Botanical Naturopathics | Other
Botanical Naturopathics
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25.01.2022 Exiting projects in the works! This is what 5kg of Rose Petals look like. Watch this space
24.01.2022 The Sturt Desert Rose Essence is great for helping you to follow through with what you know you have to do. If you are not true to yourself then there can often... arise, as a consequence, feelings of regret or remorse. It’s a very good remedy for teenagers who are dealing with peer pressure where there is a lot of coercion to do things they don’t want to do. This Essence can restore self-esteem that has been damaged by past actions that you now feel guilty about, either you did something you regret or didn’t do something you wished you should have. #AustralianBushFlowerEssences #abfe #emotionalhealing #bushfloweressences #bushflowers #floweressences #bushessences #flowers #australia #vibrationalhealing #vibrationalmedicine #emotionalwellbeing #naturalremedies #healthyliving #guilt #sexualguilt #regret #remorse #easilyled #lowselfesteem #courage #conviction #truetoself #integrity
23.01.2022 More delicious ways to add Dandelions into your diet.
21.01.2022 Flower in focus - Tall Mulla Mulla (Ptilotus exaltatus). This is one of the beautiful flowers used in the Australian Bush Flower Essences Range developed by Ian White. Flower essences are one of my favourite therapies for people, pets and livestock.... This flower essence is for people (or animals) who are not at ease being with others. They prefer their own company and enjoy being alone but miss out on the emotional growth that interaction with others can bring. On an emotional level there is not much 'circulating with people', as it feels too troublesome and uncomfortable. They do not easily mix with others. They prefer to be alone where they know their own environment and can avoid confrontation with others. They will often go to any length to keep the peace even if it means agreeing to or saying things they don't believe. They do not breath in life deeply for they prefer holding on to the familiar rather than being open to the new. Negative Condition *Ill at ease *Sometimes fearful of circulating and mixing with others *Loner *Distress by and avoids confrontation Positive Outcome *Feeling relaxed and secure with other people *Encourages social interaction I really enjoy growing plants to display what the herbs and flowers that I prescribed look like. I feel there is a deeper engagement in the healing process when you can admire and connect to the living plants. That has been the inspiration for growing our mini Botanical Gardens, The Healing Garden Project.
21.01.2022 Love our dandelions
20.01.2022 I harvested these organically grown beauties this morning for drying and adding to a bath blend for the Abbey Museum Victorian Christmas Markets on 23 November Corn flower (Centaurea cyanus) is an attractive edible flower, used in salads and tisanes. In Victorian times Bachelors wore this flower to indicate their availability. The name of the genus is derived from the Centaur, Chiron, who taught mankind the healing virtue of herbs... Active constituents include biotin (vitamin B7), folate, vitamin C and calcium, Anthocyanins: (Protocyanin, flavones), Coumarin, Tannin, Sesquiterpene lactones: (Cnicin). Antioxidant, appetite stimulant, digestive, anti inflammatory #cornflower #edibleflowers #organic #abbeymuseum #victorianchristmasmarket #homegrownherbs #languageofflowers #healinggardenproject #blue #bathsoak #tisanes
20.01.2022 So excited this book arrived yesterday! #phytotherapy #herbalmedicine #clinicalmonographs #therapeuticdosages... #michaelthomsen #healinggardenproject See more
19.01.2022 I love using Floral waters
19.01.2022 New additions to our Clinic's mini Botanical Gardens from Shipards Herb Farm at Nambour. Medicinal, Edible and Floral beauties include Soapwort, Baikal Scullcap, Small Flower Willow Herb, Cedarbay Cherry, Pandan, Jasmine tea, Indonesian Guava and Rondeletia The Healing Garden Project
18.01.2022 Rosemary has been known as Rosmarinus officinalis since 1753. New research as now identified it as a Salvia so the new botanical name will be Salvia rosmarinus!
17.01.2022 So an exciting parcel arrived yesterday! Have you heard of Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis)? A superfood known in Vietnam as 'the fruit from Heaven'.... Recent studies has shown it contains 200 times more lycophene than tomatoes. This antioxidant is not only a cancer fighting agent but helps to delay the effects of aging. The fruit is also rich in beta carotene, up to 50 times more than carrots, 40 times more zeaxanthin than yellow corn and 40 times more Vitamin C than oranges. These large seed are unlike anything I have seen before! I am soaking them overnight ready for sowing. Apparently germination may be as quick as 2 days or as long as 5 months. Now it's a waiting game and time for planning a protected growing trellis. Keep an eye out for updates! It was featured on Gardening Australia series 29, Episode 30.
16.01.2022 FIRE CIDER CELEBRATIONS BEGIN TOMORROW Reposted from @rosemarygladstar International Fire Cider Making Days ~ this Saturday and Sunday! Have your ingredien...ts ready?~ Send us pics so we can repost in our stories of ways you are freeing fire cider. Tune in here for updates from the East Coast to the West Coast with the Fire Cider 3 this weekend!!! Why do we love fire cider? We love it like we love other herbal remedies. We love sharing recipes amongst eachother. Herbalists, like many chefs, all have their own unique way of making a our favorite recipes as you will see from the new fire cider recipe book that's coming out. We want you to be unique, do your own thing, find other traditional remedies to celebrate as well. We hope that you keep sharing and keep a loving heart. Think of the plants and people before you do business and sell things. Celebrate with us this weekend. What other types of traditional remedies and culture can we celebrate and keep trademark free? #rosemarygladstar #firecider #traditionnottrademark #herbs #herbschool #winterhealth - #regrann #freefirecider #herbalism #herbalismandactivism #herbalremedy #herbalist #traditionsnottrademarks #herbalist
15.01.2022 FREE CONSULTATIONS FOR THOSE AFFECTED BY THE FIRES Im offering FREE herbal medicine consultations throughout January & February 2020 for those directly affect...ed by the fires here in Victoria. This includes firefighters & volunteer firefighters, wildlife carers & individuals who have been directly impacted by smoke & stress related to the fires. Its a small gesture but its something that I can offer. The Urban Herbalist is located in East Geelong, Victoria. If you're in NSW & need help, feel free to contact me & I'll see what I can do as well. Herbal medicine can be useful for supporting the sinuses, lungs, throat, eyes & nervous system throughout this time. The consultation is FREE & the herbs will be 10% below what I normally charge to cover the costs from my end. Ill try to come up with the most cost effective options for you to keep expenses minimum. If this offer could help you or you know anyone who could benefit from this offer, please pass them my details. To make an appointment it would be best to go to the website ( & look at the Consultations page. Alternatively. Phone or text: 0410 431995 Instagram DM: @urbanherbals Facebook page message: @theUrbanHerbalistAu . #vicfires #bushfire #cfa #gippslandfires #victoria #fire #melbourne #ausfires #smoke #climatechange #australianbushfires #firefighters #wildlifevictoria #PeaceBroCo #geelong #australianwildlife #wires #bushfires #australia2020 #bushfiresaustralia
15.01.2022 New additions to our Clinic's mini Botanical Gardens from Shipards Herb Farm at Nambour. Medicinal, Edible and Floral beauties include Soapwort, Baikal Scullcap, Small Flower Willow Herb, Cedarbay Cherry, Pandan, Jasmine tea, Indonesian Guava and Rondeletia The Healing Garden Project
15.01.2022 Supplements Benefit Mental Health with Julia Rucklidge | FX Medicine
14.01.2022 Beyond Blue has released their top tips for looking after your mental health while self-isolating. Whether you're in isolation or not, it's worth a read - and remember to check in with your loved ones
14.01.2022 Understanding Compassion
13.01.2022 Still love this infographic from 2015!
13.01.2022 Healthy and tasty 3 ingredient treats!
13.01.2022 FX Medicine - Functional and Integrative medicine.
11.01.2022 So excited this book arrived yesterday! #phytotherapy #herbalmedicine #clinicalmonographs #therapeuticdosages... #michaelthomsen #healinggardenproject See more
09.01.2022 Include a rainbow in your diet every day!
09.01.2022 Yellow is the colour that symbolises the intellect and the element of Air. The Yellow Cowslip Orchid has a very social and gregarious nature and is commonly fou...nd growing in clusters. The element of Air is very concerned with social order, group activity and harmony. When out of balance there is excessive judgement and criticism, all of which is addressed by this Essence. #AustralianBushFlowerEssences #abfe #emotionalhealing #bushfloweressences #bushflowers #floweressences #bushessences #flowers #australia #vibrationalhealing #vibrationalmedicine #emotionalwellbeing #naturalremedies #healthyliving #critical #judgemental #nitpicking #humanitarianconcern #impartiability #constructive #arbitration
09.01.2022 Managing the current global pandemic requires utilising all available treatments and resources both within conventional medicine and within the field of Tradi...tional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM). Naturopathic medicine / naturopathy is an established T&CM system of medicine that is practiced in 98 countries around the world. This current pandemic highlights the need to focus on lifestyle factors and to address noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), both of which are strengths of naturopathic practice. Recognising that there are limited treatment options and no cure for COVID-19 and building on contemporary research evidence, the global naturopathic profession undertook the task of analysing the current research and conducting rapid reviews to assess the role of specific naturopathic recommendations which may be useful in the management of COVID-19. Read the full White Paper on the role of Naturopathic practice in a pandemic #NHAA #Naturopathy #HerbalMedicine
09.01.2022 For over 2000 years St Mary's thistle (Silybum marianum) has been traditionally used in European medicine for treating liver conditions. Research has shown it is a Hepatic trophorestorative and hepatoprotective, which means it has liver restorative and liver-protective properties. This is one of my all time favourite herbs! #stmarysthistle #silybummarianum... #liverherbs #antioxidant #thehealinggardenproject #favouriteherb #herbalmedicine #growyourown See more
08.01.2022 Managing the current global pandemic requires utilising all available treatments and resources both within conventional medicine and within the field of Tradi...tional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM). Naturopathic medicine / naturopathy is an established T&CM system of medicine that is practiced in 98 countries around the world. This current pandemic highlights the need to focus on lifestyle factors and to address noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), both of which are strengths of naturopathic practice. Recognising that there are limited treatment options and no cure for COVID-19 and building on contemporary research evidence, the global naturopathic profession undertook the task of analysing the current research and conducting rapid reviews to assess the role of specific naturopathic recommendations which may be useful in the management of COVID-19. Read the full White Paper on the role of Naturopathic practice in a pandemic #NHAA #Naturopathy #HerbalMedicine
08.01.2022 Borage (Borago officinalis) is a great addition to the garden and is also known to be one of the best bee and wasp attractants. It has a light cucumber fragranc...e, the young leaves can be torn into salads, mashed into cream cheese, made into sauces or puréed soups. The leaves and flowers were originally used in Pimms before it was replaced by mint. Add flowers to herbal vinegar as a dye and for a slight cucumber flavour. Tea made from the dried flowers is a traditional calming drink in Iran. It has a rich purple colour that turns bright pink by adding a few drops of lemon juice. Borage is rich in minerals, especially potassium, calcium and mineral salts. It also contains a beneficial saline mucilage, this forms a soothing film over a mucus membrane, relieving minor pain and inflammation. A tea made from the leaves is said to reduce fevers and ease chest colds and makes an excellent facial steam for improving very dry, sensitive skin. Externally, a poultice of the leaves can be used on swellings and inflammation. Cultivated commercially for the seed oil, borage is the highest known plant-based source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Borage oil is often marketed as starflower oil. Borage seed oil is used for regulation of metabolism and balancing hormones, being a remedy for PMS and hot flushes of menopause. You can buy it here >
07.01.2022 Lovely lemon myrtle Botanical name - Backhousia citriodora. Indigenous to the coastline from Cairns to Brisbane. The essential oils are extracted by steam distillation. It has wonderful properties including - Antimicrobial, air purifying (citral), uplifting and relaxing. It makes a delicious addition to gluten free shortbread. ... Constituents: Citral (Neral (alpha citral) and Geranial (beta-citral)) comprises 90-98% of the oil. Other minor constituents are myrcene, methylheptenone, linalool, isocitrals and the unusual dehydro-1,8-cineole. #foodforbees #lemonmyrtleicedteaforsummer #lemonmyrtle #healinggardenproject
07.01.2022 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) first blooms of the season! I love the colour! This delightful edible flower got its name from growing as a "weed" in corn and grain fields. The bees and polinating insects love it! Used traditionally as a herbal medicine, active constituents include anthocyans, coumarins, flavonoids. Easy to grow and add colour to salads and herb teas. #edibleflowers #herbteas #growyourown #blue #healinggardens
07.01.2022 Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance. A wonderful way to use food as medicine. #sunflower #pepitas #sesame #foodasmedicine
07.01.2022 Dispite the drought we have 3 trees full of mangos! 2 are KPs, this red one I have no idea what type it is! Very different flavour. Thank goodness we #gotrainforchristmas #mysteryredmango #redmango #healinggardenproject
06.01.2022 Include a rainbow of colours in every meal!
06.01.2022 "The art of healing comes from nature and not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature with an open mind." Paracelsus
05.01.2022 The first aspect of the rare Sydney Rose to strike you is its beautiful, intense pink fragrant flower (about 2cms across) which does not fully open. Sydney Rose... can grow up to a metre in height. Pink is symbolic of the love vibration and the healing quality of this remarkable Essence is to realise and know on a deep heart level not merely an intellectual level that there is no separation between us, that we are all one. If human consciousness is going to evolve then this will need to be the one fundamental premise to be embraced and to operate from, for in so doing it will create compassion, tolerance and love for others and the willingness to help and support others. Not surprisingly, whilst making this Essence I kept hearing over and over this message "the crowning glory, the crowning glory, this is the crowning glory of the Bush Essences." #AustralianBushFlowerEssences #abfe #emotionalhealing #bushfloweressences #bushflowers #floweressences #bushessences #flowers #australia #vibrationalhealing #vibrationalmedicine #emotionalwellbeing #naturalremedies #healthyliving #separated #deserted #unloved #weareone #compassion #unity #together #connected #tolerance #love #oneness #weareallone
04.01.2022 Herbal approach to mast cell activation syndrome and histamine intolerance
03.01.2022 Wonderful day at the Abbey Museum Victorian Christmas Fair! We had our first market stall and even Noah joined in with selling cornflower seeds from our garden. #herbs #essentialoils #tisanes #herbteas #lavender #rose #neroli
02.01.2022 Looking forward to this Saturday! We will have our first market stall. Come over and say Hi! Our stall will have Organic dried herbs, teas and tisanes. All natural Bath soaks, potted herbs. Little Noah will have a few of his succulents there too. Plus other handmade goodies! A Victorian Christmas Fair Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology
02.01.2022 Exiting projects in the works! This is what 5kg of Rose Petals look like. Watch this space
01.01.2022 What a lovely way to add colour to your diet
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