Boyne Island Lions Club | Non-profit organisation
Boyne Island Lions Club
Phone: 0458 737 760
Address: P O Box 3027 4680 Tannum Sands
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25.01.2022 Lions meeting tonight and Cecily mentioned gooday from past President Alison Jones
25.01.2022 RIP Jack Byron It is with much sadness and heavy heart that I have to report that our good mate and fellow volunteer Jack Byron passed away yesterday as a recen...t resident of Bindaree Lodge at the age of 95 years. I feel honored to have known Jack enjoyed his company whether it be volunteering at Friends of Bindaree Garage sales, attending the #BoyneTannumMensShed, sharing a drink and chat at the #BoyneTannumRSL or volunteering at Meals on Wheels. Jack continued to support our local organisations as a volunteer right up to his recent fall and hospitalisation despite his 95 years, he will be sadly missed by so many who's hearts he touched. On behalf of those organisations and myself personally, I would like to take this opportunity to offer our heart felt condolences to Jack's surviving family members and know that we are here if you need any assistance. See more
24.01.2022 Finally found a spare moment to join Lions for our monthly dinner meeting at the Mens Shed with special guests, Boyne Smelters GM Leigh Staines and 2nd VDG Tim Fraser and 28 Lions & Partners attending. As always the #boynetannumcwa treated us to a very tasty & healthy meal.
23.01.2022 Lions Dinner Meeting tonight at the Mens Shed with special guest Palmer the Lions Hearing Dog and of course his owner Evelyn & husband Jim. Also in attendance all the way from Theodore was long time Q4 District Lions Hearing Dog Chairman Juanita Goodland
23.01.2022 A rather nostalgic moment for us tonight as we were welcomed back into the newly refurbishex QCWA hall for our monthly dinner meeting. Nice to be back in familiar friendly environment is what is our 40th anniversary year as a club. Thank you ladies for yet another lovely healthy home cooked meal
20.01.2022 Boyne Island Lions today hosted our Lions YOTY Regional final at the TSSHS with 3 very worthy contestants. They were Jaime Moretti from Biloela State High & sponsored by the Theodore Lions, Shakira Simpkins from Biloela State High School & sponsored by the Callide Valley Lions and Natania D'Sa from Tannum Sands State High School & sponsored by our very own Boyne Island Lions. All three contestants provided us with an excellent and enlightening public speaking display and once... again it was the unenviable task of our three judges to select a winner. The winner on the day was a very popular Natania D'Sa who will now proceed to the next round of Lions YOTY, which will be the District Final to be hosted by the Callide Valley Lions in Biloela on Sat 4th April and we wish Natania all the very best. Congratulations to all 3 contestants on their individual performances and I am sure we will here more of them in the future. See more
19.01.2022 Palmer the Lions Hearing Dog is settling into his new home well Out Lions need to visit a couple of times a week for the next two months as part of the training. Here Shirley Harvey one of our Lions is visiting Evelyn and Palmer.
18.01.2022 #Lionsyouthoftheyear Judges and coordinators deep in thought during morning tea break from contestant interviews this morning at TSSHS. Can't wait to be entertained at the public speaking later tonight.
18.01.2022 Our first dinner meeting tonight held at the Mens Shed due to CWA Hall closure, bit of a compromise having so many females in the shed. New member Ann Mara inducted, previously member of Wooli in NSW, Welcome Ann. Also service awards to Red Ferris 20 years, Shirley Harvey, and Cecily Burkett 15 years. Big thanks to Ron and Trish for the dinner preparation and reminder we have Bunnings BBQ Sun 9th August
18.01.2022 Our delicious Lions Christmas Cakes and puddings are now out there in the community, why not drop in at one of our many distribution outlets now and get one before they run out or message us. In Boyne Tannum: Discovery Village van Par, Post Office, Tannum Family Practice, BITS Medical Centre, Boyne Van Park, Tannum Meats, In Gladstone: Senior Citizens, Feed Barn, Women's Health, This and That, NAB, BOQ, Kin Kora Meats, CUA, Foodworks Clinton, Kin Kora Medical Centre, Bendigo Bank Mt Larcom: Produce, CWA
17.01.2022 COVID-19 Frontline Relief Grant Update: LCIF has now been able to award 29 grants totaling US$1,161,070. Donations for our COVID-19 response are being accepted through LCIF's General Disaster Fund. Thank you for your support!
14.01.2022 Our Lions have been busy; Last Sunday Boyne Island Lions catered for a handover at Tanyalla Conference Centre. On Monday 576 sausages cooked for the students at Tannum Sands Primary School.
14.01.2022 Another successful Lions project
13.01.2022 A chance to get out in the community yesterday with a sausage sizzle with ice creams down at the Discovery Caravan Park for a residents happy hour. Met some lovely people and enjoyed the friendly atmosphere. Looking forward to doing the same next week, maybe with some pancakes this time for something different
13.01.2022 Boyne Island Lions members met at Lions Park on Saturday for our first get together other than by Zoom meetings since Covid. If you would like to know about the fantastic work of Lions across the world or may be intrested in joining please contact us.
13.01.2022 Today both myself and Ron Doherty had the pleasure of presenting cheques for a total of $8,000 to two very worthy Gladstone charities, $4,000 each to Peter Dougherty of St Vincent De Paul Society and Chris Ford of the Salvation Army. These donations are all part of our annual disbursements as a result of our fund raising efforts, 100% of which goes back into the community. Both Peter and Chris said that these funds would be used locally to support families in need due to hardships experienced during current Covid restrictions
13.01.2022 We were so happy to see Lion Gavin down from Yeppoon last Friday for a catch up. Lion Rick took the opportunity to aezrd Gavin with his 25 year pin. Congrats Gav.
12.01.2022 Lions sausage sizzle at Tannum Sands Caravan Park was well recieved and appreciated by residents and management. Good job team.
11.01.2022 Some very unprofessional video of Melvin Jones Fellow presentation
10.01.2022 Our lions boys Rick and Kev distributing lions teddies to Gladstone Police Station. Presented to Vicki Dredge Chair of Gladstone CoOrdinated Community Response to Domestic and Family Violence. Constables Marcia Boyle and Victoria Hibberd attending. Lets hope they brighten some little persons life who may have been impacted.
10.01.2022 After my daughter made me aware of a gesture by Logan Village Lions, I decided what a great idea. In recognition of the essential community work staff of our two pharmacies are performing in such difficult times our Lions Club decided to donate a box of Lions Mini Cakes to each of them. Hope the staff of #discountdrugstores Boyne Island and #tannumsandsparmacy stay safe and enjoy our tasty Lions cakes.
08.01.2022 Big day today for our sub branch with a VP Day commemoration service at Stirling Park attended by a nice gathering including MP for Flynne, Ken O'Dowd, Member... for Gladstone Glen Butcher, , Act Gladstone Mayor Kahn Goodluck. This was followed by a luncheon at the Tannum Sands Community Hall, giving attendees the opportunity to chat and view some interesting memorabilia on display. Special thanks to Bryan Horton for all the work he put in to organise the day the ladies who prepared the luncheon and to Glen Butcher for his very generous donation Caught up with special friend Cecily Burkett who remembers the wonderful day 75 years ago when the war ended as an 8 year old See more
08.01.2022 The Boyne Island Lions Club is providing Lions Teddies to several support groups and agencies who are required to attend incidents where Children are involved and may have experienced trauma. Here Lions Rick Bichsel and Kevin O'Brien are distributing Teddies to Snr. Sgt. Toni Poli at the Tannum Police Station.
08.01.2022 Lions dinner meeting tonight at the Men's Shed with a beautiful dinner served up by the CWA Ladies.
07.01.2022 What aninspiration last night at our annual #lionsyouthoftheyear Club final public speaking. 7 contestants from our local region treated members and guests to a diverse range of passionate topics. Unfortunately there can only be one winner and this was the unenviable task of our three judges, Maxine, Russell and Toni. The public speaking award went to Charlie Cherie from TSSHS Overall winner went to Natania D'Sa also from TSSHS. Congratulations to you both and indeed to all the contestants. Natania will now proceed to the next round in our Lions YOTY next Saturday and and we wish all the very best
07.01.2022 After a night of awards to members for their respective contributions to Lions, two very special and prestigious awards were made. The first was by special invited guest Tim Fraser 1st District Governor Elect for District 201 Q4 presenting a Melvin Jones Fellow Award to Jim Smith. Jim was elected Charter President for the Boyne Island Lions Club way back on 7 October 1980 and has remained a loyal hard working member ever since despite him being the oldest and longest serving Lion member. Jim will clock up 50 years of service next year, 40 of those with Boyne Island. The second was a total surprise by Cecily Burkett who has a bit of a reputation for this type of behavior presenting it to another charter member and current President Rich Bichsel. A huge congratulations to both Jim and Rick
06.01.2022 The Discovery Caravan Park Tannum Sands have asked our Lions to provide a happy hour sausage sizzle for the residents of the caravan park to socialise and raise funds for our community. We look forward to providing this opportunity and meeting with the residents, many of whom are visitors to our area. The first of these events will take place Tue afternoon 22nd Dec 4pm and if successful will become a recurring event. We invite our members to participate and help promote our area and club.
06.01.2022 Fantastic outcome with Palmer a lions hearing dog being provided for Evelyn of Boyne Island with the help of our Lions Club. Club members were invited to a demonstration as to how Palmer reacts to a knock on the door, a mobile ringing, and the oven timer going off. Members will be in contact for several weeks as Palmer settles into a new home.
04.01.2022 At 6am on ANZAC Day. Let's light up the dawn at home to commemorate all those who have served and sacrificed for this Nation
04.01.2022 Speny the afternoon yesterday behind the BBQ for yet another Bunnings sausage sizzle in the drizzle. Lucky we didn't get deluge that Boyne / Tannum did. President Rick starting to show his age with aid of a wheelie walker, might slow him down a bit
03.01.2022 On 27th February we held our Lions Youth Of the Year event at Tannum Sands State High School. Our contestants were FROM Tannum Sands State High Brynn Mackie, Charlie-Cherrie Zorzan, and David Earl. FROM Toolooa State High Georgia Staines, Drishti, and From Chanel College Madeline Sim. Our Judges were Noreen Dunne,Jennifer Kirchner, and Russel Schuler who we thank for giving up their time. OUR WINNER was Georgia Staines who was the overall winner as well as winning the public ...speaking section. Georgina will go against contestants from Theodore and Callide Valley on 13 March 2021. We appreciate the amount of work each student puts in to the event, but somehow they manage to squeeze the event in, between school, sports, and family life. THANKS Lion Ann Maree Rashliegh for all the organising. See more
03.01.2022 After what was a beautiful meal served up by the CWA ladies and as special guest Leigh Staines (current BSL General Manager) said, reminded her of the meals served by her grandmother. Leigh then provided our members with snapshot of her life in industry and how she has coped with being a working Mum. Lion Yvonne then had a good yarn about what she has been doing in her spare time with all the wool she has been given showing a sample of her work making "love rugs" for the un...derprivileged. President Rick, ably assisted by his trusty sidekick Sec Ron to present awards to members for their respective contributions to Lions over the past couple of years, they included: 30 years of Service - Des O'Toole ALF James Richardson Awards - Lions Eileen Smith & Shirley Harvey LMRF Ian Fraser Awards - Lions Mary Cochrane & Ted Ferris ALF Ian Stockdale Awards - Cecily Burkett & Ron Doherty LMRF Ray Pippard Awards - Ian Anderson & Kevin O'Brien Ray Pippard Progressive Award - Ann Maree Rashleigh Congratulations to all the recipients
02.01.2022 With Mother's Day just over a week away, what better gift then a chance to walk away with an $85,000 Sea Jay Vision! Grab your mum a ticket to our first ever vi...rual draws and tune in together, Live on Facebook 1-3rd MAY from 6pm #MothersDay2020 #HookUpMums #FishingMums #PinkedUpMums #GladstoneRegion
02.01.2022 Christmas is just around the corner and so too are our Lions Christmas cakes. You will find them at the usual locations around town from next week or message us if you can't find them. Or you can email [email protected] Prices remain same as last year, 1.5 kg cakes $17, 1 kg cakes & puddings $13.
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