Rhythm & Resonance- BioDynamic Breathwork and Somatic Integration in Belgrave Heights, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Rhythm & Resonance- BioDynamic Breathwork and Somatic Integration
Locality: Belgrave Heights, Victoria, Australia
Phone: 0421200064
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25.01.2022 SHIFTING NOUNS TO VERBS These are a few examples of shifting our perspective to anchor more Personal Agency into our experience.. From this space we can begin to take ownership over our life and the ways in which we are relating to it..... Life is not happening TO us... #growth #responsibility #perspective
25.01.2022 BLESSED I AM TO RECEIVE THIS GIFT AND RISE WITH A NEW DAY May I remain present and open to life's teachings- Listening, Trusting, Receiving and Integrating... Into this body..... Remaining anchored in the heart May there be moments of pause and reflection along with moments of inspired action and embodied connection. May I give thanks to experiences that guide me back to my internal world...for self inquiry and self responsibilty.. May I journey this day with wonder and awe..weaving my unique expression through this tapestry of life.. May I remember my place...Walking with integrity, humility and grace.. Here in service..As student and as teacher.. Honouring balance and leaning into growing edges.. Blessed I am to receive this gift and rise with a new day
25.01.2022 Can't help but have a huge smile on my face whilst watching this.. So much Joy! Https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10163429967655371&id=766560370&sfnsn=mo&d=n&vh=e
24.01.2022 JUST A FEW SPACES LEFT! For those in Melbourne,Australia and Surrounds, The Attunement Therapy Practitioner Training is happening in just 3 weeks time! ... Sign up for this unique and special opportunity.. Attunement Therapy Practitioner Training this March in the Dandenong Ranges, Melbourne Victoria. This training is for all healers practitioners & parents looking for the missing link in conscious relating with clients, friends, partners, children & family. This 4 day practitioner training focuses on honing your capacity to hold immaculate space for others to access their innate unconscious healing ability. Attunement Therapy brings simple and effective healing to your clients, close relations & extends to the broader community. Be in touch with myself or founder and facilitator Tristan Bray to find out more <3 https://www.facebook.com/events/3137696429635804/
24.01.2022 DONT FORGET TO PLAY! Play is such a medicinal resource. When we allow ourselves time for play we tap into that light and joyful part of ourselves. I learn so much about this when I am around children and find it particularly supportive at these times. What is your relationship with play? ... How can you bring more play into your day? #playful #innerchild #joy #resources #fun
23.01.2022 MUGWORT AND ROSE DREAM PILLOW.. Today I went into a beautiful ritual space and created a dream pillow for a loved one who has been having issues lately with anxiety and lack of sleep.. I'm a huge fan of these 2 medicines together. MUGWORT is such an exquisite herb to work with and is popularly worked with as a dream and sleep herb... ROSE is such potent nurturing heart medicine and another of my faves..... It was such a nourishing and creative space to explore.... The herbal pillow simply gets put under your usual pillow at night time to assist with deep and plentiful sleep... Super easy to create... All that is needed is ... Nice material Needle and thread Herbs that you will be using Beautiful music and loving intention For ritual space I also light a candle, use a ritual mist and smudge the space.. Other great herbs for sleep are chamomile, lavendar, melissa/lemon balm.. Get creative!
23.01.2022 Offering you a Solstice/New Moon/Eclipse Meditation...Potent allignments and gateways opening right now. Have a candle and glass of drinking water nearby for this one With LOVE
23.01.2022 Be gentle with yourself at these times..
20.01.2022 SHORT 20 MIN YOGA PRACTICE TO SUPPORT SPINAL MOBILITY, HIP OPENING AND CORE STRENGTH.. If you are looking for a short but sweet 20 min yoga practice to support flow and fluidity be sure to check out my RESOURCES page on my website. There are also a few other Breathwork and Somatic Based resources to support you at this time..... Website below: www.breathworkandsomatics.com #yoga #flow #corestrengthening #spinalmobility #somatics #breathwork
19.01.2022 THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT AT THIS TIME (New Rates and Complimentary sessions for those financially effected and in need of support at these times) I've been holding off on this for a while as I have needed space to inquire into the beliefs around taking some of my therapeutic work online. With no work for the past 4 months and plenty of time for inner reflection I have made the decision to begin sharing some of my offerings through the online platform. I believe this work is much... needed right now. * I will be offering IN PERSON Breathwork, Attunement Therapy Sessions and Holistic Counselling/Somatic Integration Sessions in Northern Rivers area for the month of August. I am also offering 3x COMPLIMENTARY ONLINE Holistic Counselling/Somatic Integration sessions to anyone who may not have access to the funds for a session and is feeling the need for support (1 per person) Please don't hesitate to reach out to me for this. Below are my offerings at this time... IN PERSON (Northern Rivers area for month of August) BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release Sessions 2 hr sessions- $120 (usually $180) Holistic Counselling/Somatic Integration- 1 hr sessions- $75 (usually $120) Attunement therapy session -2-2.5hrs per session -$180 (usually $250) ONLINE SESSIONS Holistic Counselling/Somatic Integration- 1hr sessions -$70 or series of 3x sessions for $200. For more information about my offerings take a look at my webpage www.breathworkandsomatics.com ( ignore pricings on website) Please share with anyone that may find this supportive at this time. With LOVE
19.01.2022 Deep gratitude for these past few days as my partner Jason and I reconnect with the founders of Shambhala Centre Sharon and Stan at their new sanctuary on the southern coast of NSW. The Shambhala Centre in Bulleen Vic became such a haven for our breathwork gatherings and offerings over the past couple of years. As much as we were sad to see that chapter come to a close we are so happy for Sharon and Stan to be embarking on their next ventures in Paradise and so grateful for the deepening of connection and friendship with these remarkable Beings..
19.01.2022 REJUVENATING QIGONG FOR LUNGS, HEART AND OVERALL FLOW OF CHI.. Today I share a section from this morning's Rejuvenating Qigong Practice which I shared through a private holistic wellness group. Qigong came into my life when I was going through a highly challenging phase. I was cycling through chronic depression and states of anxiety and had developed a dependency on sleeping tablets. I came across Qigong and it completely shifted my world.. The benefits were so prevalent ...that it became a very integral part of my life. Today I share a short session concentrating on the heart, lungs and overall flow of chi... I hope you feel as nourished by this as I do.... Enjoy..
19.01.2022 It's so wonderful to be back in the space of service again and offering private group breathwork and somatic exploration sessions. These times call for community and connection more than ever. I will be starting to offer monthly breathwork circles and women's gatherings again very soon...... Private sessions are available once again so be sure to reach out if you are feeling called to explore more...
19.01.2022 "Rhythm and Resonance" offers therapeutic fields and spaces of safe guidance to support the reconnection to authenticity, our deeper nature and Embodied Wisdom.. Our natural state is Connected, Alive and Thriving; however Traumatic experiences and ruptures in the relational field of our earlier years can send us out of our true nature and into ways of adaptation. As we begin to inquire into these identifications and adaptations which are showing up in our present life we begi...n to recognize that this is a process of UNBECOMING. All that we are seeking is already there however the layers of protection, identification and psychobiological constructs keep us from accessing this. As we come into supportive containers and allow space for deep listening we can begin to connect with new ways of relating to ourselves and the stories that have shaped us. Holistic Counselling, NARM informed therapy (Neuro Affective Relational Model) Somatic Therapy, BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release Attunement Therapy, Self inquiry, Embodiment Exploration and Creative processes are incorporated into the explorative container to assist in the unfurling of unconscious patterns and behaviors which may be preventing you from living your fullest and most AUTHENTIC LIFE. Through a loving, compassionate approach we can begin to openly welcome and presence with our experiences, emotions and aspects of self; tending to them with LOVING CARE... Through this exploration we can identify the protective mechanisms that were once put in place to keep us feeling safe and protected but may no longer be working in our favour anymore. This practice of deep listening then opens new pathways of choice and agency in our lives and the potential to become more connected and ATTUNED to our own personal values, rhythms and field of resonance. Ultimately we return back home to ourselves and experience our wholeness as human beings. As we find ways to compassionately meet the needs of what wasn't met before then patterns of protection can begin to slowly shift back towards that which we are naturally wired for...CONNECTION #traumawork #healing #growth #connection #attunement #rhythm #authenticity
19.01.2022 The Sacred Breath Over the years my yoga/ pranayama practice and work as a breathwork practitioner and dancer has connected me to the sacred breath in a deeply profound way.. I have recently started to explore my connection with the drone flute and utilising the sacred breath as a messenger of frequency through this beautiful instrument.. ... What joy this is bringing me.. I certainly haven't perfected things but it's really not about that for me.. This is such a meditative practice and it takes quite presence and breath capacity to move the breath through both chambers of the flute.. Each exhale coming from the heart I Felt to share a little snippet of me in Freeflow... Hope this brings a little joy to your heart also.. #flute #breathwork #breathe #sacred #sound #joy
19.01.2022 Morning Movement and Play.. Fluid...Deep Listening.. Living moment to moment in this Body.....
19.01.2022 So grateful to wake to the sounds of nature.. Wishing you a blessed day...
19.01.2022 Herbal teas are such a wonderful addition to naturally support the different systems of the body. For myself here in Melbourne, Australia the cooler weather has kicked in and herbal teas are a great way to hydrate the body on these cooler days. Enjoy some of these nourishing herbs to support lung health at these times..
18.01.2022 After many requests I have decided to host a New Moon Breathwork Gathering next month.. This is by Donation.. I hope to have you join me <3
18.01.2022 The spontaneous movement in all of us is towards Connection, Health and Aliveness. No matter how withdrawn and isolated we have become, or how serious the trauma we have experienced, on the deepest level, just as a plant spontaneously moves toward the sunlight , there is in each of us an impulse moving toward healing and connection.. The organismic impulse is the fuel of the NARM approach ... (Taken from "Healing Developmental Trauma" -by Laurence Heller) I'm feeling deep gratitude as I immerse myself in a training that I have been wanting to do for the past 5 years. The NeuroAffective Relational Model is a non pathologising model to support Complex PTSD/Developmental Trauma. A space for curiosity and Exploration of the obstacles and various lenses we have moved through life with that keep us from consciously experiencing our birthright of Authentic Connection. This training is a bit of a stretch for me as I'm on the calls in the US from 2am-9am but my commitment and dedication to growth and expanding my therapeutic capacity is guiding me through. I look forward to sharing more of this profoundly important work.. #traumawork #developmentaltrauma #healing #growth #connection #dedication #gratitude
17.01.2022 Some simple health and wellness tips for this time.. (shared from my other page InFlow - Breathwork and Holistic Therapies)
17.01.2022 "We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get "solved". They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen; room for grief, for relief,for misery, for joy.". ... -Pema Chodron #growth #flow #emotion #gratitude
17.01.2022 "Knowing oneself comes from attending with COMPASSIONATE CURIOSITY to what is happening WITHIN" - Gabor Mate Over our 3 day/3 night retreat we invite you into times of contemplation and reflection.. Each day we will guide you through self inquiry and contemplative practices to support you to become more aware of the subconscious dialogue and programming that may be impacting your life. Once we have an awareness of these programs and conditioning then we are able to make more... conscious choices and come into deeper compassion for self and others.. We will also hold hours of noble silence across the retreat.. This enables us to receive insights and messages from our internal world and supports us to rest more into compassion, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance. Not long now until our Womens Retreat "Transitioning Inward" Be sure to secure your space with a $200 deposit Event link below https://www.facebook.com/events/2819186224814260/
17.01.2022 The power of co regulation.. <3
17.01.2022 STARTING NEXT WEDNESDAY 22nd of April at 9am AEST! For those who would like to journey with us for 2 weeks as we explore FUNctional fitness, yoga, qigong, breathwork and energy balancing work along with holisitic nutrition guidance and much more then this is the link to the private group!... This is a completely FREE offering..we simply would like to share at this time. We decided to create a private group to create a support network for the 2 week journey. We will still post some of the sessions on our new page @InFlow - Breathwork and Holistic Therapies however if you would like to join us for the 2 weeks be sure to add yourself to this group.. There will be a mixture of LIVE and pre recorded videos and plenty of wholesome information to support you at this time.. We look forward to sharing this offering with you. Liarna and Jason Https://www.facebook.com/groups/247654686421139/
16.01.2022 EXERCISING IN RESONANCE WITH YOUR CYCLE. Im just entering my follicular phase of my cycle and energy is increasing significantly! After allowing myself 5 days of slow pace and plenty of stillness through my menstrual phase I'm now feeling that exquisite uprising of energy; creative ideas are starting to flow and I'm feeling called back to my weights based/strengthening exercises. ... I'm passionate about supporting others to attune to the rhythms and cycles of their own bodies and move accordingly. We want to be moving with the stream and not against it.. I'm currently working on something that I'm excited to share very soon. I feel it will be a huge guiding support for those feeling the call to live more attuned and in harmony with their cyclical nature. Through having an embodied innerstanding we are able to access our most flourishing self. I'm also offering online sessions by Donation for the month of September and October. I'm offering my Somatic Therapy sessions and Integrative Wellness Sessions. If you would like to know more check out my website and schedule a session if you feel the call.. www.breathworkandsomatics.com #cycles #rhythm #strength #follicularphase #harmony
16.01.2022 I'm feeling so grateful to be able to share this 2 week FREE Holistic Health and Wellness offering. (April 22nd-May 6th) If you would like to join us then be sure to check out my other page InFlow - Breathwork and Holistic Therapies where we will be sharing plenty of LIVE sessions pre recorded practices, nutrition and herbal guidance and other wholesome information to support you at this time. Please share with all whom may benefit.
16.01.2022 Attuning to the Natural Rhythms of Nature... A settling in the system.. Deeper longer breaths.. Nourishment to the senses... ... Resting down...Remembering... Blessed we are..
16.01.2022 Couldn't help but share this one today! Such a joy to watch! Https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10209827875840299&id=1434596158
16.01.2022 Letting go through Dance and Freeflow Movement. When we can drop into our bodies and surrender to the guidance of the music, breath, energy flow and internal wisdom then we give ourselves full permission to express whatever is most alive in us. When we allow it move through it doesn't get stuck and locked in our bodies..It's not about how the movement looks but about how it FEELS...Freeing up space, letting go of what no longer serves, expressing our internal world and honou...ring our bodies.. Creating space in my day for Freeflow Movement and dance is an absolute necessity for me. It is a devotional practice that has supported me to let go, surrender and access deep internal wisdom and higher self. Every day calls for a different genre of music however today I felt a pull to this stunning mantra. Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad (supporting the shift of negative energy and thoughts to positive) I do not own the rights to this music Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad by Jai Jagdeesh
15.01.2022 A LITTLE ABOUT MY HEALING JOURNEY After spending years and years in a disembodied and out of rhythm existence, the yearning for true connection and authentic living became stronger every day...The chronic anxiety and insomnia followed by bouts of depression, eating disorder/body dysmorphia and lack of self worth were tell tale signs that there was something out of sync....Nervous system dysregulation, chronic shame and low self esteem were running the show. I knew there was... more to life than these patterns which were creating more distance and separation, shame, distrust and suffering. Patience and compassion then became strong allies on my healing path. Over the years I engaged in many Self Inquiry and Somatic Based therapies to support me on my healing journey. I began to build my capacity to meet myself in a more loving ,compassionate way; to gently unravel past conditionings and repattern old patterns that my body/mind had been stuck in for years.. Nervous system regulation became key...Rhythmic and attuned social engagement became my nourishment... From here I started to sync to the rhythms of life. I felt connected to my cycle, the rhythms of nature and the natural contraction and expansion of existence and this human body. My field of resonance grew as I became more attuned to my surroundings and the callings of this treasured human body. As the inner landscape shifted so did my outer world and I started to experience life as I could only dream of it before...Present, connected and ALIVE. I am most passionate about creating supportive environments for the exploration of our inner landscapes and attunement to the innate wisdom of the body through somatic exploration,self inquiry and the healing arts practices. I am particularly dedicated to working with trauma that has locked in the body and relational field; thus showing up through the narrative and creating disharmony in ones life I believe that by co-creating compassionate fields we are able to pave new pathways where personal empowerment, faith and honoring of self, life and others takes place over shame, fear and disconnect Be in touch if you feel called to work with me #traumawork #somatictherapy #healing #compassion #love
14.01.2022 SACRED BATHING RITUAL... As I prepare myself to offer a Somatic Integration workshop online tomorrow I felt the call to Sacred Bathing Ritual.... A path of Service also includes Service to self... ... Baths are one of my absolute favourite things to do as an act of self care ..Incorporating intention and Ritual makes them even sweeter...Immersing in water and Receiving the transmission of nature's gifts as I bathe... Today I connected with.. Magnesium Salts..to support Nervous System and muscular relaxation Himalayan salt...for cleansing and purification Rose petals..for tenderness and heart connection Lavender..From my flourishing herbal medicine garden Mugwort..A gift from a beloved sister. This is a warming herb which is exactly what I needed Local flowers which were collected from my Beloved and gifted to me this morning... Young Living Peace and Calming essential oil...Super high quality, high vibrational oils ..(the only ones I will use these days.. Candles were lit as I bathed with intention.. FEELING REFRESHED, ANCHORED AND RELAXED... What are your favourite things to do as an act of self care..? #selflove #selfcare #naturesmedicine #bath #ritual #intention #love
13.01.2022 Take some long, deep breaths... <3
13.01.2022 Website finally up and running! Im feeling super grateful and overjoyed to launch my website this week. This has been quite a process over the past 12 months as I review and refine my services and offerings. I invite you to take a look and reach out if you feel the call to work with me in any way. ... There is also a resource page with meditations and practices which I will be adding to over time.. <3 https://www.breathworkandsomatics.com/
12.01.2022 Apologies for being a little quiet on here lately... It has been a big start to 2020 and a deep reflective time for me personally. Im now starting to notice the regeneration process and new sprouts blooming after a very inward start to the year amidst all that was occurring with the fires in Australia. Im curious how this new decade is feeling for you all??? I have received numerous messages and emails with enquiries about upcoming offerings so I have listed them all in the ...link below for you all! I have teamed up with some amazing therapists and practitioners this year and look forward to sharing more with you.. Sending love and hope to share space with some of you soon. For those not in Melbourne or Australia then be sure to keep your eyes on this page as I share resources and content and will also be offering some online meditations etc across the year too.. <3 http://mailchi.mp//breathwork-retreat-offerings-february-m
12.01.2022 AROMATIC EUCALYPTUS SHOWERS (There are also many other leaves that can be used around the world with strong medicinal properties) Hanging Eucalyptus in the shower is a great way to receive the medicinal properties of the leaves which can support with bronchial and nasal congestion, sinus issues, sore throats and low energy levels. ... Simply find yourself a eucalyptus tree (ask permission from the spirit of the tree to take some of the leaves) and hang behind the shower head. The idea is for the steam to hit the leaves rather than the water..This will last approx 1 week of showering . Another blessed gift from nature and beautiful Australia... Enjoy!!
12.01.2022 Listen....Become Still... Listen carefully ... Receive the Wisdom of these Ancient Ones... Calling you back Home.. As a child I spent majority of my time connecting with plants and trees. I didn't surround myself with many human beings but felt such incredible connection and safety with the plant kingdom..I still feel this today and sense an instant anchoring into my body as I connect and commune with these Ancient ones.. ... #nature #wisdom #trees #safe #lianavines
11.01.2022 Preparing for the day with hip opening and spinal mobility work.. As I journey into the luteal/pre menstrual phase of my cycle my daily practice begins to shift from a more yang and dynamic practice with lots of movements that require more energy to a gentle flow practice that begins to shift the energy and focus downward.. As my moon drawers nearer and energy levels shift and change then so too will the way that I choose to eat, move my body and ... create more space in my day for rest.. As women, listening to the body and its true capacity at each phase of our cycle is key if we want to flourish at our fullest potential. This will certainly look different for each person.. I'm a real energiser bunny during my follicular and ovulation phase so this video shows a nice gentle flow for me... Tune in...Find what works for you.. No more striving and pushing against the current..
11.01.2022 Still bathing in the afterglow from last nights Womens Solstice/New Moon/Eclipse Gathering.. These energetic gateways and astrological allignments are a rare occasion...Such a potent time for Release, Rebalancing and Rebirthing.. Creating space and seeding the new intentions for the months to come. ... I hope you found some space to sit in reflection and ritual also.. If not then the energies are still supporting this process over these next few days..
11.01.2022 The sun still rises.. The birds still sing.. Wishing you a blessed day..
10.01.2022 What an absolute honour it was to step in last minute and support this amazing woman of @livinghormoniously at The Four Phases of Fullest Potential Workshop in Northern NSW. Tahlia is full of passion and dedicated to educating women on the ways to live more in flow and rhythm with their lunar cycles. This kind of information is what should be taught in schools! I was honoured to step in and support all of the wonderful women to anchor this knowledge into their bodies thro...ugh movement and meditation practices. I also received so much insight into my own cycle, hormonal cycles and ways to really drop into my fullest potential in each phase. Ladies, if you are looking for a holistic nutritionist to support you through menstrual cycle issues, fertility support (charting), menstrual cycle awareness, pre conception plans, post partum support, pregnancy plans or just overall health then I highly recommend checking out www.livinghormoniously.com
10.01.2022 Feeling super blessed to be teaming up with my sisters Sally Meredith - Elements Embodied and Embodhi Spirit Yoga, Dance & Healing for our annual retreat "Transitioning Inward" The Womens Retreat is just around the corner and after many requests to create a retreat where we can deepen a little more into the process that is exactly what we have done. This year our "Transitioning Inward" Retreat will be running for 3 NIGHTS instead of 2! This weekend is all about nourishing o...urselves and preparing for that contemplative inward time as we transition from Summer through Autumn and into Winter. For more information see the event link below. Limited spaces available and just a $200 deposit is required to secure your space with us. Be sure to share with anyone you feel may be interested or seeking this kind of work and support in their lives. If you have any further questions be sure to contact me through here or through our collaborative email: [email protected] Much LOVE <3 https://www.facebook.com/events/2819186224814260/
10.01.2022 This is happening tomorrow evening in Melbourne! An evening of qigong, breathwork, yin yoga, yoga nidra/meditation, song and heartful prayer. A nourishing landing space.. This is a fundraising event Ill be running with 2 dear sisters I work alongside. ... All proceeds going to the Wildlife Victoria Bushfire appeal and gofund me campaign for The First Nations Communities effected by the fires If you are in Melbourne and would like to join you can purchase your ticket via the event link below. If you are unable to make it but would like to support you can also donate via the event page or pass your ticket to a loved one.. <3 Event link below! https://www.facebook.com/events/1286560574877039/?active_tab=about
09.01.2022 Exercise for me is almost always playful! I spent many years as a fitness instructor and personal trainer and am passionate about creative, playful movement to mobilise and strengthen the body. I've been nursing an injury to my foot this past week yet still getting creative with ways to keep my body in flow. I'm also at the end of my follicular phase of my cycle so feeling pretty energised and expansive. ... I love supporting others to get creative when it comes to exercise, movement and health and wellness routines. Be sure to get in touch if you feeling you may need a little extra guidance in this area. www.breathworkandsomatics.com #mobility #playful #strength #exercise #functionaltraining #creative #cycle
09.01.2022 Natures Medicine... <3
09.01.2022 This is Soo beautiful.. The power of connection between species.. Bless.. ... https://www.facebook.com/523745684/posts/10156950495045685/
09.01.2022 Banksia Dreaming.. This morning on my walk I was reminded of a potent dream last night which guided me to the Beloved Banksia Native.. The interesting thing is that I had this dream recall moment as I was walking down a street named "Acacia street" (another beloved native in bloom at this time of year) ... I often dream of certain herbs, plants, animals and number sequences when there is a particular message that wants to be anchored into my conscious awareness.. I have been in awe of the blooming Spring time flowers since I returned to Victoria a fortnight ago.. I have been witnessing and listening..Feeling so blessed for their presence and teachings.. Some of the symbolic representations for Banksia include Rebirth, Communication with spirit guides, fertility, life giving, masculine energy, new beginnings, longevity, wisdom of age, joy and energy. The Banksia encourages regeneration, renewal and courage, using painful experiences as an opportunity for greater depth and a source of determination to move forward. AFFIRMATION The fire has been through me, and into the ash I throw the seeds for a new day. I am reborn from every branch I send out new shoots and buds to grow and blossom. Such resonance this morning as I sit in gratitude for the wisdom of our plant teachers .. #plants #native #banksia #acacia #dream #medicine
09.01.2022 "THANKYOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GROW" This is one of my favourite mantras.. When we can shift into a place of inquiry rather than blame and projection we anchor ourselves in self responsibilty. ... From this place we have choice as to whether we let life's more confronting experiences engulf us or teach and empower us. This isn't always easy and sometimes requires time and processing but a simple inquiry such as "What is this trying to teach me?" can begin to create new pathways and perceptions in our experiential world... Wishing you a blessed Cancer New Moon.. May you feel nurtured and create space in your day for stillness and reflection..
09.01.2022 This is so precious! So many videos like this one at the moment amidst the fires in Australia.. This warms my heart.. Connection...Unconditional Love.. <3
08.01.2022 UTILISING NATURE'S DELIGHTS FOR HEALTHY SKIN! I absolutely LOVE working with the gifts of nature to nourish my skin.. There are so many ways that we can utilise these treasures and make super affordable skin and haircare..This is one of the things I am super passionate about! The other night I was feeling the need to pamper so I reached for some papaya, avocado and cucumber!... PAPAYA ENZYME PEEL- Papaya is incredible for getting rid of dead skin, reducing age spots, supporting eczema and psoriasis and reducing wrinkles! It's basically like a natural enzyme peel! You can simply Mash up some papaya and spread on face for 10 mins before washing off.. AVOCADO NOURISHING MASK - Avocado is great for nourishing and moisturising dry or dehydrated skin or hair. Simply mash some up. (I used a little bit of manuka honey with mine to help with some hormonal breakout spots that appeared)Apply to face or hair! Leave on for 15 mins while resting back with cooling cucumber over your eyes... Wash off and finish with your fave natural oil or moisturizer. (You can also add a little banana to your avocado mask) CUCUMBER EYE TREATMENT- Cucumber has a super cooling and soothing effect and is great for reducing puffiness or dark circles under the eyes. Simply place over eyes whilst your mask is drying and enjoy! I love giving myself these pamper treatments at night time and then just slipping into bed for a restful night's sleep. I look forward to sharing more of these tips with you on our upcoming 2 week FREE online Health and Wellness Offering which starts next Wednesday. If you would like to join us for the 2 week journey simply add yourself to the private group.. Link below.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/247654686421139/
08.01.2022 BREATHWORK I had a bit of internal back and forth around whether to share this vulnerable piece of me mid process in a breathwork journey.. The more I watched it the more clear I felt on my intention to share which bought some ease in posting..... I wanted to slow it down a little so that viewers can recognise the connectedness through the process as my body unfurls and as I follow the natural impulses arising .. What do you pick up or connect with as you witness this? I also wanted to share this as I know that there can be an idea that in order to move through emotional expression or fight/flight responses we have to be overly cathartic (throw pillows, punch things, scream etc) This is actually not the case at all.. (and in some cases that can do more harm than good) BioDynamic Breathwork has been an integral part of my life for the past 8 years. At the beginning of my journey I was meeting much of the unexpressed rage and yes, in that beginning process there were definitely moments where hitting a pillow and screaming "F YOU!' felt important to allow myself this expression which had been hidden away for so long.. However the more I moved along my breathwork journey the more attuned and connected I felt on slowing everything down...From here the body was able to move through the completion responses and not skip over anything.. It felt much more integrated and as if there were true physiological shifts occurring. Through my years of study in Somatic Therapies,Trauma work and BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System I know that this is the case. As we slow down and stay connected we come to deep shifts at a core level...This is a process of allowing and meeting what is here without forcing. Breathwork is not for everybody at every stage which is why I also study and incorporate Somatic therapy, Neuro Affective Relational Model and Holistic Counselling into my offerings which allow us to gently titrate into the body and self inquiry process. This can be a profound approach in itself or a foundations for breathwork if that's the path someone would like to take.. Please Note' This short video is after 8 years of breathwork and somatic focused work so you may notice that there is alot of flow and fluidity occuring . This has taken time as there were alot of old patterns to meet before accessing the spaciousness and openness..Each persons journey will be completely unique. I also had a certified BBTRS practitioner holding space for this session and do not recommend anyone going into long and deep breathwork journeys alone. Be in touch to find out more or check out my page at www.breathworkandsomatics.com Online sessions available at this time and Some new group events coming soon. #breathwork #traumawork #nervoussystem
08.01.2022 For anyone feeling called to explore BioDynamic Breathwork at these times here are some upcoming FREE online events with the amazing BBTRI faculty.. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3297155457050332&id=248303105268931&sfnsn=mo&extid=ezJ6n4bRb7vyPC5x
07.01.2022 Returning to the Moon Cave... Through my journey of connecting to my cyclical nature as a woman I am coming into deeper respect and honouring of my sacred bleeding time. These past few days I have been feeling the descent as I prepare to bleed and I begin to yearn to rest into a space of solitude and deep stillness..... I distinctly remember a slightly charged comment which I threw into the air amidst conversing with my beloved the other day. "I just want to crawl into my cave and be left alone for a few days!" I remember pausing in that moment as I felt a deep Ancient stirring within.. A Remembering... This is how it is supposed to be! A break..Away from the pressures and demands.. Time to pause and be still and allow the process of release and rebirth to take place.. In modern society there is soo much taboo around the sacred menses or bleeding time however there are also some traditions where this time is still deeply honoured.. I often reminisce as my soul remembers the days of gathering with Women in Red Tent or Caves and tapping into those deep wells of wisdom and intuition which are at peak over this time.. Sisters, How do you honour yourself over the sacred bleeding time? I've personally decided to commit to blocking out the first 2-3 days of my bleed each month to rest into my moon Cave. Less socialising, No big tasks to complete and full permission to say NO and honour my need for stillness.. I'm aware that this may not be a potential reality for everyone but even setting aside a little time for a nourishing bath , giving yourself full permission to lay in bed for the afternoon or asking your partner to take over some of the house chores or give you a wonderful foot massage will make all the difference. Time to stop striving and pushing against the current #womenempowerment #moonphases #menstrualcycle #sisterhood #rhythm
07.01.2022 Taoist Organ Meditation... I wanted to share a beautiful meditation that I recorded on my morning walk to support more balance and flow at this time. From the Taoist perspective we look at how the emotional and physical body are interconnected.. When we suppress and don't allow emotion to move through us then we can create disharmony in the organs which can lead to dis-ease and illness in the body/mind. ... This short meditation gives the opportunity to connect and release through the organs in order to come into homeostasis/balance.. Enjoy..
07.01.2022 Happy "Day out Of Time" and World Water Appreciation Day! Every year, on the 25 July, we come into our Day out of Time on the Mayan Galactic Calendar. Unlike the Gregorian calendar the 13 Moon Galactic Calendar connects and attunes us with the rhythmic cycles of Nature. ... The Calendar is based on 13 Moons...each of 28 days, which create a full year cycle of 364 days. The 25th of July is the 365th day known as the "Day out of Time" or final day of the Galactic Year.. Day out of Time is a day for stillness, reflection, connection and honouring ‘Time as Art’. It is a potent opportunity to create shifts in mindset and beliefs and to surrender into the magic and beauty.. Tomorrow is a fresh start to a New Year.. Today is also World Water Appreciation Day! Blessed we are to receive the gift of Grandmother Water .. Thankyou for your life giving ways..Eternally grateful. May we each find time in our day for pause , reflection, celebration and connection.
06.01.2022 Really love this share from a dear friend... Connecting to our wholesomeness through practices for well-being..
06.01.2022 WOMENS "INFLOW" WINTER SOLSTICE GATHERING Breathwork, Ritual and Somatic Exploration (Max 6 ppl) Sunday 21st June @ 4pm-7pm in Ferntree Gully. ... A space of honour and connection through BioDynamic Breathwork, Somatic/Embodiment Exploration and Ritual. A potent time to come together over the Winter Solstice portal.. Exchange $70 (Please bring a plate of food to share for afterwards) Secure your place via trybooking link below (also in comments) https://www.trybooking.com/BJWCJ
04.01.2022 OFFERING ONLINE SESSIONS TO SUPPORT YOU AT THIS TIME... For those feeling as though they could use extra 1on1 support over this time I am currently offering online sessions via zoom.. This includes...... - BioDynamic Breathwork session -This will be a highly resourced session to support you to connect with your natural rhythms, internal landscape and to honour whatever is alive for you at this time. It is also an opportunity to utilise the ever important breath to increase immune system health. - Holistic Counselling/Somatic Exploration Sessions- An opportunity to really receive the messages coming through the bodies natural impulses and inquire into any patterns showing up in your life - Dance or Fitness! You may be wanting some guidance on your health and wellness path or simply wanting to use this time to tap more into your creative self. I am more than happy to support you in these fields. *Also be sure to keep your eyes out for live meditations, supportive practices and online courses coming soon! Website on its way also <3 With LOVE Liarna For more information on any of this please reach out via email on: [email protected]
03.01.2022 Herbal infused massage oil! I LOVE to work with nourishing massage oils to de-stress the system and bring more self care into the day. When we are stressed our nerve endings become dry and wired. When we massage oil into the body with presence and intention we lubricate the nerve endings and bring more nourishment and support to the nervous system. This sleep/dream oil is an infusion of black sesame and almond carrier oil, mugwort, rose and of course our super high vibe Yo...ung Living Lavendar essential oil. I only use the highest quality ingredients and so grateful to have Young Living Oils in my life for personal use and as a resource for the clients I work with. I did my research and feel alligned with the values and high standards of these oils. You can instantly feel the benefits and smell the purity of these oils. This was infused over a week and created in a very ceremonial and ritualistic way. It has bathed in the energy of the full moon and was used last night for the first time. Massaged into the soles of my feet before slipping into bed for a deep night's rest.. I am slowly working towards creating a line of nourishing self care oils, sleep pillows and mists with high quality ingredients. Keep an eye out for those.. Or get creative in making your own! And if you are interested in getting your own supply of amazing Young Living Oils be sure to get in touch..
03.01.2022 Tending to my Little One.... I feel alot as I look back at childhood photos of myself. I don't have a lot of super clear memories from my younger years however I distinctly remember the wishful dandelion moments...I would make the same wish every single time and when I think back to what that wish was I feel such an immense heart opening and ripple of innocence..... I have ALWAYS felt an immense connection to nature.. I grew up in a nursery and was tending to plants daily. Plants and trees became my allies and safe haven very quickly. I remember feeling super out of place and sensitive to the world.. I would shy away from connections with other people and often feel safest when I would retreat into my haven with my tree friends or when I was caring for my younger siblings or younger students at my school who were being bullied.. Through noticing how these patterns of self isolation and chronic 'caretaking' continued to show up in my adult life I am so grateful for the resources that have supported me to tend to my little one and come into a more integrated space where my little one knows she can rest down and enjoy life..Adult Liarna is here and creating safety in each moment. Recently in my Developmental Trauma Studies I had plenty of moments of empathetic witnessing as the opportunity arose to sense what it was like as a young sensitive being in a world that they felt they never fit into..What a blessing to tend to my little one over these years and create that bridge of Agency into Adult Consciousness. My therapeutic offerings are about supporting others to explore with compassionate curiousity and recognise the areas in life where they may still be living from the child consciousness state. How can we recognise the moments when the little one is calling for attention and care? How can we differentiate and hold space for ourselves to create new integrated pathways in our life.? Reach out if you would like to know more #innerchild #adultconsciousness #compassion #integration #developmentaltrauma #holisticcounselling #somatictherapy
01.01.2022 "Nature Does Not Hurry, yet Everything is Accomplished". -Lao Tzu I've been coming back to this quote often these days.. One thing that I have recognised through this lockdown period is my past patterns around "overDOING" and taking a hundred things on at once (only to find myself depleted and with very little passion left) I'm sure there are many who can relate to this!... I'm working on shifting and repatterning this as I rest more deeply into myself and allow all to come from the "overflow" rather that the "drive" As a highly passionate being with much I would like to share with the world there are still times where I feel the rush to accomplish..however with my new found awareness of this pattern I now have choice around where I go in those moments.. If I find myself in overdrive and rushing around to accomplish I often take myself out to be with nature, anchor myself to the Earth and take deep breaths; synching my rhythm to the rhythms of nature where there is no hurrying yet everything is accomplished... Reminiscing about my magical moments in Switzerland last year..Deep stillness amidst these ancient mountains.. #nature #rhythm #resonance #overflow #selfcare #passion #nourished
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