Branch & Vine Nutrition in Cooks Hill | Alternative & holistic health service
Branch & Vine Nutrition
Locality: Cooks Hill
Phone: +61 410 506 082
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25.01.2022 Kale Chips - homemade. Surprisingly moooore-ish! Super easy to make. No inflammatory fats, no additives, contains antioxidants, fibre and micronutrients. Low fodmap, SIBO diet friendly, extra serving of greens Easy to make, crunchy anda great twist on a platter. #holistichealth #betterchoices #littlechoiceseachday #everythinginmoderation #newcastlenutritionist #branchandvinenutrition
25.01.2022 Branch & Vine Nutrition - Suzie Garmeister on the topic: ANXIETY
24.01.2022 Iso Health Benefit #1: More Exercise! My street seemed like Halloween yesterday afternoon - > minus the costumes... So many people out walking. Funny that it takes a rule to stay at home for us to get out & move more (Note: getting out for exercise is still allowed here in Australia thank goodness ) #1 Iso Health Benefit: More Exercise! We know exercise is good for your body & mind. We usually live such sedentary lives. Take advantage of thi...s time and allow exercise to become part of your daily health routine going forward. - you’ll actually start to crave it! Tip: take a brisk walk (not a full work out ) after your meal. It is good for improved digestion (gets things moving!) and improves blood sugar balance as your muscles draw the glucose (converted from your food) out of blood circulation & use it for immediate energy Plus your dog will think it is Christmas or maybe Easter ... #1isohealthbenefit #exercisebenefits #branchandvinenutrition #puppylove #newcastlenutritionist #bloodsugarbalance #digestionhealth #craveexercise #holistichealthpractitioner
23.01.2022 Having friends over for dinner? Serve up a platter of warm greens as a self serve side. broccolini, green beans, brussels + mushrooms Steam or boil, then lightly fry in organic butter and Himalayan salt for beautiful natural flavours. Add garlic & sesame seeds to frying as an option #simplehealthy #newcastlenutritionist #bbqsides #healthyplatter #branchandvinenutrition
22.01.2022 True health requires a Holistic Health focus . Through investigation & explanation, I help my clients understand where their pieces currently FIT on their Holistic Health Pie I then educate on WHY each piece is so important for OPTIMAL health and provide support & motivation on how to FILL their pie to meet their health GOALS Where do your pieces currently fit on your Holistic Health Pie??
22.01.2022 Not this year. No NY resolutions! I am deliberately not setting any today. This year it seems somehow superficial or structured. Maybe it’s me thinking more realistically...maybe I am maturing ... Did I really go to bed earlier last year, or clean my house more, or get fitter? Do I really set them....again? Setting goals for an entire year is difficult to maintain. Setting small, simple daily steps to better you physically, mentally and emotionally is more achievable and motivational. So for me, no set goals for the year. I am just hoping to learn to tune into God’s daily guiding It is less likely to be eat this, exercise here, complete that... I feel it will be more of sit still, worry less, hear my voice. #happynewyear #psalm46:10
22.01.2022 My organic broccoli . Not quite ready to harvest but it’s on its way. Why I Broccoli? 1) A liver loving food = helps protect & detoxify 2) High in fibre = good for gut health ... 3) Rich in sulfur = needed for glutathione production (major antioxidant) 4) High in vitamin K, calcium, magnesium & potassium = good for your bones 5) High in vitamin C, A & phytonutrients = good for eye & skin health 6) Is an anti-inflammatory food = good for heart health 7) High in folate = improves methylation pathway (important for many bodily processes) AND tastes yum Simple cooking: Steam or gently boil in filtered water, drain, then pop back into the saucepan with a dob of organic grass fed butter (taste SO much better than other butter ), pinch of Himalayan salt & sesame seeds (for more calcium), for a couple of minutes. Serve as a side Enjoy! Might need a little bigger serve than in my picture here
21.01.2022 My healthy Snikkers Slice. Great lunchbox treat or share over a cuppa catch up (now that you can visit some friends! ) Even my hubby, who does not like nuts & chocolate combined (<- weird ), is stealing pieces! ... Contains PFF- health Protein, health Fats & Fibre. Make some for mum for Mother’s Day
21.01.2022 Colours of the pH rainbow Acidic -> Alkaline Pretty... but...what about your lifestyle pH test? Is it overly acidic with: Inflammatory foods? Low nutrients? Toxic personal and home care? Poor sleep hygiene? Low activity? High stress? Unforgiveness? What’s one small change you can make today towards a more alkaline lifestyle? #branchandvinenutrition #newcastlenutritionist #chemistrylab #alkalinity #holisitchealth
20.01.2022 Inflammation is NOT the cause of your ill-health symptoms. The CAUSE of the inflammation is the cause! Suzie Garmeister - Nutrition Consultant for Branch and Vine Nutrition explains how an inflammatory diet is a major contributor to chronic, whole of body inflammation that can present as digestive issues, autoimmunity flares, brain fog, joint pain, skin issues, anxiety & more. Suzie explains which food choices ramp up inflammation in the body, and how removing that "splinter"... is key to healing. 3 take aways from this talk with Suzie are: 1) Removing the CAUSE of your inflammation is KEY. Start with Nutrition - you eat every day! Is your food ramping up or calming down your inflammation? 2) Ditch the "HIPP" foods. High Ingredient, Processed, Packet foods are full of inflammatory ingredients with limited to no benefit to your well-being. 3) Reduce your inflammation with a daily 5:2:1 proportion of Carbohydrates - 5 serves of variety of vege/salad; 2 serves whole fruit; 1 serve cooked grain. Suzie is passionate about holistic health. Her focus in her work with clients is on anti-inflammation, gut health & autoimmunity. If you would like to work with Suzie you can contact her via facebook: @branchandvinenutrition email: [email protected] or
20.01.2022 Good immunity is more important now than ever! All ill-health symptoms, whether they be digestive concerns, lethargy, inflammation, chronic anxiety, low moods, headaches etc, are your body's way of trying to get your attention. Your body is trying to tell you that something is not right, that it needs some help, that something needs to change. Ignoring your symptoms or putting them on back burner, leaves your body more susceptibility to illness. Now is n o t the time to n... o t have time to focus on your health... Book in with Branch & Vine Nutrition today. All consultations are online. More days are opening up with available times. Branch & Vine Nutrition - supporting you on your journey to optimal health.
19.01.2022 Just a quick healthy afternoon snack - I don’t eat a lot of fruit but my body tells when it’s time. So I enjoyed some this afternoon mixed with nuts, seeds and some easy & healthy homemade chocolate drizzle.
19.01.2022 My perfume makes me gasp and cough (client). She is LUCKY! WHY? Because her body is WARNING her to stay away! About 1 in 3 people report having health problems when exposed to fragranced products. Those problems include asthma attacks, hay fever, headache, migraine, dizziness, breathing problems, rashes, congestion, nausea and seizures. ( SYMPTOMS can be subtle or systemic - meaning throughout the body - making it hard to link the cause. Joint ...pain, thyroid dysfunction, brain fog, hormonal imbalance or autoimmune flares....why are they there? Fragrance is a COLLECTIVE NOUN for a cocktail of chemicals. Australian (& USA) labelling laws only require the word fragrance or parfum to be listed on packaging. They do not require companies to list the actual ingredients WITHIN that fragrance. SYNTHETIC fragrances (aka parfum) are found not just in your perfume but your body creams, your deodorant, your soap, even your laundry powder! (<- a big one!) Simple SOLUTION - use pure essential oil as your perfume & room deodorisers. Buy non toxic personal and home care products from companies whose mission it is to avoid chemicals known to, or that have the potential to harm. Your BODY, your SKIN, your RESPIRATORY system is a sponge. Be AWARE of what you are breathing it in. #holistichealthforholisticbeings
17.01.2022 Purposeful essential oil roller blends by Branch & Vine Nutrition. Essential oils are a natural and effective element to include in your holistic health regime.
17.01.2022 Suzie Garmeister of Branch & Vine Nutrition It’s no shock that our diet is one of the biggest indicators of our physical and mental health, but so many of us ar...e still just eating for our taste buds. Lucy chats with Suzie about her passion as a Nutritionist and why you might be interested to get her to help you. To listen to the PODCAST, please click on the link below:
17.01.2022 My HEAD is running overtime...So my BODY needs to take a turn It is VITAL to get some time to RELEASE the stress. For me that’s a run along the beach, to be in nature, move my body, breathe in the negative (= good) ions, and be in awe of God’s creation Find your way to RELEASE Calming the mind = calms the body = strengthens the IMMUNE system Practicing social isolation ... #socialisolation #headspacehelps #newcastlenutritionist #branchandvinenutrition #holistichealthpractitioner #negativeions #naturehealth
16.01.2022 Hot Cross Bunscomiffinsl. A combination of a bun/scone/muffin Warm, fluffy gluten free, choc chip & cinnamon Beats the grocery bought ones. All good ingredients, no preservatives, no yeast, fresh, homemade. ... Enjoy! Happy Easter See more
16.01.2022 "The (lesser known) Avenues of Anxiety & Depression" If you missed my talk on this topic at the Mind Medicine Summit, catch up here to become aware of what may be the root cause of your emotional imbalance and what you can do about it:
15.01.2022 HARMONISE your HORMONES with Food As I am moving closer towards menopause, I wanted to provide some advice to help YOU harmonise your hormones. It requires a holistic approach, but let's start with the base - your NUTRITION. What to INCLUDE ... 1) Nutrients necessary for hormonal harmony. Healthy, unprocessed PROTEIN (eg: beef, chicken, fish , eggs, nuts) & healthy FATS (eg: avocado , salmon, olive / coconut / flax oils, nuts & seeds), are building blocks for hormones, provide satiety & longer term energy. Vegetables, fermented foods, fruit , whole grains, nuts & seeds are needed for FIBRE to prevent constipation, removal of excess estrogens & toxins, help balance blood sugar , plus provide plenty & variety of nutrients. 2) Cruciferous vegetables - eg broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage & kale are anti-inflammatory, high in nutrition & fibre, bind toxins and help the liver detoxify. 3) Liver loving foods - eg: bitter herbs, parsley, coriander, rocket, onion, garlic, leeks, beetroot, apple, carrot, lemon, dandelion. A healthy liver is crucial for hormonal balance. See my "Liver Loving Juice" post. 4) Seed Rotation - follow this through your cycle to help your body produce the right hormone at right time of month (See picture in comment below). 5) Go organic - where possible, to avoid inflammation and stress from on your liver from chemical pesticides, as well as the added antibiotics and hormones in conventional animal foods. What to AVOID 1) What I call "HIPP" foods High Ingredient, Processed, Packet foods full of inflammatory vegetable oils, salt, sugar and harmful additives hormonal havoc. 2) Gluten, dairy and added sugar - are highly inflammatory, causing stress on the body, impacting hormone balance. Try avoid these for 30-60 days and note your symptom improvement. 3) Intolerance foods - if you have poor health symptoms after any food, your body is telling you something! Avoid for 30 days & note improvement. You may be able to reintroduce them when your have improved your gut health. 4) Limit or avoid caffeine - when you are hormonally imbalanced, caffeine can push your adrenals too far, exacerbating hormonal imbalance. Your adrenals will become your "new ovaries" post menopause to produce your hormones, so look after them. 5) Avoid plastics, non stick & take away containers - for drinking, eating & cooking, as these add xenoestrogens (foreign estrogenic hormonal disruptors) into your food. Start with Nutrition and Feed your body well for HORMONAL HARMONY
13.01.2022 #feedyourbodywhatitneeds #eatforpurposenotaquickfix
13.01.2022 Suzie of Branch & Vine Nutrition talks about Saying NO - For your Health!
12.01.2022 Being PROACTIVE about your HEALTH has never been more important. There is much we can be doing to keep our IMMUNE systems strong - from what you put in your body, on your body and what you do to your body and mind. Our everyday CHOICES make a difference and that difference can be to feel j u s t alive or to feel ALIVE & WELL! Yes it does take making choices and it can be uncomfortable at times because we have moved away from how we are meant to feed and treat our bodies. HO...LISTIC = PREVENTION = better than CURE At Branch & Vine Nutrition we educate, motivate and support you on making the RIGHT choices for your circumstances, YOUR body, your needs, on your journey to feeling alive AND well
11.01.2022 How did this make it into my fridge?! Up & Go is an ultra-processed nightmare with 25 ingredients, at least 4 teaspoons of sugar, two artificial sweeteners an...d a double dose of inflammatory seed oils. How on earth did this ‘food’ receive 5 stars on our Health Star Rating System?... Because the algorithm for the HSRS was created by one of the Sanitarium executives. A system designed by industry for industry. I must have a chat to my son... What other unhealthy foods do you know of that receive a 5-star rating?
11.01.2022 Thank you Suzie Garmeister for your informative, easy to understand and 'hopeful' presentation today in the Mind Medicine, Health@Home conference. Your topic of... Addressing the lessor known, physiological causes of Anxiety and Depression, deeply resonated with me. My interest in the gut-brain connection is based on my professional work experience with people with chronic pain and my personal experience with immediate and extended family with anxiety and depression issues who also present with gut issues. Thank you for your gentle, sensitive approach to the topic and hopeful advice for diet and lifestyle changes. Please can you send me your direct contact details. Cathy Harrison See more
11.01.2022 Branch & Vine Nutrition is still open as usual to help support you on your health journey Consultations can be done in person (with safety protocols), or via Phone / FaceTime. A strong IMMUNE system at this time is vital! It takes a holistic approach 5 Steps to an Improved Immune System:... 1) Remove inflammatory and intolerance foods/drinks. They are not your friend Replace with nutrient dense foods to support your immune system. 2) Repair and Restore your gut environment. 70-80% of your immune system is on your gut!. But you are not what you eat, you are what you ABSORB! Gut health = immune health. 3) Replenish with vital nutrients especially Vit C, D, minerals & multivitamins to support you physically and emotionally. 4) Rid toxins from your life, from your personal care & home care. Our body does not know what to do with these foreign substances. They detract your liver from doing its important job of supporting your immune system. 5) Re-evaluate your lifestyle for maximum immune strength - restorative sleep for healing , right level of exercise for detoxifying and emotional balance for engaging your parasympathetic nervous system - the rest and digest state. Now more than ever, you need to focus on your health! What we put in, on and do to our body and mind affects our immune system. Book in with Branch & Vine Nutrition today to boost your immune system
09.01.2022 Your Thyroid Needing Support ?? Don't put up with continuing underactive thyroid symptoms of fatigue, unexplained weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, anxiety, brain fog, constipation & gut issues. Follow my recommendations to help support your thyroid 1) Eat PFF healthy Proteins, Fats & Fibre with each meal. Protein: unprocessed meats, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts & seeds. Fats: oils of olive, coconut, avocado, macadamia & flax, grass fed butter & ghee, nuts & s...eeds, avocados, olives, fatty fish, coconut yogurt, organic, probiotic dairy. Fibre in healthy ratio of 5:2:1 5 serves VARIETY vege/salad, 2 serves WHOLE fruit, 1 serve cooked ORGANIC grain, per day. 2) Add ZINC: Low zinc is common with hypothyroidism. This mineral is necessary for production of TSH & conversion of T4 to T3 active thyroid hormone. Zinc is also essential to repair leaky gut. Consider a daily zinc supplement. 3) NO Low Cal. The thyroid - master metabolism gland - perceives limited food as a threat & will slow down further to conserve energy. No low low cal or extended fasts! Eat nutrient dense, proportioned meals to fuel your body. If you do like to fast, just do a 12 hr overnight fast. 4) Forget the FRAGRANCE. Fragrance is a collective noun for a cocktail of chemicals that have a profound negative effect on the thyroid. Use pure essential oils to smell beautiful, naturally. 5) Guard your GUT. Thyroid disorders affect your gut AND visa versa. Avoid what I call HIPP Foods " High Ingredient, Processed, Packet foods - full of vegetable oils, sugar, table salt & additives! Improve your gut flora diversity with pre & probiotic foods such as fermented foods, leeks, onions, garlic & asparagus. Support your thyroid so your thyroid can support you Branch & Vine Nutrition
09.01.2022 Are You LISTENING To Your BODY'S SIGNALS?? You kick your toe on a rock. Scraped skin, blood, bruisingand pain! Your body is saying You do that, this is what will happen! So you move the rock, wear shoes & watch where you are walking. Why don’t we make changes for our more chronic body signals like DIGESTIVE issues, FATIGUE, joint PAIN, HEADACHES & ANXIETY?? We need to LISTEN in to our body’s signals! It is communicating that it wants you to STOP or START doing somethi...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Addressing the Avenues of Anxiety & Depression - VIDEO Why is it that some people suffer from anxiety or depression while others cope well emotionally despite what life throws at them? Why do some anxiety or depression sufferers not improve with cognitive and mindfulness therapies? I explain why some people are starting behind the 8 ball when it comes to emotional resilience and discuss some of the lesser known av...enues of anxiety & depression that need to be addressed to achieve emotional balance. Join me live on the Mind Medicine - Health @ Home Summit this Thursday, May 21st at 11am. Register to watch via link below:
07.01.2022 What has the game Trivial Pursuit got to do with your health This quick video explains
07.01.2022 Been a while since my last post!! I have been doing further study to improve my knowledge of all things nutrition and holistic health (<- nerd alert ) Chemistry - let’s just say that while the prac experiments have been interesting, chemistry theory has been a mind full! Anyone who loves the intricacies of geometric isomers, redox reactions and knowing a set series of stick lines means: 5-ethyl-1,2-dimethyl-3-heptene is a little bit cray cray! (No offence). ... Physiology, while full on in workload, is more up my ally, tying my client work in nicely. 3/4 way through these two I am still here! Expanding my brain #branchandvinenutrition #chemistrystudy #physiologystudy #latrobeuniversity #holistichealth #newcastlenutritionist
07.01.2022 Planted from a box full of plant cuttings gifted from my wonderful mother-in-law @leone_pearl - now naturally oxygenating my home Thank you #lovegreen #loveplants #holistichealthforlife #newcastlenutritionist #branchandvinenutrition
06.01.2022 Learning from and supporting each other at Newcastle Health Collective - practitioners in the holistic health business. Branch & Vine Nutrition consultations are available at Newcastle Health Collective (Cooks Hill, Newcastle) or online via Skype/FaceTime/Messenger/Watsapp video. Branch & Vine Nutrition - Supporting you on your journey to optimal health
06.01.2022 Branch & Vine Essential Oil Lab. Orders are in. Creating time. #branchandvinenutrition #newcastlenutritionist #essentialoilsforpurpose #essentialoilsforhealth #emotionalphysicalmental
05.01.2022 Bit distracted by my study partners #physiology #chemistry #bachfoodandnutrition #branchandvinenutrition #newcastlenutritionist #holistichealthcare
05.01.2022 Listen in to my 30 min interview. Could be something in here for you
04.01.2022 On Sale NOW! Hand Defence Use during seasonal changes or threats. This non toxic product is made with a high concentration of specific, purposeful essential oils + quality alcohol, filtered water & a carrier oil for absorption & prevention of drying skin. 50ml spray bottle. Perfect for bag , desk or when out and about ... Defend your hands...naturally Note: This product does not claim to prevent or cure any disease. Washing hands with soap for 20 seconds where possible is recommended. On sale NOW! For orders contact: @branchandvinenutrition or e: [email protected]
04.01.2022 NPP - Are you eating it? What is it?? NPP= Nutritional Plate Proportions = A visual guide I created for my clients to follow. Imagine your whole day’s worth of food on a big plate NPP would look like: 50% VEGE (variety type & colour & incl 2 x fruit) ... 15-20% PROTEIN (meats, fish, eggs, nuts & seeds, legumes, quinoa, hemp, peas) 15-20% healthy FATS (olives, coconut, avocado & their oils, nuts & seeds, fermented dairy, grass fed butter & ghee, fatty fish, dark choc) NB: Fat contains twice the energy as proteins & carbs so it may not look in proportion - that’s ok 10-15% whole GRAINS (rices, buckwheat, oats, whole grain pasta, quality breads) (NB: wild rice pictured here is actually a grass but tastes great like a nutty rice, high in antioxidants and more protein than other rices). SUGARS - what? Wait! It’s not pictured - NO because it is not for daily consumption Let your taste buds re-learn to enjoy the sweetness of whole and dried fruits. Everybody’s body’s different! And some people need a variation of this NPP. I personalise NPP for my clients based on: high inflammation, autoimmunity, FODMAPS or salicylate intolerance, history and goals etc) But if you want to kick start your health, start here Be mindful of your daily food Be mindful of your NPP
02.01.2022 "Tune Into Your Thyroid - It's Tell you Something!" If you have a known thyroid disorder, undiagnosed low thyroid symptoms, or you have been feeling less than yourself for some time and cannot put your finger on the cause, join us for this talk where Suzie Garmeister will provide awareness and education on the importance of this essential gland, and explain what really is needed to optimise your thyroid and get your health bac...k. Join the Superhuman Summit FB group to see this talk in the live feed at: This Friday 19 June 8am.
02.01.2022 "Sorry the doctor doesn't believe in probiotics..." When you feel there is more that can be done, but your hands are tied by the system, don't give up. Keep persisting for those you love. I hope you get something out of my recent blog...and true story
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