to view and subscribe below. In this issue Julie talks architecture of the tongue, Lewis continues his Structural Integration 12 series experiences, Ash Learns a life lesson from her daughter and Darryl continues to recount his journey in his beloved sport of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Remember to click the subscribe button for more great content Happy Reading, Bodywork Integration & Anatomy Trains Australia Clinic Team
20.01.2022 Happy Wednesday Everyone & what a great week it has been in clinic, the diary is busy and we are helping and seeing lots of interesting clients from near & far! We have been receiving some great feedback and we would love you to share your story with us of why and how we have helped you & your family! We would like to be able to promote the work we do, and share this amazing gift with others from your personal experiences, so they too can have less pain and be able to f...unction through daily life with ease and balance... If you have a great story about your experience we would love to hear from you... its only through sharing our experiences, that others want to be part of that space for change... Here is a little snippet about me... from having Bodywork recently and going into some new changes, I feel I have the confidence in my body to be able to cope with what life challenges we have. By having bodywork regular I am able to understand my own patterns of habit and seek for change, I have a new awareness and clarity and I am able to reach out for some new adventures without doubting the capabilities of my body and mind! In the last four months I have taken up mountain biking and I absolutely love being out in nature and feeling the adrenaline when Im heading downhill on the winding trails, there is nothing quite like it!! If I hadnt had bodywork sessions I know I wouldnt feel at ease or have the confidence in myself to cope with the technical aspects of this sport!! Please share your storys, we would love to hear! Have a great day! Love Ash x
20.01.2022 Sports/Remedial massage is not only for professional athletes Do you ache after a run? When you run do you feel as though your tightening up?... Does your technique suffer because of this? Has your pace slowed? Whether you are feeling the above or in the middle of a rehabilitation program, a remedial or sports massage is a great form of recovery for your body. Book with Lewis or Darryl Now: Health Rebates available
18.01.2022 Hello Everyone! I just wanted to let you know I will be away assisting teaching in Fremantle from the 14th - 22nd May. I have some appointments available on Thursday the 13th May for Remedial Massage and Structural Integration. Book Online: Lewis
18.01.2022 Jumping into day 2 of Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function all ready to go!
18.01.2022 Pain in your heel area at the end of the day? Clients are often surprised by the immediate and lasting relief they find in their heel area after specific massage techniques have been applied. More surprising, its not often at the site of pain! For niggling issues, a 30min appointment works well, for long-term issues a 1-hour appointment has the best results.... Lewis offers Private Health Rebates Full Body Assessment Treatment Plan Specifically for YOU Exercises and Tips on Self-Release at Home Book: #secretharbour #massage #remedialmassage
18.01.2022 Where ever you can, kick those shoes off!! Have you ever noticed how kids naturally take their shoes off wherever they can? Either that or they never want them on in the first place! Children can teach us so much!! They instinctively know whats good for them... barefeet, sunshine and sand between the toes, are all the best medicine to bring the joys of life...... Its through playing without shoes and feeling the world beneath our feet we become more organised throughout our system and we can orientate our way through life....from the very moment we stand up on those feet and learn how to walk, we are allowing our senses to fire on all cylinders... So the next time your yelling at the kids to get their shoes on, have faith and know that its doing them the world of good... Ditch those toddler shoes and let them run wild...those foundations called feet will have the best start in life to feel connected to the being connected to the world....Barefoot!!! And dont be so shy, kick your shoes off too...
17.01.2022 Dont forget...! Lewis & Darryl are looking after your sporting, rehab and recovery needs every Thursday and Friday Lewis & Darryl are both experienced Remedial and Sports Massage therapists with keen interests in improving clients athletic performance, recovery as well as particular muscular aliments every Thursday and Friday!... Lewis also offers structural bodywork which is great for full body maintenance, movement efficiency and overall body balance Health Rebates available Book with Lewis or Darryl Now: #secretharbour #sportsmassage #remedialmassage
17.01.2022 Lewis & Darry looking after your recovery needs with sports & remedial massages in clinic today!
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, Darryl is now back from his well earned holiday down south. He feels re-energised & eager to help you with your ailments & sore bodies.... As you well know, spots fill fast with Darryl, don’t hesitate & book an appointment with Darryl ONLINE below:
17.01.2022 Do you feel compressed through your abdominal region? What about in movement, do you have trouble rotating your trunk or bending to the side? The abdominal group are often at fault in these examples and as of late have been quite a fascination of mine, especially when Im treating in clinic! ... The obliques in particular are my favourite. When holding, they restrict rotational and side bending movements of the upper body as well as depressing the ribcage and creating compression between the pelvis and ribcage When experiencing hands on treatment through these structures clients often report feeling taller, having a fuller breath, ease of movement (side bending & rotation particularly) and feeling decompressed between the ribcage and pelvis. Come experience results first hand and BOOK a structural bodywork session with Lewis online: Health Fund Rebates available Lewis.
17.01.2022 Im Ready Are you Lewis Loder? 12hours & 22mins..... Countdown has officially started in this house to the very first Australian Fascia Symposium online event!!! Unfortunately over the next three days we are closing the clinic because we are going all out fascia nerd crazy! ... Julie and the team have brought together this amazing line up of presenters that will be delivering all the latest research over the next three days!! We look forward to telling you all about it next week Have a great weekend
17.01.2022 Happy Tuesday Everyone Just letting you all know I have a last minute 3pm appointment available tomorrow! On Thursday Darryl and I also have more times available ... Lewis Book:
15.01.2022 I love it when my two little ones pop into my work and see me!
15.01.2022 Happy Monday Everyone! Ive been out on a hike this morning enjoying the beautiful Perth hills before a busy week in clinic. Mid hike and full of energy I also made a peace offering to the hiking god, backdropped by an epic vista (pictured in the middle) ... Look forward to seeing you in clinic. Lewis
14.01.2022 Just in case you missed it, we emailed out our first Newsletter for Bodywork Integration Fremantle yesterday! Articles from Lewis, Julie and an introduction from Anna Satmari, who will be joining our team in July! If you're not on our email list here is a link to read in your browser and subscribe:... **Secret Harbour subscribers, if you no longer wish to receive the monthly newsletter you can unsubscribe at the bottom of the newsletter page. Cheers, Bodywork Integration Team
14.01.2022 Gday folks, This is what happens when you show a little empathy towards a fellow jiu jitsu practitioner, they end up making an orderly line to get their massage... You can catch Darryl at BWI on Thursday & Friday.... Book:
14.01.2022 We thought we should share why our clinic has been closed over the last two days. We have been running the First Australian Fascia Symposium to attendees from all over the globe, from right here in our Secret Harbour Clinic. " Be scared and do it anyway" !
11.01.2022 Recovery Thursday with Lewis & Darryl Lewis & Darryl are both experienced Remedial and Sports Massage therapists with keen interests in improving clients athletic performance, recovery as well as particular muscular aliments. Whether you are feeling the after effects of training or in the middle of a rehabilitation program, a remedial or sports massage is a great form of recovery for your body.... Lewis also offers structural bodywork which is great for full body maintenance, movement efficiency and overall body balance Health Rebates available Book with Lewis or Darryl Now:
11.01.2022 Aches & pains in the neck and shoulders at the end of a long day? Clients are often surprised by the immediate and lasting relief they find in their neck & shoulders after a structural bodywork session For niggling issues, a 30min appointment works well, for long-term issues a 1-hour appointment is best.... Book with Lewis Private Health Rebates Full Body Assessment Treatment Plan Specifically for YOU Tips on Self-Release at Home Book: #secretharbour #massage #remedialmassage
11.01.2022 Nothing like a rainy day inside to help you reflect and a new pair of socks from my lovely client. Its been a busy week in both clinics as well as finalising our new Australian Fascia Symposium App and prepping for group mentoring on Sunday. Always grateful for the amazing people I have in my life xx
11.01.2022 Just a reminder! All you need in life are your favourite things!! Have a good day and stay safe, Ash x
10.01.2022 Darryl sent through some great feedback from a client today: "First session with Darryl today, he got straight to work and identified areas to focus on quickly... I left with greater shoulder mobility and flexibility in both shoulders after only one session.. Highly Proffesional and educational...much more I could say but if your smart you will give him a call and make an appointment. Thanks mate... Ps. BJJ specific understanding of what your body goes through as well.." - Gerald Book a Sports or Remedial Massage with Darryl Online:
10.01.2022 . Help or Hinder? . Nothing hinders a cure so much as frequent changes of treatment; a wound will not heal over if it is being made the subject of experiments with different ointments; a plant which is frequently moved never grows strong. - Seneca On the odd occasion I have to turn a client away and reschedule their appointment. I don’t enjoy doing this as it’s in my nature to help. However, my help would only hinder their recovery. ... In moments of newly experienced pain, discomfort, injury etc it’s common for me to see a client who has had 3 or more treatments from different therapeutic backgrounds in the same day! That’s a lot of stimulation for you and your body to experience in one day, particularly when you are recovering. It also makes it hard to distinguish what treatment is actually helping your recovery or hindering it! This intention is coming from a good place, I see it in clinic. We want to get on top of it in the fastest way possible but recovery takes time. Over stimulation is confusing. Give yourself and your body time to recover and time to experience one treatment at a time. What would I do in this situation? I would get in contact with my preferred therapeutic practitioner or book a session. They will advise immediately if they can help or they can refer me to another practitioner in their referral net who is more suited to helping at the acute stage. Lewis.
10.01.2022 Gday folks, Darryl here Clients always ask me, how often should I come to see you for a treatment?... I suggest every 2 to 3 weeks, depending on your workload or sporting activities, but more importantly, you have to listen to your body, if you feel & think you need a massage earlier, you probably do! Moral of the story listen to your body Book with Darryl:
09.01.2022 Spring is in the air & so is our Newsletter! We have just emailed out the September newsletter! If youre not an email subscriber we have attached a link to view below. Remember to click the subscribe button for more great content Happy Reading, Bodywork Integration & Anatomy Trains Australia Clinic Team
09.01.2022 We love this quote as we head back into term 3 and a new semester !! Happy Hump Day
08.01.2022 Just take a moment today to: 1. focus on your breath 2. Watch the ocean and listen to the waves, if you arent near the ocean just listen to ours. 3. Smile and tell yourself " youve got this adulting thing" 4. The most important thing today is to pull your big girls pants up as high as they will go and do that task you have been putting off.......... Have a great weekend Julie See more
08.01.2022 Sciatica Do you have a friend or family member suffering from Sciatica? Tag them in this post as I may be able to help... Sciatica is one of the most common pain pattern symptoms I treat in clinic and with great success! Clients who book a Structural Bodywork Massage with me (Lewis) often report immediate and long-lasting relief after just 1 session and they are back to doing what they love! Private Health Rebates Full Body Assessment Treatment Plan Specifically for YOU Exercises and Tips on Self-Release at Home Book: Lewis. #sciatica #secretharbour #massage
08.01.2022 Now Available in Clinic Slings Myofascial Massage Balls by art of motion Academy We cant wait for our clients to get their hands and bodies on the new Slings Massage Balls, sold in sets of two they are ideal for body-minded movement, self-release and massage.... Developed by the amazing Karin Gurtner, these Slings Massage Balls also equip students of Anatomy Trains in Motion for slings exercises as well as Pilates and yoga students alike Pick up your pack while stocks last in clinic or by emailing [email protected]
07.01.2022 Are you interested in having a Structural Bodywork session but not sure how's it's different from Remedial Massage? Structural Bodywork is a combination of Remedial Massage and Structural Integration. It involves a detailed assessment, as well as looking at posture, movement and gait, to help identify areas that may be restricted, compressed or affecting your function. This information helps develop a strategy specifically for you.... This work can be done as a one-off session or as a three-session series. The three-series has a clear beginning, middle and end and is excellent for those seeking a full-body approach, without committing to the full Structural integration process. It involves hands-on treatment using myofascial techniques, and movement to give you more freedom, body awareness and ease in your movement. You will be reassessed throughout the treatment, and you will be given exercises and tips on self-release at home. Clients report a reduction in pain, smoother movement, feeling lighter, taller and more comfortable in their bodies. The first session focuses on the lower body, the second session focuses on the upper body, and the third session focuses on the spine and unifying the previous sessions to integrate the body as a connected whole. Lewis, Ash and Julie all offer Structural Bodywork, you can Book Online at this link:
06.01.2022 Thursday shenanigans
05.01.2022 I would like to share some wonderful feedback I received from a client who had her first Structural Integration session last week. Her main concern was throat pain, which had impacted her working life. With structural Integration we look at the whole body, for Tara there was a lack of support in her abdominal region which was placing a lot of tension in her upper neck. Giving support here was key to her success. "Hi Lewis, gosh I have been noticing such a difference in my st...omach area, literally all this tension has left my stomach today and it’s like I am standing with more support coming from my lower abdomen, and I’m actually noticing today after work I was able to sing a bit more strongly as my throat muscles aren’t tensing up as much! Amazing. Just wanted to share" Book SI with Lewis or Julie: Learn more about SI:
05.01.2022 Hey folks Darryl here, I thought Id share a typical Sunday with you, prepping, cooking & weighing. For the last 6 weeks Ive been on a meal plan. A meal plan is exactly how it sounds, a organised diet, to cater for your needs.... To be honest, I couldnt get it right, I thought I was eating the correct food & amount of food. But I was wrong. Luckily for me, I was introduced at bjj training to a local nutritionist & PT, Tim Williams from Ironwill nutrition & fitness. It had come to light after talking to Tim, that I wasnt eating enough throughout the day. How could that be? Ive still got love handles? With Tims guidance & advice Ive stuck to the plan & adhered to the diet. Six weeks in & honestly I feel amazing, full of energy in life. Ive maybe lost a kilo in weight but miraculously leaned out. As they say it comes down to 90% diet & 10% exercise. Darryl
04.01.2022 Full house in the clinic today
01.01.2022 Pain in your at the end of the day? Clients are often surprised by the immediate and lasting relief they find in their feet and legs after a structural bodywork session For niggling issues, a 30min appointment works well, for long-term issues a 1-hour appointment is best.... Book with Lewis Private Health Rebates Full Body Assessment Treatment Plan Specifically for YOU Exercises and Tips on Self-Release at Home Book: #secretharbour #massage #remedialmassage
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