Bonython Primary School | Education
Bonython Primary School
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25.01.2022 HOW ARE WE REPRESENTING THE LEARNING ASSETS? Earlier this term we asked for feedback from students, staff and the community about the representation of the Learning Assets and GIDES through symbols. This feedback was collated and this week we will be revealing the symbols that will be used to represent the learning assets at Bonython. Today’s symbol is: Self-manager... What is a self-manager? A self-manager is being on task and ignoring distractions - Darvin (5/6W) A self-manager is when you be kind, help people when they are sad and help when they are stuck on their work - Gabi (3/4C) A self-manager always listens when someone is speaking and doesn’t talk over the top of others. They also sit properly on the floor - Brody E (1/2M) A self-manager listens to instructions and does whole body listening - Hailey (1/2S) The 'Learning Assets' is language shared with us by our educational consultant Kath Murdoch. #bpsinquiry #learningwithpurposeandpassion
25.01.2022 WHO VISITED OUR SCHOOL TODAY? Today we welcomed our Director General Katy Haire to our school. Katy did a walkthrough the school with Mr Terrell and learnt about our students and educators.... She was really impressed with the school philosophy and how that transferred to the classrooms. Students across the school were naturally curious about our visitor and asked her many questions.
24.01.2022 WHAT IS NEWS AT BONYTHON THIS WEEK? Welcome to week 10. A couple of short messages from Mr Terrell as well as a conversation with Miss Wootten and Mr Wansink about the importance of play and the role it has in learning.
24.01.2022 HOW IS OUR COMMUNITY SUPPORTING THE NAMADGI MARKET DAY? We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Irving family for their very kind and generous donation of prizes for the Namadgi Market Day. The donation includes smaller prizes that will be used at the prize table and multiple gift cards for Limelight, the movies, EB Games and Smiggles. A reminder that notes for the purchase of tokens and the special lunch on the Namadgi Market Day are due back to school next Tuesday 15th Sep...tember. Spare copies of this note can be collected from the front office or by accessing the school website. #bonps
23.01.2022 HOW ARE WE GROWING THE TEACHING PROFESSION? A great strength of our great school is our affiliation with the University of Canberra. Our Deputy Principal (UC Affiliate Schools) Mr Warwick enjoyed reflecting with our first year preservice teachers this afternoon to end the term and their placement.... We sincerely thank our preservice teachers and wish them well for their future. #bpsinquiry ACT Public Schools University of Canberra #preserviceteachers #initialteachereducation AITSL
23.01.2022 WHO WAS TODAY’S MYSTERY READER? Today’s Mystery Reader was Musa from the Brindabella unit. Beautifully read and we always love it when our students self nominate for Mystery Reader.
21.01.2022 COMING SOON! We are in the process of developing signage for our GIDES and Learning Assets for our outdoor spaces. Anticipating this will be ready during term 4.... Watch this space!
21.01.2022 WHAT DID OUR LAST HOUSE GROUPS AFTERNOON FOR THE TERM LOOK LIKE? Yesterday was our last House Group afternoon for the term. Students engaged in a wide range of experiences and have the opportunity work with students from Kindy to Year 6. Lots of fun was had by all! Feedback with now be gathered from students and staff about what House Group sessions will look like in Term 4.
20.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT Please find some advertisement from Holiday Happening and a way to keep up to date with their online app.
20.01.2022 I WONDER WHAT PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS ARE? Brindabella students have been inquiring into the three states of matter.
19.01.2022 SHOUT OUT Thank you to our staff who keep on eye out for new books and manage the operations of our library. We are committed to the purchase of high quality books and significant money has been spent on new titles this year.... Although a small space it is full of great books. If you have borrowed anything from the library it is now time to return.
19.01.2022 WHAT IS NEWS AT BONYTHON THIS WEEK? This week Mr Terrell talks about some recent and upcoming events and showcases two projects that are happening around the school.
19.01.2022 HOW CAN WE ENGAGE AN EXPERT? The Tidbinbilla Art Enrichment Group participated in a workshop this morning, run by Aboriginal woman Ronnie Jordan. Ronnie showed us some live-action videos from the Tjanpi Desert Weavers before teaching us how to make our own sculptures out of hay, string and wool. These sculptures will be made into native Australian animals and will be a feature in the outdoor space at the back of Tidbinbilla.
18.01.2022 HOW ARE WE REPRESENTING THE GIDES? Earlier this term we asked for feedback from students, staff and the community about the representation of the Learning Assets and GIDES through symbols. This feedback was collated and this week we will be revealing the symbols that will be used to represent the GIDES at Bonython. Today’s symbol is: Self-management... What is self-management? Self-management is about doing the right thing, ignoring distractions and getting your learning done - Jackson (5/6C) Self-management is where you manage your learning, your feelings and your actions - Kenzie (3/4T) Self-management is listening to the teacher and managing yourself - Liam (1/2B) Self-management is about following instructions and helping other people - Ruby (1/2WO) #bpsinquiry #learningwithpurposeandpassion
17.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT... #bonps Bonython Primary Parents and Citizens Association
17.01.2022 HOW CAN WE CELEBRATE THE TERM? This afternoon the Bonython staff had an afternoon tea to reflect on the achievements for this term. We are proud of our great school and gave each other feedback on our work and learning. We do this to celebrate milestones and to strive to even get better.... Thank you to Coy at Cake Lovers for this fantastic cake. It was delicious!! We would love our community to give a shout out to their child/ren’s teachers to celebrate the end of another successful term
16.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT #bonps Bonython Primary Parents and Citizens Association Holiday Happenings
16.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT: PEDAL POWER HOLIDAY COURSES The Big Skills for Small Bikes, on during the school holidays, is targeted for children aged 3 to 8 years. Parents/carers must actively participate and children must bring their own balance or pedal bike and Australian standards helmet. Participating adults do not need bikes. The course runs for five days from Monday 28 Sept to Friday 2 October, with two session times: 9:15 am to 10:00 am and 10:15 am to 11:00 am. There are ...two course locations: Basketball Courts at Lyneham High School and Basketball Courts at Namadgi School (Kambah). Full details are available via #bonps Bonython Primary Parents and Citizens Association
16.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT #bonps Bonython Primary Parents and Citizens Association Lanyon Little Athletics
14.01.2022 WHAT CAN YOU CREATE WITH A STAMP? In the Art Space our Tidbinbilla students have been upcycling old stamps and creating robots. They look terrific! #BPSInquiry
14.01.2022 WHAT'S HAPPENING THIS WEEK? Week 10 | Term 3 | 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** If your child is sick, don't bring them to school ***...Continue reading
14.01.2022 WHO WAS TODAY’S MYSTERY READER? Today’s Mystery Reader was Lily-May from the Namadgi unit. Lily-May read the lovely book, ‘Pee Wee The Lonely Kiwi’... Three more Mystery Readers for the year. Who will they be?
13.01.2022 WHAT PRIZES ARE ON OFFER AT THE NAMADGI MARKET DAY THIS FRIDAY? Our 5/6 students are excitedly entering the last stages of preparing for the Namadgi Market Day on Friday. Notes for the purchase of tokens and special lunch on the day are due tomorrow. We’d like to acknowledge the Vrins family for kindly donating 8 double passes for entry to Cockington Green. ... Every $5 and $1 token purchased goes into the draw for some amazing raffle prizes. We’d like to thank again Questacon, the National Dinosaur Museum, iPlay and the Irving family for their generous donations towards this event
13.01.2022 WHAT'S HAPPENING THIS WEEK? Week 9 | Term 3 | 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** If your child is sick, don't bring them to school ***...Continue reading
13.01.2022 WHAT’S NEW IN OUR LIBRARY? This week in our library, we have put the spotlight on graphic novels. Fact: graphic novels can help foster a love of reading!
12.01.2022 WHO WAS TODAY’S MYSTERY READER? Today’s Mystery Reader was Evie from Tidbinbilla. Evie read the book ‘Dont Call Me Bear!’... A common comment as we made our way through the classrooms was how great Evie read the book and really considering her audience. Evie was able to trick her brother who had no idea is was her!
11.01.2022 HOW MUCH MONEY WAS RAISED AT THE NAMADGI MARKET DAY? Congratulations Namadgi you have raised over $4000 today that will go towards year 6 end of year celebrations. Students right across the school had a great time today. The activities were of a high quality and well thought through.... We are proud of our Namadgi students for their creative thinking, collaboration and self management skills which made today so successful. A big shout out to our Namadgi teachers who ably supported the purchases of resources, approached business for prizes and organised food for the students lunch.
11.01.2022 HOW DO WE FAREWELL A SPECIAL EDUCATOR? After 11 months away from Bonython Primary Robyn Kiddy’s impact on our school community was certainly shown on the faces of our students. We had smiles, hugs and tears for Mrs Kiddy. It was a lovely assembly with some great speeches.... Mrs Kiddy visited classrooms after the assembly. Thank you Mrs Kiddy for all you have done for our school community.
10.01.2022 HOW CAN WE LEARN MORE ABOUT INDIGENOUS ARTEFACTS AND CULTURE? As part of their shared inquiry, Tidbinbilla students learnt about historical artefacts and went on an an archeological dig themselves. The students had a great time and were ably led by Dr Sophie Collins from Cultural Heritage Australia.
10.01.2022 HOW ARE WE GROWING LEADERS? This morning we held our final Bonython Aspiring Leaders Initiative (BALI) session for enrolled staff for 2020. We started with writing individual letters to ourselves around accomplishments + dreams, to be opened this time next year, as part of our leadership journeys.... Growing people in the organisation is a key priority of our great school. #empoweredlearningprofessionals #bpsinquiry #learningwithpurposeandpassion ACT Public Schools
10.01.2022 WHO ARE THE EXPERTS IN OUR COMMUNITY? A huge thank you to Jeff Vrins from Stainless and Co for creating this wheel for Mrs Edwards classroom. You would remember that Jeff previously made a wheel for the Namadgi Market Day.... Mrs Edwards will use this resource during her literacy and numeracy inquiries with her kindergarten students.
09.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT Free counselling service from parent line.
09.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT Today we practiced our lockdown procedures. We do this regularly in case of a real emergency situation. Regards... Greg Terrell
09.01.2022 WHO WAS TODAY’S MYSTERY READER? Thank you to Dr Stephanie Smith from the Museum of Australian Democracy (MOAD) at Old Parliament House who read the book ‘Sunday Chutney’ Steph and Fiona also visited to find out more about our school and discuss how we can work in the future on student voice and learner empowerment.
09.01.2022 HOW DO WE TEST FOR WATER QUALITY? Last Friday the STEM Enrichment group spent some time at Pine Island conducting a macroinvertabrate and water quality survey.
08.01.2022 HOW CAN WE LEARN MORE ABOUT MAKING HEALTH CHOICES? A big thank you to Fresh Tastes for our prize of a range of resources to support inquiries into health eating and food choices. #bpsinquiry
07.01.2022 WHAT DO YOU THINK EACH OF THESE ARTEFACTS WOULD HAVE BEEN USED FOR? Come and record your thinking on Padlet.
06.01.2022 A FAREWELL MESSAGE FROM MRS KIDDY Much loved staff member at Bonython Primary, Mrs Robyn Kiddy has recorded a farewell message for our community. Robyn has won a promotion as Deputy Principal at Narrabundah Early Childhood School.... We hope to invite Robyn in for a special assembly once COVID restrictions are eased.
05.01.2022 HOW CAN WE COLLABORATE AS A SCHOOL? This morning our four house groups come together for an activities session. Students had a great time collaborating together as a team. House groups again were very well led by our Namadgi students. Thank you to our organising teachers, Marissa Owens, Emily Howland, Ben White and Simon Wansink.... A lot of fun, team work and sportsmanship was demonstrated by all.
04.01.2022 WHO ATTENDED TODAY’S PRINCIPALS LUNCH? Congratulations to these great citizens of our Bonython community. Mr Terrell enjoyed having lunch with you. The fish and chips was yummy. As was the fruit salad!
04.01.2022 WHAT'S HAPPENING NEXT WEEK? Week 8 | Term 4 | 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** If your child is sick, please do not bring them to school ***...Continue reading
04.01.2022 WHAT’S NEW IN OUR PRESCHOOL? Check out the motorboat the boys have built out of loose parts. We have started to incorporate loose parts play into our preschool program. It has been wonderful to watch the curiosity, wonder, imagination and new friendship for due to common interests.... We are excited about continuing to build our loose parts resources and are developing a space on the primary playground. 3-4 Wansink and preschool are collaborating on this inquiry in readiness to develop the loose parts playground on the primary site. More information will come out to families in term 4.
04.01.2022 WHAT IS NEWS THIS WEEK AT BONYTHON? A couple of important messages from Mr Terrell, we find out about Namadgi Market Day and Judy Wolfe talks about the role of the learning coach.
03.01.2022 WHAT'S HAPPENING NEXT WEEK? Week 7 | Term 4 | 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** If your child is sick, please do not bring them to school ***...Continue reading
02.01.2022 FAMILIES OF YEAR 6 BAND STUDENTS Tomorrow afternoon the Year 6 band will be hosting a culminating performance at Bonython in the hall. Families of our band students are invited to come along! Information was sent out via SeeSaw last week. Tuesday 1 December 2020... Where: Hall When: 230pm If you plan on attending you MUST RSVP via the google form link below. No more than two persons per household can attend and no students from other schools. Please contact Miriam Wallace if you have any questions: [email protected]
01.01.2022 HOW CAN WE HAVE IMPACT IN OUR COMMUNITY? As part of their iTime project Hayley and Sophie are supporting Murrumbidgee students with reading and writing. Today they were collecting some data to support student next steps.
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