Boomerang Bags Bunbury | Other
Boomerang Bags Bunbury
Phone: +61 422 802 611
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25.01.2022 COME TO OUR PLASTIC FREE JULY SEWING BEE ON TUESDAY 21ST JULY FROM 9AM-12NOON AT CRAFT COLLECTIONS All welcome #plasticfreejuly #boomerangbags #boomerangbunting #producebags #reusablebags #upcycledfabric #volunteers #locals #doyourbitfortheenvironment #lovebunbury
24.01.2022 ONLY TWO MORE SLEEPS! Who is coming along? Are you looking for a way to help out with plastic free July? Come and join us and make some reusable bags out of linen that was destined for landfill. You dont need to sew. We need help with cutting, ironing and sorting. Bring your own machine or use one of ours. Together we can all make a difference! #PlasticFreeJuly
22.01.2022 Im here at Craft Collections with some of our amazing donations. Thought I might make some bunting with this lot. Feel free to come pop in and give me a hand.
21.01.2022 Ooops! We have really dropped the ball lately - its our Birthday Week and we havent even organised cake! We will organise a Belated Birthday Party together with a Boomerang Bags & Bunting Bee as soon as possible HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! 5 years strong is something to be proud of - we have made more than 5,000 Boomerang Bags out of upcycled & repurposed fabric; several strands of Boomerang Bunting; multiple Joey Pouches for injured wildlife impacted by last summers... bushfires; and made reusable produce bags also. Thats not forgetting the beautifully made Reusable Bags made out of chook feed bags and the ottomans filled with fabric scraps. ALL OF THIS IS DOWN TO YOU! THANK YOU EVERYONE #BoomerangBags #BoomerangBunting #ReusableBags #ProduceBags #SewSustainable #UpcycledFabric #volunteers #LoveBunbury #Bunting #ChookFeedBags #Ottoman #NeverThrowOutAScrapOfFabric #ThankYou #HappyBirthday
21.01.2022 Ooops! We have really dropped the ball lately - it’s our Birthday Week and we haven’t even organised cake! We will organise a Belated Birthday Party together with a Boomerang Bags & Bunting Bee as soon as possible HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! 5 years strong is something to be proud of - we have made more than 5,000 Boomerang Bags out of upcycled & repurposed fabric; several strands of Boomerang Bunting; multiple Joey Pouches for injured wildlife impacted by last summer’s... bushfires; and made reusable produce bags also. That’s not forgetting the beautifully made Reusable Bags made out of chook feed bags and the ottomans filled with fabric scraps. ALL OF THIS IS DOWN TO YOU! THANK YOU EVERYONE #BoomerangBags #BoomerangBunting #ReusableBags #ProduceBags #SewSustainable #UpcycledFabric #volunteers #LoveBunbury #Bunting #ChookFeedBags #Ottoman #NeverThrowOutAScrapOfFabric #ThankYou #HappyBirthday
20.01.2022 NEXT SEWING BEE Tuesday 9th June 9am-12.30pm at Craft Collections Not long to wait! ... #sewingbee #boomerangbags #upcycledfabric #volunteers #locals #bungeo #lovebunbury #reusablebags #endplasticpollution #refusesingleuse
19.01.2022 What a poignant 3 minute movie
18.01.2022 See you at Craft Collections tomorrow for our Plastic-Free July Sewing Bee You dont have to know how to sew to give us a hand - we would love to see you bring your friends, too. #PlasticFreeJuly #BoomerangBags #volunteers #locals #RefuseSingleUse #UpcycledFabric #SewingBee #LoveBunbury
18.01.2022 SPECIAL BAG DELIVERY! A living angel delivered so many beautiful Boomerang Bags to our Bunbury headquarters today Thank you Llana! They are so beautifully made, and lined for extra strength - making them such high quality! ... #boomerangbags #thankyou #volunteers #upcycledfabric #plasticfreejuly #refusesingleuse #locals #lovebunbury #doyourbitfortheenvironment
18.01.2022 WE HAVE BEEN A BIT QUIET LATELY Who will come to a Boomerang Bunting Bee next? Please let us know if you can make a Saturday or Sunday sometime ... #bunting #sewingbee #boomerangbags #upcycledfabric #boomerangbunting #handmade #volunteers #lovebunbury
17.01.2022 Polar Fleece has been requested by one of our local wildlife carers for the linings of winter joey pouches If you have any to donate please contact us thanks #upcyledfabric #repurposedfabric #boomerangbags #joeypouches #volunteers #wildlifecarers #aussies #locals #lovebunbury #doyourbitfortheenvironment
17.01.2022 Who would be keen to come to a Saturday sewing bee sometime soon? Lets make a date!
15.01.2022 Our Boomerang Bag stand is empty! We have donated so many bags lately we never thought we would run out! Luckily we have a sewing bee coming up and packs pre-cut for those that want to sew at home. #reusablebags #upcycledfabric #boomerangbags #volunteers #locals #lovebunbury #bungeo #doyourbitfortheenvironment #communitylove
14.01.2022 SEE YOU THIS COMING TUESDAY FROM 9AM AT CRAFT COLLECTIONS Join us at our Plastic Free July Sewing Bee - you dont have to know how to sew! We always need help cutting, ironing and pinning. We might make bunting, or reusable bags - who can say? ALL WELCOME ... #doyourbitfortheenvironment #PlasticFreeJuly #BoomerangBags #volunteers #locals #LoveBunbury #upcycledfabric #reusablebags #boomerangbunting #loveyourwork
12.01.2022 CAN ANYONE GIVE US A HAND ON THE STALL ON SUNDAY? Or even just 30min helping us set up, or giving us a lunch break? It’s always fun thanks for letting us know
12.01.2022 SEW MANY BEAUTIFUL BAGS (pun intended) #loveyourwork #upcycledfabric #reusablebags #madebyvolunteers #plasticfreejuly #refusesingleuse #lovebunbury #doyourbitfortheenvironment
11.01.2022 BEAUTIFUL FABRICS MAKE BEAUTIFUL BAGS A sneak peek at some of the bags we received today #upcycledfabric #volunteers #boomerangbags #refusesingleuseplastic #plasticfreejuly #beautifulbags #sewathome #lovebunbury
11.01.2022 We will be selling some beautiful Boomerang Bags made by our talented volunteers, as well as some reusable produce bags and showing off our Borrow Boomerang Bunting Come on down! See you this Sunday
09.01.2022 Less than a week until our next sewing bee! Llana and Tanya will be there - will you? Bring your sewing kit, water bottle and snacks - along with a smile - and help us whip up some bags. If you dont know how to sew, you are still welcome to come and help us iron, cut or pin - it all helps ... See you next Tuesday at Craft Collections #sewingbee #upcycledfabric #communityconnection #boomerangbags #volunteers #reusablebags #reducesingleuseplastic #reducewaste #lovebunbury #bungeo #locals
09.01.2022 First Sewing Bee since lockdown! ***Please note a MAXIMUM OF 6 PEOPLE ONLY are able to attend due to ongoing social distancing restrictions*** If you are planning to attend; please respond ASAP (we will have to ignore the interested response at this stage) and if our numbers look like exceeding 6 due to these responses; please post in the group discussion or check the group discussion within this fb event. ... Bring your scissors, sewing tin and enthusiasm. Also, please bring your own water bottle and cuppa in your reusable cup, as well as a snack. That just makes keeping sanitary easier for everyone. Oh and dont forget your hand sanitiser LOOKING FORWARD TO SOCIAL RECONNECTION AND GOOD TIMES SEWING SOME BOOMERANG BAGS!
09.01.2022 TODAYS SEWING BEE! A huge shout out to Llana, Tanya, Melissa and May for coming to todays sewing bee. These incredible volunteers prepared and sewed several joey pouches and Boomerang Bags - but they forgot to take pics ... Please give them some love #thankyou #sewingbee #volunteers #locals #boomerangbags #joeypouches #loveyourwork #lovebunbury #bungeo #upcycledfabric
08.01.2022 Boomerang Bunting Birthday Youre never to old to enjoy some Birthday Bunting - Happy 81st Birthday Ethel! #boomerangbunting #happybirthday #floralfabric #upcycledfabric #boomerangbags #festive
08.01.2022 Are you looking for a way to help out with plastic free July? Come and join us and make some reusable bags out of linen that was destined for landfill. You dont need to sew. We need help with cutting, ironing and sorting. Bring your own machine or use one of ours. Together we can all make a difference! #PlasticFreeJuly
08.01.2022 WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR PLASTIC FREE JULY? Its that time of year again - we are still keen to make reusable gorgeous upcycled fabric bunting; reusable produce bags; and reusable shopping bags - what else are you doing to change your habits? #plasticfreejuly #refusesingleuseplastic #reusablebags #reusableproducebags #fabricbunting #boomerangbunting #boomerangbags #volunteers #locals #doyourbitfortheenvironment #doyourbitforthecommunity
06.01.2022 We all have days like these
04.01.2022 HAPPY VOLUNTEER WEEK One of our most recent and heartwarming projects was all the Boomerang Bags we are able to make, and donate, to our frontline health workers - nurses and doctors at Bunbury Hospital specifically. Together with Boomerang Bags Dalyellup we donated approximately 130 Boomerang Bags during lockdown. These bags are being used so that scrubs can be placed straight into a bag; and both the bag and scrubs can be washed altogether in the sewing machine. Each wo...rker was given 2 bags for this purpose. As a result, we barely have a dozen bags left in stock! So thats our focus again at the moment. We still welcome those keen to make bunting, joey pouches, reusable produce bags or any other project utilising upcycled fabric. THANKS EVERYONE! #boomerangbags #frontlinehealthworkers #loveyourwork #sewingarmy #sewfromhome #lockdownvolunteering #locals #lovebunbury #bungeo
02.01.2022 WE WILL BE AT THE BUY IT BACK FAIR ON SUNDAY 15TH NOVEMBER AT THE EATON FORESHORE 10AM-1PM See you all there! Come and buy some Boomerang Bags and check out our bunting #boomerangbags #upcycledfabric #reducewaste #volunteers #sewsustainable #doyourbitfortheenvironment #community
02.01.2022 Next Sewing Bee this coming Tuesday morning at Craft Collections - cant wait to see you there! Dont forget, if you cant make it, some packs of pre-cut, ready to sew bags are able to be collected and sewn from home also.
02.01.2022 LETS MAKE SOME BOOMERANG BUNTING! Who thinks we should have another Bunting Bee? Hands up if you do #boomerangbunting #sewingbee #boomerangbags #upcycledfabric #sewsustainble #celebrate #birthday #fun #fabricbunting #handmade #unique #lovebunbury
01.01.2022 What an incredible job we have done - all over Australia, and all over the world! Thanks to all our local vollies
01.01.2022 Weve all been there...
01.01.2022 Microplastic and nanoplastic particles have been discovered in human organs for the first time. The researchers found the tiny plastic pieces in all 47 samples of lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys they examined. Microplastic pollution has affected the entire planet, from Arctic snow and Alpine soils to the deepest oceans. The particles can harbour toxic chemicals and harmful microbes and are known to harm some marine creatures. People are also known to consume them via food a...nd water, and to breathe them, But the potential impact on human health is not yet known. The scientists obtained the organ samples from a tissue bank established to study neurodegenerative diseases. The analytical method they developed allowed them to identify dozens of types of plastic, including the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used in plastic drinks bottles and the polyethylene used in plastic bags. They also found the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in all 47 samples. The US Environmental Protection Agency is concerned about BPA because it is a reproductive, developmental and systemic toxicant in animal studies. The researchers examined lung, liver, spleen and kidney tissue as these organs are likely to be exposed to microplastics or collect them. Their results are being presented at a meeting of American Chemical Society on Monday, and have not yet been through the peer review process.
01.01.2022 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! #NeverTouchTheFabricScissors #IWillCutYou
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