Kim Looke | Author
Kim Looke
Phone: +61 414 246 097
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24.01.2022 Why Me? One week ago, I sat in the doctor’s office at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Queensland and heard the young woman deliver the Pathology results of my recent prostate biopsy: You have an aggressive malignant cancer in your prostate, and we need to review the various treatment options that are available to you! The remainder of my allotted fifteen minutes flew by without me hearing or remembering a lot of the specifics. It was during that befuddled time ...that I remember asking myself the question: Why Me? The doctor speaks, I barely hear My head begins to spin Surely, she can’t mean it’s me Nothing’s sinking in! It’s always someone else that’s told Their life is on the line And, I’m the one that offers help That tells them You’ll be fine! She says that it’s a cancer A foreign growth in me Now I hope that she’ll explain And raise my eyes to see But no, she keeps on talking The news is looking bad! I know she’s just the messenger But I start getting mad My foggy brain begins to clear A solution’s what I need And, if it’s really all that bad I’ll have to work with speed Clarity now, the answer’s clear I’ll do whatever I can Then, on the journey homeward I start to form a plan I’ll draw strength from my family If ever things get rough Friends will offer their support And that will be enough We’ll find an expert surgeon To cut the growth away And nursing staff to monitor My short hospital stay I know I have the inner strength To battle to the end My mind is focused on the goal I just need time to mend I think I know now why it’s me That needs to face this test Because I have the means to win And I can do it best The knowledge that I gain from this Will in my mind imbue Then I can help so many more To have their dreams come true Copyright 2019 Kim Looke I think this poem captures how I am feeling at this point in the journey towards my healing. I will keep you informed of the thoughts and feelings that occur to me as we make our way through this together, my friends.
24.01.2022 Mingenew (West Australia) Mingenew’s a quiet place The name means ‘ants and flies’ Winter brings some spots of rain... But mostly big blue skies In the very early days Two brothers found some coal ‘Twas the first time in the State They quickly dug a hole The coal was poor and shallow They closed the mining down Then shifted focus south-west And built a little town The town sits on the sandplain Some think it’s in the Styx It hasn’t changed very much Since nineteen hundred six Folks from around this district Work hard to earn their keep They’re all farmers from good stock Grow lupins, wheat and sheep Grain pours in from all around Soon silos overflow They have a massive storage But soon it has to go The townsite was established To make use of the trains Now there was a handy way To ship away their grains When the weekend comes around These people love to play Doesn’t matter what the sport They’ll play it night and day They love their town and show it Will travel far and wide And if they aren’t a player They’ll barrack from the side Though limited in numbers They make it up in spades The sports clubs never run short Some have multiple grades Whenever there’s a problem Everyone lends a hand They all help out each other And I just think that’s grand I was raised in this small town Its values I hold dear No matter where I travel Its memory stays near Copyright 2019 Kim Looke
22.01.2022 Superhero Every superhero has some personal Kryptonite That has the power to bring their strength undone ... And every moral battle waged to change what’s wrong to right Is fought within their head before it’s won A little voice that chatters and a constant inner fear The kind that causes everything to freeze But focus on your dream and always keep that vision clear And you will win your victory with ease Copyright 2016 Kim Looke
22.01.2022 Amazing! There are now 900 of us using BooksByKimLooke to communicate! Thank you for your support!
16.01.2022 2011 Brisbane Floods For many years we’ve struggled Debilitating drought The dry, parched earth cracked open... Lets any moisture out With dry dams almost empty We had to time our shower Now down to only minutes Instead of half an hour Authorities tried their best Rationed out our water Some of us would even say Much more than they oughta Then they built a grid of pipes To move the water round And buried it without trace Beneath the bone-dry ground And, then last Spring it started Slow and steady trickle We just knew it couldn’t last Nature is so fickle So, when it got to Christmas Daily rain persisted The once dry earth was soggy Soaking up resisted And still the rain kept falling Across the Queensland plains Till every scar upon the earth Became stormwater drains From Cairns to Cunnamulla And all stops in between The rivers started running Like so few men have seen We heard reports of flooding In many rural towns And even coastal cities Themselves began to drown Then suddenly it gathered speed And down the range it raced Taking everything apart With indiscriminate haste With the Wivenhoe at capacity There’s nowhere else to go It joined the Bremmer River A thunderous overflow The sluggish Brisbane River That slowly creeps through town Began to stir, slowly rise A wet brown wall came down A raging muddy torrent Now raised its frothy head Then left its tranquil pathway And raced through town instead The carnage and destruction Whole suburbs lay in ruin The flotsam and the debris Along the banks is strewn With all the decimation It’s hard to count the cost But there’s no dollar figure For the many lives we’ve lost The foaming rush of water Spreads out to form a lake Tin roof archipelagos Are left within its wake Then once her wrath was vented She crept back out of town Wrapping everything she’d touched In silty shawls of brown Now with muddy shuffling feet She wanders on her way Again, content to amble Heading for Morton Bay And though we’re bruised and battered Or broken some would say We’ll get back up, start again ‘Cause that’s the Queensland way! Copyright 2011 Kim Looke
16.01.2022 What a fantastic effort! Together we have grown to more than 800!
15.01.2022 As a bonus to the many wonderful people who have chosen to follow my page 'BooksByKimLooke', I am considering adding audio to each of the poems I have published, so you can listen to me reading them to you. If this is something that you would be interested in, please let me know in the comments below or send me a message. It will depend upon the response as to how quickly this occurs.
14.01.2022 To celebrate reaching 800 followers on this page, I have included a link to a FREE copy of Chapter One in my book 'Kinta-Freedom Fighter', which you can download and read at your leisure If you decide to purchase the full hardcopy version, it is also available from my website and I will personally sign your copy
14.01.2022 My new website is finally up and running! Please feel free to wander over there and take a look around. The link is: I'm interested to hear your feedback on what you like or what may need improving.
12.01.2022 The ANZAC Spirit Since my page has grown substantially after I first posted this poem, I thought it timely to reflect once again on the reason we hold remembrance services on ANZAC Day - - I would love to hear your thoughts
12.01.2022 Looking Back As I sit and contemplate I see life's passed slowly by Not with the speed of yesteryear... When days just seemed to fly Gone are the days on Daddy’s lap Hanging on his every word As sleepy eyes would slowly close And story’s end was never heard The endless days in classrooms As teachers plied their trade And friendships and opinions Now like memories were made Then seemingly from nowhere Came my first true love When just to gaze upon her face Would give my heart a shove We spent all our waking hours Making plans to affect us both So, we could stand before our God And humbly pledge our troth But nothing matched the times When two fertile seeds were planted And like a gift from Heaven Our two children we were granted We watched their bodies grow So nimble, young and strong And tried to think of how was best To teach them right from wrong To our advice they listened Though didn’t always take Our values they adopted That’s something you can’t shake Now we’re Oma and Opa And they’ve kids of their own It’s great to see the blessings As their family has grown And so, they stand so tall At the doorway to adulthood As we look back upon our life And know that it was good Copyright 2019 Kim Looke
10.01.2022 Memories The crystal-clear air On a cold winter’s morn The first rays of light ... Of a warm summer’s dawn The flash of the sun As it shines in your hair The squeals of delight From the kids at a fair The smell of cut grass After mowing the lawn Skinny white sheep When they have been shawn Casting out your line And catching a fish Blowing out candles And making a wish A newborn child’s smell After taking a bath Riding your bike Not needing a path The cacophonous roar Of a tall waterfall The whisper soft sound Of a baby dove’s call Staying quietly in bed With the rain on the roof The rosy red cheeks Of cutting a tooth The warmth and the smell Of an open log fire Getting dirty black hands From changing a tyre Laying back in the grass And watching the clouds Waiting for trains And fighting the crowds The smell of fresh bread And a meal as it cooks Feeding newborn lambs Or chasing the chooks The thrill of first time When you flew in a plane Catching tadpoles In a storm water drain Playing sport with your friends Feel that winning thrill The loss of a pet Your heart’s aching chill The love of your life When they glance your way Knowing they care With no words to say These sights, these sounds, These smells you will find Are etched forever Into your mind Copyright 1982 Kim Looke
06.01.2022 This poem is now more appropriate than ever! A copy is posted over on my Blog: Federal Politicians... Now, federal politicians Are quite another breed To pick yourself a good one Some things you need to heed They need to be decisive Our philosophical voice They give us their assurance That they’re the perfect choice We give them our approval Our vote of confidence We want them to be tireless And not sit on the fence Sausages always sizzle And lots of hands get shook Politics would be easy If that was all it took But listening to the people And hearing what they say Then acting in their interest Now, that’s the Aussie way We turn up at the school house Kill trees to vote them in And when it’s done and dusted The paper fills the bin Then all that night we listen To what’s said on TV Did our guy get enough votes? Please tell me, can it be? When all the votes are tallied The winner gets his say We settle back to watch them It's all turned out okay They head off to the big league The temple on the hill Each year they work a few days And spend time passing bills They seem to have their focus On making lots of noise Finding fault with other guys Being one of the boys I’d like to think it matters That we have sent them there But fighting for attention Just doesn’t show they care We need them to remember They’re there because of us But sometimes they forget that In trying to dodge the bus There’s some that make a difference Working for greater good But most just make up numbers Like anybody could I wonder what would happen When comes the time to vote If none had marked their paper And not one pencil wrote We’d have to find a new way For our voice to be heard Instead of sending someone Who cannot keep their word So, when it's time to make your mark Think long and deep and true Remember that the one you pick Is representing you! Copyright 2019 Kim Looke
06.01.2022 Yabba Dabba Dooooooooo! We have now become 1,000 strong! Thank you to all!
04.01.2022 Drought 2018 Poem As promised earlier, I have recorded this poem as a video with me speaking. I have saved it on my BooksByKimLooke YouTube channel and the link is here: ... Please let me know if this is working alright...
03.01.2022 The following poem is the story of my maternal grandfather's life and struggles after being wounded at Villers-Bretonneux. I have posted a copy to my Blog: Harold Samuel Pearce (1891-1943) England had declared a war...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Joan (10th Anniversary) You have come into my life Like rays of golden light To shake away the darkness ... Of adolescent night My eyes came slowly open And you were always there Your love's presence here brings warmth To days we both now share Providence sends challenges They tug at our resolve We use these as means to help Our love grow and evolve Joan, you are my solid rock On you I can depend Of the people in my life More time with you I’d spend We walk life’s road together Working toward our goals The Lord’s blessed us with a gift The blending of our souls Copyright 1983 Kim Looke
01.01.2022 I think this tagline expresses my reason for starting this Facebook page in the first place. Let me know your thoughts...
01.01.2022 Better late than never... I finally got around to posting the photo from my book launch, where I signed a bunch of books after reading the first chapter to the group there. If you want to sample my book, grab a copy of the PDF version - otherwise, I can personally sign a paperback copy for you if you purchase through my website - Cheers, Kim
01.01.2022 WOW!!! A HUGE thankyou to all 700 who have supported my FB page.
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