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25.01.2022 Hey my lovelies! Ive been a bit quiet on here recently mainly because Ive been trying to navigate my way through so many different thoughts, feelings and emotions of what it means to be pregnant during this pandemic . Ive been trying to stay fully informed and focussed on my birth prep, taking things one day at a time and using calm breathing when I feel anxiety creeping in. @karlismith.doula Questions to ask your care provider have helped immensely with understanding ...exactly what to expect from different scenarios whether hospital birthing or home birthing, Id really encourage you to have a look (you can find these on her page) . Re availability, Im currently supporting a gorgeous couple alongside our online course which is a great alternative to the full course (please get in touch for more info), however, wont be taking on anymore clients for my full course via Zoom until after my own little bub arrives . In the meantime Im still here for any mamas who are struggling, need support or just want to connect with another mama on the same journey. Please reach out anytime and know that your birth preferences, questions/concerns and feelings are all still valid and your birth rights still stand!! . Stay strong mama, youve got this See more
25.01.2022 And she’s off! 1st day back at daycare after 7 mths at home . She was feeling a little nervous so I used @mrs_izzyjudd brilliant idea and drew some magic buttons on her arms for her to press to help her feel brave and calm . After taking a deep breath and blowing the magic onto the buttons to charge them up she said Mama! It’s like the magic breathing you did for birthing Zephyr ... . Although my hearts breaking a little at letting her go again, I’m so happy she’s able to see her friends and educators and get back to routine and normality . I’ll be using this time to get ready to teach again. Due to current restrictions courses will be delivered via Zoom but will contain all of the same brilliant info, tools and techniques. So excited to get back to helping mamas prepare for bossing birth . For further info please contact me via DM or email [email protected] to arrange a chat See more
24.01.2022 Feeling this so much right now . Posted @withregram @themotherhoodprojectnz . Gem @themotherhoodprojectnz
22.01.2022 Posted @withregram @painfreebirth Would you strap monitors on an elephant in labor and RESTRICT her movement? Would you give ICE CHIPS to a laboring cat who is thirsty? No, that’s ridiculous! Management of labor creates disregulation in the normal physiology of birth. And yet we do it to women in labor every day under the illusion of safety. ... So, why do intelligent, capable, low-risk women accept these restrictions? We must first be convinced: 1That birth is inherently dangerous. AND 2Technology and restrictions make it safer. AND 3We have no power or authority to choose for ourselves. We are the only species of mammal that doubts it’s ability to birth. It is profitable to scare women about birth. But let’s stop it. I tell women, your body is not a lemon. -Ina May Gaskin Yes, medical interventions are sometimes needed or wanted, but the risk of intervention must be weighed against the risk of disrupting normal physiological birth. Here’s what the evidence based research shows: FACT: The uterus and body need fuel to function properly. If you are hungry in labor, eat. If you are thirsty, drink. FACT: Even the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology changed their restrictions in 2007 on eating and drinking in labor after overwhelming evidence that it posed no significant risk of asphyxiation during cesarean. (In other words, Oops, we were wrong!) FACT: studies show continuous electronic fetal monitoring INCREASES your risk of c-section and medical interventions and does NOT improve outcomes for mom or baby And yet it continues to be the standard care in hospitals. Does your provider have restrictions on women in labor? . . . . . . . . #painfreebirth #naturalchildbirth #informedbirth #empoweredbirth #empoweredbirthproject #childbirtheducation #birthrights #birtheducation #birthprep #birthpreparation #unmedicatedbirth #birthplan #birthchoices #birthoptions #firsttimemommy #firsttimemummy #highriskpregnancy #maternitycare #antenatalclass #improvingbirth #antenataleducation #butnotmaternity #vbac #vbacwithoutfear #childbirthclass #csection #cesarean #evidencebasedbirth #plussizepregnancy #obgyn
20.01.2022 The power of Positive Touch
19.01.2022 Due date, schmoo date! 3 days to go until I hit 40 weeks and how am I feeling?! Over it... is probably the best way to describe things but not because Im feeling impatient or because Im fixated on a due date. In reality Im feeling heavy, tired and in pain so Im off for a preggo massage tomorrow to make the most of this time Of course Im excited to finally meet my baby boy but I know hell come when hes ready...I wont be pregnant forever! With only 4% of mamas birth on their due date where did the 40 wk estimation originate from? In 1744 Hermanni Boerhaave (academic physician, botanist and chemist) is said to have created a way to calculate the EDD based upon information hed read in the Bible stating that human gestation should last 10 lunar months. This was later publicised by Franz Naegele (German obstetrician) in the early 1800s. However, Naegeles Rule, used to calculate gestation at 40 weeks (280 days), isnt based on fact and is known to be flawed! 10 lunar months actually equates to roughly 295 days (42+1 weeks) Its also worth knowing that the length of your menstrual cycle is rarely considered when calculating the due date. Using a one size fits all approach and basing it on a 28 day cycle doesnt work for all women! And then we have the ultrasound scan which must be exactly correct right?! Wrong! Accuracy can range from +/- 10 days between around 12-20 weeks The WHO (World Health Organisation) tells us that full term pregnancy can be anything from 37-42 weeks. This is much more realistic than focusing on an exact date. Babies are born when theyre ready so if youd like to take the pressure off consider adding 2 weeks onto your guess date or tell friends and family youre due mid/end of that month! If the time comes and youre in a position where your healthcare provider is suggesting intervention for post dates, use the BRAIN acronym to ask questions, do your research and know your options
19.01.2022 You are not alone
18.01.2022 10 weeks into our breastfeeding journey and feeling proud weve made it this far. Its been beautiful and brutal in equal measure How can something so natural be so incredibly difficult?! Definitely a love/hate relationship going on over here . Ive shared a little about my breastfeeding journey over in stories (saved to highlights) . What is/was breastfeeding like for you?
18.01.2022 Women are fucking incredible!! Posted @withregram @badassmotherbirther . Your body and baby do not understand policies, protocols, rules, or youre not allowed to.... : Birth happens. PhotoCred: @umnovolhar_ See more
18.01.2022 A systematic review has shown that vaginal birth, breastfeeding and mother-baby contact do not increase the chance of a baby being infected with SARS-COV-2, eve...n where a mother has confirmed COVID-19. "Early reports of COVID19 in pregnancy described management by caesarean, strict isolation of the neonate and formula feeding." The authors of this systematic review asked, "is this practise justified?" They wanted to estimate whether the chance of a baby being infected with SARS-COV-2 was affected by the mode of birth (vaginal birth or caesarean), the type of feeding and whether the mum and baby stayed together or not. They searched the medical literature for relevant studies and found, "49 studies which included 666 neonates and 655 women where information was provided on the mode of delivery and the infants infection status. Their findings and conclusion? "28/666 (4%) neonates had confirmed COVID19 infection postnatally. Of the 291 women who delivered vaginally, 8/292 (2.7%) neonates were positive. Of the 364 women who had a Caesarean birth, 20/374 (5.3%) neonates were positive. Of the 28 neonates with confirmed COVID19 infection, 7 were breast fed, 3 formula fed, 1 was given expressed breast milk and in 17 neonates the method of infant feeding was not reported. Neonatal COVID19 infection is uncommon, uncommonly symptomatic, and the rate of infection is no greater when the baby is born vaginally, breastfed or allowed contact with the mother." Walker K et al (2020). Maternal transmission of SARSCOV2 to the neonate, and possible routes for such transmission: A systematic review and critical analysis. BMJ For birth information updates, follow @drsarawickham and/or subscribe to our free monthly Birth Information Update at #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #covid19 #covid19pregnancy See more
16.01.2022 Yes to all of this . Posted @withregram @hannah.dahlen Five years ago I wrote #ENOUGH and it has since become my signature on many things. I wish I could say in five years things have improved, and possibly some things have, but we still have so far to go. Our book Birthing Outside the System: the Canary in the Coal Mine was born in 2020 out of the rage of #ENOUGH and this poem features in the front of it. Lets not stop until every woman has respectful humanised care is safe, but most importantly feels safe to her. . Today I am saying #ENOUGH ! ENOUGH to the lies women are told about their incapable bodies ENOUGH to the bullying and coercion they experience when they say No ENOUGH to the trauma that scars them and those who love them for life ENOUGH to ignoring the scientific evidence AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN ENOUGH to the power middle class men hold when it comes to women ENOUGH to the PTSD that is rising in childbirth and the rising rates of suicide ENOUGH to the horror stories that strip women of their hopes and dreams ENOUGH to the impersonalised care we give, knowing we can do better ENOUGH to a system focused on itself, not women, despite the mission statements ENOUGH to anxious babies looking for love in their haunted mothers eyes ENOUGH to our money spent on causing harm in health care, not preventing it ENOUGH to weak leaders and politically correct tiptoeing around the issue ENOUGH when we know better ENOUGH when we know how ENOUGH when we know why ENOUGH when it can change now ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Share if you stand with me on ENOUGH
16.01.2022 Great resource from Karli Smith Doula for all mamas due to birth your babies soon. Its so important to ask the questions
15.01.2022 Tuesday involved a trip to @rchmelbourne with this little dude, nothing serious but needed treatment asap. The hospital environment was a bit surreal and if Im honest a little frightening with the rona restrictions/precautions in place. Thank you to the wonderful staff for such excellent care and for easing the discomfort. From the lovely lady at reception to the nurses and Dr we saw, you were amazing
13.01.2022 If you read nothing else please read this Birth trauma week starts on the 6th and goes until the 12th September and I will be focusing on this a lot in the c...oming week. There is a common myth out there that is also often politically hijacked that birth trauma is just physical trauma and hence the focus ends up on the pelvic floor and manifests as anti normal birth. As over a decade of ours and others’ research has shown this is just the tip of the iceberg. Birth trauma is so often about not being listened to, disrespected and losing control. It often leaves no physical scars and so is dismissed as something women should just get over and be glad they had a healthy baby. I have heard leading health professional and others say no one is ever traumatised by Caesarean section. This reveals the reductionist, narrow thinking on this issue. We must work to reduce all kinds of trauma whatever the woman or her partner says that trauma is. Our book this year, ‘Birthing outside the system: the canary in the coal mine’, showed clearly that trauma is so often deeply psychological and also can be physical and we must work to reduce both. The safest birth is one that is supported by a respectful, competent and known midwifery care provider backed by an equally respectful and component obstetric provider. Doulas also play a critical role in reducing birth trauma. I have become a great advocate of these amazing people.This kind of supported birth has been shown to be both physically and psychologically safe. Do not let the agendas of some people derail the reality thousands of women attest to. Stay tuned as there is about to be announcement of a free, first ever fabulous event next week with a line up of speakers (consumers, obstetricians, lawyers and midwives) like you have never seen before. Announcement coming soon See more
12.01.2022 Zephys beautiful handmade blanket arrived today and included in the package were the cutest little hats for him and his sister Thank you @busybeeknitter we love them!
12.01.2022 Join our Facebook community for some calm amongst this chaos
11.01.2022 5 weeks post partum, Z has changed so much already and Im knee deep in the daily crazy of the 4th trimester. But second time round must be easier right?! Hmmm yes and NO!! . The sleep deprivation is next level..trying to entertain little miss L on zero s is HARD and forget about sleep when baby sleeps.... This little dude is the complete opposite to his sis, party all night, maybe sleep in the day BUT.. only in mamas arms. I HAVE to put the baby wrap into action.. Im t...old its a game changer! . I decided to give breast feeding a crack again this time after my short lived experience with Lyra.. wow it comes with its own set of challenges eh?! Its chuffing hard... over supply, fast flow, battered nips, unsettled baby, reflux, colic... the list goes on. Bawling my eyes out on the regular BUT super bloody proud that Ive got this far and want to keep going. Grateful for the support I have this time, thank you SO much @mymidwives @lifeofsarahelizabeth @daniellesorbello @the.thompson.method . The routine is relentless, the nights long and lonely (*adds to cart ). Im mostly wondering how Ill keep it together until @j15rrc gets home from work but have the odd day when I feel like Im #parentingtheshitouttalife (if I manage to have us all washed and dressed before 2pm )Its an emotional rollercoaster BUT a bloody beautiful experience. That feeling of our little family being complete is pretty amazing and I know that it will all start to feel normal soon . Shout out to our incredible friends whove become family @erin.j.thomson @lizzieg88au @bevhart28 @sheeza @lifeofsarahelizabeth. Youve fed us, spoilt us, held the baby and are helping me hold onto my sanity! . For all you mamas currently in the thick of it, know you are not alone Be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to heal. Youve just grown and birthed a tiny human!! Soak it all in, celebrate ALL the wins and know that you are doing an amazing job See more
11.01.2022 More completely unnecessary stress being put on women during an already horrendously stressful time.. Please sign
11.01.2022 Blown away by these GORGEOUS With Love for Mama affirmation cards for pregnancy, birth and motherhood from @alisha.bourke @hadasimages . Cant wait to put them up in my birth space and share them with clients . Whats your favourite affirmation for birth?
10.01.2022 This is 38! . 30 wks preggo, hanging at home in my undies (@bondsaus maternity super comfy ), watching Frozen 2 for the gazillionth time, waiting for @j15rrc to come home so we can celebrate and feast on takeaway and . Grateful for another year in with my beaut famalam and so excited for whats to come
10.01.2022 And she’s off! 1st day back at daycare after 7 mths at home . She was feeling a little nervous so I used @mrs_izzyjudd brilliant idea and drew some magic buttons on her arms for her to press to help her feel brave and calm . After taking a deep breath and blowing the magic onto the buttons to charge them up she said Mama! It’s like the magic breathing you did for birthing Zephyr ... . Although my hearts breaking a little at letting her go again, I’m so happy she’s able to see her friends and educators and get back to routine and normality . I’ll be using this time to get ready to teach again. Due to current restrictions courses will be delivered via Zoom but will contain all of the same brilliant info, tools and techniques. So excited to get back to helping mamas prepare for bossing birth . For further info please contact me via DM or email [email protected] to arrange a chat See more
09.01.2022 VBAC is a vaginal birth after caesarean and until recently (and at some hospitals still now) many hospitals werent doing VBACs because of the supposed ris...ks. There is a stack of research that exists and this is just one little piece of info from an Australian Study called risk of uterine rupture in Australian women attempting vaginal birth after one prior Caesarean section: a retrospective population-based cohort study by Dekker et al. This research also found that compared with spontaneous labour, risks were increased 3-5 fold for any induction, 6 fold for prostaglandin combined with oxytocin and 14 fold for augmentation with oxytocin. #vbac #vbacsuccess #vbacwithoutfear #nbac #hbac #transformativebirthwork See more
09.01.2022 Throwing it back to our baby moon a few weeks ago. So glad we got to spend a few days away in Daylesford. Such a lovely place and @dollywood_daylesford was GORGEOUS!
09.01.2022 Super excited with her gorgeous gift from @love_bites_cookie_company! . If you live local and are searching for cookies/cakes that look and taste amazing Id highly recommend getting in touch with Nikki. Her creations are beaut!
07.01.2022 Happy 4th birthday to our little firecracker Youre a force to be reckoned with , you make us laugh everyday and were so proud of the incredible little person youve become. NEVER change! Love you more than you love Frozen 2 . Thank you so much to all of our friends and family whove dropped by to say Happy Birthday (from a distance!), called, left voice notes and videos and a huge thank you to @love_bites_cookie_company for her gorgeous Bluey cake! Shes had the best day!
06.01.2022 Day 937466 and Isos finally taken its troll.. I mean toll Hang in there lovelies
06.01.2022 Yesterday morning at 0951 I gave birth to my gorgeous boy, Zephyr, at home in the water and it was MAGICAL . I had the most incredible birth team in my husband @j15rrc, my midwives Jess and Andrea @mymidwives, my beautiful friend @daniellesorbello and of course my gorgeous girl. She was bloody awesome and Im so happy and proud shell grow up knowing that birth is beautiful and women are superstars!
05.01.2022 Aaaaah my little munchkins Keeping me insane sorry...sane during lockdown 2.0 . Not going to lie Im a little worried about how Ill manage iso over the next 6 weeks so trying to make a rough daily activity plan for entertaining Miss L and plan to do better with FaceTime and stay connected with my gals . Big love and strength to all mummas. Stay safe, weve got this
04.01.2022 Doing a caesarean section and taking someone's baby away for two weeks is a pretty radical step, the hospitals director of obstetrics, Dr Benjamin Bopp, said. So we took that other option and it worked out very well.
04.01.2022 World Breastfeeding Week
03.01.2022 Happy Mamas Day from our little family of 3 (soon to be 4 ) . Today at 38+3 is when my waters released with Lyra and as Ive been reminiscing about how I felt like a total birthing back then Ive realised that 4 yrs on Ive never properly shared her birth story! Watch this space
03.01.2022 Posted @withregram @thecalmbirthschool YOU ARE NOT ALONE We are all in shock right now We are grieving for our former lives... We are on edge waiting to hear what is going to happen next Things are changing and its almost impossible to keep up Its ok to admit that you are scared, worried or anxious. You dont have to be brave But please know that you are not alone If the person you were relying on to help you to stay calm cant be there with you You are not alone If suddenly it seems like you can no longer have a home birth or birth in a birth centre You are not alone. And when those waves start, if you feel yourself bending under the weight of everything that has happened and is happening You are not alone Feminine energy is strong, fierce and powerful and when you connect with yours during birth imagine a light beaming out of your body and connecting with all those other women birthing alongside you and all those women holding you in their hearts and in their thoughts You are not alone x
03.01.2022 Love this post by @drsarawickham . I’m not a fan of the terms over due or post dates, neither sound particularly positive . We’re all beautifully unique and so are the length of our pregnancies Lyra arrived at 38+5 and Zephy at 40+3... . When were your little ones born? See more
03.01.2022 9 months in, 9 months out I was way more comfortable with my preggo body this time and despite all the aches and pains kinda miss that bump a little bit. Growing and birthing a tiny human is a superpower that will forever amaze me. I’m looking at the first photo and telling Zephy.. You were in there!! ... I’m not sure when I’ll ever sleep again but I love him an insane amount and can’t quite believe he’s almost 1!
03.01.2022 Re-sharing because weve been chatting about induction of labour (among many other topics) in Gathering in the Knowledge this week. This is still such a key i...ssue for so many women that its the one sentence from my updated Inducing Labour: making informed decisions" book which has received more attention than any other! Many women are told that their labour needs to be induced because their baby is suspected to be big. Many report back afterwards that their baby wasn't big at all, and some regret agreeing to induction. And the evidence for this? Well, the Cochrane review showed that the difference in the weight of babies born after early induction or watchful waiting is really rather small. The average difference is 178g which, as I wrote in the book, is about the weight of the average hamster or a medium-sized pear. So here's my hamster, as a reminder of the importance of getting lots of good information before making any birth-related decision, no matter whether that's about induction of labour, whether or not to listen to someone elses guess (and thats all it is, even when technology is used) about the possible size of your baby or who's going to look after the hamster on the big day. If you'd like to know more, you can find out about my book at and that page also has a link to loads more resources about inducing labour. #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #birthdoula #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #childbirthclass #inducedlabor #induction #positiveinduction #hypnobirthing #positivebirth #womenempowerment #bookstagram #writersofinstagram #makingmathsfun #drsarawickham #hamstersofinstagram #drsarawickham See more
03.01.2022 Keeping up with the continual changes that are happening within maternity at the minute is hard and to be honest I worry about what Im going to read next but now this. Expectant mamas rights are being stripped away and IT IS FAR FROM OK Link to sign the petition can be found below this post. Posted @withregram @jerushasutton Imagine, just for a moment, that as a result of the pandemic, women were denied access to epidurals during labour, for reasons regarding COVID in...fection risk to caregivers. What would happen? OUTRAGE. Thats what would happen. It would be declared inhumane and the removal of rights of women. Yes? Well that hasnt happened. Of course it fucking hasnt. But have you heard what has?? RANZCOG have issued a statement denying women the use of water during labour as an infection control measure against COVID. Note there is ZERO evidence to back up this move. Of all the births i attend, there are two things that consistently help women through their labours and they are CHOSEN support people, and access to showers and/or deep water immersion for pain relief. Since the beginning of COVID, varying slightly from hospital to hospital, women have been denied any more than one support person. So women have their partner with them, but no doula/sister/friend/mother and in the case of hospital transfer from home birth, often even the private midwife gets shut out on entry. And now, this. The denial of the use of water- one of the major providers of comfort during labour and birth for women who choose against anesthesia. RANZCOGs answer?? Offer women early epidurals instead. On our backs. On a bed. Anaesthetised. Who has the control then? Fine of thats what you choose. But if youre backed into that corner because everything else is taken away? We need to rage because accepting this as the new norm is not fucking ok. See more
02.01.2022 Birth Trauma Awareness Week
02.01.2022 Reliable and important information re COVID-19
02.01.2022 Nap time has been a distant memory in our house recently but he’s actually asleep So...I’m prepping for the final zoom session tomorrow for a gorgeous mumma who’s 37 weeks pregnant. Of course one of the things we’ll be discussing is labour, which I love, as I get to use these beautiful resources @abby_loveyourbirth @marthawilliamsart I’m often asked when the best time is to book onto a Bossing Birth course and really it’s whenever feels right for you! Typically mummas book between 20-30 weeks but it’s rarely too late!
02.01.2022 Stretch and Sweep.. were you offered one and did your healthcare professional explain the benefits and risks? This absolutely shocking poster was on display in a GP clinic.... Steph at Supernova Birth Services has written a BRILLIANT blog on why the information displayed isn’t all that it seems.
01.01.2022 So excited to receive this gorgeous little package from @blissful.herbs in the post this morning The cord tie and sibling bracelet are beautiful! . Were all prepped and ready to meet you baby boy! @j15rrc
01.01.2022 A lotta laughs taking pics with these 2 munchkins today . 6 mths of iso during winter with a new bub and a very energetic 4 yr old has been loooooong, so getting out for our family weekend walk in the Saturday really made my heart happy today. Well that and our matchy matchy leggings from @mamamovement_au
01.01.2022 BIG love and Happy International Midwives Day to all the amazing midwives out there! Special shout out to my current lovely midwives Jess and Sarah @mymidwives_melbourne, my gorgeous MW friend @daniellesorbello and my incredible MW Zoe (Kingston Hospital London) who Ill never forget for her support during Lyras birth
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