Braza FC | Community organisation
Braza FC
Phone: +61 415 817 517
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25.01.2022 So happy to have you back! Lets barbecue guys! Fire on the barbie!
23.01.2022 Good victory last Saturday against the excelent @trsfc_official, we keep seeking our best perfomance towards the City League that is about to start. Outra excelente vitria contra o timo time do Taringa Rovers, seguimos buscando nossa melhor performance para entrar com tudo na City League que j est chegando. #GoBraza#BrazaFCBrisbane#footballbrisbane #SoccerLovers #BrasileirosNaAustralia
22.01.2022 Four months of waiting...but we are back! We finally get the chance to have our City League debut this Friday down at Perry Park. We are so excited to find out what the season holds for us. We are going for gold. Thats for sure! Hopefully well get it! Come down to Perry Park to cheer us up and enjoy a good evening of football. .... Quatro meses de espera...estamos de volta! Finalmente temos a chance de estrear na liga da cidade nessa sexta na nossa casa Perry Park. Estamos muito empolgados para descobrir o que nos aguarda no fim da temporada. Uma coisa certa, vamos atrs do ouro! Se Deus quiser vamos conseguir! Venham nos apoiar e apreciar uma boa noite de futebol. Contamos com a galera presente. #GoBraza #JogaBonito #WeAreGoingForGold
22.01.2022 Another day, another win! Great game in city 1 against a very organized Toowong squad. We did our homework and added 3 more points to continue leading the competition. Keep it up and going guys. . Tough game for our city 2 team playing Capalaba FC with 10 players since minute 12. Even with one man down we played better most of the game but we didnt manage to score. Keep your heads up guys you did a good job. Nice team work!
22.01.2022 A massive shout out to Davison Barrientos and Paulo Ribas for the BBQ READY Man of the Match prize on the first round of the competition. Davison had a hat-trick performing greatly and helping Braza to win. Paulo Scored a stunning goal and led the team to the victory by dictating the pace of the game.... You got yourselves a voucher to redeem a beautiful peace of RumpCap (Brazilian Picanha) on the BBQ Ready App. Great work guys. Keep it up! #GoBraza #JogaBonito #WeAreGoingForGold
21.01.2022 Not often you get a former Socceroo playing against you! @matt_mckay17 came down last night to Perry Park along with the Bulldogs. Great match last night! Not the turn out we expected but we can take some lesson from that. Braza FC 0 x 2 Capalaba FC . No todo dia que voc tem um ex jogador de seleo jogando contra voc! Matt Mckay veio at nossa casa ontem a noite junto aos Bulldogs. Grande partida! No era o resultado esperado mas podemos tirar algumas lies disso. #GOBRAZA
20.01.2022 3rd round is coming up! Our city 1 team chasing its 3rd win to keep leading the league and our city 2 team is after those 3 points to jump up to the top of the ladder. Come down to Perry park to support us and enjoy a good evening of Football. #GoBraza #JogaBonito ... #WeAreGoingForGold See more
20.01.2022 The wait is finally over! The time has come! This Sunday is our Kick Off for the season and also our debut in the City League Cup. Our boys are heading to Darra to face the Stormers in a knockout game, whoever wins stays in the competition, the loser will be out! Hope to see our supporters cheering us up from the sidelines. .... . A espera finalmente acabou! Chegou a hora! Nesse Domingo fazemos nossa estria na temporada e tambm na City League Cup. Nossos garotos vo at Darra enfrentar os Stormers em um jogo mata-mata, quem ganhar continua na competio, quem perder est fora! Espero ver nossa torcida nos incentivando das arquibancadas. . . #GoBraza #JogaBonito @footballbrisbane @footballqld See more
19.01.2022 Last friendly before the competition starts. Our boys are going to the Opperman Park to play Bethania Rams in 2 games chasing good results to get even more confidence to do well in the coming leagues. Go get them boys! . ltimo amistoso antes do incio da competio. Nossos garotos esto indo ao Opperman Park para jogar 2 jogos contra o Bethania Rams buscando bons resultados para ganhar ainda mais confiana para fazer bonito nas ligas que esto chegando. Vamos pra cima dele...s! . #GoBraza #JogaBonito See more
18.01.2022 Futebol de domingo! Pelada do Braza hj as 3pm no Perry Park, Bowen Hills. Campo gramado. Entre no grupo do WhatsApp e coloque seu nome na lista.... Bora bater aquela bola com a rapaziada.
16.01.2022 At this moment of self isolation we are living in nothing better than a Keepie-Uppie challenge to keep the boys on the Football mood by showing a bit of their skills. We ran out of toilet paper so... we just used the ball! . #GoBraza #BeSafe #BeHealthy... #SelfIsolate #GoAwayCovid19 #MissingFootball Football Brisbane
16.01.2022 Great win last night against one of our opponents in the coming up league City 1. That was our third win in 3 games in this pre season. Our city 2 team had a tough night against them, however, we had a good performance and it was a good test for the season. . . Grande Vitria ontem a noite contra um dos nossos adversrios na liga que se aproxima. Essa foi nossa terceira Vitria em trs jogos na pr temporada. Nosso time 2 teve uma noite dificil contra a equipe do Annerley FC..., mas tivemos uma boa atuao apesar do resultado e serviu como um bom teste para temporada. . #GoBraza #JogaBonito @footballbrisbane @footballqld See more
16.01.2022 Hygiene and social distancing rules in place! Well get through this together. Well get to the other end! Were almost there! #GoBraza Football Brisbane
15.01.2022 Were back on track, after an unfortunate result against Capalaba FC our city league one managed to control the game and did the homework very well against Bayside United FC. Well done boys, keep it up De volta aos trilhos, aps um resultado ruim contra o Capalaba FC nosso time da City league um conseguiu fazer o dever de casa e derrotou o Bayside United, timo resultado galera, seguimos fortes rumo ao objetivo.... #footballbrisbane #footballqld #futebolbrasileiro #goBraza
14.01.2022 Hey everybody! If you need a hand or have any doubts about the Superannuation claim Cope Accountants and Business Advisors is here to help! And if you are a Braza Member you get 10% discount in any of their services! Fala pessoal!... Se algum tiver dvidas ou precisar de ajuda sobre o resgate do Superannuation s entrar em contato com a galera da Cope Accountants and Business Advisors! Membros do Braza tem 10% de desconto nos servios e o atendimento pode ser em Portugus caso voc se sinta mais confortvel!
14.01.2022 Unfortunately due to the current COVID-19 situation, all local football competitions in Australia have been postponed. This includes Braza FC in the Football Brisbane City League which will now commence on the 1st of May 2020. Braza FC will recommence training on Wednesday the 15th of April. ... We have also made the tough decision to cancel the Braza FC Easter Cup and celebration. Braza FC respects the action taken by the authorities and asks all our club members to follow the guidelines and self isolate if unwell, and practice good hygiene and social distancing. All players are encouraged to train individually to maintain and improve fitness levels where possible. Keep up to date with reliable information from and lets do our bit to contain the spread of this virus. Please look after yourselves and each other during this testing time.
13.01.2022 Braza Cup in its first round! Great Saturday with good football, good music, delicious BBQ, cold drinks and an amazing atmosphere. Can't wait for next Saturday. We've got 4 more Saturdays until the grand final. Heaps of fun ahead!... A huge thanks to our sponsors. Trip Study Intercâmbio Albright Institute of Business and Language IPEA
13.01.2022 Giveaway time To celebrate the launch of our new website, our sponsors decided to give away some special prizes to all our active members, if youre not a member, this is the right time to become one and enjoy all the benefits of being part of our family. To get in the draw you must follow these steps:... Sign up as a Braza Member through our website: Follow Braza FC on Instagram Like our page on Facebook Tag a friend at this publication Were giving away: 1 JBL Flip 5 (QCC) $150 Nike Gift Card (Real Transfer) $100 Coles Gift Card @helloinaustralia 2 Tax Returns @copeaccountants The winner will be known on October 2nd #giveaway #brazamember #instagramgiveaway #free #membership #footballqld #footballbrisbane
13.01.2022 Se voc est programando aquela road Trip no final do ano no deixe de fazer uma inspeo no seu carro e ter certeza de que est tudo ok. Ligue para ns da BM Prestige Automotive Centre e agende seu horrio $110 - Inspeo para viagem... $149 - Reviso geral em carros que levam at 5L de leo no motor $169 - Reviso geral em carros com mais de 5L de leo no motor *** Scios do Braza FC tem 10% de desconto no valor total do servio. Apresente sua carteirinha antes do pagamento. OBS: Usamos leo Castrol FULL SINTTICO ESPECFICO para o motor do seu carro. Na Inspeo para viagem checamos os mesmos itens da Reviso geral, somente no trocamos o filtro e o leo do motor. O que est incluso na reviso geral? -Troca do leo do motor; (no incluso na inspeo de viagem) -Troca do filtro de leo do motor; (no incluso na inspeo de viagem) -Checagem de Filtros de ar e ar condicionado; -Checagem de lmpadas; -Checagem de fluidos incluindo teste de qualidade de coolant e fluido de freio; -Rotao e calibragem dos pneus se necessrio; -Checagem de correias; -Checagem do sistema de freios; -Checagem de mangueiras; -Checagem de suspenso -Teste de Bateria e Alternador -Test Drive -Scanning Tambm oferecemos servio de Detailing por $199 e lavagem geral a partir de $60. (Fotos de antes e depois disponveis em nosso Instagram Bmautomotive) Para agendamento ou maiores informaes - 0478088366 Endereo: 25 Frodsham street - Albion
13.01.2022 A hell of a win! Braza FC faced a big challenge last Sunday and came out of it with a massive win against a higher ranked team. Great performance of our boys leaving their field with that amazing feeling! We are BACK! . Que Vitria! Braza FC enfrentou um grande desafio no ltimo domingo e saiu vencedor com uma grande Vitria contra um time colocado 3 divises acima. ... Excelente performance do time deixando a campo do adversrio com aquele sentimento maravilhoso! Estamos de volta! #GoBraza #JogaBonito
12.01.2022 Hold your breath!
12.01.2022 This is it! Our stunning brand new website is ON for all of you who want to know a little bit more about Braza FC and the work we do. Feel free to navigate. Its easy, nice and fun! Give it up to our Marketing director @fabiobotini whos done this incredible job! Wed like to thank all our sponsors and partners for helping us to make it happen. You can know a bit more about them just by clicking on their logo on the website.... This is only one more step towards the top of Football in Brisbane. Enjoy guys! QCC (Quality Commercial Cleaning) Real Transfer Money @bm_prestige_bne @fixdprestige @copeaccountants @helloinaustralia @bbqready @themetfridays @abrasso.qld
12.01.2022 Somos orgulhosamente patrocinados pela BM Prestige Automotive. D um pulo na loja e confira nossa linda camisa de jogo para temporada 2020. Valeu BM pelo apoio e parceria! . We are proudly sponsored by BM Prestige. Come by and check out our stunning 2020 game shirt on display. Thanks BM Prestige for your support. #GoBraza ... #JogaBonito #Partnership See more
10.01.2022 Ao nosso grande Marco Ferrari, torcedor fiel! Sempre presente dando aquela fora. Boleiro de primeira, rei da resenha!
10.01.2022 Free Kick challenge today at Perry Park. Nice and fun activity respecting the rules of social distancing and keeping our players active and happy! Cant wait to this craziness go away! #GoBraza #socialdistancing #GoAwayCovid19
10.01.2022 A tough clash against Annerley FC for both teams, supporters on fire and all the typical football environment made last night even better. City league two controlled the game very well until the last minutes, came back home with the draw. City league one squad scored a goal at the second half and didnt score more goals for few details, our keeper did such a great job saving important balls as well. Were stronger than never towards the objective ... Um jogo difcil contra o Annerley para ambos os times, City dois ganhava o jogo at os ltimos minutos, quandro sofreu o empate, e o City um fez um gol no segundo tempo, soube conter a tenso do jogo e s no fez mais gols por detalhes, nosso goleiro tambm fez boas defesas no primeiro tempo. Estamos fortes em busca do ttulo #goBraza #footballqld #footballbrisbane #futebolbrasileiro
09.01.2022 Brazacup 2020! #gobraza
08.01.2022 Sorteio de um voucher de $50 no The Met para todas as sexta-feiras de 2020! Give away a $50 voucher at The Met for every Friday of 2020! Isso mesmo! Alm da ENTRADA GRTIS toda sexta-feira, os membros do Braza FC concorrem toda semana a um voucher de $50 para aproveitar ainda mais a noite na balada mais top de Brisbane!... As regras para participar so bem simples: 1- Ser membro do Braza FC. Caso ainda no seja, acesse o link abaixo, preencha seus dados e siga os passos para cadastro. super simples e rpido. Para se tornar membro voc ir pagar uma taxa nica de 15$ e poder desfrutar de todos os benefcios do programa de scios do Braza FC. Acesse nossa pgina e fique por dentro dos benefcios! Cadastre-se aqui: 2- Curtir a pgina do Braza FC no Facebook Braza FC Brisbane 3- Seguir o Braza FC no Instagram 4- Colocar seu nome nos comentrios desse post juntamente com seu nmero do carto de scio. 5- Apenas os nomes inseridos nos comentrios at o meio dia de sexta feira sero vlidos para o sorteio. O sorteio ser realizado toda sexta-feira entre as 13 e 16hs. O vencedor ser contactado pelo Braza FC para organizar o recebimento do prmio no The Met. No fique de fora! Torne-se scio do Braza FC e se divirta! . . . Thats it! In addition to the FREE ENTRY every Friday, Braza FC members compete every week for a $ 50 venue voucher to enjoy even more at the best night club in Brisbane! The rules for participating are very simple: 1- You must be a Braza FC member. If you aren`t a member yet, access the link below, fill out your details and follow the steps to register. Its super simple and fast. To become a member you will pay a one-time fee of $15 and youll be able to enjoy all the benefits of Braza FC membership program. Access our page and find out all the benefits! Sign up here: 2- Like the Braza FC Facebook page @brazafcbrisbane 3- Follow Braza FC on Instagram @brazafcbrisbane 4- Put your name in the comments of this post along with your membership card number. 5- Only the names entered in the comments until midday on Friday will be valid for the draw. The draw will be held every Friday between 13 and 16hs. The winner will be contacted by Braza FC to arrange the redeem of the prize at The Met. Do not miss out! Become a Braza FC member and enjoy!
07.01.2022 Two great results last weekend, our city 2 squad brought back a draw against a strong St George Willawong and city 1 squad once again proved its worth playing a massive game against Redlands United, stronger than never towards the objective Dois grandes resultados no ltimo fim de semana, nosso segundo time trouxe pra casa um empate contra um otimo St George Willawong, e nosso primeiro time mais uma vez mostrou sua fora com um timo jogo coletivo contra o Redlands United, mais forte do que nunca em direo ao objetivo
07.01.2022 Sabadão com futebol, música, churrasco e bebida gelada! Venha curtir o sábado com a gente comendo um delicioso espetinho e tomando aquela gelada assistindo um bom futebol e ouvindo boa música. Braza Cup 2020 é um evento social oferecido à comunidade com intuito de socialização e promoção do esporte.... Serão 5 sábados a partir de 7/11 à 5/12 com jogos entre 9am e 12pm. São 8 times formados por amigos de diversas nacionalidades em busca do título e prêmio para os vencedores. Estaremos servindo churrasco a partir das 11am assim como almoço e bebidas (refrigerante, cerveja e água). Tudo a preço bem acessível! Teremos um pagode rolando após o último jogo do dia. Por volta das 1pm. Venha dar seu suporte à nossa comunidade e confraternizar entre amigos. Esperamos você! . . . Saturday with football, music, BBQ and cold drinks! Come and enjoy the day with us by eating a delicious skewer and having a cold one while watching good football and listening to good music. Sounds good! Right? Braza Cup is a social event offered to the community with the aim of socializing and promoting sport. The event will go on for 5 Saturdays from 7/11 to 5/12 with matches being played from 9am to 12pm. There are 8 teams formed by friends of different nationalities chasing the title and prizes for the winners. We will be serving barbecue from 11am as well as lunch and drinks (soda, beer and water). All at a very affordable price! We'll have live Brazilian music right after the last match around 1pm. Come and give your support to our community and enjoy the with friends. Hope to see you there!
06.01.2022 TAX RETURN TIME!!! Se voc trabalhou na Austrlia e seus impostos esto retidos, hora de fazer a declarao do imposto de renda e pegar esses impostos de volta! A Cope Accountants pode fazer isso pra voc ! Entre em contato... Cope Accountants and Business Advisors See more
05.01.2022 Not a great outcome this weekend for both of our squads. . City 1 squad played the leader Capalaba Bulldogs and got beaten by 1x0 with a goal scored by Matt Mackay, former Brisbane Roar and Socceroos player. Great game though. It could have gone both ways but we didn't put the ball in when we had our chances. . City 2 squad played The Gap with only 11 players and no subs. So many injuries! Our 11 soldiers put so much effort but didn't manage to beat the leader. ... . 2 weeks to go to the end of the season. Hopefully we'll wrap it up with good results. . #GoBraza #JogaBonito See more
04.01.2022 Braza FC no Australia Clean up day ! Aqui no s futebol, estamos envolvidos com a comunidade!
04.01.2022 Football tournament Braza Cup 2020 is upon us! Get a team together and play!... Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm 6 a-side competition Great prizes Jersey provided Brand new synthetic field Bbq and drinks Great environment Limited spots - don't miss out Thanks to The Met Fridays for sponsoring the event.
04.01.2022 Massive #TBT Exactly an year ago we won our first championship in our first year of history. What a day! What a game! A day to never be forgotten! #GoBraza #Champions ... #2019 See more
03.01.2022 Braza FC - where amazing happens! It's about team! Love the game!
03.01.2022 Braza FC Juniors is here! Are your little ones football crazy like us? Are you looking for an active and fun activity for them to burn off some energy, make new friends and build confidence? Then look no further. Suitable for boys and girls aged 4-10 and run by a highly experienced and enthusiastic Brazilian coach on a brand new synthetic pitch at Perry Park, Bowen Hills. See our website for all the details. .... . Braza FC Juniors chegou! Seus filhos so loucos por futebol como todo brasileiro? Est procurando uma atividade ativa e divertida para eles gastarem energia, fazerem novos amigos e ganharem confiana? Ento no procure mais. Braza FC Juniors o lugar. Adequado para meninos e meninas de 4 a 10 anos e dirigido por um tcnico brasileiro muito experiente e entusiasmado (Ronno Diniz) em um campo sinttico novinho em Perry Park, Bowen Hills. Consulte nosso site para todos os detalhes.
03.01.2022 What a debut for Braza FC. Last night at Perry Park Braza made the extraordinary look routine performing great Football and scoring stunning goals. Both teams city 1 and 2 dominated their opponents giving no chance for reaction. Well done boys! Keep it up! . Que estreia do Braza FC!... Noite passado no Perry Park Braza fez o extraordinrio parecer rotina com um excelente futebol e lindos gols. Ambos times dominaram seus oponentes sem dar nenhuma chance para reao . Parabns rapaziada. Vamos nessa pegada! . #GoBraza #JogaBonito #WeAreGoingForGold See more
02.01.2022 Braza Cup 2nd round. Come this Saturday to enjoy the day with us. Football, BBQ, Cold drinks, DJ Bruno Fuhr play some nice music and a chance to win $500 in scholarship at Albright Institute of Business and Language See you guys there!
02.01.2022 Another great round for Braza FC. We won both games. Those were the last friendly games before the competition starts. Hope to see our supporters at Perry park this Friday 24th to cheer us up! . Mais uma rodada vitoriosa para o Braza FC. ... Ganhamos os dois ultimoa jogos amistosos antes da liga que comea nessa sexta 24/07. Vamos pra cima! Esperamos a galera na sexta para dar aquela fora fora de campo! #GoBraza #JogaBonito
02.01.2022 Another great win! This time an away victory adding 3 points to keep us on the top of the ladder. Great performance guys. Dont drop it! Keep it up! . Outra grande Vitria! Dessa vez uma Vitria fora de casa mantendo a gente na liderana. Excelente performance galera. No deixem cair o ritmo. ... #GoBraza #JogaBonito #WeAreGoingForGold
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