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Bowen Hills Acupuncture and Remedial Therapies in Bowen Hills | Acupuncturist

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Bowen Hills Acupuncture and Remedial Therapies

Locality: Bowen Hills

Phone: +61 434 411 654

Address: 3/69 Montpelier Rd, Bowen Hills 4006 Bowen Hills, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Beautiful day at Bowen Hills Acupuncture and Remedial Therapies. How great is it that the spring weather is on its way? On that note, save the date: Fortitude Barbell is organizing a little barbecue here next Friday, 28 August, from 5pm. Come along if you are free and have a bite to eat with us (please RSVP).

24.01.2022 Just for laughs

23.01.2022 The clinic will be closed Easter Saturday but will be open as normal on Good Friday and Monday. Also will still be here in the afternoon on Anzac Day.

22.01.2022 Happy Father's day to all guys out there who need to perform on multiple levels! photo credit: rippedandfit

21.01.2022 #TIP Counting calories is a bit old school. You better look what the calories come with and choose nutrient dense calories versus empty or toxin filled calories.

19.01.2022 We are turning 2 this week! It's been an awesome two years in the new premises of @fortitudebarbell Thank you to all my clients for supporting me in making this a successful clinic. Looking forward to helping you long into the future. Special thanks to Jonny Bbad and Jamie Cougan for the vision for setting up such a great place to work.

19.01.2022 Boiling my Chinese herbs in a traditional ceramic pot...That is the easy part, drinking them is harder Performance enhancing the old fashioned way. #bowenhills #acupuncture #remedialtherapies #bowenhillsacupuncture #brisbane #northside #health #sportsperformance #powerlifting #fortitudebarbell #menshealth #womenshealth #chinesemedicine #tcm @ Bowen Hills Acupuncture and Remedial Therapies

18.01.2022 Ive been a bit out of practice with my taichi. Im now remembering what a nice way it is to wake up on a Sunday. It really warms up the body on a winter morning once those leg muscles start to burn!

17.01.2022 Eat food. Dont eat "not food".

17.01.2022 Practitioners need treatment sometimes too. When I started getting some lateral elbow pain, commonly referred to as tennis elbow, I didnt want to waste any time getting it treated because I know how stubborn this problem can be if it becomes chronic. Luckily, it was my left arm so I was able to treat myself. You can see in the video where I have done some electro-acupuncture on the motor points of the wrist extensor muscles. This helped to reduce the strain on the tendon attachment at the elbow. Fortunately, the problem settled down quickly after treatment. It was a wise decision to do something about it straight away. You dont have to play tennis to get tennis elbow. Its enough to exert repetitive movements with your arms and hands. Hit me up if you have any questions.

16.01.2022 How did you go with managing your health during the lockdown? Did you know that online sales for alcohol in Australia increased massively? But so did the sales of gym equipment!!! We were all given this one huge challenge. For some of us, the impacts may have been far greater than for others, but ultimately, its important to remind ourselves that how we think about it and what we do about it, are choices that will always remain ours. The presence of a pandemic and the closing of the gyms were a cause for me to reconsider my training goals especially when I found my blood pressure was getting quite high. I have compiled a little blog post for you and in case you are struggling with hypertension yourself, feel free to hit me up for a chat.

15.01.2022 Thank you for your continuing support. As some of you are aware, Fortitude Barbell has had to shut their doors temporarily and the team and I hope we will all re-start together once the world has coped with this unprecedented situation. Meanwhile, I have relocated my services to MyCare Health Professionals in Bowen Hills, just 2 minutes away. I am available Monday through to Saturday. You can view my full availability by clicking the "Book Now" button at the top right of page.... As a registered primary health care provider and allied health professional it is my intention to remain available to help you with your health care for as long as I am able to. At MyCare we follow the same strict guidelines for hygiene and safety, to keep our team and patients healthy. If you show any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, have been in contact with someone who is in quarantine or you are especially vulnerable, it is important that you stay home. In case you cant come in for a treatment and are stressed or concerned, please dont hesitate to have a chat with me over the phone and Ill see what I can do for you to support you. These are crazy times and I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well. I hope you all take care of yourselves, get plenty of sleep and exercise and enjoy good food, and be sure to connect with the people you care about even if that has to be at a distance for the time being. Take care everyone.

14.01.2022 Is your back giving you a hard time? Ive been seeing a lot of people coming to the clinic with tight hip flexors lately. Because the main hip flexor (the iliopsoas muscle) connects to the lumbar vertebrae, tight hip flexors will often lead to lower back pain and dysfunction. Most patients who see me for low back pain usually get some kind of hip flexor release as part of the treatment. Hip flexors can become tight for various reasons - especially overuse. Are you stuck in yo...ur home office? If you spend a lot of time in a sitting position without getting up to move around, you will also be more likely to get shortened hip flexors. To do something about it, I recommend stretching according to the instructions given in this video. If you really want to get results, hold the stretch for at least one minute and repeat this several times. In case that doesnt do the trick, come and see me and Ill be sure to have some other way to release it for you. See more

14.01.2022 Do you cupping already? In this technique cups are used to apply suction to the tissues. It is a great way to stretch out the fascia, increase the local circulation and loosen tight muscles. I prefer to use the modern pump-suction style of cups over the traditional glass fire cups for muscluloskeletal issues because they can deliver better suction, cover a larger surface area, and can be used while standing, moving and stretching. If you havent experienced it yet, come and check it out. #bowenhills #acupuncture #remedialtherapies #bowenhillsacupuncture #brisbane #northside #health #sportsperformance #powerlifting #fortitudebarbell #menshealth #womenshealth #chinesemedicine #tcm #cupping

14.01.2022 I love this slow-mo video of the massage gun in action. Check out the shock waves as they move through the surrounding tissues. So much increased circulation. No wonder it feels so good! #MassageGun #RemedialMassage #BowenHillsAcupunctureAndRemedialTherapies

13.01.2022 Want a good idea for how to look after your loved ones this Christmas? 2020 was tough and nasty, so why not gift them a massage to release that tension! Gift vouchers available for pick up or can be sent to you by post before the end of next week. #xmas2020 #stressreliever

13.01.2022 Great infographic about lumbar disc issues - one of the most common problems I see in the clinic. Key takeaway messages here: Most lumbar disc herniations will resolve by themselves over time.... Inactivity will not help disc problems. Physical activites such as strength training and moderate running can help to strengthen and regenerate discs. (credit: Physio Meets Science)

12.01.2022 The clinic will be closed early this afternoon (20/02/19) and for the rest of the week as I will be interstate doing a three day seminar on the treatment of orthopaedic issues with motor point acupuncture. Will be back to business as usual starting Monday, 25th February. Try not to hurt yourselves while Im gone!

12.01.2022 Yesterday I was poked and prodded by a couple of powerlifting buddies with lots of questions about me and what I do. We ended up with a very informal chat about various topics including acupuncture, dry needling, meditation, training with injuries, martial arts and jelly recipes. Hope you like it. #acupuncture #bowenhills #dryneedling #powerlifting #chinesemedicine #martialarts

11.01.2022 A good article which answers and explains all the classic questions: How come joints make that cracking sound? Is it bad for you? SPOILER ALERT! - No, its not :D

11.01.2022 After many frustrating delays, my Hicaps and EFTPOS facilities are now fully operational so that you can have health fund rebates deducted on the spot. The clinic room is looking great and the schedule is filling up! Looking forward to seeing you here soon.

10.01.2022 Are you a Brisbane kid? Last weekend I got to do something that I used to love heaps as a childeating mulberries directly from the tree, fresh and sweet and free The dark purple colour is from the high levels of anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant that is great for cardiovascular health. Anthocyanins can facilitate the production and release of nitric oxide to help promote blood flow and reduce blood pressure. Mulberries are also high in iron, riboflavin, vitamin C and ...vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, with anti-cholesterol, anti-obesity and hepatoprotective effects. In Chinese medicine, Mulberries have a cooling nature and are a great tonic for the liver, kidneys and blood. Traditionally, mulberries are recommended for insomnia, premature greying of the hair (well, I am counting them) and poor joint mobility (my shoulders would love that). How about you? I guess you now want to know where to find them! #seasonal #fresh #local #fruit #diet #bowenhills #acupuncture #remedialtherapies #brisbane #health #sportsperformance #powerlifting #fortitudebarbell #menshealth #womenshealth #chinesemedicine #tcm See more

07.01.2022 A big working bee today with all hands on deck downstairs at Fortitude Barbell and me upstairs trying to get the clinic room in good order. Lots of work to do but well get there :)

06.01.2022 Before you criticise a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticise him, you'll be a mile away and he has no shoes. #philosophy #wisdom #bowenhills #acupuncture #remedialtherapies #bowenhillsacupuncture #brisbane #health #sportsperformance #powerlifting #fortitudebarbell #menshealth #womenshealth #chinesemedicine #tcm

06.01.2022 The clinic will be open tomorrow, Christmas Eve and there are still appointments available. After that we will be closed from Christmas day until 9th of January. Hope you all enjoy the festive season and looking forward to seeing you all in the new year. All the best to you and your families. Enjoy!

05.01.2022 As of yesterday a number of non-essential businesses will be closed in Queensland to slow the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus. As a registered allied health practitioner and a primary health care provider I will be remaining open to help you with your health complaints. Sadly the Fortitude Barbell gym has been forced to closed under the new guidelines, but for the time being at least, I will still be practising from the same premises. If anything changes in the near future I... will keep you all updated as changes occur. Rest assured I will be doing all that I can to maintain a safe and hygienic clinic environment for you. I really care about all of you and hope that we can all stay safe during these unusual times and I can continue to provide health care to those who need it. We will be continuing to practice good hygiene and sanitation practices and urge you all to do the same. Wiping and disinfecting of surfaces will be increased, including surfaces such as keyboards, EFTPOS terminals and door handles. Extra hand sanitiser will be available for use by patients as well as hand washing facilities. Everybody, please keep up to date with the official health advice. PLEASE DO NOT PRESENT TO THE CLINIC if you have fever or cold and flu type symptoms unless you have a medical clearance, and please observe the self-isolation period if you have recently returned from overseas travel or are waiting for test results. If you have any questions that you want to ask me and cant come in, please dont hesitate to call or message me and I will always get back to you. Please take care everybody, Ken

02.01.2022 If youre not already aware, I am excited to let you know that Bowen Hills Acupuncture and Remedial Therapies and Fortitude Barbell are back! Some of you have already been to the clinic last week and noticed that we have put some effort into a few renos during the lockdown. Not that I would ever want you to spend too much time waiting for me, but just letting you know our seating area got an upgrade too! Come and check it out! I am looking forward to seeing you back here soon!

02.01.2022 The clinic will be open this Monday then closed from Christmas until 7th January. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas and hoping you all have a great year ahead in 2019. Looking forward to seeing you then.

02.01.2022 Welcome everyone. The facebook page is now set up to make online bookings. Will be open for business on Monday 5 November. Not sure if we will be fully operational with internet and payment facilities on that day but the treatment table will be set up so thats the main thing :) Please feel free to invite your friends to like the page and make sure you adjust the settings to see my posts in your newsfeed if you are interested. All support is appreciated. Cheers, Ken Haydock

01.01.2022 It was a great weekend for Bowen Hills Acupuncture, supporting local powerlifting at the CAPO Powerlifting Australia Queensland states. It was a pleasure to help keep the athletes functioning over the course of the day. I also competed early in the day in the bench only competition so it was a big day for me!

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