Braidwood Holistic Therapies in Braidwood, New South Wales | Personal coach
Braidwood Holistic Therapies
Locality: Braidwood, New South Wales
Phone: +61 482 955 340
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24.01.2022 New article published with therapeutic tools for dealing with anxiety. In trying times, the What if? potential can be overwhelming. We dont always know how things will end up, and the worry of having a loss of control can cause sleepless nights, relationship strain and ill health. Read more at
24.01.2022 Great tools for supporting children at this time
24.01.2022 Appointments via video for anyone stuck at home -
23.01.2022 BHT News -
22.01.2022 Coping with Loss & Grief is a group for people who have experienced the affects of loss, including bereavement, death, loss of employment, identity, loss of property, marriage separation and others. This group includes strategies you can use at home, education and group process. This is a therapeutic group. Adults only. Held fortnightly....
20.01.2022 "Seeking help sooner, rather than later could be the best thing you do for yourself in 2020. 1. You consistently and constantly operate in a state of overwhelm 2. You cant seem to make simple decisions... 3. Your emotions are increasingly out of control 4. You lose your temper easily, at your children, loved ones and strangers 5. You are stuck and find yourself increasingly frustrated about it 6. You think your pain/loss is not as important as someone elses OR You think your pain/loss is more important than someone elses 7. You feel as though no one else understands 8. You simply need to be heard / feel listened to 9. Your moods go up and down 10. You find yourself more cynical than you used to be" Hollie is now offering Counselling services for those who need it, book your session in here: #braidwoodholistic #thinkwellmovewelleatwelldowelllivewell #canberratothecoast #braidwood #naturalproducts #chemicalfree #visitqueanbeyanpalerang #southcoast
20.01.2022 2020 continues to try our sensibility as we pull together as a community already affected by so much this year. As always, at BHT your best health is the priority. Following advice from government BHT will be continuing business as usual. Well be practicing good hygiene, of course, and minimising physical contact with clients.... If you dont want to / cannot leave your home, please see below. Video consultations There is no need to cancel your appointment or postpone your Wellness targets! If you feel uncomfortable leaving your home, or are quarantined or have become sick, BHT is ready and fully equipped to provide your session via video. We use a program called Zoom that can be easily downloaded to a computer or smart phone. It is simple and easy to use and does not cost you extra to take advantage of it. Please make contact to request your consultation over Zoom if youd like to take up this option. Appointment Cancellations Face-to-face appointments are the lifeblood of my business. I understand that you may need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, especially considering the current circumstances; I just ask that you respect my time and give 24 hours notice so I have an opportunity to fill the gap. Dont forget that any session can be shifted to video link (Zoom) as an alternative to cancelling. To ensure that BHT can continue to offer you a high quality service, the late cancellation policy will remain in place. A condition of booking is that if you fail to give 24 hours notice for reschedules and cancellations, you will be charged a fee to cover the time your appointment was scheduled. This fee may be waived with the provision of a valid medical certificate as I understand that sickness can take anyone by surprise. Another thought on all of this Humans are a relational species. We need each other. It wasnt so long ago, (only a couple of months) that we were all rallying together to fight a shared enemy and keep each other, and our town safe. That same shared focus will continue to serve us now through this, another unknown and never before experienced time. Remember to be kind, look after your nervous system, and if youre feeling overwhelmed seek help. This is not the time to turn away from friends, family or your therapist! Lean in to your loved ones, and remember that were all in this together. Thank you for your business I appreciate your support and patronage during a particularly stressful period in all our lives. Thank you for trusting me to walk with you on your own Wellness Journey, and to sit by you as you make important changes for long lasting health. Hollie B.
20.01.2022 Strategies for Worry in trying times -
18.01.2022 Hollie was interviewd by Luisa from Passion Harvest, where she shares about Self Crafting, Sacred Productivity and what it means to create a life that sets you free.
14.01.2022 At BHT, integrated modalities are used for wholebody wellness and increasing gains. One way you can ensure this is with a focus on brain nourishment. In this article, youll find a bunch of tips you can use to nourish your brain. This information is given out to all BHT iLs Program clients, and is just as useful for anyone whos not using the iLs. Try adding one thing from this list, and maintain the habit for 1 week before you add another new thing. What would it be like to ...add all of these useful brain nourishment practices into your daily routine over the next 10 weeks?
13.01.2022 Healing Groups for Bushfire Affected People. Thats all of us! Its not uncommon for stress, grief and trauma to arise after a natural disaster. Its even more expected when the disaster spanned the length of time our fires did. Seeking help sooner, rather than later could be the best thing you do for yourself in 2020. ... Braidwood Therapeutic Groups are here to support you in healing and recovery. You dont have to deal with this on your own. Our community has shown that we can work together in times of difficulty. What if we heal together too? Groups are provided free on Thursday evenings at Braidwood Holistic Therapies, 110 Wallace St. Registration is necessary.
13.01.2022 Trauma Therapeutic Group officially starts this Thursday evening. This will be a 5 week program for understanding and dealing with traumatic experience. Includes tools and strategies for healing and supporting others. If youd like to be part of this group, please make contact to book your place.
13.01.2022 Heres a throwback to the Radio Show we did about Immune Systems. It may be of some use with everything going on right now...
12.01.2022 "You dont have to deal with this on your own. Participating in therapy with a group can add to positive feelings about your target outcome. Joining with other people with a common experience means you have support, not only from the group facilitator (Hollie), also you are building a connection with others who will be your cheer squad in times of difficulty. Our community has shown that we can work together in times of difficulty."... #braidwoodholistic #thinkwellmovewelleatwelldowelllivewell #canberratothecoast #braidwood #naturalproducts #chemicalfree #visitqueanbeyanpalerang #southcoast
11.01.2022 Hi friends, As you may know Im a counsellor in Braidwood where we have been affected by the fires for 2 months+. You may not be aware that Im endeavouring t...o provide free local services for healing recovery after the fires, provided within the community. With evermore information surfacing about where your charity dollars go, it seems obvious to me that we would ensure relief services benefit not only the people affected, but also their community. Having been a private practitioner now for 20 months in town, Ive seen so many times "funded services come into town (from Canberra, Queanbeyan, Goulburn, Sydney), often delivered inefficiently, then drop back out as soon as their funding disappears. This is very frustrating in rural areas because people rely on these free or discounted services, when the economic market is not so good (like now in drought, and on top of that the fires). I know its likely to happen again, while every charity and Not for Profit rallies to stay relevant and keep funding for another year (can you tell Im quite jaded by the Service Industry and their agencies..? Ive had a bit to do with them, and although the people who work within the agencies are often awesome, deeply caring people, they are often stuck in bureaucracy and limitations..). Meanwhile, in my Facility at Braidwood Holistic Therapies, Im already perfectly set up to deliver the services that are needed for therapeutic healing, trauma and grief recovery. Thats what I already do everyday. I also know this community and understand what so many people have been through... Furthermore, I have another therapist who lives locally, on standby who can also contribute if the workload increases beyond what I can do alone. Because I practice privately, I dont have access to the chunks of funding, and what Ive learned is that often these agencies, with all their red tape and policies are limited in delivery and effectiveness, so Ive purposely opted out of that business model. The model Im choosing to adopt for this recovery process is grassroots and authentic to community. Im asking everyone to seriously consider where your charity dollars go, and whether communities would be better served by direct representation, donation and delivery. To keep the Therapeutic Groups free, Im asking for support from the broader community. I will work at a discounted rate, but still require finances to come in to keep up the Facility, insurances, PD etc. If youre going to give to a charity for relief services, perhaps youll consider giving direct to my Groups? What can you do ? Sponsor the Group [ ] $90 will sponsor an entire group session [ ] Consider a regular direct debit for sponsorship. Even $5 each week from 10 people will go a long way to keeping the groups active. 100% of donations will go to the Sponsorship. How to donate : Braidwood Holistic Therapies BSB 633000 ACC. 171644768 Put Group Sponsor as your reference For transparency Im keeping a Google Doc with all funds received, and groups paid, as well as attendee numbers. You can find it here >>> I appreciate you considering this different model of direct support and look forward to a year of deep healing for our community. Sincerely, Hollie Bakerboljkovac
11.01.2022 Why Red Tent? . Because sitting in a circle with women you may or may not have ever met, witnessing everyone equally and sharing your authenticity, whatever it looks and feels like, is an act of rebellion. . In a culture that encourages women to compete and collude, shame, judge and ridicule, to be seen (especially if we look a particular way) and not heard, to never ask for anything, to not draw attention (unless we look a particular way) and to just get over it (every it... that makes the rest of the world feel uncomfortable)... Red Tent is an act of defiance. . Red Tent is for women who are willing to confront the pain and hurt that surfaces when faced with the idea of being with other women. For women who are ready to seek the company, support and shared wisdom of other women without competition or pretence. Red Tent is activism. . Come sit with us if youre ready to own your words, your thoughts and your actions, to influence your own backyard, to be the mother/wife/sister/grandmother/friend that will bring change in a time that NEEDS WOMEN TO SHOW UP. Be accountable in a sistarhood who are also taking action for a better world. . Pay what you can. Bring a plate if that makes you happy and dont if it sounds like more work. 6pm for a 6:30 start at BHT. See more
09.01.2022 Remnants of #playtherapy... The chaotic play often seen in young children, where they jump from one activity to another, changing scenarios and rules, could be your childs attempt to process the big, confusing world around them. Children dont verbally process like adults, and play is their work. In a supported, therapeutic environment a child finds the space to express and make sense of things that are otherwise appear too big or complex. The child is able to try on dif...ferent emotions, reactions and behaviours so they can decide for themselves what works and what doesnt. In this space where the child is accepted as they are, healing can happen. #braidwoodholistic #thinkwellmovewelleatwelldowelllivewell #mitochondriac #wellness #holisticpractitioner #getwellnow #braidwood #southcoast #counselling #traumainformed #nswcounsellor #somatictherapy #wholebodyapproach #selfcraftedwellness #polyvagaltheory #childtherapy See more
09.01.2022 BHT is moving out of Wallace St into a hybrid practice of rented rooms, walk-and-talk therapy and online services. . Face to face sessions are available Wednesday and Friday in Braidwood at a location provided on booking. ... . Online and phone sessions are available throughout the week. . All movement classes continue in outdoor locations. Monday and Friday 9:30am for adults. Monday from 3:30 for kids, and an additional online class on Thursdays. . All groups are on pause for winter. . You can still book a session directly from the BHT website. Or call the new practice number : 0482955340 . Please see the website for changes to pricing for childrens appointments. . #braidwoodholistic #thinkwellmovewelleatwelldowelllivewell #mitochondriac #wellness #holisticpractitioner #getwellnow #braidwood #southcoast #counselling #traumainformed #nswcounsellor #lightismedicine #somatictherapy #reversedisease #lifecoaching #wholebodyapproach #transpersonal #selfcraftedwellness #polyvagaltheory
09.01.2022 Current bookings may be kept in clinic or held via video link. New client sessions must be booked online and held via video only. Stay well, be awesome and choose love. Weve got this too.
07.01.2022 Counsellor and Coach, Hollie Bakerboljkovac, presents a workshop for teenagers faced with worry and stress. . * Learn how to manage stress, worry and fears ... * Get tools for balancing stress hormones * Discover the hidden secrets of your nervous system * Come home with strategies you can use right away to turn anxiety into awsome-ness. . Thursday 16th July 12noon - 3pm held at the Braidwood Scout Hall . Cost : $20 For teens age 13+ discounts for families sending more than one teen . Bring a drink bottle, snacks and something for taking notes. . RSVP to Hollie : 0482 955 340 . #braidwoodholistic #thinkwellmovewelleatwelldowelllivewell #wellness #holisticpractitioner #getwellnow #braidwood #southcoast #counselling #traumainformed #nswcounsellor #wholebodyapproach #polyvagaltheory
07.01.2022 Have you got a planner yet? Not sure if it is for you? Try this challenge and see how you can turbo boost your sacred productivity!
06.01.2022 Have you heard the news? -
06.01.2022 BHT News -
05.01.2022 "Available to everyone, no matter your financial situation Therapeutic groups will run regularly in 2020, beginning in February for Trauma and Grief. These groups are available to anyone who may be in need.... Each group runs fortnightly on Thursdays at 6pm, alternating each week between the 2. i.e. Week 1 & 3 = Trauma Group / Week 2 & 4 = Grief Group. Sessions run for approx 1.5 hours." Find out more about Hollies healing groups, and how you can participate here: #braidwoodholistic #thinkwellmovewelleatwelldowelllivewell #canberratothecoast #braidwood #naturalproducts #chemicalfree #visitqueanbeyanpalerang #southcoast
05.01.2022 In case you missed it!
04.01.2022 BHT News -
02.01.2022 Reduce anxiety and enhance resiliency with the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) a polyvagal-informed listening intervention The newest intervention added to the Braidwood Holistic Therapies repertoire is a program developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the scientist behind the polyvagal theory.... The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a five-day auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. By calming the physiological and emotional state, the door is opened for improved communication and more successful therapy. The SSP is a research-based therapy showing significant results in just five days in the following areas: Social and emotional difficulties Auditory sensitivities Anxiety and trauma related challenges Inattention Stressors that impact social engagement (relationship) This non-invasive intervention involves listening to music that has been processed specifically to retune the nervous system (regulating state) to introduce a sense of safety and the ability to socially engage.
01.01.2022 Im not going to repeat what youve already heard. We all know the drill by now. BHT is open AND you can choose to move your appointment online or over the phone. The policy of giving 24 hours notice for cancellations still stands. Stay well. -Hollie
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