Bond Pirates Buccaneers Over 35's | Sports team
Bond Pirates Buccaneers Over 35's
Phone: +61 419 094 496
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25.01.2022 Sherro update 13: From Sarah Sherrington HE’S ALIVE!!!!! Woo Hoo... Best News Ever!!!!! ... Completely off the ventilator... breathing independently, learning to drink, eat & walk again!!! Definitely on the last leg of the triathon!!!
21.01.2022 Fellas We'll give the Grafton trip a miss, and put the golf day back to September. We have got a game lined up with the bodgies on Friday night 27/7 kickoff 6.30pm. Macca hopes to have 15 bodgies, so we're looking at 15 a side full field. But played in the same spirit that we do down south. Then beers and BBQ on the deck.... It's right after junior training, so there will be a cast of thousands to watch their dads/coaches how not to do it. Its a good opportunity to see if these new jerseys can improve our rugby skills. Hope to have a good turn out. See more
20.01.2022 PIRATES/BUCCANEERS We need you this Saturday. The boys are playing Palm Beach at home. The team is looking the best its looked all year All the support we can get will be much appreciated.... KICK OFF 4PM KICK OFF 4PM See more
20.01.2022 SENIOR PRESENTATION NIGHT Sat 08 Sep 7pm Burleigh Golf Club $40 pp inc food Refreshments available... Girlfriends, Wives, Partners invited See more
19.01.2022 Sherro Update 4: From Sarah Sherrington Great news!!!! He’s opened his eyes and started looking around!! Must have been my beautiful rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody last night I’m sure he loved that, either that or it was torture ... Not quite fully back on line yet but hopefully will be completely awake by tomorrow just in time for Australia Day Very patriotic And No, he hasn’t had a post trauma mid life crisis and moved on to Christina Aguilera... just looking forward to seeing that cheeky grin again!
15.01.2022 Buccaneers Game this Friday night with bodgies and Gorilllas after junior training 7pm kickoff. Then Sat night preso night with the seniors. Everyone involved with the Buccs is invited to join.
14.01.2022 Sherro update 3: From Sarah Sherrington This man is seriously giving me so many grey hairs... I honestly think he is too terrified to wake up now and face my wrath! (Which I will very lovingly deliver of course ) ... So he now has a tracheostomy which apparently is commonly used in ICU and mostly for his comfort . He no longer has an awful big tube down his throat which is great and nicer to wake up too, but naturally the procedure was more complicated than originally planned and took three times as long because this is Sherro we are talking about. The poor Doctor came out looking ready to have a heart attack himself and said he was a little anxious working on Dave because he seems to have so many friends! The pneumonia is still a bit of a challenge because of course he is intolerant to penicillin (seriously!never was a problem before) but the Doctors have changed antibiotics and are hopeful to get on top of that within the next few days. There are a few other small complications which are nothing major but are just delaying healing process and therefore ability to wake him out of the coma safely. Fingers crossed, all going well, they will attempt to wake him maybe early next week. As always, I’ll keep everyone posted. Keep praying, chanting, channeling, vibing, screaming or whatever you are doing and we’ll get him through. Yet again, I would like to express so much thanks and gratefulness for all the support.
14.01.2022 Sherro Update 1: We’ve had a bit of roller coaster of a ride this week, was hoping my biggest child would be out of induced coma and off life support on Friday but unfortunately he has developed pneumonia in both lungs. All things considered, it’s not the worst news! The amazing medical team in the ICU are taking very good care of him and just need to wait for a response to treatment before taking further steps on our uphill journey ... I’ll update as soon as anything changes, but for now he is in the best place he can be and I have every confidence in the specialists to get him through this curveball, just a longer road to recovery than expected, but we will get there one day at a time... Thank you all for the beautiful comments and offers of support we have received, it has been truly heartwarming! Thanks Sarah Sherrington
13.01.2022 Sherro Update 7: From Sarah Sherrington I know... such a dorky matchie-matchie photo, but it was a themed night in Fiji for his birthday ... So the big fella is still taking small steps towards recovery. It’s painstakingly slow but every day there are subtle improvements. Still on life support ventilator and pneumonia remains a problem, however other little issues are beginning to resolve. Definitely more response and recognition evident... so far I’ve managed to convince him we need new dining chairs and that I should take his credit card and go do some retail therapy, apparently it’s a no to a new lounge Hoping to bring the boys in to see him tomorrow after 2 weeks of no visits. that is the longest they’ve ever gone without seeing him and they’re missing the big presence of their loud and crazy dad... wish me luck
13.01.2022 Sherro Update 8: From Sarah Sherrington Bit of reality photo this time... to say the visit on Friday to see Dad was a complete disaster would be an understatement! Extremely traumatized boys, struggling to their big, indestructible dad like this. ... However, today was a much better visit as we went in to celebrate my birthday and got to take Dave out on the balcony in the fresh air for the first time on a portable life support machine. Was just like being on a mini vacation! Hardest part of the day was trying to distract him from watching us eat the cake as he’s still tube feeding! Specialists are hoping pneumonia will improve over the weekend and he may even be off the ventilator and learning to walk again by the end of next week.
12.01.2022 Hi All Buccaneers, We will be placing an order in the next week !!!!!!!!!!! If you are interested in purchasing your own playing jumper with you name and number ( or letter ) on it please Email or Text me. [email protected] 0419 094 496 We Need... Name on the back. Jumper Size .. Number .. Short Size... You will get a jumper shorts and Socks for $ 70.00 Name Jumper name Number Size Shorts Jeff H JEFF 5 XL 36 Regan REEGS 10 L 92 Shane GREENY 9 M 32 Steve M BREAKER 1 5XL Dave S SHERRO 21 3XL 36 Jamie B JAMIE 2 XL 36 Andrew Kyle W KYLE 8 XL 38 Mick N Luke D DOLLY 6 L 34 Mark B BUNKER 11 L 32 Peter S PETE 0.7 XL 32 Chay K SURNAME 18 L 32 Randell STRAWB 3 XL 34 Brendan SPARKSY 15 XL 32 Dean DISCO 23 4XL 42 Ben C CHAPPY 27 XL 36 William WILL 42 2XL 34 Danny BODGIE 30 L 34 Stuart COWAN 7 XL 36 Thanks Jeff Hide
12.01.2022 Hi all Buccaneers Today the seniors are playing at home against Helensvale at 3:15 Great to have lots of supporters there... I will have the new Buccaneers’s jumpers there to be picked up and payed for if you haven’t already got yours If you have any problem with size please bring your jumper or shorts today as I am seeing the rep on Monday Don’t forget we are playing the Burleigh Bodgies next Friday night 6:30 ko Thanks Jamie / Jeff
11.01.2022 Sherro update 10: Sadly we are starting to get comfortable in the ICU and treating the place like home and watching TV together as a family... Yes, Jake is even wearing a QLD Maroons cooking apron! Unfortunately we have had a bit of a setback, but nothing to be alarmed about. Some new and wonderful infection, leading to temps and high heart rate so he is unable to have ventilator free time for now. Left lung still has pneumonia and showing signs of partial collapse. Special...ists think this may set us back by 2 weeks but reassure me it is to be expected in the ICU environment. He’s getting very frustrated now that cognitive functions are back on line but occasionally he get confused and uses his terrible charade signing skills for visitors to take him home, so don’t freak out if you drop by to see him! All in all, hit a bump but still on track!
09.01.2022 Sherro Update 9: From Sarah Things are starting to look very good! Infection beginning to clear, having some short blocks of time off the ventilator to exercise lungs, just getting frustrating now as he can’t talk or walk... basically Dave’s own private hell ... Starting to see some humour creeping back in every now and then. We’ve realised he’s crap at charades (who would have thought that was an essential life skill? ) but is awesome at flipping people off and rolling his eyes out loud! Getting there thankfully
06.01.2022 Sherro update 12: From Sarah Sherrington So just got the shock of my life...... PHONE RINGS Me: Hello Sarah speaking... Rough loud male voice: Hi honey, it me... I have a talking valve in, this is the lowest volume setting they have it on! ....Nearly fell off my chair Me: OMG! That’s amazing! How long will that stay in? Dave: Depends on my stress levels, but I’m pretty pissed right now. Me: OK... well let’s focus on the positives then so you can recover faster and we’ll deal with the anger later, maybe I can bring in some relaxtion or meditations? ....Radio silence... Me: Dave? Hello? You there? Nurse: Ummm....He just rolled his eyeballs and handed me the phone... Dave’s back!!! Man I have a fight on my hands but at least he’s being naughty, I think that’s a good sign! Seems to be turning a corner, just need to keep him relaxed! Suggestions???
06.01.2022 Sherro Update 14: From Sarah All on the up and up.... Finally out of ICU!!! ... Now on the normal ward and recovering, requires lots of rehabilitation at the moment and chomping at the bit to get out of hospital! He’s may still be slightly off his chops and my goodness he can talk He’s still trying to convince visitors to take him home... stand firm people, just say no! Definitely looking forward to that, will let you all know when that day comes. Until then, thank you to everyone for all your well wishes, kind words and for sharing this crazy journey with us. Almost there!
06.01.2022 Sherro Update No.11 From Sarah What can I say... never thought I’d be here updating after a whole month in the ICU! Still really can’t wrap my mind around it to be honest and feel like my world is imploding a wee bit! ... Had another bit of a heart stopper yesterday with more emergency surgery. Scans were indicating a ruptured gall bladder but once in they could clearly see it was an old problem and the shadows which looked like a massive infection was actually old scar tissue encasing the rupture, basically meaning his body had healed itself... quite amazing really when you think about it! So the good news is that is all ok, but the disappointment is that specialists were hoping it would explain infection and temps. Now waiting on more blood cultures to find out what else might be causing these symptoms, left lung remains collapsed and pneumonia not shifting, back on life support ventilator full time at the moment... such is the journey in the ICU! Anyway... one day at a time, positive thinking and all that Jazz! Will keep updating as things progress.
04.01.2022 Buccaneers Game this Friday night with the bodgies will also include Palmbeach. We'll do 3 x 20 mins round robin. 6.30 kickoff. Touch still on Thurs 6.30. Dates to remember 11 August Old boys day home game against Eagles 18 August Buccaneers mini fest 8 September Senior Presentation night we want to have a buccs table... 15 September Grand final day at the club. We're running a can bar on the other side of the field plus gate keeping, BBQ Cleanup etc, so many hands required that day See more
03.01.2022 Buccaneers Mini Festival Tomorrow Pizzey Park Miami 2:00 first game $30 food and drink ... 10 aside 1/2 field 20 minute games All black v Aus on after Thanks
02.01.2022 Sherro Update 6: From Sarah Sherrington I’ve had a few worried calls so though I’d best update again. Big Chief Dave is slowly on the mend He’s now moving his limbs a lot more and wiggling around... actually he’s driving the nurses bonkers as he keeps trying to get out of the bed with all the tubes and cables still attached to him! He’s also nodding and shaking his head to communicate what he needs and fine motor skills beginning to operate. He even managed to giggle at my... cousin’s joke today, so he still has a sense of humor! Unfortunately (I think ) he is not able to talk as the tracheostomy remains in his throat because he’s still reliant on the life support ventilator to assist his breathing until the pneumonia is under control. Feel like a broken record but we do have a long way to go running this marathon. Will let everyone know if there are any major changes. Thanks for all the love guys the messages will be good diversionary therapy for the big lug once he can sit up and read again, which should be very soon
02.01.2022 Hi all Pirates Buccaneers We are hosting the Gold Coast Rugby grand finale this Saturday at the ship from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm We need all hands on deck The Buccaneers are running a bar and BBQ on the opposite side of the field to the club house... We will need all the help we can get Please come down for an hour or two See Jamie or Jeff See more
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