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Bookend Trust in Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Bookend Trust

Locality: Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia

Address: c/- UTAS and the Pennicott Foundation 7005 Sandy Bay, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 Herennia multipuncta Commonly known as the ornamental tree trunk spider,is a species of spider in the family Araneidae native to Asia. It exhibits sexual dimorp...hism, the female being much larger than the male. It weaves a small web on the trunk of a tree or the wall of a building and is well camouflaged by its dappled colouration. Bangalore September 2020

23.01.2022 A Ruddy Turnstone at work, turning over seaweed to find insects that shelter underneath. Marion Bay yesterday

23.01.2022 macrothopy Photographer : @nasikabatrachus Fan-throated Lizard (Sitana marudhamneydhal)

23.01.2022 I think I had too much to drink

23.01.2022 It's a Bolas Spider, which hunt by spinning and throwing a sticky drop of silk on the end of a line.

22.01.2022 Araña saltarina (Salticidae) con su cena. Jumping spider (Salticidae) with its dinner.

22.01.2022 AWESTRUCK MORNING Near the crack of dawn, BIG auroras reflect off of a lake near Salcha, Alaska on September 28, 2020 at 5:30 am while I stand real still, truly... awestruck. This was one of those nicely balanced moments when aesthetically pleasing (read happy) clouds melded with a huge arcing aurora rising in the east. The purple tint was hard to see but no doubt it was there. Credit is due to resonance scattering, when dawn’s early sunlight strikes aurora photons and turbo boosts (ionizes) them into the magenta color spectrum. The magnitude of the aurora really blew me away and was a great way to end night #5 of the aurora hunt. See more

22.01.2022 Grammostola rosea Spinning her silk....

22.01.2022 Every mushroom knows its time ... It seems like this spring has been particularly conducive to ghost mushrooms (Omphalotus nidiformis) - or is it just because ...more people are out looking for them? The proverb "All mushrooms are edible; but some only once" also applies to these bioluminescent fungi. This is a 6-shot focus-stacked image. . . . Discover Tasmania Hobart & Beyond ABC Hobart ABC Australia The Mercury Newspaper Canon Australia Hit100.9 Hobart #ghostmushroom #ghostfungus #fungus #bioluminescent #omphalotusnidiformis #hobart #tasmania #bushwalking #hiking #adventure #nightphotography #naturephotography #longexposure #longexposurephotography #canon50mm14 #focusstacking #fungi #mushrooms #abcmyphoto #abcmyphotos See more

22.01.2022 You can never have enough pink robin photos!

22.01.2022 A Spitting Spider after rapid-firing a stream of venom-laced silk to bind the fly to the stick, is now closing in for the kill. Dictis striatipes, Kuranda, FNQ.

21.01.2022 Science and education lost a legend this year with the passing of Prof. Norman Platnick. Norm and other global spider experts donated their time to SIXTEEN LEGS to provide insights into spiders, research and careers around the world, and Norm delivers one of our favourite lines in the whole film. Our interviewees talked at length, but only snippets of this wisdom, insight and humour could make the final cut. Please help our fundraiser put all of their interview material together into a special online archive for students, researchers and enthusiasts. We're 86% of the way there, and you can help us cross that line! #SixteenLegs Neil Gaiman

21.01.2022 You can't help but smile at this wombat Mum and her very mischievous youngster, who is really finding its feet and trying Mum's patience! We're always being tol...d that animals don't play except to build up adult survival skills - but this just looks like fun to me. You can judge for yourselves . #taswildlife #bigburrowtasmania #wombats #animals #Huonvalley See more

20.01.2022 Just thought I'd share the rain drop spider web

20.01.2022 Welcome Swallow at Lake Dulverton

19.01.2022 Satin Bowerbird - its glossy black coat shining an amazing blue, matching the collection at his bower. His mate was too shy to be photographed.

19.01.2022 The moment I pressed the shutter button they parted company and went their separate ways. Red-bellied black snakes.

18.01.2022 Membracis Mexicana

17.01.2022 As Black Friday gives way to Giving Tuesday, help us teach students about the weird animals in Australia's deepest caves! We're already 90% of the way there thanks to all our fantastic backers, from individual supporters through to school pack and exhibition sponsors including Koala, the Northern Caverneers, Wellington Caves, and Caledonian Conservation. Thank you to everyone so far and please help get us across the line! #GivingTuesday #GivingTuesday2020 #GivingTuesdayAus #SixteenLegs #NeilGaiman Neil Gaiman

17.01.2022 Photographer ~ Michele Bavassano Cormorant.

17.01.2022 Rufous fantail found at Sandy Camp Rd Wetlands, Wynnum SEQ.

17.01.2022 Ladybug mimic Spider.. Paraplectana duodecimmaculata West Java, Indonesia

17.01.2022 The perfect the light, the best the colour, the optimize the texture! I like the metallic colour bug - Jewel Bug Nymph ( )

16.01.2022 Ever seen a rainbow 'curtain' before? Check out this cracker shot of an end-to-end rainbow in O'Connell, NSW. : Lauren Trembath

15.01.2022 39,000 year old Mammoth carcass. Scientists say it's so well preserved that its brain is still intact.

15.01.2022 Spiny orb weaver

15.01.2022 This incredible tunnel belongs to one of my resident Wolf spiders. The lid lies nearby. Amazing architecture.

15.01.2022 For the past three years, hundreds of Tasmanian ’NatureTrackers' of all ages have scattered widely across the state to survey for the endangered wedge-tailed in @BookendTrust's annual ‘Where? Where? Wedgie!’ survey. Are conservation efforts working? With population monitoring, it tends to be a long game to detect any changes," says Bookend Trust citizen science coordinator Dr Clare Hawkins, but we’ve demonstrated that our method is effective, and that there hasn’t been an extreme change in population size during the monitoring period." Guided by the project’s social science research, the focus now is to retain and increase volunteer numbers, to help get informative results as swiftly as possible. Clare is currently running a crowd-funder (, and inviting more nature-lovers to take part in next May’s ‘Where? Where? Wedgie!’ survey by signing up to You can listen to Clare talk more about the project at #ESAus20 register at For more on 'Where? Where? Wedgie!' visit : 1) Kawinwit Kittipalawattanapol 2) David Hamilton #esa2020 #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #WhereWhereWedgie #bookendtrust #wedgetailedeagle #naturetrackers @NatureTrackers1 #threatenedspeciesthursday

15.01.2022 Help us explore the world below our feet by supporting the SIXTEEN LEGS Special Edition -- featuring Neil Gaiman, Kate Miller-Heidke, Stephen Fry & Tara Moss. DETAILS: Fundraiser! Help us make this happen. Pre-orders for the SIXTEEN LEGS Special Edition Blu-Ray and DVD sets plus online archive are now open, with a host of other rewards available. There are special early-bird perks to encourage people to contribute early, including discount prices, an on-disc thank you, and sh...ipping of the first batch of discs for Christmas! Help us create a massive online archive with expert interviews, unseen footage and more material from the cutting room floor. A playful, stunning documentary as epically gorgeous as it is fantastically artful. Santa Barbara International Film Festival. A beautiful nature documentary, expertly presented... a masterful feat captured with resonance! True/False Film Festival. "Even those of you who don't like spiders will find this story so charming... It's beautiful. They are so elegant, and they move so gently. Astonishing creatures, fascinating!" Gillian O'Shaughnessy, ABC Radio Perth. "This documentary has got rave reviews around the world... You're not overselling it, it looks spectacular!" Jules Schiller, ABC Radio Adelaide. "Mission accomplished: you've changed my mind. I will give spiders a second chance... I like them now. It's happened!" Teri Campbell, RTR FM 92.1 Perth. Giant Tasmanian Cave Spiders and NEIL GAIMAN!! What more could you possibly want??? GEORGE R.R. MARTIN.

13.01.2022 Desafiando leyes...

12.01.2022 Applefest! Photo: John Fusco /

12.01.2022 Thirsty Huntsman stole a papaya seed from my cutting board for the moisture.

12.01.2022 Blowing water bubble #ttnmacro

11.01.2022 Long-horned Beetle (Glenea cantor) Nikon D500 + 60/2.8G + DCR250

10.01.2022 A group at Mawson just got back from Leadingham hut. Spectacular pics as per normal Brillycup! Thanks for sharing with us!

10.01.2022 The NatureTrackers program coordinates volunteers and scientists from schools and the community to track the progress of our threatened species and better under...stand their needs. With their latest crowdfunding campaign, they are aiming to upgrade features of the NatureTrackers website - so it's more easily accessible & more people can get involved in threatened species monitoring. Contribute here:

09.01.2022 Black and light. Hang Son Doong, Vietnam.

09.01.2022 Special Feature: Hiking the tallest mountain in Tasmania Mt Ossa An epic New Year journey thanks to Bonnie Smith with Justin Diprose, Kathy Davies, Andrew Ma...xfield & Kathryn Vernham Bonnie says: Kicking 2021 off well! Hiked into Pelion Hut via the Arm River track for 2 nights and climbed Mt Ossa - Tasmania’s highest mountain at 1617m. Best feeling ever and a proud moment! The weather was next level amazing but scorching hot conditions made it tough going! 100% all worth it and there is nothing more I love than being in the mountains with the best company! Located in the Cradle Mountain Lake St. Clair National Park, Mount Ossa (at 1617m elevation) is composed mainly of Jurassic Dolerite, as is nearby Cradle Mountain. The summit of Mt Ossa has a 360-degree view of Tasmania’s north-west, with visibility of nearly 30km on a clear day. To take on Mt Ossa usually requires a 2-3 day walk in from the nearest carpark and facilities, either at Dove Lake in the north, or Lake St. Clair in the south. The walk between these 2 points, known as the Overland Track, also offers access to the summits of Cradle Mountain, Mt. Pelion, and numerous others. The main summit route starts and finishes at a point on the Overland Track known as Pelion Gap, at 1180m elevation, and nestled between Mt. Ossa and Mt. Pelion East. The route involves mainly boulder hopping, which can be slippery when wet. Some small sections of snow may be encountered towards the top even in summer but can be easily crossed or avoided altogether. The views from the summit of Mt Ossa are truly remarkable it is something that will forever be etched into your memory. You can also follow Bonnie via instagram We love to share your Tassie videos, photos and stories with the world You can inbox us or post to our wall. If you are on instagram you can tag either of our accounts via the hashtags #TasmaniaGram or #InstaTasmania If you are a local business, artist, charity or group send us a message about promoting you to Tasmania and the world

08.01.2022 Sighting update: Thanks to some excellent contributions from Wild Ocean Tasmania, Pennicott Wilderness Journeys and Andrew Wratten, we have been able to identif...y the following from yesterday's sighting off the Tasman Peninsula. Based on fin identification, there was a total of 3 killer whales (there may have been more but images tell us 3) present. All 3 animals are known to the Killer Whales Australia, east Australian killer whale catalogue as EA_0060, EA_0062 and yet to be catalogued. The animals have been known to the catalogue since 2013 and are regulars to the southeast of Tasmania. At all sightings since 2017, these 3 animals have been sighted together as one family group. Thank you to our amazing contributors, without you we would be blind to the movements of these animals. Image by Wild Ocean Tasmania. #killerwhalesaustralia #killerwhaleresearchaustralia #citizenscience

07.01.2022 One of the most beautiful salticids I've photographed Ilargus sp. Atlantic forest outside São Paulo

07.01.2022 Awesome new Black Friday rewards have been added to the SIXTEEN LEGS Special Edition Indiegogo campaign, including a beautiful glowworm book, art/photo cards, a VERY limited edition OOP mug, promo posters, and a signed mountain book combo. Follow the link to find out more and help us push past 87% to reach our target! #SixteenLegs #BlackFriday @neilgaiman

07.01.2022 Thank you Indiegogo & all backers from the #SixteenLegs Special Edition team, because the love lives of giant prehistoric spiders in Australia's deepest caves deserve to be showcased!

06.01.2022 Could I get an ID On this one please NE NSW. Awsome camouflage

04.01.2022 Arilus carinatus ,Boquete, Panama

03.01.2022 These Humpback whales came right up to the boat near Hippolyte Rock yesterday. They were probably feeding on krill. One of the whales was black and white - more so than I have ever seen before

03.01.2022 The SIXTEEN LEGS Special Edition fundraiser is sitting at 87%. Please follow the link and help us reach our target so we can teach more students about the world around them! #SixteenLegs

02.01.2022 Tiny Plant hopper. First time seeing this one. Thailand. salurnis-marginella. Thanks to Marcus Ng for ID.

01.01.2022 Our SIXTEEN LEGS Special Edition fundraiser is nearly there, just a shade under 90% of its target! Can you help us get across the line? All the prior rewards of Blu-Rays, DVDs, books, streaming versions and school sponsorships are still there, and we've added great new rewards of glowworm books, mountain books, posters, art and photo postcards, plus a very rare mug! #SixteenLegs #NeilGaiman @neilgaiman

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