Bold Painting in Rutherglen, Victoria | House painting
Bold Painting
Locality: Rutherglen, Victoria
Phone: +61 499 818 999
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25.01.2022 @iquip_group No bleed with the iquip tape range. Best painters tape #iquipgroup #iquip #iquiptape #straightlines #painterstape #tape #painter #painterslife #boldpainting #repaint #featurewall #newhome #rutherglenpainter
25.01.2022 Timber panelling, taped up ready for feature colour tomorrow @iquip_group #featurewall #timberpanelling #paint #iquipgroup #iquip #painterstape #toolsofthetrade #tradie #painter #paintersofinstagram #newhomes #prep #paintersprep #prepwork #statement #popofcolor #boldpainting
25.01.2022 Some restoration work on these old sash windows. Replacing the old putty, getting them ready for a fresh colour #sashwindows #restoration #painting #houserestoration #renovation #repaint #homerenovation #colourchange #houseexterior #exteriorrepaint #homerepaint #painting #toolsofthetrade #tradiestools #painterstools #painter #housepainting #homepainting #boldpainting
24.01.2022 Through the winter haze.... midway through this @contemphomes job #contemphomes #newhome #wintersday #undersconstruction #painter #housepainter #paintersofinstagram #haymespaint #painting #boldpainting #housefacade #toolsofthetrade #tradie #huoncreek
24.01.2022 @oldfieldsaus Pro Series angle brush is my new favourite, smooth sharp lines and great paint flow. Thanks @paintaccess #oldfields #proseries #angelbrush #paintbrush #painter #painterstools #toolsofthetrade #tradie #newhome #housepainter #boldpainting
24.01.2022 love the new @iquip_group tape machine... making covering floors and windows a lot quicker and easier! #iquipgroup #tapemachine #painter #painterstools #toolsofthetrade #iquip #paintersofinstagram #tradie #prepwork #newhome #boldpainting
23.01.2022 Love our new @iquip_group door stackers #iquipgroup #iquip #doorstackers #doorstacker #iquipgroupdoorstacker #newhome #painter #toolsofthetrade #boldpainting #spraypaint #doors
22.01.2022 Back at @parkerpies prepping their new veranda #parkerpiesrutherglen #prepwork #renovation #commercialrenovation #tradie #painter #repaint #painting #painterstools #toolsofthetrade #fillandsand #boldpainting
22.01.2022 Gotta love apprentices coming up with new inventive ways..... making shitty jobs easier. Good one Em @emilynic.xo #painter #apprenticepainter #apprentice #gapping #newhomes #ladiesofthebrush #repaint #paintersofinstagram #ladytradies #tradiesofinstagram #rutherglenpainter
22.01.2022 Pressure washing this colourbond roof.... Not much colourbond left. Ready for a fresh coat of paint. #roofrestoration #roofrepaint #repaint #colourbond #aussiesummer #harshsummersun #paint #refresh #pressurewashing #painter #painterstools #toolsofthetrade #tradie
22.01.2022 Roof finished in @nutech_paint colourblond cottage green #roofrestoration #roofrepaint #repaint #restoration #painter #paint #colourbond #cottagegreen #nutech #tradie #tradietools #toolfofthetrade #boldpainting
21.01.2022 Midway through the job for @scionwine Sanding back the red gum posts #cellardoor #scionwinery #repaint #renovation #winery #rutherglenwines #rutherglenpainter #boldpainting #aeg #aegpowertools #painter
20.01.2022 Celebrating mans best friend for International dog day.... meet our pooches, Hank and Mia Just a couple of spoilt bulldogs #internationaldogday #doglife #mansbestfriend #pooch #doglove #bulldog #bulldoglife #painter #paintersofinstagram #painterpets #housepaintingservices #housepainter #newhomes #tradie #boldpainting
20.01.2022 Prep work done... Now ready for a freshen up #prep #prepwork #repaint #paintrefresh #reno #renonation #painter #paint #boldpainting #rutherglenpainter
19.01.2022 Making a statement with @haymespaint in the colour Eclipse on the entrance to this beautiful home #haymespaint #haymes #eclipse #home #homeentrance #countryliving #morninglight #frontdoor #homeinspo #painter #boldpainting #rutherglenpainter #countryhome
18.01.2022 @toughbuilt_australia tool bag is good to have all our tools on hand for preparing Thanks @tahls_the_painter for the idea! #toughbuilt #toughbuiltgear #toughbuiltpouches #paintertools #painter #paintersofinstagram #housepainter #toolsofthetrade #toolbelt #tradie #tradietools #newhome #apprenticepainter #boldpainting
18.01.2022 Something different... Alfresco feature ceiling and wall paneling done in Colourbond Wallaby. #alfresco #alfrecoliving #newhome #nickmeyerbuilders #painting #painter #colourbondwallaby #tradie #featurepanels #tooldofthetrade
18.01.2022 Making life easier...Loving the stilts! No more up and down step ladders #stilts #painterstilts #standingtall #makinglifeeasier #painter #cuttingin #haymespaint #newhome #repaint #featurewall #rutherglenpainter #boldpainting
18.01.2022 Doors sprayed in @haymespaint High gloss enamel.... @contemphomes #haymespaint #highglossenamel #highglosspaint #doors #newhome #repaint #contemphomes #home #painter #painting #housepainters #housepainting #iquipgroup #doorstackers #goindustrial #boldpainting
16.01.2022 Nothing like a nice cold one after a long hot day @caffeine_n_machine #gingerbeer #painter #paintersofinstagram #longday #beer #harleydavidson #rutherglen #supportlocal #summervibes
16.01.2022 Finishing of the Renovations @joneswinery today #haymespaint #renovations #reno #kitchenrenovation #rutherglen #rutherglenwineregion #joneswinery #paint #painter #roller #boldpainting
16.01.2022 Undercoat underway. Perfect day for spraying the roof. #summervibes #roofrestoration #paintersofinstagram #rutherglenpainter #murryriver #spraying #lovewhatyoudo #painting #perfectday #sunsout @nutech_paint
15.01.2022 Flash back to our last job of 2020. The renovation works @parkerpies coming to an end. Black ceilings for their new outdoor area. #parkerpies #renovation #revamp #repaint #blackceiling #reno #painter #painting #endof2020 ... #lastjoboftheyear #painterstools #summerholidays #tradie #toolsofthetrade #paintersaustralia #boldpainting See more
15.01.2022 House Facade Refresh #newhome #lovewhereyoulive #housefacade #colourscheme #colourchange #frontdoordecor #painter #housepainter #boldpainting #haymessolarshield #haymespaint
15.01.2022 Cracking day Making the most of it!! Shane up on the scaffolding today, axon cladding in Wallaby and eaves white #painting #newhome #toolsofthetrade #painter #paintersofinstagram #haymespaint #tradie #scaffolding #eaves #springday #boldpainting #tradiestoolbox
14.01.2022 Spraying the woodwork today
13.01.2022 Spraying @caffeine_n_machine today. Cant wait to check out the finish product of this AWESOME new cafe in Rutherglen! #caffinenmachine #rutherglencafe #newproject #watchthisspace #gracopaintsprayers #graco #duluxpaint #duluxwashandwear #painter #toolsofthetrade #commercialpainting #boldpainting
13.01.2022 Cant wait to use these bad boys on our next job... check out our new @iquip_group door stackers! #doorstackers #iquip #productivity #makingthejobeasier #timesaver #painter #newhome #repaint #housepainting #rutherglenpainter #boldpainting
12.01.2022 Feature wall underway @gracopaintsprayers @graco_crew @haymespaint #gracopaintsprayers #graco #gracospraygun #haymespaint #spraypainting #featurewall #newhome #livingroomfeaturewall #tradie #toolsofthetrade #painter #paint #profesionalpainters #boldpainting #paintersaustralia
12.01.2022 FEATURE WALL @iquip_group @gracopaintsprayers @haymespaint #graco #gracosprayer #gracopaintsprayers #iquip #iquipgroup #paintertape #cleanlines #haymespaint #blackfeaturewall #featurewall #paint #painter #housepainting #toolsofthetrade #tradie #painterstools #newhome #profesionalpainters #boldpainting
12.01.2022 So satisfying.... peeling off the @iquip_group tape to reveal that straight line. No bleeds here. #iquipgroup #iquip #iquiptape #besttape #painterstape #straightlines #painter #newhome #featurewall #haymespaint #eclipse #boldpainting #rutherglenpainter
11.01.2022 Emily our first year apprentice spraying with the new graco contractor gun. #gracopaintsprayers #gracoaustralia #graco #goindustrial #haymespaint #iquip #doorstackers #firstyearapprentice #apprentice #painter #housepainting #newhome #boldpainting
10.01.2022 Another delivery today from @directpaintau Featuring @oldfieldsaus @gracopaintsprayers @rokset_industries #toolsofthetrade #painter #tradietools #tradie #housepainter #newtools #newhome #homerenovations #rutherglenpainter #boldpainting
10.01.2022 JOIN OUR TEAM We are looking for Reliable, Hard working, Qualified Painters or Second or Third year Apprentice to join our team. Located in Rutherglen, Victoria.... Servicing Albury, Wodonga, Wangaratta and everything in between. ... Cam 0499 818 999 [email protected] #painter #tradie #rutherglenpainter #housepainter #renovation #qualifiedpainter #apprenticepainter #newhome #tradielife #paintersofinstagram #alburypainter #wodongapainter #wangarattapainter #joinourteam #team #teamwork #northeastvictoria
08.01.2022 @makitaaustralia heat gun, making light work of the stickers #makitatools #heatgun #stickerremoval #paintprep #tradie #tradiestoolbox #tradietools #painter #paintersaustralia #newhome #door #toolsofthetrade #boldpainting #paintersofinstagram
06.01.2022 That a boy Shane, nothing better than painting where cant see or reach #qualityemployees #tightsqueeze #tightspaces #hardtoreach #newhomes #painter #painterlife #rutherglenpainter #lewisdicksonhomes #boldpainting
06.01.2022 More of the recent completed outdoor restoration... deck freshly stained using @haymespaint dexpress #readyforsummer #deck #outdoor #outdoorliving #outdoorrestoration #restoration #repaint #paint #painter #tradie #tradiestools #toolsofthetrade #haymespaint #haymes #dexpress #decking #deckrestoration
06.01.2022 Feature colour in Kids Retreat and Feature Walls completed in the @contemphomes #contemphomes #newhome #kidsretreat #featurewall #stepney #haymespaint #painter #paintersofinstagram #boldpainting #huoncreek @ Huon Creek
06.01.2022 Carport beams freshly sprayed in Colourbond Dune, to blend in with the rest of the exterior. #carport #exterior #exteriorpainting #repaint #summerready #exteriordesign #painter #painterstools #tradie #toolsofthetrade #paint #dune #duluxaustralia #duluxaus #dulux #graco #gracopaintsprayers #spraygun
05.01.2022 3 buckets into 1. Making life easier for spraying larger areas. #painter #painterstools #gracopaintsprayers #tradesman #roofpainting #summervibes @gracopaintsprayers @nutech_paint
04.01.2022 Defect Day..... Not sure this is a painting defect #painterlife #painter #newhome #defectday #housepainting #notadefect
04.01.2022 Merry Christmas Wishing everyone a great Christmas and even better new year... let’s hope 2021 is a lot more positive for everyone. #christmas2020 #merrychristmas #christmas2020 #tradie #tradiechristmas #christmasbreak #holidays #summer2020 #summervibes #painter
04.01.2022 Its been a wet week, undercover work is scarce. Eaves and weatherboards dry.... Apprentice wet #wetweather #wetweatherwork #tradielife #tradie #painter #apprentice #apprenticepainter #newhomes #paintersofinstagram #outsidework #prep #weatherboard #painterpreparation #contempthomes #haymespaint #unipro #gapgun #boldpainting
03.01.2022 Another delivery of goodies from the guys @paintaccess Cant wait to try out the oldfields pro series range. #oldfields #paintaccess #brushes #paintscraper #unipro #gapgun #sanders #delivery #newtools #toolsofthetrade #painter #newhome #housepainter #boldpainting
03.01.2022 Feature wall #featurewall #painting #masterbedroom #repaint #haymespaint #eclipse #adairs #bedroomdecor #newhome #decor #painter #rutherglenpainter #boldpainting
03.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS Emily... on becoming 2nd year apprentice this week Rugged up and masked up on the job today #maskon #covidsafety #winter #freezing #coldonetoday #painter #apprenticepainter #secondyearapprentice #newhome #repaint #painting #housepainting #tradielife #ladytradies #tradeswomen #ladytrady #boldpainting
03.01.2022 Roof washed and ready for paint @nutech_paint #roofrestoration #roofpaint #roofpainting #colourbond #tradie #repaint #painting #painter #toolsofthetrade #painterstools #graco #gracopaintsprayers
02.01.2022 @scionwine renovations of their cellar door are looking the goods! Featuring @haymespaint Greyology 1
01.01.2022 Another day spraying some doors... Featuring Ash as the apprentice for the day #iquip #iquipgroup #iquipgroupdoorstacker #doorstackers #haymespaint #painter #toolsofthetrade #painterstools #tradie #labourer #apprenticepainter #bringyourwifetoworkday #boldpainting #newhome #newhomeconstruction
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