Brianna Owers | Businesses
Brianna Owers
Phone: +61 412 687 801
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24.01.2022 You can really feel Spring arriving in the National Park now. A special sensory feast from Mother Nature awaited Belle and I this afternoon! The scent of sweet bush flowers and jasmine coming into bloom, frogs croaking by the cool creek, crickets chirping, birds playing in the trees, insects making the most of the fading light and a cheeky echidna foraging for ants on the bush floor!
24.01.2022 Pride bracelets are lovingly hand crafted and made to order with A-grade crystal beads. $40 plus postage. Pick one up for yourself, someone you love or to show your support. Wear it with Pride!
24.01.2022 2. Introduce ritual/ceremony For millennia, communities have undertaken rituals and ceremonies to create a connection to the divine and honour the gifts we have received through that connection; the mere gift of being alive to experience it. Rituals and ceremonies are an inherent in our DNA and provide us with a sense of structure, consciousness and sacredness. Over time, and with the introduction of science and technology, much of the magic and mysticism of ritual and ceremo...ny has become lost. It’s becoming easier to find ourselves disconnected from our ancient roots and the divinity within. By maintaining some form of daily practice, we create a time of dedication to our spiritual connection where we can tap into and honour the gift of Being. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or complex event, but something that draws your focus into a mindful exercise to observe a moment of sacredness in your day. Examples of simple daily rituals and ceremonies could be: Creating and eating each meal in a mindful way Morning/evening meditations Keeping a gratitude journal A daily yoga/stretching practice Morning/evening meditations Sitting outside for a cup of tea and sipping it mindfully, taking in the essence of life Visiting your sacred space (see my post from 2 September) Setting up your energy each morning before you start the day and then releasing unwanted energy at the end of the day (PM if you would like more details) A daily walk through your neighbourhood or nature Sitting down with your pet/kids to honour the divine in them Starting the day with a prayer, affirmation or intention Moon/seasonal rituals - eg. Creating a daily to-do list and ticking each thing off with gratitude You might already be doing some of these! What can you add to this list? Food for thought: what areas of your life can you turn into a moment of sacredness?
22.01.2022 These are crazy times and they’re bringing up some of life’s biggest questions. Who am I? What’s in store for my next chapter? ... What am I meant to be doing with my life? What’s my life purpose? Good news is, your Soul knows the answers! If you’re ready to take the bull by the horns and answer the big questions, visit the website to book a 1:1 session.
21.01.2022 3. Observe One of the foundations of inner peace is the realisation that we are not our thoughts. Much of the spiritual path is about learning who we are if we are not our thoughts, emotions, roles or situations. We are, in fact, the peaceful observer behind our thoughts. When we act in a certain way, we are mostly acting from our subconscious thoughts and judgements about something. This can lead to misunderstandings, mistakes, self-judgement, unhelpful self-talk, inflictin...g hurt on others, fearful inaction, etc. While we can’t stop our thoughts, we can take a moment to observe them without judgement. We can treat a thought like a visitor, it may come in through the front door of our minds, but we don’t have to invite it stay a while for tea! We can see it for what it is, a thought, and allow it to pass out the back door of our minds, if it does not serve us. Other times, our thoughts might be calling us to observe an inner hurt. If this is the case, observation offers a place to objectively enquire what needs our attention and instead see ourselves with compassion. With non-judgement comes incredible clarity and therefore, constructive decision making and focussed action ensues. To observe a thought, take a moment to firstly recognise that it’s a thought. Pause for a moment, take a breath, and then observe. Is it helpful or harmful? Is it trying to tell me something? Do I let it pass through or do I need to take focussed action? PS. I personally find it helpful in the times where I get those unhelpful repetitive thoughts, I thank the thought for stopping by. A little ah thanks for the thought, but no thanks, goodbye! Creating a sense of closure can do wonders to stop the mind chatter loop.
20.01.2022 ‘Grounding’ and ‘Ocean’ bracelets inspired by the weekend getaway for a friend’s 40th Grounding: hematite, onyx, tigers eye, picture jasper and rosewood. Ocean: chrysocolla, amazonite, aquamarine, moonstone and rosewood. ...
19.01.2022 What lights you up..?
18.01.2022 6. Connect with the Earth Did you know that the Earth is an energetic being, just like us? She has a spirit (Gaia) and a heartbeat (search the Schumann Resonance). As residents and stewards of the Earth, it is important for us to maintain our connection with her to ensure we take the best care of her and to fill up our spiritual cups.... Grounding (also called Earthing) is a process of being in a natural environment and making a conscious connection with the energy of the Earth. It might be bare feet on the ground, bushwalking, swimming in a river, surfing, breathing in the air from a mountain top, placing your hands on a tree (although I can’t go past a good hug!), gardening, spending time with animals, listening to nature sounds, etc. If you’re finding it hard to get out in nature often, put some nature sounds over the speakers in your home. This still has a positive grounding effect for the brain. Note: if you’re a healer of any kind or an energy worker, grounding and connecting to the Earth regularly is an important foundation to have so that you remain a clear and strong channel for your work. You may have noticed the studies on how plants and water molecules respond to music and positive affirmations. This is because they are alive, conscious and can receive our energy. There is a beautiful give-and-receive arrangement that we have with the Earth: she nourishes us with food, water, medicine and fresh air, and we give back by honouring her with conservation, rituals/ceremonies and respect. When we connect with the Earth we are exchanging energy and love. Grounding is important for our energetic reserves to recharge with the electromagnetic frequencies that the Earth emits. Our hearts also have an electromagnetic field that responds to these frequencies. It’s our heart connecting to the heart of the Earth. To practice this connection, find a place in nature where you won’t be distracted. Sit, or stand barefoot, on the Earth. Touch the ground or a tree. Centre yourself. Imagine you have roots that are growing deeply down through the layers until it meets the very heart of the Earth. Feel your roots anchor there. Ask Gaia to connect her heart to yours by sending a surge of her healing energy back up the roots to where it meets your body. Breathe in the energy and feel it light up every cell of your body. Take a moment to thank her and send her love. Throughout the day, perhaps find a way to give something back to nature too! Notice the feeling of fullness, clarity, calm and harmony after connecting with the Earth. Make it part of your regular practice to keep your spiritual cup full. This beautiful, bounteous, life-giving planet we call Earth has given birth to each one of us, and each one of us carries the Earth within every cell of our body. Thich Nhat Hanh
18.01.2022 5. Let something go Because we’re human, we all carry around excess baggage of thoughts and emotions that can make it difficult to move forward and choose happiness. One of the most liberating feelings is the moment we release what’s weighing us down. It might be memories of a past hurt, heavy guilt, regret, a relationship, a job, holding a grudge, expecting an apology that won’t come, limiting beliefs, etc. The thing is, only we have the power to let it go. ... Holding onto painful baggage creates energetic ties/cording with other people and situations, draining each other’s energy. It can also manifest in our physical bodies in the form of illness and injury. By letting something go, we are making room for lighter energy to come in, and therefore raising our vibration. Letting go can be an emotional, mental or physical release. Releasing could involve things like crying, shouting, journaling, ending toxic relationships, physical activity, breath work, or shifting perspectives. It’s a personal process for each individual. Imagine a vase of flowers that’s full of old and dirty water. The flowers aren’t being nourished and are starting to wilt. We wouldn’t put fresh clean water on top of the old; it would overflow and keep the flowers in toxic water. The flowers cant thrive and be in their full beauty. We would first empty the vase and then fill it with healthy, nourishing new water. In emptying the vase, we’re releasing stagnant and destructive elements that are holding back the vibrancy of the flowers. Letting go is a choice to release the bonds with the things that take away our inner peace and hold us back from being in our full light and power. Releasing doesn’t necessarily equate to forgiving or justifying someone else, it’s about choosing love and to not let it inflict any more suffering on ourselves. The idea of letting something go can sometimes bring up feelings of fear and apprehension, as we could’ve been holding onto these things for a long time. Connect with me for further information on safe and supportive ways to let go and create space to invite in peace and happiness.
15.01.2022 Two new masculine healing bracelets going to two very powerful men today. Calling in the Divine Masculine with the loving support, protection, wisdom and intuition of the balanced feminine within. We all have masculine and feminine aspects. Remember that we are already whole and complete as we are. ... Beloved Masculine: trust the process and receive the flow of abundance. And so it is.
14.01.2022 Thank you for the photo!
10.01.2022 4. Connect with your inner guidance Our inner guidance is like an internal compass that we all have, helping to direct our decision making. It’s easy to ignore because it’s so quick and quiet, which is why we often dismiss it and end up doing or saying things that aren’t in our highest good (or the good of others). It’s often confused with, and overrun by, the voice in our head that tries to steer us away from things using fear and negativity. It can feel like we have an ang...el on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Inner guidance, or intuition, is more of a feeling and it pops up first before the voice in our head gets a chance to talk. It’s quick and fleeting but it is certain and unafraid. It knows the answer. It’s a gut feel. It’s instant, calm and direct. The voice in our head, or ego, is more of a running dialogue telling us stories of why we should or shouldn’t go in a particular direction because it’s generally fearful. It’s like a protective service agent. It comes in after the heart has already decided and it weeds through all the pros and cons, replays all of our limiting beliefs, brings up the past, worries about the future, confuses us and leaves us unable to decide in case something happens. Inner guidance needs our trust. It’s a message directly from our soul and offers chances to live freely, grow and evolve, experience the richness of life, say no when we mean no, protect our boundaries, experience love, stand in our power, open our hearts, and live our best life. Pay attention to that calm, instant feeling of inner guidance when there’s a path to choose because it will always steers us in the direction of what is in our best interest. Inner guidance doesn’t drain our spiritual cups, instead it points towards choosing self-empowerment, enriching experiences and love.
09.01.2022 7. Ignite your flame Our inner flame is the source of our life force energy, creativity, inspiration and passion. It’s the spirit inside us that keeps us engaged along our life’s journey. When we pay attention, we can tell when our flame is burning low; we feel unmotivated, lacking direction or purpose, uninspired, hopeless and burnt out! Sometimes we don’t pick up on this until we’re running on empty! ... In this busy world of ours, there are a lot of things that can dampen the flame, such as finding ourselves in toxic jobs/situations/relationships, our limiting beliefs, unhelpful self-talk, self-sabotage, etc. Many people arrive at a place where they have everything they could possibly need, where they may be in a high paying job and have nice house. They may have good friends and family, are fit and healthy... yet they feel a little empty inside. It’s like there’s something missing but they can’t quite put their finger on it. The spark has gone. Just as there are things that we can do for our physical body to reenergise, our spiritual cup can overflow when we ignite our inner flame. Finding what lights us up sends us on an adventure for the soul, puts the glint in our eye and gives life to our being! Have you ever spoken to someone who is talking about something they’re 100% passionate about? They’re on fire, so vibrant and energised! It’s pretty contagious! Everything about them lights up. So how do we ignite our inner flame? The answer to this is unique to each person, but as a guide to get started, feel into your heart and ask yourself these questions: What can I excitedly talk about for hours without getting bored? What activities cause me to lose time when I do them (in other words, ‘I have no idea how much time has passed when I do this!’)? What would I do if money, time and distractions weren’t a factor? Do I feel like the universe is pulling me in a particular direction? Tending to our inner flame can look like indulging in research, going to places and doing things that are associated with our passions, making vision boards and other creative exercises that honour it, as well as anything else that engages our focus towards, or directs our energy into, what we love. When we tend to our inner flame, things feel more meaningful and balanced. We’re in the fullness of our being, which is after all, the greatest purpose of life! I hope you enjoyed the 7 Days of Filling Up Your Spiritual Cup! Sending you all my love, Bri PS. If you feel like you have found what fuels your inner flame, but don’t know what to do with it and want to go deeper to find more meaning, head to the website or PM me here to enquire about 1:1 Soul Coaching
09.01.2022 There’s no doubt that 2020 has left us a little battered and confused... ammirite?! Some truly positive things have come out of this year, when we know where to look, but we can also acknowledge that we have also been put through the wringer emotionally, physically and mentally. Many of us are looking for answers around our beliefs, our social wellbeing and what to do next. This can leave us quite perplexed and depleted.... It’s time to go back to basics, to our divine foundations, so we can remember who we are and what’s important! Over the next seven days, we’ll explore a few ways to tap into our spiritual connection, which may have been forgotten or put on the back burner in these chaotic times. Having a foundational spiritual connection allows us to find meaning in the confusion and a touch stone to come back to when we need to be the calm in the storm. They say you can’t pour from an empty cup, so tomorrow morning, take my hand and let’s look at some of the simple ways we can fill ‘er up!
06.01.2022 Ho’oponopono is a healing practice of forgiveness which originated in the Polynesian Islands of the South Pacific. It was originally practised between island kingdoms to settle their differences, but today it is used for reconciliation and peaceful closure. The practice is about taking responsibility for oneself and correcting the energy in our relationships and within the universe, thereby restoring balance and harmony. ... The four elements of Ho’oponopono are: 1. I’m sorry - accepting responsibility 2. Please forgive me - asking for grace 3. Thank you - expressing gratitude for the experience and compassion 4. I love you - offering loving energy back to the person and into the universe The Ho’oponopono does not necessarily have to be directed at anyone in particular. It’s a connection between ourselves and the divine. It also works to synchronise our energy with the laws of the universe: what we put out comes back to us, we are all one, and we create our reality. Wear the Ho’oponopono with the intention to cleanse, restore balance and invite harmony into your life. Recite the Ho’oponopono when a situation must be put right or where love and peace need to return. Bracelet made with natural wood beads and A-grade Blue Lace Agate (expressing apology), Rhodonite (forgiveness), Amethyst (gratitude) and Rose Quartz (unconditional love). Welcome the incredible alchemy of Ho’oponopono into your world
06.01.2022 1. Create a sacred space. When you mindfully create a space for your spiritual practice, you’re inviting good energy in that helps to ‘get you in the zone’ so to speak. You can feel the energy change when you walk into a temple, an energy healing space, a yoga centre, a church or someone’s meditation room. It has a sense of calm, peace and clarity. ... You can create a space for yourself that invites this kind of energy in; you don’t have to dedicate a whole spare room to your spiritual practice (although that would be awesome), you can even start small with an alter (see my post on alters on 2 September) or have it in a corner of your bedroom. Have a special place to keep any spiritual books, crystals, journal, sage, incense, cards, affirmations, candles, yoga mat, or anything else that helps you connect with the divine. Keep this space just for the purposes of your practice so it keeps things personal, relaxing and focussed. I have one section of the wardrobe in my spare room where I keep all my things and I’ve created a little alter on top of its drawers that I use as a portal for healing energy and wisdom. I have a space on the grass in the back yard where I meditate because I don’t get any peace in the house! You do what you can manage. The point is to create something that makes you feel good and connects you back to your spiritual practice when you need it. Try to visit it daily, whether it’s to meditate, say a prayer/affirmation or just to feel its energy before you start your day. It’s up to you! Feel free to share ideas of your sacred space at home or reach out if you need a hand creating one!
05.01.2022 Stuck for Christmas present ideas? Give the gift of healing to someone you care about. Healing bracelets $40... Healing bracelet plus reading $60 1:1 sessions $90 Gift vouchers available Postage additional cost PM to make a personalised order
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