Boxing Australia Nsw Inc | Community organisation
Boxing Australia Nsw Inc
Phone: +61 2 8736 1214
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25.01.2022 I am sad to advise, that on Saturday night, of the passing of Warwick Warn as he was the a long serving committee member of the old NSW ABA and held the Registrar/Matchmakers position for 9years in the 80s an 90s and also the President of the committee as well as being an active RJ from the early 80s (prior to Boxing NSW) and an International referee. Warwick was a tireless worker for boxing in NSW and would travel far and wide to support the sport he loved.
24.01.2022 For today's Tactical Skills Video check out the arsenal of single punches that some of the world's best boxers throw in a bout. Watch the video in the link a...nd let us know your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the use and technique of single punches. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Tactical Skills Identification compilation video of some of the worlds best boxers using single punches in attack and defence in competition. The most common punch to be thrown on its own is of course, the jab, in all its variations, that is in attack or defence, whilst moving in any direction, leading off or as a counter. More skilled boxers are entirely comfortable throwing a straight or bent-arm punch with either hand to the head or body depending on whichever is most appropriate at that time. In this skills ID video we have compiled a number of excellent examples of boxers demonstrating throwing single punches with either hand in a variety of situations.
24.01.2022 Registration for the Australian Club Championships closes 13 November. Register today! Athlete rego Coach rego See more
24.01.2022 Don't forget to register ASAP for Inter-club Sparring next Saturday 29 August at Full Throttle Boxing & Training Centre. Register at Seeking a competition sparring match for an experienced 90kg elite male. Stockade Training Centre Winnunga Boxing FightSmith Boxing Canberra PCYC Gym Victus Boxing Australia Nsw Inc
23.01.2022 Coming soon: The Women of Boxing Australia, a short film about the women who have qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, and those on the Australian select...ion team who are still to qualify. Watch this space! Caitlin Parker Skye Nicolson Kristy Harris- KH Boxing Anja Stridsman - Boxer Kaye Scott boxer Boxing Australia Boxing Victoria Boxing Australia Nsw Inc Boxing WA Marcos Amado Sam Brizzi Coach Jamie Pittman Sting Sports
23.01.2022 NSW Futures team selected for the club championship in Adelaide SA Alexander Boskovski Bleron Toska Jayden Buan... Dharringarra Trewhella Ahmad Reda Coach Nudge Mieli
23.01.2022 Excited to announce the next NSW Futures camp, all Covid rules will apply. Please ensure you bring all your own equipment including joggers. If you are feeling sick or have had symptoms please advise me.
22.01.2022 Don't worry if you missed yesterday's Techincal Skills Video , we have got you covered . Watch the video in the link and let us know your thoughts in the comm...ents . We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Walking On technique. See more
21.01.2022 Next Futures Camp will be announced in the coming weeks. With the uncertainty of any competition being scheduled the Futures program is still pushing ahead and ...aims at developing our youth and junior boxers. Although we have had to adjust our content it gives us as coaches the opportunity to work on the technical side of boxing. Great to see the results from our program in the last year and a half. NSW best result at nationals last year since 2014. No coincidence that most athletes that medaled are part of the best program in the country led by our National Futures coach Jamie Pittman. Looking forward to our next camp ! See more
20.01.2022 Check, Check, Check . See how some of the world's best boxers use a Check Hook to counter an aggressive fighter . Watch the video in the link and let us know... your thoughts in the comments . We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Check Hook technique. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Technical Skills Identification compilation video of some of the worlds best boxers using a check hook in competition. A check hook is generally considered to be a counterpunch thrown to stop or slow the progress of an aggressive fighter moving forward on the attack. However, it can be combined with a lead jab and utilised whilst moving back out of punching range. This punch is thrown like a traditional hook, but most often involves simultaneously stepping back along the line of attack as the punch is delivered. In this skills ID video we begin by looking at the jab/check hook combination and then move on to the traditional check hook counterpunch and see how it can also be used to begin a counterpunch combination.
19.01.2022 : Your cheat sheet for Olympic boxing! #TokyoTogether Boxing Australia
19.01.2022 Don't get caught in the Clinch with today's Technical Skills Video. See how the world's best boxers effectively use the Clinch technique when in the ring. the video in the link and let us know your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Clinch Technique. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Technical Skills Identification compilation video of world class boxers getting caught up in a clinch. A clinch has commonly been described as being when one or both boxers grab onto or hold an opponent to prevent an exchange of punches or to slow the action. A boxer may also use this as a tactic when hurt, to prevent absorbing additional punishment, or to avoid having to engage with an opponent at close range. There are of course occasions when neither boxer is looking to clinch to gain an advantage and may have simply been caught off balance needing to embrace the other so as not to fall down. It is the referees role to apportion blame or not as they see fit when a clinch occurs. War. At the opposite end of the scale here we have two boxers furiously working at mid and short range, both refusing to give any ground and fall into a clinch.
16.01.2022 Unfortunately due to the developing Covid-19 outbreak currently occurring in Adelaide and subsequent SA border closures by other States, Boxing Australia has ta...ken the difficult decision to postpone the Club Championships. A decision on new dates for the event won't be taken until there is more certainty regarding the safe participation for all involved. Entry fee refunds will be processed over the coming days and will be subject to a deduction of the nominal transaction fee. Thank you for your interest in what was sure to be a great inaugural edition of the Australian Club Championships, and we hope to see you at the postponed event some time in 2021
15.01.2022 See how some of the world's best boxers draw their opponent into punching range with today's Tactical Skills Video. Watch the video in the link and let us know ...your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Draw tactic. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Tactical Skills Identification compilation video on the use of drawing and waiting in Olympic style boxing. In this skills ID video Cuba boxers can be seen simply moving backwards before stopping and waiting for their opponent to move into their punching range thereby making their attack less risky and more effective. A tactic that also allows them to punch at long range and move off before being countered. This compilation also highlights how a tame jab or rear hand is thrown short of the target to encourage their opponent to move closer or open up and initiate an attack making them vulnerable to counter attacks. Punching short can also be used simply as a feint to expose their opponents likely reaction to a genuine attack. Either way, throwing a punch deliberately aimed short of the target exposes the boxer to minimal danger whilst keeping the opponent occupied and wary.
15.01.2022 Was asked by producers to advertise Ninja Warrior 2021 auditions amongst our athletes . Go to website below directly to answer the call.
14.01.2022 With restrictions easing around the country, State Futures Camps in WA, NT, SA, QLD, NSW and ACT are back . Swipe to see the Futures program in action. Thanks to Commonwealth Games Australia for their continued support of the program.
14.01.2022 Today's Tactical Skills Video marks the end of the educational video series. For the finale, we are going back to basics and seeing how the world's best boxers... use the basic two punch combination in competition. Watch the video in the link and let us know your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the use of basic punch combinations. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Tactical Skills Identification compilation video of some of the worlds best boxers using the most basic two punch combination in competition. The long-range jab/rear hand combination to the head is, without doubt, the first and most widely taught and practised combination of punches for all boxers. However, this pairing is in fact quite rarely used in isolation. It is most commonly utilised as the second phase of an attack, usually preceded by a single jab, or as part of a bigger combination. In this skills ID video we have compiled some of those rare occasions when the simplest and most basic combination is being demonstrated.
11.01.2022 Do you know of anyone that may match up in any of the below weight categories? If so, please spread the word. There is still time to register for this exciting... event Entries close 11am on Monday, 16 November 2020 Athlete Registration Coach Registration Master Male 69kg Novice and Open 75kg Open 81kg Novice and Intermediate 91kg Intermediate and Open Master Female 60kg Intermediate 64kg Open 75kg Novice Elite Male 52kg Intermediate 64kg Open 75kg Intermediate 81kg Intermediate 91+kg Intermediate Elite Female 54kg Open 54kg Novice 54kg Intermediate 57kg Novice 60kg Intermediate Youth Male 49kg Novice 56kg Open 69kg Open 91kg Intermediate Youth Female 51kg Intermediate 57kg Novice 69kg Novice Junior Boys 34kg Novice 46kg Intermediate 50kg Open 54kg Intermediate 57kg Intermediate 60kg Novice 66kg Intermediate 70kg Novice 75kg Intermediate 80+kg Novice U15 Boys 63kg Novice 80+kg Intermediate U15 Girl 46kg Novice 48kg Novice 54kg Novice 57kg Open 80kg Novice
11.01.2022 Get excited, we have one of the PCYC Boxing Top Guns, Joel Keegan, coming into Cabramatta this afternoon, joining our Head coach Isa with the 5pm & 6pm Boxing c...lasses. Joel is arguably Australia's Best Elite Amateur boxing coach with a String of Australian and International Champion Boxers in his stable. Joel has worked with Isa for years, mentoring her & many other top Coaches. Pictured with two of his Champions, Anja Stridesman (Pebbles Warhammer) & Kaye Scott ... Joel has taken them to the World stage winning Commonwealth Gold & a fistful of championship Medals. Join Isa & Joel tonight and start your Boxing journey right. With Joel & Isa, we are planning big things for PCYC Cabramatta Boxing ... soon we will be announcing Weekend Sparring sessions with Boxing Australia Nsw Inc, bringing the best fighters from clubs across NSW in to sharpen their skills, ready for post COVID Tournaments ... Cabra boxing, better than ever
10.01.2022 Square up to the week with today's Technical Skills Video showing how the world's best boxers 'walk on' towards their opponent . Watch the video in the link a...nd let us know your thoughts in the comments . We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Walking On technique. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Technical Skills Identification compilation video of one of the worlds best boxers walking forward towards his opponent into punching range in competition. In this skills ID video we see how it is possible to Walk On towards an opponent rather than use a more common technique that requires the boxer to maintain their left or right foot nearest to their opponent according to their preferred stance. This technique can be fraught with danger as it causes the boxer to continually square up to their opponent as the feet cross. It takes strength, resilience, toughness and great skill for Ukraine boxer Oleksandr Khyzhniak to effectively walk on the wild side.
09.01.2022 Bounce away the start of the working week with today's Technical Skills video. See how some of the world's best boxers maintain a fixed foot position by 'boun...cing'. Watch the video in the link and let us know your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Bounce technique. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Technical Skills Identification compilation video of two of the worlds best boxers using a fairly fixed stance in competition. In this skills ID video we mainly look at the Womens 75kg Gold medallist from the 2019 World Championships and in particular how she nearly exclusively keeps her feet a fixed distance apart when engaging with her opponent by bouncing up and down and forwards and backwards. But first we take a look at the India 48kg Silver medallist at the same event using a very similar technique of attempting to maintain the integrity of her base as she moves forwards and backwards by shifting both feet at the same time.
09.01.2022 I had a bit of trouble finding this so i thought i would post the link. You have to fill in the plan and have it on the premises but not upload it at this time but you do have to register the academy as covid safe. i registered as an indoor sports venue as opposed to a gym as im not really a weights style place here but up to you. Hope it helps and this is my post as opposed to being a directive from Boxing NSW as so much is open to interpretation around covid rules.
08.01.2022 Who is eligible to apply? To be eligible for this grant program, the applicant must be an:... Incorporated, not-for-profit grassroots sport club (see the definition in the FAQ) and refer to list of sports at Appendix B in the Guidelines Applications from Licenced Sporting Clubs may be considered providing the project directly benefits the sport, not the administration processes of the licenced club or upgrades of the licenced premises Applications may be considered from Sport Clubs associated with a school, church or university providing they are a not for profit club that are incorporated in their own right.
08.01.2022 PCYC Boxing Announcement: Unfortunately due an Executive Management decision within our organisation we regret to inform you that our Dec 6 Hawkesbury Sunday Fight Sesh has been postponed until January. This decision was made to safe guard our competitors, coaches, staff, volunteers and attendees. Safety is at the forefront of our business and until we fully understand the Covid Guidelines yet to be distributed from the Health Department and Combat Sports we are reluctant t...o host a show. We are confident that when these requirements are clear, we will successfully run our full 2021 Calendar which will be published shortly. We would like to thank all Coaches and competitors that nominated for the show and provide us with your ongoing support. Our next show in January will have 4 - PCYC NSW State Title Belts up for grabs. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you at our next PCYC Boxing Tournament. See more
08.01.2022 We are excited to offer the boxing community a series of State-based online workshops to aid R&J, coach and boxer development. The workshops aim to share knowl...edge and build confidence in the rules across the boxing community. Everyone is welcome to join the online sessions! See the flyer below for more info or head to the events page of our website
07.01.2022 1 year to go until #Tokyo2020 Swipe to see the 5 Aussie boxers who have already secured quota spots #1YearToGo #StrongerTogether #TokyoTogether... Australian Olympic Team See more
07.01.2022 Step into the weekend with today's Tactical Skills Video. See how the world's best boxers Step Back to draw an opponent into punching range. Watch the video in... the link and let us know your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Step Back tactic. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Tactical Skills Identification compilation video of boxers drifting backwards in order to draw an opponent into punching range. In this skills ID video we take a look at two world class USA boxers slowly drifting away from their opponent for the majority of the time encouraging their opponents to be always moving forwards thereby making it easier for themselves to move in to or out of punching range and control the contest. It is a tactic frequently utilised by the majority of USA based Olympic style boxers and is also very common in professional boxing in the USA. Here we see the boxer purposely stepping back away from their opponent enticing them to be moving forward into their punching range as they execute an attack.
06.01.2022 **** Important for those wishing to attend SA club championships *****
05.01.2022 Break convention with today's Tactical Skills Video. See how some of the world's best boxers defy convention and circle towards their opponents stronger rear ha...nd when facing an opponent using an opposite stance. Watch the video in the link and let us know your thoughts in the comments. We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about a boxer's tactics when facing an opponent with an opposite stance. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Tactical Skills Identification compilation video of some of the worlds best boxers facing opponents using an opposite stance in competition. In this skills ID video we have a look at the tactics adopted between orthodox and southpaw boxers when facing off against each other. The most widely promoted tactical instruction is to circle around away from the opponents rear hand, so an orthodox boxer would be instructed to move to the left. But is it always the correct thing to do? Here we see four Cuba boxers defying convention and circling towards their opponents stronger rear hand in competition.
03.01.2022 Thumbs up or down ? Today's Technical Skills Video compares the way in which boxers from different weight divisions position their thumb when landing a hook.... Watch the video in the link and let us know your thoughts in the comments . We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about a boxers thumb position when landing a hook . TRANSCRIPT In this skills ID compilation video we compare the way in which the boxers from 48kg to 60kg in the finals at the 2019 Women's World Championships position their thumb when landing hooks to the head, at mid and long range. At either end of the scale we have a more technically correct punch landing with the knuckle part of the glove compared to a less technically correct punch that looks to generate as much power as possible. We shall see that the boxers at the lighter weights predominantly turn their wrist to position their thumb down and land the punch with the top face of the glove whereas in this case as the boxers get heavier and stronger they look to hold their thumb up and land the punch with the underside of the glove and inner fist. We can see that the arm can be virtually straight with long range hooks but that leads to either the back of the hand or the palm of the hand being the point of contact with the target.
03.01.2022 ***COMPETITION TIME *** How would you and 4 friends like to have dinner with Boxing Legend Jeff Fenech?! To enter simply SUBSCRIBE to the Standing Eight YouTub...e Channel SHARE this post & TAG 4 friends who will join you in the comments below! Winner will be announced Friday 28th August
02.01.2022 Need a push . For today's Technical Skills Video see how the world's best boxers use the Push Away technique to avoid attacks. Watch the video in the link and ...let us know your thoughts in the comments . We invite coaches and athletes to ask questions and encourage open discussion about the Push Away technique. TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the Boxing Australia Technical Skills Identification compilation video of one of the worlds best boxers using a simple foot defence in competition. In this skills ID video we take a look at the Uzbekistan super heavyweight 2019 World champion using the push away to avoid attacks and also create clear space to counter with long range punches. Here we can see how this foot defence used correctly in a timely manner enables a boxer to score cleanly whilst controlling the distance between themselves and their opponent.
01.01.2022 Inter-club sparring - it's on again! Sat 29 August - Full Throttle Training Centre Inter-club sparring provides an opportunity for boxers registered with Boxing... ACT and the surrounding region to spar together. Bouts are refereed but no winner is announced, providing valuable experience for boxers to develop skills, tactics and fitness. Boxers registered with Boxing NSW may be able to participate subject to ACT Government restrictions in force on the day. Light sparring options are also available for boxers that are currently lacking form or fitness, or if even matches cannot be found. All participants must have a current membership with Boxing ACT (or other member association for interstate guests), either as a Boxer, Coach or Non-competing Individual. Please note that online registration for the event is essential to allow allocation to a session and ensure compliance with COVID restrictions. Unfortunately spectators are not permitted at this stage - boxers may only be accompanied by a coach (and parent/guardian for U18s). Participants are requested to nominate online ASAP to allow matching and scheduling of sparring bouts: Stockade Training Centre Full Throttle Boxing & Training Centre Winnunga Boxing Canberra PCYC Erindale Centre FightSmith Boxing Gym Victus Phoenix Gym - Muaythai Boxing Fitness Boxing Australia Nsw Inc
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