Bowman Park in Crystal Brook, South Australia | Landmark & historical place
Bowman Park
Locality: Crystal Brook, South Australia
Address: 140 Bowman Park Road 5523 Crystal Brook, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Stars at Bowman Park When capturing the amazing night sky as a back drop to the nature playspace. Beyond beautiful ... Ernie Polley
25.01.2022 The response to the nature playground has been overwhelmingly positive with a huge increase in the number of visitors accessing the space. Bowman Park is a public space and although anyone is entitled to visit on any given day, it has been mentioned that it would be beneficial to have a calendar to support sites with their planning. Please send a message via the Bowman Park Facebook page if wanting to add your sites dates to the term 3 and term 4 calendars. The calendar will be updated as required.
25.01.2022 Works are underway to construct a new 5 bay toilet block with 1 bay being baby change / disabled unisex. The toilet block will be steel framed and steel cladded, with stainless steel fittings and fixtures throughout. Works are estimated to be finished mid-December 2020. Portable toilets are located on site to use in the meantime. During this period, the adjacent bbq is also out of action due to the wiring feed being fed from the new toilet block. ... If further information is required, please contact the Port Pirie Regional Council on 86339666.
24.01.2022 Dogs on leashes are welcome to visit Bowman Park, and have their litter collected after them (there are bags provided near oval and RV park) We respectfully ask that owners do NOT take their dogs into the nature playground area, even if they are on a leash. Your support with this helps keep Bowman Park a friendly and safe place for all to visit. Thank you
23.01.2022 We wish to advise that the Barbecue located at Bowman Park will be out of service until early December to enable to installation of the new toilet block. This i...s due to the services that feed the toilet block also supply the Barbecue. Council appreciates the community’s cooperation during this period.
22.01.2022 The anticipation is building...but we still need to wait for the green light to let our young and the young at heart, wild and free in the Nature Play Space Plenty of open space to run, hills to hike, trees to climb and picnics to be shared whilst we wait for the official opening day!
21.01.2022 Please stay home this Easter and school holidays. Easter is a special time for many South Australians, providing us all with a chance to spend time with our lo...ved ones or enjoy a long weekend camping before winter starts. But the coronavirus outbreak means this years Easter break will look a little different for us all. While we have to change our plans, you can still spend quality time with your loved ones. Staying at home will reduce the chances of you and your family becoming sick, or causing others to become sick. Cancelling holiday plans is always upsetting, but it is a vital step in protecting everyone, including our regional communities and their health resources. While family get-togethers, parties and BBQs are usually a great way to spend the long weekend, this year its important that everyone continues to practise social distancing. You should avoid spending time with anyone outside your immediate family and follow the state rules on indoor and outdoor gatherings. There are still lots of ways you can celebrate the holiday, and this can be especially important during these worrying times. Special meals, Easter egg hunts and camping in your backyard are just some of the ways you can keep entertained and there is no limit on the amount of hot cross buns you can eat. Even during the holidays, its important we all work together to stop the spread of the virus for the sake of everyone in our community.
21.01.2022 Bowman Park Management Committee AGM ~ TONIGHT at 7pm at Council Meeting Room All interested community members welcome and encouraged to attend.
19.01.2022 We are loving all the extra RV visitors to the park enjoying the beautiful nature. With the increase of visitors we would like to keep reminding everyone to Please remember the rules while visiting so everyone can continue to enjoy the peaceful and beautiful park.
19.01.2022 What an amazing community asset Climbing Tree is constructing at Bowman Park. Here are some photo updates of the Nature Playspace Thank you to community members who have donated their rustic treasures to complement the digging space and old farm gates to direct visitors to the entrance to the Playspace. Construction will be completed by the end of May and then open to the public. ... The space adjacent to the native gardens has been reinvigorated beyond our wildest imaginations! We are really loving the unique elements that Climbing Tree have carefully woven into the fabric of the Nature Playspace. Thank you just doesnt seem enough for their attention to detail and overall craftsmanship. But .... thank you again Climbing Tree team! Its simply amazing.
19.01.2022 Climbing Tree contractors said they are feeling very privileged to be working in the beautiful surrounds of Bowman Park as they create a Nature Playspace adjacent to the native gardens. The sounds of birds, the scent from the lemon gums and the excitement from locals is inspiring them to create an amazing space that is sure to trigger your senses as you wander through the gardens and new Playspace. Here are some pictures that were taken this evening
19.01.2022 Due to the wonderful rain we will be postponing the working bee until next Sunday. See you next weekend!
18.01.2022 If you are visiting the nature playspace this weekend, look out for the tools in the digging patch to help dig for the buried treasures. Please have fun digging with the trowels and spades, and make sure you leave them there ready for the next people to use! Thank you
17.01.2022 Please come along to the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 2nd September at 7pm, at Council Meeting Room, Crystal Brook. We need you to help keep our vision of maintaining Bowman Park for everyone to utilise and enjoy. Learn about the park, have your say and join the group of dedicated members who volunteer their time to keep the park a wonderful and safe place to visit, now and for the future. The nature play space has been a huge drawcard for Bowman Park, and constructi...on of a BMX track is underway. These projects continue to make Bowman Park a popular location choice, encouraging families and the wider community to come together. An injection of funds into the Southern Flinders Ranges was announced by the State Government recently. You can be involved in these discussions and how Bowman Park can be positively influenced. Now would be a great time for new community members to become involved with the committee and to have your input / assistance with the projects! Please direct any enquiries to [email protected] See more
17.01.2022 The second week of school holidays is already upon us No better way to spend time with your family and friends than being outside exploring at the new nature playground at Bowman Park! #ItsBetterOutside
16.01.2022 The old toilets at Bowman Park have been removed and ground works completed, ready for a new slab to be poured in the new location. There are two portable toilets for visitors to utilise while the new amenities are being constructed.
16.01.2022 Some beautiful blooms to discover in the gardens at Bowman Park
15.01.2022 Will it be a , a , or a , or maybe something else?! What do you think Climbing Tree are constructing using this huge branch that was salvaged from a storm?
14.01.2022 Have you spotted a goanna in your travels at Bowman Park? This one was found perched high in a tree Monday, basking in the warmth and light of the afternoon sun.
14.01.2022 How exciting for Bowman Park to feature amongst SAs 10 best adventure and nature playgrounds!! Why not pack your family a nourishing picnic, a hot thermos and make a visit during the school holidays? You wont be disappointed! #ItsBetterOutside
14.01.2022 Its exciting to see this vision becoming a reality. A wonderful part of this project included the community consultation process facilitated by Simon Hutchinson of Climbing Tree in 2017, where children from the Crystal Brook Kindergarten and Primary School, and wider local community shared their ideas of elements they wanted to be included in the Nature Playspace. Climbing Tree are working their magic to develop this unused space of the native gardens into something magical. Its not finished yet ..... and it will be brilliant when you hear the kids claim it was their idea to include a particular element as they excitedly explore the space!
14.01.2022 Big thank you to the Crystal Brook APEX boys that came along this morning to help remove the scrap metal for collection...we couldnt have done it without your park is looking much tidier and safer
13.01.2022 Wonderful to see so many families making the most of the sunshine this week at Bowman Park #ItsBetterOutside Very proud to be ranked #2 in the list of top 10 adventure and nature playgrounds by Nature Play SA. And now lets bring on some rain across South Australia this weekend!
12.01.2022 Big thank you to one of our local mums Annabel Greig for donating 6 more shovels for our digging patch. Let’s hope everyone can keep them in one piece and in the digging patch space so everyone can continue to enjoy them. ...I think a pirate may have come by and reburied the treasure ...time to get digging!!
11.01.2022 Bowman Park Management Committee are planning an outdoor movie night in March (date TBC) The committee would like to run a poll to see which movie is most preferred. Please give this original post (or in the comments) an emoji for your preferred choice ...... Aladdin (new one with Will Smith) Toy Story 4 Lion King The poll will run until 8pm Sunday 16th February. Thank you
10.01.2022 Lest we forget
10.01.2022 It is really important that we continue to preserve the historical value of the buildings and stone work that Bowman Park is renowned for by visitors past and present. Thank you to the Port Pirie Regional Council for supporting Bowman Park with this recent upgrade to the buildings.
10.01.2022 Working bee at Bowman Park this morning. Any help is greatly appreciated to help maintain the garden areas and undertake some general maintenance work. Even if you can call out for a short time between 10-12pm - we’d love to see you
09.01.2022 It gives the Bowman Park Management Committee great pleasure to welcome visitors to Bowman Park to enjoy the hugely anticipated opening of the newly constructed Nature Playspace. Our hearts are filled with pride at what has been achieved. It has been a dream of the Committees for the best part of the last four years. Thank you to everyone involved for helping us to realise this dream. Visiting this amazing space will create many positive memories for people of all ages and abilities. Our wish is that you have a wonderful and memorable time at beautiful Bowman Park. We kindly ask that you respect the environment, yourselves and each other as you explore this amazing space. We also request you respect the guidelines as outlined in the following post published by Port Pirie Regional Council. Thank you!
09.01.2022 A welcome rain yesterday, a much needed drink for the land... and the smell of this beautiful Lemon-Scented Gum at the far side of the Bowman Park gardens is something else!
09.01.2022 Have you heard about the new Southern Flinders Precinct and not sure what it is all about? It is a $10 million investment by the Federal and State Governments to establish the Southern Flinders as a world-class nature-based tourism destination. The next community information session is being held at Bowman Park, Crystal Brook on Monday, 26 October from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. ... Find out more about the project, potential regional opportunities and hear from Kelly-Anne Saffin, CEO Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North. Michael Williams, Executive Director, National Parks and Wildlife Service. Jo Podoliak, Director of Tourism and Economic Development, National Parks and Wildlife Service. Danny Doyle, District Ranger Yorke and Mid North, National Parks and Wildlife Service. Please reserve your spot via Eventbrite as tickets are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please come along to hear what exciting opportunities are possible at Bowman Park and have your say!
08.01.2022 Hello visitors to Bowman Park, A reminder about snakes. A 1 metre brown snake has been spotted in and around the digging pit at the nature play area of Bowman Park. It is their home so if seen please dont try to kill it. Please be aware, not alarmed. Move away, warn others or call the snake catcher. Scott Smith 0497 381 846... Thank you
06.01.2022 What a beautiful autumn day! Great to see families and visitors to Bowman Park this morning. And to see quite a number of campers enjoying the RV park. A few friendly reminders to all who visit Bowman Park...... - Keep your dogs on leads (for safety of other visitors and the two peacocks) - Clean the electric barbecue plates after you have finished using them. - No camping in tents on the oval - Bring your own fire wood for camp fires. - Please use the central fire pit area (no smaller fires at individual camp areas) - Pick up your rubbish around your camp area. - RVs can have a maximum of two days free camping. A donation can be made in the box provided to help maintain the facilities if you wish. Lets all work together to keep Bowman Park a safe and wonderful place to visit and stay. Thank you!
06.01.2022 And in that wood, lives the Magic Faraway Tree. This is no ordinary tree - it is home to more magical lands ... Very exciting the see the progress of the Nature Playspace at Bowman Park! Well done Climbing Tree, you are exceeding our expectations in your creative design and workmanship skills! This new development is looking amazing
05.01.2022 Why not make a visit to Bowman Park a part of your school holiday nature play adventures?
05.01.2022 Thank you Climbing Tree for what you have created at Bowman Park for our community, visitors and travellers Your team has created a shiny, sparkly jewel in Bowman Parks crown with your amazing craftsmanship. We simply cannot put a value on the Nature Playspace. It will provide children, families, tourists and community members of all ages and abilities, with endless opportunities to play, be challenged and connect with nature. ... Bowman Park has an incredible ability to allow visitors time to disconnect from their everyday lives and connect in other ways.... to breathe in the fresh air, listen to the sounds of birds, smell the lemon scented gums, spend time alone or with others. This is one part of the incredible value of the Nature Playspace that cannot be measured. Thank you Climbing Tree for working in collaboration with our community to generate a design and create this amazing space (over the past 9 weeks) that has absolutely exceeded our expectations. The passion, commitment and workmanship of your team has been brilliant. Thank you to Port Pirie Regional Council for endorsing this project, and the Drought Communities Funding, some local funding and donations to ensure this space could go ahead. Thank you to the BPMC who have worked tirelessly to advocate for the Nature Playspace, sourcing various funding, assisting with working bees and working collaboratively with a number of parties to ensure construction ran smoothly. It has been 3 years in the making and it sure is worth the wait! We cannot wait for the PPRC to announce the Nature Playspace is officially open, pending its final safety certification, expected to take a few weeks. Have a great long weekend and travel safe if on the roads.
05.01.2022 The Bowman Park Management Committee are delighted to announce that approval for the construction of the Nature Playspace at Bowman Park has been granted. Engagement of Climbing Tree Pty Ltd for the design, construction and supervision of the project has been approved. The agreement was recently signed between the Port Pirie Regional Council and Climbing Tree Pty Ltd, and works have commenced this week. ... The committee are thrilled with the securing of funds through Federal Governments Drought Communities Programme. Pacific Hydro have contributed funds to various components of the Playspace. The committee acknowledge Crystal Brook Medical Practice and Ramsey Pharmacy for their ongoing support and financial contributions also. The BPMC are naturally excited at the funding that will support community members of all ages, including families and children with their social, emotional and physical development. It has been a project that the committee have been working tirelessly on across the last three years following a community survey and consultation process in 2017-18. It is a wonderful investment for Bowman Park and the Crystal Brook community, and will encourage outdoor activity and family engagement for all who visit. It is an amazing feeling to see the project commencing. Stay tuned for updates throughout the coming weeks
05.01.2022 Development of a new toilet block will certainly be welcomed by all visitors to Bowman Park. Thank you PPRC for this allocation of funding.
05.01.2022 The shovels in the digging patch are missing .. again Please keep them in the digging patch area so that all visitors to Bowman Park can enjoy digging for the buried treasures with them. If you know where the shovels are located, children and families would gratefully appreciate their return. ... Thank you
05.01.2022 10 year old Bree Ellis took a great little video of a goanna walking through the playground last Friday at Bowman Park. Bree’s commentary accompanying the video includes her narrating, and then some comments from the goanna’s perspective! Take a and a listen ... He’s just choosing which way he wants to go.... The birds are still attacking him They just won’t stop it dude! I’m just trying to chill. It’s a nice day. Be nice
05.01.2022 Putting a call out to community members who may have some old treasures laying around your sheds?! Climbing Tree are currently constructing a digging patch as part of the new Nature Playspace. There is a fence being built from logs, and as a feature, the team would like old memorabilia to permanently fix to the fence. Not only will it look rustic but will create interest for those digging and exploring in the space. Families can have a piece of their history attached this unique structure which kids will love knowing the item originated from your family. Please drop any items (see collage for inspiration) to the front verandah of 8 Cunningham Street, Crystal Brook. Thank you for your anticipated support! See more
04.01.2022 All interested community members are welcome to assist at the upcoming working bee at Bowman Park, Sunday 23rd August from 10am. Thank you!
03.01.2022 Bowman Park Working Bee We are hoping to make the park safer for visitors and more enjoyable for our children. Our aim for the working bee that was rescheduled to this Sunday August 30th is: - to collect the scrap metal/rubbish around the park ready for council to remove. Lots of strong people are required ... - digging up the digging patch to loosen the sand and recovering the treasures ready for the kids to rediscover the hidden treasures. Again some strong digging arms required again - weeding, weeding, weeding We would love anyone that has a spare hour or two this Sunday to please come along...many hands make light work
01.01.2022 Bowman Park Management Committee were successful in receiving $5,000 from Northern and Yorke NRM Board for weed eradication at Bowman Park. The contractor has started weed eradication this week. He is chopping down pepper trees, spraying box thorns and horehound. If visiting the park, please be aware of this work being undertaken.
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