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Bridgeman City Church in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Church of God

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Bridgeman City Church

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Address: Level 1, 81 Elizabeth Street 4000 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Redemptive rhythms for your Monday

22.01.2022 Tonight we will be hearing from Pastor Dan as he shares on John 18:38. Join us at 6:30pm @81 Elizabeth Street, we look forward to seeing you there!

21.01.2022 81 Elizabeth Street @6:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

19.01.2022 The Rhythms of a Disciple of Jesus!

18.01.2022 Tonight we are wrestling the question: Why is this Happening to Me? Excited for what God will put into us again tonight. 6.30pm, 81 Elizabeth St

18.01.2022 We celebrate tonight, the moment all history waited for. Yes! Let’s take joy!

17.01.2022 A mid-week practice to move us towards the heart of a God who forgets no one!

15.01.2022 No service tonight, but NEXT FRI 10 July we are back to gathering at church together! See website for more details! Link in bio.

15.01.2022 Here is our talk from last Friday night's service, for those who might be interested. In Luke 6, rather than unilaterally healing the withered hand, Jesus invites the participatory faith of the man: "Stretch out your hand". We see this principle: the life that God is longing to give us, cannot flow from Him to us, without us. ... As George MacDonald writes: There can be no good news for us men, except of uplifting love, and no one can be lifted up who will not rise. If God himself sought to raise his little ones without their consenting effort, they would drop from his foiled endeavour. He will carry us in his arms till we are able to walk; he will carry us in his arms when we are weary with walking; he will not carry us if we will not walk. Obedient faith is the condition to receiving life from Christ.

14.01.2022 Join us tomorrow night, as we hear from Gods word as Caleb shares.

12.01.2022 Elizabeth St Intercession: 6.30p tonight. Jesus said my food is to do the will of the Father. This is the food we hunger for. Kingdom opportunity awaits - there is nothing our God cannot do.

10.01.2022 We follow Christ’s example of initiative! What joy there is in loving others practically. There is a meal to be cooked, a ute to be borrowed, a wall to be painted, money to be given. Christ incarnate. Let us live his rhythms as disciples.

06.01.2022 A charge for Friday night! God calls on his people to pray, to see His will unfolded on the earth as in heaven.

05.01.2022 A practice for the back end of your week in order to cement God’s truth in our lives.

05.01.2022 Join us this Friday night for our last gathering of the year. We will kick the night off with some carols and finish with dinner on the roof!

05.01.2022 Friday afternoon! We are gathering tonight! Here’s a nice way to step into the rhythm of rest God has for us.

04.01.2022 FRIDAY NIGHT, 6.30PM I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 4

03.01.2022 Busyness can be like a drug we use to distract from underlying discontent. Silence, solitude is a space that reveals to us the state of our heart and then receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

02.01.2022 As we read Luke 6 together this week, here is a (rather long) reflection from George MacDonald in The Hope of the Gospel, on the beatitude "Blessed are the poor, woe to the rich." May it lead you up to the glory of the Father today. ---- "The men who are aware of their own essential poverty; not the men who are poor in friends, poor in influence, poor in acquirements, poor in money, but those who are poor in spirit, who feel themselves poor creatures;..these humble ones are ...the poor whom the Lord calls blessed. The man who is proud of anything he thinks he has reached, has not reached it. He is but proud of himself, and imagining a cause for his pride. If he had reached, he would already have begun to forget. He who delights in contemplating whereto he has attained, is not merely sliding back; he is already in the dirt of self-satisfaction. The gate of the kingdom is closed, and he outside. The child who, clinging to his Father, dares not think he has in any sense attained while as yet he is not as his Fatherhis Father's heart, his Father's heaven is his natural home. To find himself thinking of himself as above his fellows, would be to that child a shuddering terror; his universe would contract around him, his ideal wither on its throne. The least motion of self-satisfaction, the first thought of placing himself in the forefront of estimation, would be to him a flash from the nether abyss. God is his life and his lord. That his father should be content with him must be all his care. Among his relations with his neighbour, infinitely precious, comparison with his neighbour has no place. Which is the greater is of no account. He would not choose to be less than his neighbour; he would choose his neighbour to be greater than he. He looks up to every man. Otherwise gifted than he, his neighbour is more than he. All come from the one mighty father: shall he judge the live thoughts of God, which is greater and which is less? In thus denying, thus turning his back on himself, he has no thought of saintliness, no thought but of his father and his brethren. To such a child heaven's best secrets are open. He clambers about the throne of the Father unrebuked; his back is ready for the smallest heavenly playmate; his arms are an open refuge for any blackest little lost kid of the Father's flock; he will toil with it up the heavenly stair, up the very steps of the great white throne, to lay it on the Father's knees. For the glory of that Father is not in knowing himself God, but in giving himself awayin creating and redeeming and glorifying his children."

02.01.2022 Then he said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.’ Luke 12:15 NIV

01.01.2022 As a community, we have an opportunity to together pursue God through practice - the rhythm of a disciple. Join with us as we collectively seek Him. For more information - see our insta story.

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