Brenton Manser | Public figure
Brenton Manser
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19.01.2022 Performed at the Nelson Anzac service yesterday and I did enjoy it. Sandra and I then went down to Portland to the Anzac street march and formal service down there. Again, really enjoyed it. The thing I was taken with is the display done by the Botanical gardeners on the front lawn of the council offices (see photos). These words were written completey with Dahlias.
18.01.2022 Currently recording the Watch on the Kerb look out for it on sound cloud. Its the poem by Henry Lawson that I converted to song some years ago. We performed this live at the Barn the night of my presentation by Maton guitars and then at the SRHT the night of the fundraiser for the Qld floods . Its about the girls of the night in the year 1888 when there was a textile boom in Melbourne but even though the girls were working sun up to sun down in the factories they still co...uldnt make ends meet. Which says a lot for the slave labour of those days. So the girls were turning to that more lucrative trade at night time to make ends meet. Only trouble is that some of them were met by grisly deaths when they found out too much about their clients and were taken down to the river and drowned- ended up floating face down in the Yarra river. Hence in the poem and the song it encourages the girls to not go down to the river. This is a very different recording drawing on the folky sounds of The Vanguard and recorded by our son Boaz Manser. See more
18.01.2022 We started to collect classic movies some years ago and one of them was 'Annie get your Gun'. We watched it intitially, put it in the DVD rack and forgot about it. :Last night we pulled it out to watch it again. I was blown away by the fact that this movie was based on a real person and at the start of the film, we had an actress talking about that. I was also blown away by the acting ability of the lead person Betty Hutton. She was so believable. The other thing that got my ...attention was the songs: Annie get your Gun being a musical. I had no idea that the song 'Anything you can do I can do better', was from this movie. Apparently it was a huge budget for its time costing around 3 million dollars (which by today's standards is a pittance). The other thing that got us going was the fact that the indians were happy to play the baddies even in the touring show, yet that was where the wisdom came from. What got both of us was the fact that neither of us could remember seeing these things the first time we watched it. All in all, we really enjoyed the movie and I would recommend it to anyone as good wholesome viewing. See more
18.01.2022 Rob Tremelling and I were invited to the ABC radio station for an interview regarding our films. It was a work experience boy named Conner that contacted us and he himself was wanting to get into film making. It was no trouble to us because we know that the ABC South East radio station has always supported our work. It turned out that Conner was putting his own program together for the presenter Rebekah Lowe to play. When I heard the replay I was gobsmacked. His work was outstanding, artistic, colourful and up to date. Congratulations to Conner!!!! You will go a long way Im sure.
15.01.2022 Sent We will remember them off to Sydney last night to be mastered. I think its a crucial step in the process of recording becasue it gives you the best balanced sound for radio and other applications. Steve Smart from Studio 301 is the bloke who will be doing this job.
15.01.2022 Old Marys Ride pics at the lakes
14.01.2022 Sandra and I have been practicing our folky set this morning in preparation for our September school group that want a live performance followed by a screening of the Wreck of the Admella. This is the program that we are now running at the camp.I have a data projector (4700 lumins) set up with my PA and we are able to screen our docos in Bluray.
13.01.2022 Pretty calm down at the beach today compared to the last few weeks. Second pic is of the boardwalk at Livinstone Island walk we did this morning. Been a beautiful day hasnt it?
12.01.2022 Recording of the ANZAC song continues today at Bos recording studio. Redoing the vocals today. Next week we are going to add the sounds of Cellist Susan Giles and Violinist Jeshua Manser. Im really looking forward to that. They are such great players. The ANZAC song called We will remember them is based on the poem by Robert Binyon written in the year 1915. The RSL use the chorus to this song as their ODE each day.....They shall grow not old etc. I dont want to make money off the suffering of the soldiers so Im not going to release it until after ANZAC day 2015. Cheers
11.01.2022 Heres my most recent recording. I really hope you enjoy it. I think commemorating ANZAC should be every day or at least on our minds more than just one day a year.
10.01.2022 The recording is finished and James Owen did a fantastic job on the drums HIs work is very tight. In the words of Jakin, our second son, after he had heard it he said it was EPIC. I think that is a good word. I also agree with Bo who earlier on in the week predicted that this would be my best recording so far. I think it is. So now we launch We will remember them. Listen out for it on your radio especially Monday morning on ABC radio and let your imagination create the visual. We will be getting the track mastered in Sydney and then well work on a Youtube film clip to got with it. In the words of my wife, do we only remember the fallen once a year on ANZAC day and then forget about it for the rest of the year?
09.01.2022 Been recording at Bos (our eldest son) recording studio, Manser Music, a new song I wrote about a month ago about the ANZACS, Its called We will remember them Im hoping to get some national exposure with this recording. Got an interview on LIME FM tomorrow starting at 12.30pm if anyone is interested in listening. Nigel Witwer is the radio presenter. Ive known Nigel for many years and we caught up recently.
08.01.2022 My Ford Fairlane has just clocked over half a million kms. Many gigs been to and many hard miles for this old girl but it appears to be running well and doesnt look like stopping. I nearly seized the engine some time ago when it burst a hose on the radiator and my mechanic was certain that it was seized. However, he put some water in the radiator, turned it over and away it went. A good advertisement for Ford.
08.01.2022 That was a great recording session. I really enjoyed having my parts done and watching others get nervous. Jesh and Susan were great. The recording of this ANZAC song is coming up really well. So, James Owen drumming on the recording tomorrow then launch it. Ive already got an interview with Stan Thompson on ABC SE Radio on Monday morning 9:15am. I am happy to say that this song, even after all the takes I sang, still gives me goosebumps and I get teary in the swell of string sounds at the thought of those soldiers getting up out of the trenches to attack, knowing that they were about to die. Orders are orders hey!
08.01.2022 We started to collect classic movies some years ago and one of them was Annie get your Gun. We watched it intitially, put it in the DVD rack and forgot about it. :Last night we pulled it out to watch it again. I was blown away by the fact that this movie was based on a real person and at the start of the film, we had an actress talking about that. I was also blown away by the acting ability of the lead person Betty Hutton. She was so believable. The other thing that got my ...attention was the songs: Annie get your Gun being a musical. I had no idea that the song Anything you can do I can do better, was from this movie. Apparently it was a huge budget for its time costing around 3 million dollars (which by todays standards is a pittance). The other thing that got us going was the fact that the indians were happy to play the baddies even in the touring show, yet that was where the wisdom came from. What got both of us was the fact that neither of us could remember seeing these things the first time we watched it. All in all, we really enjoyed the movie and I would recommend it to anyone as good wholesome viewing. See more
07.01.2022 Got James Owen coming in this week to record drums for the ANZAC song. James is a drum teacher at Bos shop and he is a brilliant drummer according to those around him. He is currently studiying at the James Morrison Acadamy. Im looking forward to hearing his work. Ive left it up to Bo and James to work out what to record. Then on Thursday, Ive got Susan Giles (Cellist) and Jeshua Manser (violinist and our youngest son) coming in to record some strings. After that, its up to Bo and I to mix it down. Im getting excited about the end product now.
06.01.2022 I thank Bo for his committment to our music. He got up early this morning to tweak a couple of things on the We will remember them song before I went to the ABC with Stan Thompson. Bo is very committed to the sound he creates. I dont know if you heard the track on 5SE on Saturday morning or TheFM in Millicent and I havent heard any feedback from the community, but Jason at 5SE said he really liked the song. Stan agreed with me that perhaps this song could become an anthem for ANZAC day. Anyway, on we go.
04.01.2022 The Glencoe gig was fantastic. Di Gould from the Lifestyle magazine commented to Rob, our cameraman, that there wouldnt be a gig anywhere else more suited to us. Loved the blade shearing.
01.01.2022 Currently recording the 'Watch on the Kerb' look out for it on sound cloud. It's the poem by Henry Lawson that I converted to song some years ago. We performed this live at the Barn the night of my presentation by Maton guitars and then at the SRHT the night of the fundraiser for the Qld floods . It's about the girls of the night in the year 1888 when there was a textile boom in Melbourne but even though the girls were working sun up to sun down in the factories they still co...uld'nt make ends meet. Which says a lot for the slave labour of those days. So the girls were turning to that more lucrative trade at night time to make ends meet. Only trouble is that some of them were met by grisly deaths when they found out too much about their clients and were taken down to the river and drowned- ended up floating face down in the Yarra river. Hence in the poem and the song it encourages the girls to not go down to the river. This is a very different recording drawing on the folky sounds of 'The Vanguard' and recorded by our son Bo'az Manser. See more
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