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Bottega B in Bundanoon, New South Wales | Italian restaurant

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Bottega B

Locality: Bundanoon, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4883 7733

Address: 37 Railway Avenue 2578 Bundanoon, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Peeps, its Friyay!! Liquor and Gaming NSW are extending our restaurant license to allow us to sell takeaway wine and beer with a food order during this pandemic. Thats pizza, or pasta, or a full meal WITH your fave red, white or a couple of beers. Netflix/Stan on the TV..... I see nothing wrong with this. Social distancing might have its upsides! #friyay #takeawaysoundsgood #pizzaandwinetonight #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #supportyourcommunity #keepourstaff #bottegab

24.01.2022 Open for takeaway tonight, Queens Birthday Monday. From 5pm till 8pm. #nocookholiday #opentonight #bottegab #bundanoonpizza

24.01.2022 See that view? Yes, it's a rainy day, but that is the cleanest glass in Bundanoon today! Thank you @blue_wren_window_cleaning . What a fab job! #cleanwindowsmakemehappy #perfectview

24.01.2022 Introducing La Spinaci. Artichoke sauce, spinach, artichokes, vegan cheese and fresh spinach. Totally vegan. Totally nut free. Totally comfort food. Swap in mozzarella if you need dairy. Add chicken if you need meat - but its awfully good as it is! #veganforapril #artichokeandspinach #comfortfood #veganfoods #bottegab #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

24.01.2022 Morning sustenance @jumpingrockcafe . Now for a day of prep and into the weekend service. Its Friyay! Have a great weekend - and stay safe. #morningcoffee #kitchenlife #localcafesarethebest #bottegab #bundanooneatswell

23.01.2022 Will it rain? Will it shine? Do we care? It's Sunday = Spritzday. Aperitivo at Bottega B from 4 to 6pm. Food and drink with zero stress. Try the Italian way to end the day. #aperitivohourinsummer #spritztime #bundanooneatswell #bundanoon #lazysundayafternoon

23.01.2022 Folks, we're closed tonight due to personal commitments. Back again on Wednesday. Enjoy your Sunday! #closedtonight #sharethelove #bundanoonhaslotsofoptions #bundanoon

21.01.2022 Were closed for the next 12 days. Open again from Friday 14th August. Well miss your happy faces while were sleeping in or strolling on a beach..... Back with a new spring menu for dine in and pizza specials. See you all soon! Ooh, and Lombardy Regional Dinners on 18 and 25th. Still four spots available on the 18th!!!... Ciao, ragazzi #closedforabreak #lazydays #newmenucoming #bundanooneatswell #bundanoonpizza #bottegab #destinationsouthernhighlands See more

21.01.2022 A worthy read of what has happened to our industry and how broader society will view the industry in future. Also, the considerations we need to take in re-inventing the dine-in experience, post-covid (if that ever eventuates)

20.01.2022 With increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases in NSW and the very strict conditions in Victoria, weve taken the decision to keep our community just that little bit safer. From tomorrow you will see our staff wearing masks. This simply reflects the fact that our workplace is small and busy with up to 10 people working at a time. In the absence of distanced working space, were adopting masks as a sensible preventative. Were still smiling underneath . We value the safety of our little community in Bundanoon and the broader Southern Highlands. And we value our staff and their families - without all of you, we dont exist. Thanks for your support. #covidsafeplan #masksarefashionable #staysafe #bekind #bundanoon #bottegab

20.01.2022 Salmone e Asparago - a spring pizza that's light and zingy. Smoked salmon, fresh asparagus, lemon, capers, onion and goat cheese. Finished with fresh dill it satisfies the salt/acid/fat/heat cravings. On the Specials Board now. #springisintheair #smokedsalmon #springvegetables #bundanooneatswell #bundanoonpizzaoriginal #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab

19.01.2022 This is what happens when we don't make pasta or pizza.... #loveisintheair #bottegab #closedtonight

19.01.2022 Mango and strawberry frangipane tart served with fresh strawberries, mango coulis and a dash of cream. Summery, light and fresh. On the Specials Board this weekend. #mangoseason #summerfruitsarethebest #eatdessertfirst #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab

19.01.2022 Springtime in Bundanoon. Happy hump day. #ducklings #wednesdaysmiles #springtime #bundanoon

18.01.2022 So, last night was pretty intense with loads of orders and people waiting up to an hour for pizza. By 8.15pm we had nothing to do - except drag ourselves off the floor and clean up. We love the support, but we hate to keep you waiting and we dont want to create unintentional flash mobs in Bundanoon. Kind of goes against the point of closing the dining room!! So, were asking you to spread the love over our 4 hours of service. 1. Our peak - when everyone wants to eat - is ...between 6 and 7. Youre going to have trouble getting through to order and you will have a wait. 2. If you have little children, perhaps try to order between 5 and 6pm. We have extra staff on to deal with an early rush tonight. 3. If youre used to dining at 7 perhaps order from 7.30 onwards - its a bit later but oh so civilised, and the wait time will be less. Pick up a bottle of wine with dinner, some little dessert and have a relaxing Saturday night. 4. If youre travelling across the highlands from work to home, call before you leave and use the travel time to let us get your food ready. 5. And you can ring to order with a pickup time. So call at 5 to pick up at 6.30 for instance - that works for some. If you do have to come between 6 and 7, know that we will do our very best to give accurate wait times and PLEASE be conscious of social distancing in these insane times. See more

18.01.2022 They're here! They're cold and they're available from tonight Eden Brewery makes great craft beers which can match with pizza, pasta and more. Grab dinner to go, along with a couple of Eden brews and you're set. #craftbeer #edenbrewery #pizzanbeernight #bundanooneatswell #nocookwednesday #bottegab #bundanoonpizza #destinationsouthernhighlands

17.01.2022 Introducing the Diavello Rosso . A spicy little number with a lemon-artichoke base, fresh spinach, capsicum and caramelised onion, Calabrian nduja (chili salami), fresh buffalo mozzarella and basil. Its new, its exotic, its got bite! You might want to buy a beer to go with this little devil. On the Specials Board now. #pizzawithbite #pizzanbeernight #reddevilintown #nduja #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #bottegab #specialsboard

16.01.2022 They're back! Fresh in season now, zucchini flowers are back on the menu this spring/summer. You know you want them.... #fioridizuccafritti #seasonalfood #freshfoodmatters #bundanooneatswell #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands

16.01.2022 Sunday night kitchen. A bit of jazz, a bit of dancing, a bit of plating and cutting. Keeps us on our toes!! #dancinginthekitchen #sundayjazz #bestbundanoonitalianintheworld #bottegab #loveourstaff

15.01.2022 Salmone e Asparago - a spring pizza thats light and zingy. Smoked salmon, fresh asparagus, lemon, capers, onion and goat cheese. Finished with fresh dill it satisfies the salt/acid/fat/heat cravings. On the Specials Board now. #springisintheair #smokedsalmon #springvegetables #bundanooneatswell #bundanoonpizzaoriginal #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab

15.01.2022 The NSW HSC starts tomorrow. Five of our best staff (all our staff are the best, really) are sitting these exams having endured a year of covid-interrupted study. They've all handled it remarkably well. We wish them every moment of peace and concentration required to achieve amazing things in the exams and in their lives. And to all our customers undertaking the exams or with children/grand-children/siblings doing HSC, we wish you the best as well! #NSWHSC #bottegab #bundanoon #exams2020 #schoolsover #lifebeginsattheendofyourcomfortzone

15.01.2022 White chocolate pannacotta with orange-ginger poached plums and ginger crumble. Need I say more? Available now. Along with pizza, pasta, chicken, seafood...... #bottegab #pannacotta #whitechoctonight #nocookthursday #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

15.01.2022 Regional nights 2021 regional night dates are as follows: 16 March - Puglia - only 2 seats left 13 April - Abruzzo... 11 May - Veneto 15 June - Piemonte 13 July - Emilia-Romagna 17 August - Toscana 14 September - Campania 12 October - Basilicata 16 November - Sardegna These are set menu evenings which include matched wines - ideally from the region but sometimes we go further afield. Bookings essential. Come and explore unique dishes specific to a region that represent the history and complexity of Italian food and culture. $100 per person all inclusive. No BYO on these evenings. #regionsofitaly #regionalnights #bottegab #bundanooneatswell #destinationsouthernhighlands #eatitalian #bookingsessential See more

15.01.2022 New artwork on the walls. Photos from Italy 2019. Photographer? Your favourite chef, Antonio. There's a story behind each picture so check them out when next you're in. #photosofitaly #artistinresidence #destinationsouthernhighlands #bundanoon #bottegab #bottegasofitaly

13.01.2022 These are hand-tied knots, out of the oven and waiting for dressing. Mouthfuls of delicious dough, baked to perfection, then slathered with butter, garlic and parsley. Ten in a serve. Available for takeaway. Open from 5, Wednesday to Sunday. #garlicknots #bitesizedelights #givememore #aperitivitime #bottegab #bundanoonpizza #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

13.01.2022 What a mad couple of weeks it has been! We cant thank our customers enough for supporting us and helping us to keep trading through this crazy period - but we need a wee break. Over Easter, we would normally trade every day with lots of families and visitors in town. But this year is a little different, and with no visitors weve decided to close on Good Friday and Easter Sunday and Monday. We will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday this weekend from 5pm. Thanks for your understanding. Normal trade resumes Wednesday 15th April.

13.01.2022 Investigating a real Italian pasticceria in Wollongong. Legitimate market research, no?

13.01.2022 Eggplant Parmigiana for two. Layers of roast eggplant, buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil, San Marzano tomatoes and parmesan cheese. Oozy creamy deliciousness. Ready to share.... or not! Available now. #eggplantparmigiana #bufalamozarella #coldweatherfood #bottegab #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

13.01.2022 Time to go troppo. It's mango season so we're heralding summer with our Mango e Tallegio pizza. With fresh mango slices, nutty tallegio cheese, Spanish onion on a garlic and tomato base, this pizza is summer on a plate. Finished with fresh mint, we think you'll like it. #mangoseason #gotropponight #nocookfridaynight #bundanoonpizza #bundanooneatswell #bottegab #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands

12.01.2022 Affogato means drowned in Italian. Ice cream, coffee and optional frangellico. Put it all together and its a nice way to end the meal. #affogato #alwaysleaveroomfordessert #coffeelovers #bottegab #bundanooneatswell

12.01.2022 Mushroom, spinach and mozzarella arancini. Large enough to share. Served with a spinach salad and aioli. ANZAC weekend special, while stocks last. #arancinitime #mushroomandspinach #anzacweekendspecial #bundanooneatswell #bottegab #eveninapandemic #bundanoonpizza #openthisweekendandmonday

12.01.2022 Aperitivo hour is coming to Bundanoon. Mark the end of work and transition to the evening the Italian way: A drink, a little something to nibble, open the appetite for dinner, relax with friends, reflect on the day and drink in those long summer afternoons. Starting 16th October, Friday to Sunday from 4pm to 6pm at Bottega B. No reservations! #apperitivo #italianculture #summeriscoming #lazyafternoons #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab

11.01.2022 Primavera - its spring! Our primavera pizza has a napoletana sauce, prosciutto, onion, olives and buffalo mozzarella and is finished with a fresh fava bean pesto with garlic, chili and lemon juice and finally sprinkled with fresh mint leaves. Get it in spring. On the Specials Board now. #primavera #pizzaspecials #favabeanpesto #bundanoonpizzaoriginal #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #bottegab

11.01.2022 Bonne Fte a tous! Its Bastille Day and we celebrated with a one-off French menu for a few of our fav customers. Limited because we have such a tiny space we can only seat 14 when there are no staff and no takeaway customers. Heres a sneak peak of the Cassoulet and tarte au citron. Our Lombardy nights are filling up too, so get in quick! #bastilleday #frenchmenu #cassouletinwinter #tartaucitron #bundanooneatswell #italianregionaldinners #destinationsouthernhighlands

11.01.2022 Announcing the return of our Regional Dinners. Due to space restrictions, we are limited to 14 people in any one sitting, so we have spread the nights across two weeks. First region to return is Lombardy in Northern Italy. Tuesday nights - 18th and 25th August.

11.01.2022 Cortile di castello - the Bailey. Artichoke and lemon sauce, spinach, roast potatoes and buffalo mozzarella, some cheeky lemon slices and finished with fresh spinach and rosemary. On the Specials Board now. #potatopizza #bundanooneatswell #freshfoodmatters #potatoesarecomfortfood #bundanoonpizzaoriginal #bottegab

10.01.2022 Sunday in the kitchen. New batch of fritelle di baccala in progress. Naturally gluten free, these babies are bound with our very own organic free-range eggs. The colour and the taste say it all! #fritelledibaccalà #Italianfood #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #organicproduce #freshfoodmatters #bottegab #destinationsouthernhighlands

10.01.2022 New artwork on the walls. Photos from Italy 2019. Photographer? Your favourite chef, Antonio. Theres a story behind each picture so check them out when next youre in. #photosofitaly #artistinresidence #destinationsouthernhighlands #bundanoon #bottegab #bottegasofitaly

09.01.2022 Ethically driven, we use New Zealand Hoki for our fish in the restaurant. New Zealands hoki fisheries were the first major fisheries in the world to be certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The MSC is the gold-star in certification labels and rewards sustainable seafood practices. At Bottega B, we care for our environment and we will choose products that are sustainable, organic and fresh whenever possible. #deepseahoki #nosharkstobeseen #freshfoodmatters #bundanooneatswell #ethicalrestaurants #bundanoonpizza #bottegab

09.01.2022 Stay strong, peeps. We open again on Fri-yay!! Best Bundanoon Italian (in the world!!) available from 5pm tomorrow. #bestbundanoonitalianintheworld #opentomorrow #holidaysisover #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #destinationsouthernhighlands #bundanoonpizza #bottegab

09.01.2022 Involtini di pesce spada- fresh swordfish rolled with crumbs, raisins, pine nuts and pecorino then baked. Served with roast potatoes and a cucumber-onion salsa On the Specials Board in October #swordfish #involtini #Italianfood #bundanooneatswell #bundanoonfood #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab

09.01.2022 Its mandarin season and new recipes are coming. This is pork - think on it and youll start salivating.... promise. #mandarinseason #newspecials #porkwithcitrus #whoscomingfordinnernexttime #bottegab #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

09.01.2022 Yes, holidays, but first a little test kitchen work.... this is a Davidson Plum sauce. Native plums cooked into a silky, unctuous sauce. Cant wait to introduce this in August. The Botteg B workshop is playing with native ingredients this season #cookingwithnativefoods #italianmeetsaustralian #springmenu #bundanooneatswell #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab #freshfoodmatters #seasonalfood

08.01.2022 Peckish? Our antipasto plates are a great way to start a meal. Made for two to share. Mixed olives, fresh prosciutto, truffle salami, roasted artichokes and capsicum, olive tapenade and a fresh Campana roll for you to toast if preferred. Available for takeaway or part of our Bottega B at Your Table offering. #antipastoplatter #startdinnerright #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #entreefortwo #southernhighlands #destinationsouthernhighlands #supportlocal

07.01.2022 Tonight we're in Lazio, spring lamb, spring vegetables and beautiful wines. #laziodinner #regionalitaliandinners #bundanoon #bundanooneatswell #bottegab #exploringitaliancuisine #destinationsouthernhighlands

07.01.2022 Liguria - The Italian Riviera - with the gorgeous villages of Cinque Terre and the port of Genoa. At Bottega B we're on a mission to take you to amazing places in 2020 - next stop is Liguria. Our Regional nights continue with this delightful crescent of land between mountains and sea in the north of Italy. Think pesto. walnut sauce, seafood and mountain herbs. This set menu four course dinner is available on Tuesday 15th and Tuesday 22nd September. $90 per person including matched wines. Tables still available, but not for long. And in case you miss out, in October we head to Umbria #Italianfood #Regionalnights #bundanoon #bundanooneatswell #bottegab #destinationsouthernhighlands

07.01.2022 Coming soon..... #highlandbrew #edenbrewery #newbeers #aperitivohourinsummer #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab

07.01.2022 We love our seafood - and we love it to be sustainably fished. Some of you love our Linguine alla vongole, so heres a little bit of info to make you feel all warm and gooey inside when next you eat it: We use New Zealand Littleneck Clams (Austrovenus stutchburyi) More traditionally known as the New Zealand cockle, tuaki or tuangi, these clams have been exported to a dozen countries for over twenty years. The carefully managed wild stocks are harvested in the brilliantly clear unpolluted waters of the Southern Pacific Ocean, on the Otago coast. How good is that? A little, sustainable bit of the south pacific in every bite

07.01.2022 We use Callebaut chocolate buds in our desserts and rocky road. It's sustainable, top quality, yummy (obviously) and it supports cocoa farming communities. Warm fuzzy feelings next time you bite into our ganache #sustainablecocoafarming #callebautchocolate #bundanooneatswell #chocolatedessertsarethebest #destinationsouthernhighlands #freshfoodmatters

06.01.2022 Bundanoon - what has possessed you? What a night. Thank you, but now all my staff ( and they are the BEST staff) need a nap! NO DOUGH left tonight. Big prep day tomorrow!!

06.01.2022 Just like this bunny, were sleeping in on Sunday.... and Monday. Bottega B is closed until Wednesday 15th, when were back in the kitchen to do it all again! Happy Easter all. See you on the other side #bottegab #shortbreak #tiredbunnies #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

05.01.2022 With increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases in NSW and the very strict conditions in Victoria, we've taken the decision to keep our community just that little bit safer. From tomorrow you will see our staff wearing masks. This simply reflects the fact that our workplace is small and busy with up to 10 people working at a time. In the absence of distanced working space, we're adopting masks as a sensible preventative. We're still smiling underneath . We value the safety of our little community in Bundanoon and the broader Southern Highlands. And we value our staff and their families - without all of you, we don't exist. Thanks for your support. #covidsafeplan #masksarefashionable #staysafe #bekind #bundanoon #bottegab

05.01.2022 Primavera - it's spring! Our primavera pizza has a napoletana sauce, prosciutto, onion, olives and buffalo mozzarella and is finished with a fresh fava bean pesto with garlic, chili and lemon juice and finally sprinkled with fresh mint leaves. Get it in spring. On the Specials Board now. #primavera #pizzaspecials #favabeanpesto #bundanoonpizzaoriginal #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #bottegab

04.01.2022 Scallopine con fava - pan seared scallops with fava beans and lemon butter on a bed of squid ink spaghetti. On the Specials Board this weekend till sold out. #seafood #scallops #southernhighlandsnsw #bundanooneatswell #bottegab #loveseafood

04.01.2022 This beautiful little goat is on the specials menu this week. Ragu di capretto. Served with orrechiette pasta and enjoyed with a glass of sangiovese or nero davola..... #bestbundanoonitalianintheworld #capretto #goatragu #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #bottegab #destinationsouthernhighlands #bundanoonpizzaoriginal

04.01.2022 Cant travel to Italy? Explore the regions with us. This is from our Lombardy night. Unique hand made pastas - scarpinocc and capunsei - on this six course menu with matched wines. Our Liguria nights are almost booked out in September. Then Umbria in October, Lazio in November. Where will you go to? Always on Tuesdays. Always an adventure. #bundanooneatswell #italianregionaldinners #whertonext #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab #italianfood #trysomethingnew #getinquick.

03.01.2022 The start of our visit to Calabria tonight. The first of our regional dinners for 2021. One Tuesday each month, we explore the unique culinary traditions of an Italian region. In March we head to Puglia and April sees us in Abruzzo. Will you join us? #regionsofitaly #calabriatonight #wheretonext #bundanooneatswell #limitedseats #bottegab

03.01.2022 Aperitivo in Bundanoon. A light spritz, a wine or beer with something to eat. Open your appetite and wish the day farewell at Bottega B. 4-6pm Friday to Sunday. Outside only. No reservations! #aperitivo #lazysundayafternoon #bundanoon #bundanooneatswell #italianculture #bottegab

03.01.2022 Fresh figs, fresh ginger- heaven? Add pecan and almond crumble and tonights dessert is sorted. In the oven now. Available for takeaway tonight. #figgingercrumble #autumnflavours #dessertsortedtonight #bottegab #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic

03.01.2022 Veal alla Milanese. Meltingly tender locally sourced veal cutlet on a bed of roast potatoes with a traditional northern Italian side of wilted spinach with raisins and pine nuts. What are you doing for Fathers Day? #vealallamilanese #dadsloveveal #bundanooneatswell #bundanoon #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab #fathersdaydinnersorted

02.01.2022 Pumpkin Arancini - gluten free. Vegan friendly :) Served with house made Napoletana sauce. On the menu tonight! #arancinivegan #vegetarianotions #pumpkin #bundanooneatswell

02.01.2022 2020. What a ride! It started with the cancellation of our NYE dinner because of bushfires - and January delivered smoke and fire in spades. February delivered flooding rain and a few tentative tourists, while a virus started making headlines in China and Italy. We squeezed in our first Regional Dinner from Sicily just before March delivered a Covid lockdown and April and May were all about takeaway and pivoting and piroueting and, well, things my body just isnt usually u...p for! June we opened our doors for dine in again, but oh so few in our tiny space. July has been amazing! Bundanoon and the whole Highlands has been full to the brim with tourists and travellers and Bottega B has never made so much pizza, ever! We managed to celebrate Bastille Day and we have now opened bookings for the remaining Regional Dinners in 2020 - cautiously, and now across two weeks each month to manage social distancing and allow our dedicated regulars to get a table. And this August it will be three years since we purchased the restaurant! Three years - how did that happen?? Youve stayed with us through thick and thin and were super proud to have you all as customers and friends and serve up great pizza and fabulous food in this little town of amazing people. But we need a small rest before we head into Spring and Summer. Were closing our doors before we break the rails of this rollercoaster. From 2nd August to 13th August inclusive we will be closed. Thats Sunday through to Thursday of the following week btw. We open again on Friday 14th August for a busy weekend, followed by our first Lombardy dinner on Tuesday 18th (bookings absolutely essential!) and then back to normal trade - Wednesday to Sunday from 5pm. Until then you will find us in the restaurant as usual. Buon appetito, ragazzi!

01.01.2022 Closed today!!!- we're off to a wedding . Sorry for any inconvenience but love must prevail. Open again 5pm Wednesday 10th March. #loveisintheair #closedtonight #bottegab #destinationsouthernhighlands

01.01.2022 Woohoo!! Were opening up the restaurant from Friday. You may recall, were small. So small we can only seat eight people at a time.... its intimate dining, folks. Consequently there are set seating times, but if youre keen for a night out with your partner or a couple of friends, then give us a call and reserve a table. #bottegab #diningroomisopenagain #welovehavingyouhere #bundanooneatswell #eveninapandemic #destinationsouthernhighlands #supportlocal

01.01.2022 Can't travel to Italy? Explore the regions with us. This is from our Lombardy night. Unique hand made pastas - scarpinocc and capunsei - on this six course menu with matched wines. Our Liguria nights are almost booked out in September. Then Umbria in October, Lazio in November. Where will you go to? Always on Tuesdays. Always an adventure. #bundanooneatswell #italianregionaldinners #whertonext #destinationsouthernhighlands #bottegab #italianfood #trysomethingnew #getinquick.

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