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Breathing Heart Space

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21.01.2022 The Breathing Heart logo

19.01.2022 It feels so freeing to sing my heart out with my little drum beating its steady rhythm on my lap. Brought closer to surrender. To a deep connection with the Self. Which is all I could have wished for on this day and all others. Mother Earth underneath me. My heart at my Centre. The drum keeping its beat. My voice harmonising with her.... Connection with others is good. Connection with the Self is better. #tinglecity #pachamama #groundedheart #sacredcacao #thisheartsingssweetmelodies #Selflove #breakingbeliefs #undefined #yogamama #yogini #heartsong

19.01.2022 Yoga is the process of realisation that we are everything. Through the trance that watching the breath creates, through subtle and gross movement, through mind control and the observance of the spirit. Over and over and over again. Honing down to a very cultural anthropological level we need both nurturing, encouraging, freedom-inspiring upbringing to grow up to have optimal opportunities for exploration as adults, and the rituals, routines, rules and regulations that our cul...tures create so that we can choose which direction to head and know that it is good. We grow up to be and do a balance between the two. If we are lucky. Many have realised, however, over and over again, that much of our cultures worldwide and our personal upbringings do not provide this balance, since the balance requires a consistent state of consciousness. Living through and in yoga, which provides this consistency, we can create a way for us to break through our mental, physical and spiritual walls that we have even helped create, to grow into a more expansive being with a more expansive mind, a more malleable body and a spirit in constant flow with the unity of creation. This is what I live for. For me, for you, for all. #breathingheartyoga #thebreathingheart #yogateacher #yoga #yogamama #freolife #perthlife #bali #ubud #sacredlife #perthyoga #unschooling #deconditionedmind #tantra

17.01.2022 Just that. #mindspiritbody #mindbodyspirit #yogamama #yogini #perth #relax #breatheoflife #neckcircles #affirmation #bloomingforlife #infullbloom

14.01.2022 Do you see the house in your heart and the spokes surrounding it? They are not spokes at all, but infinite points of a spiral within a sphere. A breathing living glowing matrix, Beloved. Expanding. Contracting. They move to meet me Beloved. They are you Beloved. What shall I do to meet you?... Dance in your heart, Beloved. Sing to your heart, Beloved. Stand firm in the house within your heart, Beloved and call me in.

10.01.2022 Spirit Bird Sisters. Brothers. ... We are not lost. We are not lost. Let us band together. We shall remember who we truly are and sail on the boat to the place within our hearts. When I remember, You shall see my remembering, And remember also. Your heart will open wide and feel what it is to be free. Fly from your boat sister bird. Fly from your boat brother bird. And meet me where the sun caresses the sea, kissing her gently.

10.01.2022 It is easy to succumb to the stress and worry of the busy world around us. - Taking a moment to breathe and realise that we can be that which we wish to be. - Connected to our hearts. Joyful.... Light. Effervescent. Free. - #yogafeels #perthlife #freolove #heartopener #unityrevolution #joy #prana #expansion #light See more

10.01.2022 The energy of the forest, of the living land is just magical. I get a lot from music, that which resonates and shakes my stuckages, which brings my joy to the surface, and encapsulates my entire Self. Sound that reaches the sound of light is what I get most out of, and the forest provides that same quality. The entire forest buzzing with an amazing fervour. Pure living energy. #prana #healing #thepowerofsound #soundhealing #foresthealing #yogamama #soundhealer #joinmeforasoundhealing #pachamama #intheforest #music #wellbeing #health #mindbodyspirit #unschooling #energy #buzz #likebeesinyourbeing

10.01.2022 Hey friends! I’m providing 1-1 consultations now through my yoga and wellbeing business Breathing Heart Space. Try my guided mindfulness meditation focussed on non-judgement to get a taste.... PM me for bookings. Love Ta Tiana

09.01.2022 Do you know that we are in a movement right now beautiful Amazon Hearts, dearest Breathing Hearts, all of us? That we are to convince the rest of the world that what we have to say and do is important? That it can change their lives for their own benefit, forever? - That we work for the benefit of the disempowered and the seemingly empowered both?? - See that man/woman with the staunch jaw who shuts their heart to the world and seems closed-hearted? Do you know they have dre...ams and fears too? And that they want to break through their belief systems as much as you do? - Do you see that elderly Christian fellow with the cane smiling at you? Do you know he needs just as much help to attain enlightenment as anyone? - We can all convince the mind that it does not have to release its power by teaming up with the heart, neither the body. - That an altered state is not temporary. That it does not have to be enticed by drugs. That we can release trauma, suffering, deeply embedded PREJUDICE the world over and enter enlightenment, joy and truth individually and collectively. It can be an elongated state and it can ride within the collective as it rises within us. - Oh! Dear ones, I am so elated! This is the beginning of something hugely amazing and it does NOT have to end in disappointment, in broken hearts, broken cultures, nor stunted dreams. - Never again does it have to end how it did for our parents, and their parents or theirs onward to infinity! - It can come quietly. It can come with presence. Allowing questioners to question (including in our own minds). By opening our hearts to that questioning and responding with joy and love. By breaking through our own fears one at a time, personally, courageously, collectively. Dancing the fears out that no longer serve us and noticing the sweaty beads dissipate and release. - Our entire planet can dance and rejoice in love. I see it clearly. Hope reigns - #sisterhood #brotherhood #yogamama #circles #dance #breakingbeliefsystems #bridges #yogini #yoga #didyouknow #movement #unschooling #wisdoms #bridgesforpsychologyandlife #indigenouswisdom #empowered #empoweredwomenempowerall #empoweredmenempowerall #cal See more

08.01.2022 Beyond the meditation, the naturalness, the stillness, I feel a stirring fireheart that is here for you my loves. - I myself and many of you have been pushed down time and time again. - I’m here for you darlings, those that are confused. Don’t understand where you sit or where you can ground.... - Feel that pulsating Sound in your heart. It is a call to action. - Don’t let them (others, your thoughts, beliefs all around) turn your amazing light and sound down!! - Can you not feel it stirring in the depths of your heart? It moves through your soul like waves underneath the ocean water. Never lose sight of that light within you! - It pierces. It streams and glimmers and glows! - A piece of heaven untold. - Stand up! Pick yourself up even though you may struggle at first. - Allow yourself to express. Sing. Dance. And gift it to the heavens. Transform it into power and you will know how to bring that pain, or apathy or stockage into a powerful melody of hope, light and transformation. - #amazonhearted #domesticviolenceendsnow #thepatriarchycangodown #equality #empowerment #selflovemeanssteppingintoyourpower #danceandsingtotransform #campaignsforempowermentofwomenandmenabused #campaignsagainstchildabuse #openheart #beyondstillness #intopurpose #mindspiritbody #perth

07.01.2022 Allow your fears to soften and to melt your own self into the unified field. We choose our reality to look, feel and be as it is. We are supported.... We are loved. We are safe. We are abundant. Only if we choose it. And then only if we choose to see it. Soften yourself. Broaden your wings and allow yourself to fly.

07.01.2022 Freedom of expression is both inward and outward at the same time. What we perceive inward is being expressed outwardly. Our artworks tell our inner story and tap into the truth of our being. Our inner core. The spark of creation. When we aware of that, we see that what we are creating is an offering to ourselves. We can either destroy or create with our actions. And it speaks volumes about where we are at inwardly. Come back to the inner space. I chose this image, since I believe there is massive grief surrounding the destruction of nature, and that nature can become the next museum, OR, we can create and tend with our hands working magic into the nature that exists, and thereby sustain it, renew it, connect with it, and feel joy.

07.01.2022 Abundance: The ability to manifest AND recognise AND embrace your beautiful creations - your identity, self-expression, your light, your gifts, your loves, your journey and to realise that they are ALL divine.Abundance: The ability to manifest AND recognise AND embrace your beautiful creations - your identity, self-expression, your light, your gifts, your loves, your journey and to realise that they are ALL divine.

03.01.2022 The systems we have in place in all realms of society have well and truly reached decrepitude. Education. Medicine and Midwifery. Science. Business. - As we sit from this perspective on the ground, and look up at that which is aged, let us look through the eyes of children and see how we can bring beauty to the memory of that time whilst moving into freedom to move into a flowing, authenticity of being. - An authenticity to humanity.... - An authenticity to our most natural intuitive Selves. - An authenticity to LIFE. In its purest form. - That which has no borders, no walls, no boxes whatsoever. That which flows with a vigour and an elation. - A joy in creating. - Let us celebrate LIFE in its truest form for eons to come. #paradigmshift #creativity #humanity #eyesofachild #freethechild #freethemother #mother #corporatescollide #tribes #tribal #naturallearning #naturalparenting #unschooling #mydaughtertookthisphoto #3yo #yogiclife See more

03.01.2022 This week at Nature Kids, the foreshore was abundant with life that the children were completely at ease to join with. There seemed no separation between the children and what was offered in nature. Children splashed, children dared, children connected with nature and each other. With their bodies. With the sun. With the swans! Children learned, just by trusting their own connections. Asking questions and observing the actions and rhythms of nature. After a story about patter...ns in nature, we began to peruse the repetition of a particular shape - the circle. We explored how it is a vital sign - the first sign of energy and life. The circle we join in together on the mat to join hearts and minds with. The shapes of the fruits we ate. The shape of the drum we played - its beat and its importance to cultural synchronicity. The buoy in the water anchoring the boats just offshore - a sign of home for boat's passengers after their journey out into the river. The shape of jellyfish - a being reflected back to us our energy body. Rockpools - homes for the elusive crabs. (No we didn't see any! Just found a crab claw). Seedpods - the beginnings of life. Next week we'll be building conic structures as the offered activity, and exploring in nature again!

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