Bree Taylor Molyneaux & Loving oils | Personal coach
Bree Taylor Molyneaux & Loving oils
Phone: +61 409 615 325
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24.01.2022 Sitting on the beach early this morning feeling overwhelmed by sadness. Surrounded by natures beauty, yet feeling a deep pain of being alone aching inside me. As I watched the sun break through the clouds, I began chanting withAdjeet Kaur (the song is - Light of my soul). And immediately my spirits began to lift :... "I am the light of my soul I am beautiful I am bountiful I am bliss I am, I am I am the light of my soul I am beautiful I am bountiful I am bliss I am the light, I am the light, I am the light of my Soul I am the light, I am the light, I am the light of my Soul I am the light of my soul I am beautiful I am bountiful I am bliss I am, I am"
24.01.2022 A snapshot of Beauty from a gathering of women in sacred space tonight where we enjoyed music, movement, touch, and came back home to ourselves. Have you noticed how the simplest things can bring beauty to a moment, or add create a ritual space with just a tiny bit of intention?? It never ceases to amaze me how easy it can be if I simply focus on it Do you cultivate beauty in your life to create a doorway into ritual or pleasure ??... I'd love to hear how you do it
23.01.2022 Is there anything better than homegrown food?? These carrots were planted at Easter from only seeds... Interestingly, the children pulled a few out a month ago in their enthusiasm , yet those ones were waaay smaller than this one, which got left behind in the soil to continue growing. ... For me, this reflection of the carrot and it's brothers (prematurely picked) serves as a great reminder that sometimes the Harvest takes time .. and when we allow ourselves to fully recieve, patience is indeed rewarded. Have you noticed that the more we surrender and just keep doing our daily tasks/work/ passions, the more easily and effortlessly the real reward arrives?? So my friends, where in your life are you planting seeds and waiting 'impatiently' for them to yield a crop to harvest?? And where in your life are you toiling away consistently at whatever matters most to you, knowing deep inside that the Harvest can only come... at the right time. Thoughts to ponder
22.01.2022 Sunflowers are such vibrant gorgeous things aren't they! I love how they remind me to be happy bright and joyful for no real reason at all... just because As many Queenslanders begin to navigate some recent adjustments to life with recent changes in the COVID space, I felt to share this reminder for all of us to just BE.... Things in the eternal world can change, it can feel like we are losing control or being limited .. but truthfully I believe that for the most part we are all free, all of the time. "You were free from your very first breath" .. but the stories we often tell ourselves differ from this. Freedom is an inherent state within each of us, she is not limited or controlled by anything in the outside world, and when we remember to surrender to the truth of that reality the ego can completely fall away and can fully remember who WE REALLY ARE. So friends:: Where are you holding on to fear instead of love?? Where are you believing you are not the one directing your own internal experience? When are you mistakenly believing in the illusion that you are not free? Your soul knows, she remembers, and she is calling. Hear her voice, her whispers, her truth deep in your heart, as she calls you home... "Breathe, be, surrender..." You've got this.
20.01.2022 As the sun shines through the filter of the trees, my heart expands in joy. As the sun kisses my skin, my body awakening, breathing, stretching in her morning hues.. I come more into aliveness and feel the source of all life flowing through me, in me, as me. ............................ I was talking with a friend recently about how in our society it has become so commonplace to use alcohol, drugs, Netflix and various other distractions to either avoid our pain, or attempt to bring us into alignment with the feminine You see, Feminine energy is the source of all life. Yin energy is the balance to our heady world and it's busy frantic pace. So regardless of what body we inhabit - male or female - we all have, need and express different aspects of feminine energy through us at different times. And to bask in the Sacred feminine is deeply healing, energizing, awakening and also very sensual. She wants us to feel. She calls us back to ourselves, and our true heart. So why do we use "artificial forms" to tap into this source of feminine energy?? Because we have forgotten she is always available to us. We do NOT need to numb ourselves of daily thoughts in order to feel her presence. We simply need to come back into the body - in each and every moment and sensation. To stop. To Feel. To Breathe. To Be fully here. To open our bellies in a full soft expansive breath, drawing in life conciously through this amazing physical vessel. Opening our eyes to drink in what is shimmering in all of her glory right around us, nature's beauty. Opening our pores to feel the wind, sun and textures or life on our skin. Opening our throats in song as we feel life's voice singing herself through us. Opening our base and connecting to Mother Gaia right beneath us. Opening our heart and feeling the Love and gratitude present in this moment, radiating from the inside out. Opening our crown and feeling our connection to divinity, conciousness, the all and the everything. ...... We are never seperate from life's force, she flows within us, right beneath the surface.. waiting for us to be still enough attuned enough, present enough to hear her calling us back home.
20.01.2022 BEING or DOING?? While walking the Esplanade yesterday I noticed a fascinating thing.. nearly everyone around me was moving with the energy of "Getting" to where they were going, while seemingly being disconnected from their bodies in the process. People tapping on their phones as they walked, drinking coffee while pushing strollers, or forcing against pain as they worked out. Busy, busy, busy.... To me, it didn't feel like most of these bodies were alive and vibrant with lifes ecstatic current flowing .. instead I felt their numbness, distraction, noise in the head, tension in the body. Chronic holding patterns of a "Doing/Yang" lifestyle so common in our society. I noticed this only because I was walking slowly, doing my best to be concious and deliberate in my movement so as to keep my body soft, my breathe full, my heart expanded... Allowing my eyes to drink in the sparkling ocean and clear blue sky. Feeling the sun kissing my skin, the wind stroking my hair lovingly, and the breathe moving within me was fluid, expansive, joyous. From this place of cultivating a "Yin/ Being" energy, I could feel my heart expanding into people as they walked past. It felt their numbness, pain and busyness. Felt their driving need to "get somewhere". And only because I was so connected to my own internal sensations, was my sensitivity to the external world heightened. This to me is what Embodiment and Tantra teach.. cultivating our inner awareness, so our outer awareness naturally also expands. Truthfully, I still have days /moments of rushing somewhere, popping out of my body into my head or disconnecting from my breath and heart.. but they become rarer and rarer the more I cultivate this lifestyle of inner presence. The gifts of this way of living just keep coming; my ability to access pleasure, joy, ecstatic energy or feel the flow of my emotions is much more readily available. I simply need to breathe into my belly, and pleasure, softness, joy, even bliss can start to ripple through my body in seconds. Cultivating an inner awareness, is something I believe this time of COVID has been here to invite us all into .. Have you been listening??
20.01.2022 I am SO DONE with all the shit on the left hand side of this meme. Fuck polite. Fuck expectations. It's time to choose me... For most of my life as a well raised "Good girl" I lived to do what others expected of me. To smile and make friends by being happy and joyful (even if it wasn't real happiness). To think of others and give endlessly to fill their cup, as I means to make myself feel good. Never really getting that living like this was a constant betrayal of myself.. ev...erytime I put making someone else happy before what was right for me, I hurt or denied myself. It took me years to learn it's ok to say no to some people. To have clear boundaries and honor myself. To learn that a NO can be said with love and integrity, and that it's not a rejection of another, its just a choosing of myself. To stop making my No less important than anothers Yes. It took me years to be honest that I felt more comfortable doing things for others, but not giving fully to myself, because it was selfish to put yourself first. Even now, I'm still getting comfortable in some situations to open up my throat and speak my heartfelt truth, for so many people are regularly horrified at my unconventional thinking that I avoided sharing it, for fear of being different. But the truth is.. I am different. And I am no longer afraid to let that shine through for great of rejection. For the recent losses I've experienced have taught me that Love hurts.. but it's still who I am. And its worth walking through the fire for. Above all, the work we each need to do is all inner work, so we must each back ourselves first, love ourselves first, honor ourselves the most. It's time we all stopped putting being Nice above being Real, True and Honest. For open communication and welcoming everyone in their uniqueness is the only true path forward for civilisation, for each of us.. and it is the real path of Love. I choose to: Be Love and give Love freely Be Authentic Speak my Truth (even when it's inconvenient for others) Always look to Expand/grow Breathe (often and exhale loudly ) Be the change you wish to see in the world And let's all just go one day at a time..
18.01.2022 Did someone say FULL MOON??? A gorgeous way to bring in this high energy time of the month is with some ceremonial cacao, drumming, chanting and time around the outdoor fire to call in and ground our intentions for the coming weeks. Living in the gorgeous Samford Valley means I enjoy a full sky of stars without light interference, and tonight's full moon was (as is usually the case) rather glorious!! Talk about blessed !!... The full moon is often a time where our energy can be high, erratic, ungrounded or just joyous and free.. in particular tonight I noticed the children were very buzzy (as was I) and this was very possibly because of her light and bright energetic influence. How do you acknowledge this change of month in yourself, your body, your home, your community?? Does the moon impact you? Do you tap into her wisdom??
15.01.2022 What are you holding on to? And what does it really mean to surrender? For months now I have been conciously cultivating a state of surrender in all areas of my life. My past story was one of deep yearning to fully let go, be held, be seen, be carried .. and yet I was so caught up in my egos story of control that letting go was never really possible. ... Control is an illusion in this game of life - so often we like to delude ourselves that we are the ones directing the boat while we continue to struggle against the flow of the tide or the direction life is pushing us.. kicking screaming, protesting, like a child who feels they've been wronged! But what if, all this time life has been inviting us to drop into the support that it offers, to let the tide carry us in grace and the path to unfold with joy, ease and an open heart. As I finally began to discover what true surrender feels like, Ive notice the old stories falling away and the desire to control, contract or resist keeps falling away too. For the thing I didn't ever get until I began to really get it in my body and transcend the desire to understand, was how my need to control was driven by a deep fear of mistrust in myself ... Yet until I trust myself to allow, recieve and open, I cannot open to life's invitation in the here and now, and be held completely. I realised that until create my own sense of innate safety, my own container, agreements and clear cut values, I can never really discover the truth - that surrender is my natural state of being. By holding myself in deep trust love and reverence, knowing I am always here FOR ME, I finally was able to relax, trust and give myself in full surrender to the moment. As the moments come and go now, I feel my breathe fill and expand my belly, I welcome ALL of what I'm feeling, and I let go into the knowing that there is truly nothing else to do. Just BE. The act of surrender calls us to release the desire to do anything except be FULLY HERE and EMBODIED, for then clarity on the aligned action to be taken has an uncluttered channel and means with which to communicate the path forward. CONTINUED....
14.01.2022 What's the best news I got today?? One of my regular clients - who's been working on self-care as a means to enhance her fertility - just told me SHE'S PREGNANT!! Yeeehaaa!!... I'm not at all kidding when I say that this kind of news literally can make my day so much more meaningful There is nothing quite like being in the service of others to lift your spirits or bring purpose into your day -- wouldn't you agree? Truthfully, it's hard not to be happy for couples who finds out they are pregnant naturally after years of trying unsuccessfully.. Any baby is a gift, and one that's been even more desired can sometimes seem like an even sweeter surprise. If you would like some support to shift enhance or improve your fertility, I now have limited places available for new clients (worldwide, all sessions are conducted online) More details on how i can assist you here or contact me to chat further. Fertile blessings for a wonderful weekend!
14.01.2022 The almost full moon, sparkling on the water at Brighton tonight... Hello moon goddess ... I feel you
13.01.2022 Making time to do the inner work is hard. It takes time, patience, courage, vulnerability, and lots of spaciousness. I've been doing alot of intensive inner work for the last little while, and it is by no means done yet. As the approach of two rather huge events in my adult life approach their 12 month anniversary, much is bubbling, brewing and churning away inside me. ... The old me would have just soldiered on, pushed forward and done life. The reborn me wants to slow down and be with whatever arises.. the pain, the joy, the reflections, the learnings. But sitting with all these emotions requires space, vulnerability and a willingness to feel all kinds of things that can be both intense and uncomfortable. Yet as this internal remapping continues, I take heart in knowing that on the other side of it lies a lighter, freer, upgraded version of me. Sometimes we need to go "offline" for a while to run some upgrades and do our spiritual maintenance. So my friend, if you're feeling the call to do the same know I'm with you.. riding the waves of discomfort, insight, tears and release. As the body moves trauma in its own way the mind clears space for news things to come. And I'm sure, soon enough it will be all worth it.
12.01.2022 Have you had this excitement...Gorgeous life springing from your home grown garden?? These tomatoes were planted at Easter so it's been a long patient wait for them to bring fruit.. so excited!!! How's your home grown effort been during COVID?? Share a picture if you feel too
12.01.2022 Chilled out Friday vibes in hammock Although truthfully, I do my best to live everyday as if it's a Friday these days... Which means life has opened me up to a different and more enriching palette of experiences. The more I've begun to cultivate a life that is under scheduled, slower, spacious and deliberate, the more I am able to allow myself to fully FEEL in each moment.... Instead of running here and there, constantly watching the clock or being driven by deadlines, I go much slower and move with more intention. Which leaves my system in less stress, and this more open to feel so much.. Like the Eros "life energy" running through my system. When we aren't in survival mode, is so much easier to feel how our Eros is always just sitting there under the surface - waiting to bubble up. This can happen following a simple breathe into the belly, observing the wind in our hair, hearing the birds chirping, or savouring the taste of food. There is so much to feel in every moment when we just slow down and allow ourselves to do so. Whether you call it being present, being mindful, or being Tantric, there is so much value for us all in Doing less and Feeling more. I remember years ago reading a meme - "I dream of having a life I don't need a holiday from" .. and you know, right now I've just realised that Im pretty darn close to that. And it's not because I've "made it" financially. It's simply because I've chosen where and how I invest my energy with a more deliberate awareness to how I want to feel, what traits in myself need nurturing, or how to be more fully embodied... Choosing to prioritise and create a life where my nervous system is supported gently and not under constant levels of high stress (which then needs relieving) is an entirely different way of living. And it truly affects everything: Who I choose to spend time with. How we spend that time. What we talk about or how we interact. A life lived with intent, so that the majority of the choices made support a less stressful way of being, and a more embodied existence is for me, truly a life worth living. Just some Friday afternoon thoughts from the hammock
07.01.2022 The sun sets on another day as I reflect on the concept of spiritual death and how in many ways we are given the opportunity to die every day, and sometimes many times in a day. Death is incredibly symbolic, but I think what's so magical about it is what comes next.. life, creation, rebirth. Just as a woman goes through an emotional death in her moon cycle each month as she journeys through death into the Dark realms of the underworld and is reborn a few days later, there other forms of death all around us. Men have a different experience of death, like when the healthy masculine warrior welcomes death without fearing it, he is fully acquainted with the death of not only his prey, but also his thoughts and ego.. for everything must fall away to allow his focus to permeate every moment with full and complete presence. We die a mini death in every moment as we exhale and release the air we no longer need. We die as we sleep at night when the ego is quiet and not guiding our every decision, thought and action. We die in orgasm and bliss (the French call it a little death) as the ego falls away temporarily) We die in deep meditation, falling into the stillness of here and now. Death is so often feared in our society, yet it as natural as Spring and flowers blooming - all of which will also die soon enough and return to the earth, to be reborn again in due course, albeit in a different form. Nature is not wasteful, she is plentiful, bountiful and endlessly giving in love, in death, in life... she welcomes all cycles of life knowing nothing is permanent. So dear ones... What aspects of you, your personality, life, habits, addictions or old ways of being are you ready to let die today?? What are you ready to surrender to the earth, planet and universe, so that you may be reborn freer, lighter, more true to yourself in the next moment, and the next... Welcome death - he is your friend and brings many gifts.. get familiar with him and discover his wisdom.
07.01.2022 http:// Dance break/// When you use up all of your lunch break getting some Vitamin D, while dancing, moving and connecting to the breath... Aaaah ... This is embodiment. Feeling into the body. Letting emotions arise. Breathing in life and welcoming it ALL. Are you feeling into you body now?? If not, I invite you to STOP, be breathe, move and feel. Right now. There is only now my friend ..
07.01.2022 Hello SPRING As this season on new beginnings kicks off, I'm starting my day with a fresh watermelon juice and the aroma of some gorgeous roses which fight their way into my home. The days have been getting warmer and with that shift I've felt the excitement and anticipation of Spring coming..... Are you feeling the fresh alive pulse of this season of rebirth bubbling in your body, thrumming in your heart, and whispering sweetly from your soul?? She calls to me to move, dance and play To raise my voice and open my throat in joyous tones To embrace the splendid aromas of flowers plants and lushness blossoming all around me She calls me to feel my hearts desires in every moment, even more fully To breathe them in Expand them into my cells And surrender the vibrations of bliss always present in the here and now How is the energy of Spring calling you home to yourself???
07.01.2022 How I "self-care" for myself these days has changed alot over the last 18 months. You see, I used to use self-care to manage my stress, keep it under control, and ensure my physical and emotional health in check. But now, I quite simply aim to live a life where my nervous system doesn't need constant down regulation to de-stress.... I aim to live a life that is about being in a near constant flux of embodying, feeling, enjoying life, acessing pleasure, being connected to my own breath, and being even more present.. all day, every day. And the amazing bi-product of this lifestyle is I now experience less stress created pain soreness, stiffness and rigidity in my life.. because instead I'm learning to flow through my days more easily. Im more present, more feeling and emotions arise in every day, and I simply feel them, sit with them or move them out of my body, instead of bottling them up for stress release at the appropriate time in the future. Self-care used to be my antidote for a full busy life lived in a fairly Yang way... instead now I just aim to live in a more balanced way each day, with more Yin energy in my every day routine, and that makes self care a given, not a stress reducing "add on". Today I took some extra nourishing Yin time during my moon cycle to rest, colour in, drink tea with a friend breathe, feel my body and be with my emotions. //What's Yin and Yang???// Yang is the more masculine energy of doing - directional focus on getting somewhere and achieving or striving towards at outcome. It can reside in the head. Yin is the feminine energy of our planet - beauty, sensuality, emotions, movement, feeling and being, which reside more fully in the body Too much Yang in both men and women creates more stress, tension, inflammation, pain, emotional disconnect, and can even affect our libido, and reduce our fertility . These are sadly very common problems most of our society struggles with.. so what's the antidote? A life lived with both Yin and Yang in harmony, within each of us. Are you giving both of these energies time to be present in your body and life?? What Yin activity did you do for yourself today??
06.01.2022 What animal's and plants have been coming into your life and bringing you messages of change?? I love these Animal Dreaming cards because they have native Australian animals on them and often give a unique meaning to what I experience in the world around me. Today's card which I've inadvertently drawn twice - the Turtle - speaks of trusting mother earth to hold us, nurture us and also of rebirth... She definitely represents much of what I'm moving through ... Have you had any animal sightings today that have made you curious about their hidden meaning??
04.01.2022 I'm really feeling this today.. As I sit with the parts of me that desperately want love hugs and comfort -- then pause and consider.. how I can give that to myself?? Noticing those endless waves and everfull bucket of love I freely give to my friends or child --- but do I give myself the same??... Truthfully no. I don't. So it's time to drop deeper into more hard truths. And remember that self worth = self love. Are you fully loving on yourself?? Or are you still expecting it to come from the world outside of you -- your partner, your work, your children, your friends. Turn the mirror around and give to you. Let's all start there. No-one else it responsible for how much love we can give, recieve or allow. It all starts with us. Self Love comes first. Deep breathe .. time to jump on in.
03.01.2022 Hello dark goddess... This feels like a vulnerable share, but a part of me is screaming to be expressed and seen in her raw authentic fullness. Since embracing a Tantric way of life my experience of myself as a sexual being has changed profoundly.... Making time daily to move my body, sound, express, feel, cry, shake, laugh, dance and own everything - from my pleasure to my pain - means I not only FEEL MORE of EVERYTHING, but also the person I used to think I was falls away and dies a little more everyday.. As I continue to be reborn more into the real truth .. that I am a Feminine Goddess who welcomes her dark, her light, and willingly explores the shadow (instead of running away in avoidance of discomfort) .. she stares life in the face and says FUCK YES to it all. My spiritual death and rebirth continues to teach me daily.. about all the bullshit I believed, the body shame I carried, and how I didn't love myself near as much as I thought. As a passionate strong woman, my sexuality has been suppressed for so many years, and worst of all, I hid it from myself - tucked away in the shadows. But now, my Dark Goddess is no longer ashamed. She is very much alive, and no longer willing to lock away her desires, her pleasure, her anger or her compassion... instead, she wants to be expressed, seen and welcomed by the world. So many women are walking around numb, dried up and literally dying for the men in their lives to ravish them fully and fuck them open to God. I was one of them. So many men are walking around wounded, de-masculated and closed down because they have allowed life to defeat them, their women to denigrate them and lost touch with their true purpose of being. The real truth is, nothing can change until we each embrace our wounding around our sexuality, the shame and repression we collectively carry, the blame we place on others, the bullshit we buy into, and the giving away of our power to the ones we supposedly "love" .. Our power always comes from within us. ALWAYS. Our rawness, desire, surrender, presence and heart are so needed now. Are you feeling the call to invite your powerful dark goddess or dark warrior out to play???
03.01.2022 Winter food this looks good enough to eat doesn't it! Food is medicine, it nourishes our body and soul especially when it is healthy of high vibration and prepared with a concious intention, it offers many levels of value to us. This delicious vegetarian curry was served with quinoa n rice, edible flowers, kale n coriander fresh from our garden. ... When I have the time, I LOVE making my food not only delicious but beautiful to behold.. beauty is a wonderful gift the feminine bestows on us all. She loves to bask in it, create it and wonder at it. Whether it comes from the natural world, or food assembled on a plate, are you taking time to breathe in the beauty of this moment, this day, this life??? She has much to open your heart too. Let beauty be the guide, as she brings us back to our true home, inside our expansive heart
02.01.2022 I do love a good Sauna Over the last week it's been soooo nice to visit City Cave and have a Float and Sauna session to support both body and mind in amazing ways. Have you ever floated?? Suspended in water that holds your body with no effort for 1hr or more is definitely an experience to behold!... And backed up by a 45min Sauna to sweat and detox the body.. it isn't hard to imagine why I felt so great afterwards Its so nice to be able to access these kinds of wellness services again here in Queensland. I'm feeling very very grateful for these simple joys
02.01.2022 Wellness solutions at my finger tips !! I don't talk about oils much these days, but despite that they are still a daily staple in my routine at home, on my body and in my life. Yesterday I was reminded of how grateful I am to have all these amazing oils in my home (a ready made pharmacy of natural solutions and the knowledge of how to use them) when my son mentioned he had a sore throat and seemed to be fighting something off.... So I pulled put the following and began using / giving them on him Lemon, Ginger wellness tea doTERRA OnGuard throat lozenges OnGuard Touch on his lower spine Easy Air in the diffuser Then as he went to bed, I grabbed my Symphony of Cells (SOC) booklet and assembled a modified version of the ID protocol for him. Ive found the SOC protocols are very helpful at giving the body a concentrated dose of vehicular cellular nutrients, so it can focus on clearing out any nasties that are present. Once I applied the sequence of oils to my son's back and feet, he enjoyed a deep sleep healing and was noticeably more chirpy today #winning. He had even decided that he did indeed want to go to school, so was clearly feeling substantially improved!! I am so grateful for having these holistic oily remedies at my fingertips ... giving the body the optimal chance to self heal, as often as possible.
01.01.2022 Did someone say Berry coconut water smoothie!? Just 3-4 ingredients and you can make such a delicious fast easy, healthy snack. My body really enjoys light raw foods in warm weather, so the return of spring has seen me juicing or having smoothies daily to give my digestive system a nice rest after some occasional heavy comfort foods (mostly bread ) this winter. I just love how easy it is to eat plant based food; there is so much less cooking and all you need are a few fr...esh ingredients and off you go. What are your favourite Spring foods??.
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