Bold Badger Print + Design in Moggill, Queensland, Australia | Signs & banner service
Bold Badger Print + Design
Locality: Moggill, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 414 366 640
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25.01.2022 Looking for tags you can print yourself?? I've got some over on the website:
25.01.2022 Yep. Pretty much!!
24.01.2022 I'm out of town in Warwick until Tuesday afternoon. I'll be in touch with everyone who's messaged and send proofs when I get back to the office tomorrow. It's certainly been cooler here than Brisbane's been!!!
23.01.2022 Hahahahaha. Who can relate??
23.01.2022 New stickers for @houstonandco_barbershop installed this week. Head onover to their page and check them out. Theres a competition running this month too.
23.01.2022 The website now has @afterpayau. Its only been on my list of things to do for um...forever. :-) Shop ->
22.01.2022 Slow week in Badger HQ this week. I have come down with a bit of a cold/virus thing. NOT the Rona. I had a test yesterday thats come back negative (phew). Anyway, just letting you all know ill not be in the office much for the next few days due to being sick. Take care of yourselves! Mx
21.01.2022 Throw back Thursday!! Cut vinyl sign for a laundry from this day 5 years ago. :D Did you know I can do custom cut vinyl for any room in the house? I did one for a toilet once...ill have to see if I can dig that one up. Can you guess what it said?? #cutvinyllettering #cutvinylsign #laundry #customvinyl #mimaki #orafolvinyl
21.01.2022 Happy One Year Anniversary to Nicole & Jason. This time 12 months ago I was in Canada! Wed had a night to remember dancing and celebrating my beautiful friend getting married to the love of her life. Bold Badger helped by making the wine bottle labels and the cut vinyl words and letters for the glass jars for the sand ceremony. I have been enjoying my Facebook memories this week remembering the awesome holiday. : Dani Van Steelandt
21.01.2022 LOVE! Loved this movie growing up! Who else loved it too??
20.01.2022 I loved designing and printing these beauties for Cathi @ Taylor Made Candles. They look great. :D
19.01.2022 Hey guys, My inboxes here on Facebook and via emails has exploded this last couple of weeks. It's great to be so popular but it means that I'm racing around trying to catch up with all the things. If you've sent a message and I haven't responded, please give a gentle nudge. I am getting there I promise! There may be a longer turn around than we normally have. :D Happy Thursday! :D
19.01.2022 A gorgeous bunch of ladies ordered these shirts for their holiday. They looked awesome!
18.01.2022 Custom Tea Towel for 4005 post code based on the one I did for 4070. Happy to customise one for your location!
18.01.2022 Another week another waiting room. Neurosurgeon this week. Norman takes me to all the fun places. #acousticneuroma #watchandwait #braintumour #hospitalparkingwillsendmebroke
17.01.2022 Happy birthday Leo! Cut vinyl letters in a matte black removable Wall vinyl. #customvinyldecal #wallart #oracalwallvinyl... Reposted from @poppyandclive This weekend we celebrated Leo turning 1 with our nearest and dearest (and lots of hand sanny!). Thankful the restrictions lifted in time to celebrate with our lil village of friends and family who have helped us this past year Thanks to @boldbadgerdesign for the amazing wall decals ! - #regrann
17.01.2022 Who doesnt love a little bit of an inspirational message from Chris. Thanks mate. I needed that! :-*
16.01.2022 New car magnets for the lovely folk over at New Childrens Pathways. ***DID YOU KNOW**** Not all vehicle magnets are the same. There are many different ways to make signs and each process gives a different result. The most important factor is the *base magnet material*. This is critical to get right because bad (ie cheap) product will become stuck to your vehicle and not come away without taking part of your paintwork with it. This is becomes an expensive experience if y...ou buy a cheap sign to save money. For outdoor/vehicle I use a premium brand car magnet material. This material is specifically designed to take the harsh conditions of the Australian sun without damage to your car. I print full colour signs (or computer cut vinyl). The material is a standard .8mm thickness. Printing is done on Oracal 7 year quality vinyl. I also recommend removing the magnet each week, washing the car and the magnet and making sure both surfaces are dry and free of dust before you reapply the magnet. This will help keep both your vehicle and the sign in great condition. #boldbadgerdesign #carsignage #magnetsigns #carmagnet #removeableadvertising
16.01.2022 All those @pantone colours printed in rows. #lovecolour #pantone #brisbaneprinter
16.01.2022 Im a bit of a stationery nerd and I fell in love hard with this customisable paper tape from @woodruffandco. Now my boxes will be all "badgered" up.
16.01.2022 Happy Saturday beautiful peeps! @emilycoxhead always has the best words.
15.01.2022 Facebook pages is having some kittens this morning and I cant access any of my messages. Which is super helpful (insert sarcastic eyerolls here). Ill try and get it up on my phone but bear (yes I meant to spell it that way! hahahah) with me if youre waiting on a reply! :-* Happy Tuesday!!
15.01.2022 That's a Wrap! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy & (extra) safe New Year! I'm opening again on the 4th! See you then! :-*
15.01.2022 New product labels for the lovely people at Muooz Eritrean Restaurant & Catering, an Eritrean restaurant located at West End. Muooz is a not-for-profit social enterprise aimed at creating employment, training and work experiences for disadvantaged refugee & asylum seeker women. You can get your bottle directly from the restaurant - #customlabels #productlabel #brisbaneprinter #muoozwestend
14.01.2022 Hot off the printer. Yes, I can do Covid safety stickers for floors, walls etc. I sadly think this ships not sailing soon.
13.01.2022 Winner winner Chicken Dinner chicken Congratulations Jo & Debra on winning the Freebie Friday. I'll be in touch to get your stickers posted. X
13.01.2022 Custom handmade stickers for Judie.
13.01.2022 Im a bit in love with these custom teacher rewards stickers. The little daschund is the cutest! #boldbadgerdesign #customstickers #teachergifts #teacherrewardsticker
13.01.2022 Cutting therapy! Miriam (my Mimaki) is a little superstar. #brisbaneprinter #customstickers #mimaki
11.01.2022 Big thanks to all the healthcare workers that have been working non-stop. Thanks to all the Covid test collectors. To all the Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics and care givers, both here in Qld and in other states, especially Victoria. Heartfelt thanks for all you do. xoxo
11.01.2022 Custom Teacher end of year gifts. All the gorgeous glitter Heat Transfer vinyl on the black canvas tote. They looked so sparkly in the light. :D #boldbadgerdesign #teachergift #endofyeargifts #totebag #customtote #heattransfervinyl #mimaki
10.01.2022 Customised zipper pouch for end of year teacher gifts. Heat transfer vinyl names, Pouch filled with pens, highlighters, a notebook and some mints. Miss 13 gave her
10.01.2022 I fell in love with with what Jess did with her custom vinyl Badger stickers. I think I want her to style my birthday! How adorable does this look?! This dark green is so beautiful on the white and the little animal garland is divine. Love seeing stickers in the "wild". :D Thanks for sharing Jess! #boldbadgerdesign #customstickers #cutwallvinyl #customwallvinyl #mimaki #oracal
10.01.2022 Good Morning beautiful peeps!! If youre shopping at Coles over the next few weeks, you will see the @Hummingbird House tokens are in store again. By purchasing a $2 token you are helping families like mine to access the service of Hummingbird House. For those of you who havent heard of Hummingbird House, its QLDs only paediatric palliative care facility. Its a home away from home for many families, including mine!... This year, my daughter Lara (with lots of help from her big sister and I) has contributed one of the pictures for the tokens. Our five minutes of fame! haha Wed appreciate your support to help Hummingbird House during this very important fundraising campaign. Keep an eye out for Laras token and THANK YOU for helping to make a difference.
10.01.2022 Sparkle Black vinyl has landed. Oh its so pretty. Ill be updating the website soon to include all the new vinyl options. #mimaki #cutvinyl #siser
10.01.2022 Great Message from our Premier!
09.01.2022 Cutting therapy for Thursday.
09.01.2022 FREEBIE FRIDAY Tag a friend and tell me what you need a reward sticker for doing? Winners will be randomly chosen and you and your tagged friend will both get a set of stickers posted out to you! Don't forget to like the page and share the post! I have 5 sets of FREEBIES to give away. ;-)... As an added bonus ALL planner stickers in the store are HALF PRICE through until Wednesday (that makes them $2.25 per A5 sheet, bargain baby!). Entries close 3pm Wednesday 11/11 and winners will be notified via pm and posted on Insta and FB.
09.01.2022 Custom kiss-cut stickers for @weddingsandeventswarwick Because our stickers are computer cut we can do any shape you like. #boldbadgerdesign #brisbaneprinter #customstickers #mimaki #oracal
08.01.2022 Stampin Up! Fans Ive updated the Website with the new Blends Labels. PLUS sheets of ALL the cardstock colours, including the specialty ones. :-) Find the updated list of Blends labels here ---> Find the sheet of Cardstock names here ----> Original Blends labels here ----> ( a new sheet with *all* the labels will be added soon)
08.01.2022 Heeheehee. I need this. Especially for my windows which are revolting at the moment. I need a fairy!
07.01.2022 Nearly at the very end of the year! For a year that feels like it was a decade long at times, it sure has sped on past! These are Miss 13's lunch box stickers. Still stuck after a whole year of use. If you want to order Back to School Labels I can guarantee the labels will stay stuck (not withstanding a small child picking them off!). They go through the dishwasher and are durable. As a Mum of 4 myself, I know what you need and I've trialled many versions of vinyl to fin...d something that works for us both. So what do you get with a Badger Made back to school label?? Durability Diswasher/microwave stable Longevity - You're not going to be replacing these every few weeks Lots of styles to choose from and if you can't find something your little person loves? Get in touch, I can do custom jobs. :D Order yours here: -
06.01.2022 I had thought i'd escaped the gmail debacle but it appears not! If you have sent a message to the Bold Badger email and I haven't responded, please send again. There appears to have been a few that have disappeared in the ether. Mx
06.01.2022 Hello! Happy Monday! Im back in the office this week and now taking orders again. I do have a few medical appointments this week (thanks Norman!) so wont be in the office every day. For those of you who know me personally, Ive been known to have a bit of a waffle periodically (generally aided by wine!) which is basically all the thoughts in my head sprouted out onto the internet for your pleasure. Ive not had any alcohol this year (sober 2020, thanks Norman!) but I do ...have a bit of a please stay with me! :D Over the last year there have been lots of changes in both my personal life and with work. Lara has required a bit more care and navigation with the accessory of oxygen and I had my tumour diagnosis in January. Normally I dont let any of this effect whats going on with my work and I keep doing all the things. This last couple of months its all catching up and Ive been finding its been a lot harder to keep up with and manage. Think those dreams where the faster you try to run the slower it feels like youre going! I do the best I can however sometimes I make mistakes. Sometimes I struggle to get things out as quick as you are accustomed to and sometimes I forget stuff. Im human. And I am far, far from perfect. What I am very proud of is that over the last 7 years of running this business is that I have mostly accumulated a following of genuine, beautiful people/clients/customers who actually care and are forgiving of my mistakes. You are the people that I want on Team Badger. You are the people I love providing print and design solutions for. So where am I going with this waffle? Well, recently someone said to me that in general customers put orders in and dont actually care about whats going on behind the scenes, they just want what they paid for. And Ive been ruminating on that....and you know what? I dont want that type of transaction. Im not doing this business to earn a bazillionty bucks (hahahahaha soooo not even close!). Im doing this because I have loved creating and making and printing things for people thats good quality, reasonably priced and customised to suit *your* needs. So, Im just going to keep doing that and be thankful to all of you who are still here and who have been patient with me. For those of you who have had to send "gentle" reminders, thank you for being kind and understanding. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thanks for being so awesome.
04.01.2022 New @bettyquette product with Badger made labels. Have you checked out the products? Their face and hand oils are amazing. Reposted from @bettyquette @crushing_on_blush has joined the club...the Tennis Club
04.01.2022 I have a confession....I have over 3000 emails in my inbox that I need to sort and clear.....and thats just my bold badger personal email has...wait for it...nearly double that amount! eeek Whats your best strategy for clearing out the inbox? I feel like my current game plan is potentially not working? Like, it could be better? How many emails in your inbox?
04.01.2022 Will we ever be that carefree again??
03.01.2022 Happy Monday! I just wanted to do a quick message before the day starts bonkers again here. I have some of the most amazing clients. You guys are the best! Its been pretty busy over here at Badger HQ and I just wanted to remind everyone that there is only one me. I do all the things from the answering the emails to the printing, cutting and posting. Most people understand that and Im very grateful. But there is only so much one me can do in a day as im sure you underst...and. We are all navigating a new normal with juggling extra working from home peeps and all the things that come with four kids. I just ask that you keep that in mind. At the moment I feel like im in one of those dreams where the faster you try to run the slower you go. Maybe thats a Norman side effect? Anyway! Happy Monday! Back into it for me and I hope you have a great day. xoxoxoxo
02.01.2022 If you've ordered from the Badger Shop recently and had some mail posted out....chances are it was sporting one of my new "Happy Mail" stickers. Sometimes, you just have add some joy into the world. What do you think? Want something similar for your business? Get in touch and I can help you out. :D... HAPPY FRIDAY!
01.01.2022 Custom acrylic cake topper. These are 15cm round and make a statement on any cake! Prices start from $16. PM to order. And the best thing about this is that you can re-use the topper. Next birthday in the house just get a vinyl sticker to replace after removing the old one. :-) #wining... #boldbadgerdesign #acryliccaketopper #cutvinyl #customcaketopper #caketopper #cake
01.01.2022 Hi guys! Due to an overwhelmingly large list of orders Im temporarily closing for any new orders. If you have a confirmed order with me, its on the list and im working through it. Ill let you know when orders are opening back up. Thanks for your patience. :-*
01.01.2022 My Tom loves making fudge. He's become quite the confectioner and it's most welcome at all family gatherings! As such, I thought i'd make him a label for when he's gifting it. ;-) Oh fudge! It's good! :D Maybe we should start another business??
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