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to load big map

25.01.2022 500. A Milestone. I chose this photo of me because its so entirely accurate doing one thing and looking to what I can do next. Like a fart in a bottle, as mumma bear would say. Something prety cool happened this week. My 500th booking went out! I launched on 17 March last year, and well, to be honest, I barely had any bookings at all until July/August, and then the virus that shall not be named happened and took 2 months away from me, so when I think about it, 500 ...bookings in 9-10 months feels pretty bloody good (and hectic). Shout out to my team of 6 for helping me achieve this milestone. It would not exist without you. 18 months ago I was in a high flying corporate leadership role in the most elite of environments and winning at success really. But I was aware that success did not equal happiness, however do you think I knew what to do about that? No. Not a damn clue. Until I stumbled into this biz after doing my friends baby shower boho picnic style. It lit me up inside in a way I didnt think possible and so for 6 months, I hustled, working around the clock trying to make the best of both jobs. I resigned from my full time job in September because boho was going gangbusters. I didnt have much clue, or much plan, but I took a leap and built my wings on the way down. I had SUCH a hard time leaving my job. I felt a huge sense of belonging. Attachment to the environment and the people. But, heres the thing I learned my sense of belonging was only as temporary as my presence in the building. The people you invest in, nurture, upskill and support, provide opportunity to and lend a shoulder to when the going gets tough, well, chances are, you wont hear from 95% of them after you walk out that door, despite the heart you put into them. Is that really where you want to dedicate your time, passion and love? 500 bookings and one hell of a ride later, never have I felt such a sense of freedom as I do right now. Despite the anxiety, fear and pressure of running my own hustle, its on my terms. Liberating. Making a life change is bloody scary. But you know whats even scarier? Regret. Pep talk over. Im off to celebrate. Mic drop. See more

25.01.2022 Forever chasing light flares.

24.01.2022 When setting up a boho picnic the table must always be very full. Because an underdressed table is like overplucked eyebrows. (Very bad.)

24.01.2022 ** cue David Attenborough voice. What you are witnessing here is the ultra-long limbed homosapien in her natural habitat. True story. I spend more time in here than anywhere else. 365 days ago to the day I walked out of my corporate full time job at the WA Institute of Sport to pursue this creative dream. ... Days since spent wearing active wear and a top knot also 365. It’s been quite the ride over the last 12 months, growing from a team of just moi to having 10 staff, a warehouse, a business vehicle and fully booked status more often than not (I say these things not to gloat, but out of pure heartfelt pride for what I, and my team who have been so pivotal in my growth, have achieved in 12 months). To those who have been along for the ride thank you. I would not be typing this without your support. The journey hasn’t been a picnic (pun totally intended), but success is not a right, it is a gift. It must be earned. You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run, and I fell down more times than I’d have liked. But strength is found when we dig ourselves out of places we don’t want to be. The days you struggle the most are the days that will shape you the most. On these days you will learn what kind of person you really are. What do you do when you feel like this? You get up, dress up and show up. If you have, or are thinking of starting up your own business or just taking the chance on something new for you, please consider: I didn’t have time, but I made time. I didn’t have the knowledge, but I did what I knew, and I went looking for answers. I didn’t have the confidence, but the confidence came with results. I had a lot going against me (including the belief of some people that this would never work) but I had enough going for me. I had plenty of excuses but I chose not to use any of them. If you’re thinking of taking the plunge, ask yourself what would you do if you knew you could not fail?. Now ask yourself why you’re not doing it anyway. Pep talk over and out.

23.01.2022 This proposal gave me all those winter cabin in the woods feels. Including the frozen hands and face, it was that damn cold setting it up. They say life is a work of art. If you dont like what you see, paint over it. So I did. Scroll across to see what this little hut looked like before. @ Fremantle, Western Australia

23.01.2022 Shit just got real. Diamond real.

23.01.2022 Flash back to this day 1 year ago. Amy wanted to propose to her girlfriend Dani in front of their friends and family. With the help of @thecourtperth, we decked their upstairs balcony out with hundreds of candles, flowers, rose petals and twinkle lights. Amy & Dani walked up the stairs to find their friends and family holding the letters Marry Me. In a rose petal and candle light heart, Amy got down on one knee and popped the question. It was magical and intense and absolutely special. #loveislove @ The Court Hotel

23.01.2022 Not a picnic related post but my businesses are as personal as they can be to keep it authentic, and this is a very summery, exciting, nerve wracking personal thing. My other business baby, Sunshine State of Mind has an official launch date! This concept of all things summer in a box landing on your doorstep has been in progress for a big part of this year, and, well, Covid sneezed on my parade for a while there and this picnic gig of mine has been flat tack for most of this ...year so it’s moved a little slower than this hurricane of a human would like. But hey. We have a launch date. 1 December, first day of summer. Makes sense right? Sunshine State of Mind is the brain child borne of a wet, wintery miserable day last July. I was driving along the coast in Cottesloe and my mind drifted to thoughts of summer. Balmy nights with a rose (which I drink for it's colour first, an it's taste second), Sunday sessions & road trips, salty hair, a kick arse tan, cocktails, coconut smells, high spirits, an all-round sense of hope & a happy heart. These thoughts made me happy, and then it dawned on me - if these make me feel happy, why can't I share this in the form of a gift box of Summer inspired love. Featuring local & other Australian businesses, the aim of these gift boxes (with all products being cruelty free & natural) is to keep those summer feels alive all year round. Like boho & prosecco, there will also be a charitable element. I’d love for you to come along for the ride as we launch, new products come in, the concept grows, and this babe of mine comes to life. Your support for boho has seen me where I am today, and I’m sure I speak on behalf of all small business owners when I say that a new follow, like, engagement really makes the 24/7 small biz life all worth it. Scroll for a sneaky on some upcoming box inclusions! Much love. xo @ Perth, Western Australia

22.01.2022 Meet Pink & Green Should Always Be Seen. Confidence Levels; Humble with a hint of Kanye.

21.01.2022 Sometimes, a random Saturday can become your favourite Saturday in the history of ever. ... 2020 @boho & prosecco See more

21.01.2022 UPDATE- Im back online! I will respond to all emails over the next 72 hours. If you dont hear from me by then please re-send your email. As youve hopefully seen on my stories, both my website and emails have been down for 3 days. 3 DAYS! Seems impossible in this age of technology right? Not when youre dealing with a highly incompetent web host over at Netregistry who are blaming everyone else but themselves for the issue. (To add to this, back in Feb, I had about 4...0 unread emails disappear from my inbox. You know what they told me? I must have accidentally deleted them all. Ok Karen, I then went into my deleted items and accidentally deleted them all from there too . This remains unresolved to this date). Anyway, this whole thing is making me extremely anxious but Im at the mercy of these Noobs and cant do anything about it. Please bear with me while I do my best to get something sorted that is largely out of my control. Im just one person doing the best I can with what I have. Thank you. See more

18.01.2022 What a weekend.

17.01.2022 Kicking off a new segment, designed to give you some insight into BTS at boho & prosecco called Friday Fact. (Original, huh?) Friday Fact will give you snippets of the operations and things that happen to keep this machine working before a booking gets out to you. Todays is a bit of history. boho & prosecco was established in March last year after I decided to do a boho picnic for a friends baby shower. I thought to myself, I'm buying all this stuff, why not try to make ... a side hustle out of it?. Anyway, it exploded around me so fast that by September I was resigning from my full time job, moving into a warehouse, and buying a van to be able to do multiple bookings in one day (8-10 a day on a busy weekend). A risk, leaving my full time job for something like this for sure, but to me in life, the biggest risk is taking no risk at all, and living life in a way you never really wanted to. What started off as caffeine and a dream, is now a hustle where "No" is not part of my vocab (Ill give anything a red hot go), fear of failure has become my fuel to succeed, and every challenge is subject to a stare-off (I always win). I allow myself 5 emotional minutes in the day, then I've gotta be Gangster. Who else has taken a risk on something? Let me know your story! See more

16.01.2022 Friday Fact: My "A Whiter Shade of Pale" Styling option was named after my dad's favourite song. Almost every style is named after a memory, or dream I have.

16.01.2022 Meet Urban Earth. Raw. Natural. Fresh out of the shower. #nomakeup #selfiewithnofilter

16.01.2022 5000 BOHO BABES While numbers are not everything, having you all watching what I do keeps me wanting to be better. It's a pretty vulnerable position to be in to put yourself on show, your ideas, your creativity, your personality out there for the world to see, open to opinion & criticism. When its your own business everything feels personal and you become sensitive beyond anything you ever knew you could be. You may have noticed I'm also a story teller in my posts, be...cause I really want the human behind the brand to shine through, and again, this is a pretty scary thing to do. But the fact that 5000 of you guys have shown up in just over a year to watch my dream grow makes me so grateful for the community you create around me. This is my thank you. I'm a little late on this one, because I promised you a 5k follower giveaway about 2 weeks ago when I was close to hitting that milestone and well, to be honest it happened faster than I expected. So here it is! The poll from a few days ago suggested 50% of you wanted a date night giveaway and 50% of you wanted a picnic for 4. So... if you're the winner you get to choose from either of these options! Head over to to enter. Competition closes 5pm Wednesday 1 July. Prize must be redeemed prior to 30 November 2020. See more

16.01.2022 Choose people that choose you.

16.01.2022 BEHIND THE SCENES. Ever wondered what happens to the flowers bought for each booking? Any flowers that get left behind at the end of a booking get bundled up and taken to the local nursing home and hospital to give out to their patients. While the flowers are yours to take if youd like them, know that if you dont they get given to someone who could really use them right now.

14.01.2022 But no matter how far or wide I roam, I still call Australia home. 2020 boho & prosecco.

14.01.2022 If you’ve seen our stories over the last day you’ll know something NEWwas coming... BOHO & BLOOMS The ULTIMATE for our boho babes or babes that love to be spoilt.... This Flower Crown workshop is boho and boujie with our babe @fleursociete dressing things up! You'll be taught all things blooms whilst you get to sip champagne on your moroccan poufs or cushions in your choice of setting - think beach or city views, or we can set it up in your own space, you decide! Perfect for a hens, baby shower, or girls catch up. Bookings via our website, link in bio. @aliceandrephoto @ Perth, Western Australia

14.01.2022 String lights increase the cosiness of literally any space by at least 1716%.

14.01.2022 I had a slight moment of awkwardness when I walked in and realized this venue at @warehouse16perth was going to upstage my set up and had the urge to Stop, Drop and Roll my way out. But credit where its due, its the perfect wet weather venue for this frizzy haired babe to set up in. (Spare a thought for your curly haired friends during this weather. We are not ok. We are over here looking like alpacas.).

13.01.2022 Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is a million smears of paint. Michelangelo’s’ David is a million hits of a hammer. This set up was a million ideas, bits, and pieces all put together. We’re all a million bits put together in the right way to create beauty.

13.01.2022 This week we have received the most amazing gift of memory boxes from Sharon Foster at Mums on a Mission and boho & prosecco. The boxes have been put together ...with so much love and care, and are simply beautiful. Sharon also donated many boxes to Little Doves last year, and we are so grateful that families experiencing loss will have something to leave the hospital with that will be a comfort to them over the many long years without their child/children. This Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness month we'd also like to acknowledge what Sharon's generous gift means. As someone outside of the loss community, the time and effort she has put in as well as the compassion and empathy shown to loss families in Perth means all the more. This Pregnancy and Infant Loss month, we ask you to remember the families in your life who might be living without one or more of their children, and don't be afraid to talk about their child with them. To do so is human, to do so is kind, to do so is healthy. And it won't be forgotten.

13.01.2022 You know that tingly feeling you get when you love somebody? Thats all your common sense leaving your body.

13.01.2022 How cool is this? You guys went crazy over these proposal photos last week, and so did an American TV show! Videographer @austingrader was asked by @rightthisminute if they could feature his video of this raw, heart warming moment between Brian and Pina (@polyafrican). #almostfamous #mamaimadeit

13.01.2022 BEHIND THE SCENES Saturday nights at HQ usually happens with the music pumping, ends in a 3am bed time, and includes a stop on the way home for a kebab. Much like Saturday nights in the old days, but way less fun. And I know where my phone is at the end of it. Why? Our Maximum capacity is 120 people, and on fully booked weekends, this can go out on both Saturday and Sundays servicing 240 people by the end of the weekend.... Saturdays prep takes all of Thursday and Friday in the warehouse to lay out bookings, vase up flowers etc. However, everything used on Saturday also needs to be used on Sunday, which means Saturday night is a mass operation of trying to get done what I usually spend Thursday and Friday doing, as all the team come back with their bookings and every plate, knife, fork, glass is dishwashed, napkins washed & ironed, rugs vacuumed and cleaned, cushions covers changed over, new flowers are vased up and everything is re-laid out into piles ready for Sundays bookings. The wee hours of the morning often sneak up us while this is in motion. See more

12.01.2022 You know who I think is the bravest person in the world? Harriet, from @frankieandevedesigns, creator of this balloon garland and owner of the most terrifying business in the world. Balloons scare the shit outta me (theyre too unpredictable). Being in the same room as this to set up had me in sweats. Ive always thought there are 6 types of fear (not in any particular order): 1 Terror, like that girl that walks downstairs in a bendback in The Exorcist. That ki...nd of terror. 2 Panic, like when your husband opens the credit card statement before youve had the chance to hide it. 3 14 missed calls from Mum 4 We need to talk 5 Balloons 6 Followed closely by clowns. Anyone else got irrational fears? 2020 boho & prosecco See more

12.01.2022 I know I probably shouldnt, but I judge people by their picnics. 2020 boho & prosecco

11.01.2022 Back in March, I received an email that began with a dog knock knock joke, sympathized with me over my fear of balloons, and signed off with an Alpaca meme (Wanna have a picnic? Alpaca snack). Firstly, I wish all my emails were this fun. Secondly, this was Alysha from @forestandfoxkids approach to getting me on board for a shoot for her amazingly awesome, Australian made, hand drawn and made from organic cotton swaddle sets. It worked. Dogs and long necked animals ar...e the way to this girls heart and she had done her research. No heres what youll get in return from me, but a pure hearted Id love your help dished up with a side of humanness. Covid had other plans for our bonding moment over how scary balloons are and it was only last week I drove to Bedfordale (am I still in Perth?, I asked her as I pulled up. I didnt even know it was a suburb). Together we created the scene for this video. How 10/10 emosh is it? As it turns out, Alyshas not just good for creating prettiness for your bub, or for totally appropriate memes, she also provides a regular dose of banter to your DMs. Check her out at @forestandfoxkids and share the love. See more

10.01.2022 Jayden had a magical sunset proposal in mind for Katie but the weather Gods had other ideas. The heavens opened up in a major way just an hour or so before they were due to arrive and their proposal Picnic turned into us having to relocate and deck out this gazebo as a plan B. But as raindrops fell from the sky like glittery confetti all around them and Jayden dropped to one knee, there was not a care in the world for either of them. There was just each other. Cascades of falling all around them gave them instant privacy rather than the usual audience a proposal attracts. Magic, in a very different than expected but no less breathtaking way. @the_creative_vine @ Perth, Western Australia

09.01.2022 The idea behind this shoot is the beautiful contrast between human intimacy and a vast, impressive landscape. The simplicity and unending nature of the desert-scape helps enhance the complexity and intensity of the romantic relationship. With the table setting, the idea was to create a burst of human warmth and connection amidst the clean, minimal background. Soft, faded colours in details such as the bouquet and table settings added dimension and warmth to the blue sky and w...hite dunes. Not featured; full body exfoliation from the sand whip, sleepy eyes from the 4:30am rise to be in Lancelin by 6am, and the next 6 weeks getting sand out out my equipment. All in the name of love. Featured in To the Aisle Australia Photographers @theroadwest_ Picnic Table Set Up @boho.and.prosecco prosecco Models @elo_wanders Florist @katiecooperfloraldesign Makeup @riccijmakeup Wedding Dress @zolotas_australia Celebrant @eddiecelebrant Hair @nicola_richards_hair Wedding Stationery @countingmangoes @ Lancelin, Western Australia 2020 boho & prosecco

09.01.2022 Our business is growing and so must our team! We're looking for a Styling Assistant to bring our team up to 9! OUR PEOPLE:... We have no type. We dont discriminate here. Working for us we have family people, single people, happy people. People that actually think running is fun, admin gurus, personal trainers, small business owners, students and mums. What matters most in our people is that when someone has an event or occasion coming up, they email boho & prosecco and our people help them as efficiently, creatively and awesomely as possible. The most important job of a boho & prosecco Styling Assistant is to bring to life magical atmospheres for people to create memorable moments in their lives. Our success is measured through the number of oh my Gods received when the customer first lays eyes on their set up. As a Styling Assistant, you have the ability to breathe life into a pile of things and turn them into something pretty. You have stellar interpersonal skills, and enough muscle to lift heavy stuff. A vehicle large enough to carry said heavy stuff is also a must because lets face it, it would be a long laborious walk without it. You dont get flustered easily, and you like helping people. You get a kick out of those aha moments where your pile of stuff comes together to create something beautiful. You are patient, level headed, and cool under pressure. Seeing other peoples joy when they arrive at their set up makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. You pay attention to the details. As far as youre concerned, anything worth doing is worth doing right, every single time. You stay focused, and nothing falls through the cracks on your watch. Youre socially conscious, eco-friendly, and as waste and cruelty free as possible, just like us. Because Mother Nature is pretty rad. Last but not least, you take ownership of the work you do with us, perform it with your chest puffed out with pride and walk around telling everyone how epic your life is since you joined us. Check out for more information. Closes Wednesday 26 August. See more

08.01.2022 On Friday, I did good.

06.01.2022 Ever wonder what happens to the flowers from each booking? We generate several hundred dollars worth of vases of fresh flowers each week for every booking, and I love to bring a smile to the old folk around us that may feel the days are long, or get very few visitors. Any flowers left behind from each weeks bookings are bundled up and taken to Nursing Homes around Perth to be given out. Its part of my human.kind project (more info via the link in my bio). The idea came from... a poem I read found among the possessions of an elderly lady who died in the geriatric ward of a hospital (you can read it on my website under the human.kind tab). No information is available concerning her who she was or when she died. But it gave me all the feels and lead to the birth of this movement - the distribution of the flowers left over from bookings. If you choose to leave your flowers behind, know that you are helping to support this movement, and random act of kindness.

06.01.2022 I didnt see her love. I felt it as plainly as the sun. ... *forever chasing light flares* 2020 boho & prosecco

06.01.2022 If youre a guy like this, please announce yourself. I have a bunch of friends whod like to know. Brian + Pina. the epic @austingrader @ Alkimos Beach... 2020 boho & prosecco

06.01.2022 Let me tell you a story about these parasols. I had 4. One of the first purchases I made when I started up this biz. Pretty arent they? Dont let the good looks fool you, these things have an eye for trouble. The first one, only a few weeks after I bought them flew straight into the arms of a lit candle. Like, it didnt float and bump along the ground towards it, it flew straight into it despite being secured to something. The second one went missing. Like, just gone.... MIA. Never to be seen again. I hope wherever it went its happy. The third, like Mary Freaking Poppins got picked up by a single random gust of wind and flew directly into the lake at Queens Gardens (hats off to one of my staff Bec who waded into the lake fully clothed to try to save and resuscitate it.) Taking bets on the fate of number 4 below. 2020 boho & prosecco

06.01.2022 Let’s talk flowers. Not because it’s hayfever season, which quite frankly has been killing me and the recommended dose of antihistamines is more what I call a guideline, but because they are EVERYTHING on my tables. We use fresh stuff only. No artificial. No plastics. Because you’re worth more than that sweetheart. And because we donate leftover flowers to the nursing homes around Perth and our local oldies deserve more than that too. Take a guess at how many bunches of flowers we’ve purchased and vased up by hand since 1 January this year? (**hint - it sits between 1500 and 2000).

05.01.2022 There are two types of people in this world. Those who work for it and those who try to take credit for it. After being absolutely f*cking infuriated to find a page whos feed was primarily made up of my images, claiming them as her own, I was then humbled by the number of you who reported it, direct messaged her, and stood up for and supported this business baby of mine. Several messages and a copyright report to Instagram later and she has finally removed the images. A ...very sincere thank you to those who reported the page after I referenced it in my stories. This business is 100 hour work weeks, 70+ emails a day, 20+ hours a week of booking prep, 50+ hours of actual bookings occurring, plus social media, business growth, staff management, website management and a shit tonne of other behind the scenes admin. Its just over a year of blood, sweat and many many tears that cannot be captured or reflected by an outright copy and paste of my work. To think that you can is downright offensive. Im damn defensive of this biz of mine and seeing how many of you had my back was tear jerking. Thank you. I know many fellow creatives have been in this position before. I feel you. But remember that one can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion. Over and out. 2020 boho & prosecco. All rights reserved.

05.01.2022 Fun Fact - boho & prosecco has purchased 1066 individual bunches of flowers from flower markets from 1 September last year, to date, that weve vased up for bookings.

05.01.2022 Not featured in this micro wedding set up from today is my colossal gimp limp thanks to a hip injury (no walking, lifting or strain was the prescription - Ive never been good at being told what to do), or the way my team stepped up and changed their entire weekend to make all 13 bookings happen while I wasnt able to do much else than waddle with a handful of cushions at a time (complete with cussing every time my hip pain took hold). Being your own boss certainly has it...s perks. But the shit thing about it is you cant call in sick. Injury or not, I still had to show up today and present well to the public who stop to ask questions, and to the customer, whose event was really bloody important to them. So this is a shout out to all those who are living out their dream. I see you. I see that you have to show up even when your body and mind resists. I see you putting your own needs last so that your reputation isnt put at stake. I see someone that once made a courageous decision. I see you getting up every day and making it happen. I see that you get called a dreamer but youre really the one that doesnt sleep. I see you. And youre killing it. Behind every successful business woman is the group that hypes her up. Shout out where its due for today to two staff, Bec, who stayed back at the warehouse last night to prep todays bookings for me, then flew between her own bookings today to help me packdown this one, and to Jess who with the help of her little babe Emily, cast aside her Sunday to help me set up, both not wanting me to hurt myself further. Thats not without also acknowledging the rest of my team, Danielle, Amber, Kelly, Maddy and Anna who smash out weekend after weekend, sometimes up to 80 bookings a month with little to no direction from me. They get given a pile of stuff that I prep and turn it into what you see on this social media feed. This business is what it is because of you all. Much love and thank you for backing my dream. See more

04.01.2022 A cutehead of a guy organised this picnic for his girlfriend but the weather Gods had other ideas. It started pouring just as set up started. A spontaneous repack of the car and drive from the original location into Kings Park resulted in cosy weather watching views over the city, a totally different atmosphere from originally planned but a good reminder that sometimes the most beautiful moments in life come from unexpected things.

03.01.2022 Sometimes home can be another person.

03.01.2022 And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain there would be no rainbow. #proposal #planB @the_creative_vine

02.01.2022 If the last week could have been a haircut, it would have been a mullet. I swear to God my fairy Godmother stepped out for a smoke. My mood has been pretty low, until I got started on some activity for one of my charities and my mood switched. If youve been following for a while or been on my website, youll know I have a charitable element to my business called human.kind, which aims to show that you can be charitable through every day acts of kindness. You can see more... info on the 3 charities my business supports via my website but this one Im working on in the background is for a group called Little Doves, created by two women who bonded over the loss of their baby. Little Doves is a support network for women who lose their baby either due to still birth, or shortly after birth. Quite often, mum is rushed to hospital in emergency circumstances totally unprepared. Im making up Memory Boxes to go out to the hospitals which contain some items to give the parents the chance to create as many memories as possible in the mere minutes or hours they might have with their baby. Each box will have a teddy bear, blanket/swaddle, teeny tiny beanie & booties, photo album, flower seeds, face washer, and a few other bits and pieces for the parents to keep in memory of their little one. Check out my stories to see what Ive been working on for it today. If youve made a booking over the last 12 months, youve contributed to these in some way, so thank you. x See more

02.01.2022 Sometimes you meet a fellow human that you just love immediately. That was how I felt about Kate from @thehikecollective. Kate trusted me with the set up for her overnight glamping experience at @lakeleschenaultia (trusting other service providers to be a part of an experience that has your name on it is a big deal). As soon as I met her, she was equal parts gracious and no bull shit, helpful but not interfering, 100% passionate about WA and how she can showcase that to, and I fell in love with her story of how her business transitioned from personal trainer to owner of @thehikecollective (follow your dreams people). Aside from the mushy love story above, I also realized how much of our own friggen amazing state I havent seen yet and to be honest, Im disappointed in myself. Now is the time more than ever to explore and experience our own state while we cant travel, supporting our own tourism, a local business and an epic human being. Get your dose of WA with a side of Kate at @thehikecollective ** not sponsored, I just really loved Kate, her business and what she stands for. @ Lake Leschenaultia

02.01.2022 Last year I participated in something really cool, and it just got published. Check it out.

01.01.2022 boho + blooms = boujee. At least that’s what Fleur Societé and I think. But we’re horrifically biased and should probably be ignored. Listen to these guys instead.

01.01.2022 This set up came with many emotions. Gaga eyes at its prettiness. Gushing when a turtle waddled out of the lake into the garden. ... Tears when he started getting attacked by crazy protective birds. More gushing when his survival instinct kicked in and he scaled rose bushes and then my set up to protect himself. Panic, as I started a form of demented limb flailing interpretive dance to fend off crazy birds. Bravery when I told the guy who walked past telling me to calm down, it’s survival of the fittest to shut the F up or I’ll show you survival of the fittest. Cheer as the little guy made it back to the water (with me and my flailing limbs as his escort). All in a days work.

01.01.2022 Theyve been together for years, have several children, their daughter spilt the beans that a ring had been bought, and yet he was still nervous as hell, she still squealed when he got down on one knee, and it was still tear-jerkingly perfect. @whatelyphotography @ Perth, Western Australia 2020 boho & prosecco

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