Bright Burgerville in Bright, Victoria | Burger restaurant
Bright Burgerville
Locality: Bright, Victoria
Phone: 57551024
Address: 3/87 Gavan St 3741 Bright, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1226
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25.01.2022 Check out our man @stanmeissner fittest most handsome man in Bright, wanna know his secret........... Swipe Open daily 12pm-8pm ... *eating cheeseburgers may or may not cause extremely fit rig, results may vary #brightburgerville #4burgers1man #fitspo #burgers=handsome #rig See more
25.01.2022 Free burgs still on offer! Also if anyone is missing heaps of plants from their front yard I saw Jason Reid with a trailer-full drive past before. Phone orders: 57551024... #brightburgerville #publicserviceannouncement #doingourbit
23.01.2022 Alpine Community Issues page trying to takeover the number 1 community news mantle from Bright and District Community Noticeboard - One minute Im wondering if I have any spare coathangers....then bang, its on over on the issues page RE: Brighter Days..... #geewhizz #Itison #mayhem #bittanegativity Anyway, if you havent filled up on popcorn swing into Burgerville for something delicious ... Open 7 days 12pm-8pm Ph: 57551024 #brightburgerville
22.01.2022 Check out these two Mad Roosters. Tomorrow is Mad Rooster Wednesday. $10 Mad Roosters all day. 57551024... #brightburgerville #madrooster #addbacon #addpineapple #addapotatocake
22.01.2022 Nice little addition to the Burgerville Carpark (sometimes used by Woolies customers). Thanks mate, your order will be ready in 10 ... Yeah cool, just going to try my luck at the new pick up spots in the carpark, back soon Open 7 days 12pm-8pm 57551024 #brightburgerville #havinacrack #burgersandbachelors #burgersandbachelorettes #bitgoinoninthecarpark #winkwink #carparkshenanigans #pickinup
21.01.2022 Here we have a Super Max with nugs Open everyday for takeaway, 12pm-8pm 57551024... #brightburgerville #supermax #addnugs
21.01.2022 Little arvo snack....dont tell mum/the misso. Add a potato cake to any burg for 1.5 *feel safe running a potato cake ad at the present time, none of those potato scallop weirdos are allowed over the border ... 12pm-8pm every day. Ph. 57551024 #brightburgerville #addapotatocake
20.01.2022 May as well just ring 57551024 and order a Parma Burger before you settle in on the couch for a nice little night watching: Farmer Wants a Wife Reunion Or Q&A Or ... The Block Or Collingwood Vs North
20.01.2022 Pretty sure this stuff started coronavirus...not sure why we have a box of it, can’t be good to wash down a burger with, can’t be good...well ever really. First person that comes into Burgerville that gets a burger and a Bondi Cold brew gets their burger for free. Please leave your mask on, we know you’re Lucifer under there. Open til 8pm 7 days. ... 57551024
20.01.2022 coVIP Card Burgerville and Clean Bowled 1 Card 2 Stores... 3 Items 4 play 5 Orders 6th one freeeeeee Come into Burgerville or Clean Bowled. Pickup your coViP card. Every time you order you get one of the items ticked off. When you have 5 ticks you get a free one...burger/bowl/coffee *whilst stage 3 Covid restrictions are in place.
20.01.2022 Not sure how my kids orchestrated this but all I wanted for Fathers Day was a fired up Community Noticeboard post with around 200 comments, thanks guys!!! *if Burgerville opens a bit late today Im still reading the comments. #brightburgerville #fireup #bestfathersdayever
19.01.2022 Grand Final Competition! Tell us who will win and the time it will be when the first ‘hit the post’ happens, ie Geelong, 2nd qtr 7mins 37 seconds (it’s a countdown clock so time remaining). Closest gets free burgers. Meeeeooow. ... Open 12pm-8pm every day. Phone orders 57551024 *Saturday night: if the staff are not there because they’re all watching the GF we’ll leave the grills and fryers on and just sort yourselves out. We will leave a jar on the counter farmgate style #brightburgerville #burgervillegrandfinal
19.01.2022 We’ve upped the ante! Burgerville Mile. Winner to receive: $150 voucher... Burgerville merch. Named carved into the walls of Burgerville for a lifetime of bragging rights. Free potato cakes on any burger you ever order. What you need to do: 4 Laps (approx 650m/lap) 4 Easy Cheesy’s Be really fast The current top 3 Stan 18:53 Matt 22:20 Austen 35:01 $35 entry (4 Easy Cheesy’s 1 water/softy) Oh yeah, and we’re open for normal people to just come grab burgs for yourself and the fam 7 days, 12pm-8pm 57551024 #brightburgerville #brightburgervillemile #lovebright #runhighcountry #ridehighcountry #doit #dontspew
19.01.2022 First person to correctly tell us the name of this burger gets a free one. Hint: Youve seen it before Beanz of Bright Guaranteed to give you a burgasm. ... (Burgasm - noun. The physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of eating a really bloody good burger) Open 7 days 12pm-8pm Until Dan says we cant..... Phone orders 57551024 #brightburgerville #seeyaforaburger #burgasm #lovebright #brightandsurrounds #feasthighcountry See more
18.01.2022 Take one of this photo and the guys hands looked weird, I said dont make your hands look so weird so they both went and did this We are masked-up and ready for action. With the latest round of restrictions kicking off at midnight tonight (Wednesday) wed like to let our legendary customers know that we will be open for takeaway as per usual: 7 days 12pm-8pm... Our not-so-legendary customers youre still welcome too Baja Burger is going off, and all of your other faves are ready to go. Phone orders: 57551024 #brightburgerville #treatyaself #cheekylittleisoburger #bajaburger #allamerican #supermax #thehoff #pickledpig #imavegan #magicmushy #dougiesdouble #easycheesy #dirtysanchez #madrooster #foghorn #lovebright #ridehighcountry
18.01.2022 Carbonara Burger is on! Chicken breast fillet, bacon, lettuce, a dash of pepper aioli, smothered in the creamiest most flavoursome carbonara sauce.... Has been described as pure filth - in a good way ... Into it. Ph: 57551024 #brightburgerville #carbonaraburger #howgood #tasty #lovebright #covidrelief #covidrespite #essentialfood
18.01.2022 Thrilled to introduce our most recent employee and qualified chef Austen Murphy to our customers and loyal fans. Check out the totally unrehearsed pose and quick chat we had. How long have you been a chef for? Austen - a quarter of a bakers dozen. ... Any mottos or sayings you live by? If you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. Favourite celebrity chef? Ratatouille Places youve worked previously have had plenty of staff, at Burgerville we like to keep it pretty tight, any thoughts on having too many staff? Too many cooks spoil the broth. Chef in a burger shop, people might be like why do you need a chef in a burger shop, its just a burger shop. What do you say to them? Bright Burgerville is not just a burger shop, we create dreams, little bun-filled dreams. Youre very conscious of your appearance, obviously having a side gig modelling skiwear and anything tan leather at the top op shop here in Bright, any pearls of wisdom regarding staying in shape? A balanced diet. To create a balanced diet I like to have burger in each hand. Fondest childhood memory? Wagging school to watch Ready Steady Cook, I was always team capsicum. Weve heard you plucking the banjo in your break, any particular tunes you like to play? American Pie, Candy Shop by 50 cent, Watermelon Sugar Harry Styles - you gotta love Harry. Now youre a budding author, any ideas on what your first title may be? Jamies 15 Minute Meals, nice ring to it... You enjoy continuous learning and youre quite a deep thinker, whats the one question in the world you would love answered? The first guy that had cows milk, what was he thinking...what was the lead-up to that first taste... Not sure Aus, not sure. Thanks for your time mate, we love having you at Burgerville. #brightburgerville Open 12pm-8pm 7 days a week.
17.01.2022 Deadset, just saw a guy pick up his order, go for a sneaky chip on the way back to his car....straight into the mask Open 12pm-8pm Phone orders 57551024... #brightburgerville #comeonmate #needtatakethemaskofffirst
16.01.2022 Super Max you saucy minx Open 12-8pm 7 days... Phone orders 57551024 #brightburgerville #lovebright #loveburgers #brightrodrun #seehighcountry #brightandsurrounds #chefausten #niceposemate
15.01.2022 When you like it exxxxtttrrraaa dirty.... The Dirty Sanchez with added potato gems. To fast track the transformation from human to sloth replace the spinach with bacon Open 12pm-8pm daily ... #brightburgerville #dirtysanch #extradirty #hieddie
14.01.2022 Thinking about pushing hard for Burgerville to just be referred to as BV. Just heading to BV to grab an All American, a Foggy and some chips How good are the burgers at BV... Burgers, beers, and milkshakes are on at BV And then in 2055 everybody is calling it BV except for people over 60 who still call us Burgerville like how old people still say Kentucky Fried Chicken. BV open 12pm-8pm, 7 days a week #bv #brightburgerville #kfc #lovebright #takeaway #theburgersarebetteratburgerville
14.01.2022 The Adventures of Fish Lizard Vs Birko 600. Pt 1 A tale of one mans epic battle against a piece of machinery known as Birko 600 toaster. Ever since Fish Lizard set foot into Burgerville he has had it on with Birko 600. Fish Lizard is quiet, unassuming, hardworking, follows instruction and gets the job done. Birko on the other hand can be temperamental, not doing what is required and often stuffs up the flow of the burger-making process. Birko is known to burn the odd bun, ...not suck in the next bun on the conveyer belt and chew up a bun from time to time. Fish Lizard and Birko have never seen eye to eye. So tonight almost all of the visitors have taken off and its a quiet night in the Ville, Fish Lizard is content as the orders roll through consistently spaced out, no panic, no rush, the first quietish night in a few weeks, nothing can go wrong...or can it.... Enter Birko 600.....whats that smell? Burning, BURNING, Birko 600 has had enough of the peaceful calmness and chewed up a baby bun setting it alight in the process, Fish Lizard is huffing and puffing running from one side Birko to the other frantically trying to blow it out but just fuelling the fire, the whole joint smells like burnt toast and Fish Lizard is out of breath. The baby bun is a charred wreck, Birko continues to roll his conveyer, you can almost hear him laughing at Fish Lizard. Poor Fish Lizard looks down but certainly not out. Fish Lizard knows there will be a round 2, and when it comes hell be ready. Im sure Birko just does these things to amuse himself when hes bored. Bright Burgerville Open 7 days 12pm-8pm 57551024 #brightburgerville #adventuresoffishlizardandbirko600 #
14.01.2022 Check out this legend!!! 4 x 650m laps (we know its more than a mile)... 4 x Easy Cheesys 1 x stopwatch You up for it? @stanmeissner #brightburgerville #brightburgervillemile #keepinlockdownfun #legend
13.01.2022 Floorgasm.... Thanks @brightcarpetcare #brightburgerville #comeandtouchit #delicious #dancefloor
13.01.2022 Mate, Ive been riding the hills all day, Im starvin .........whats your biggest burg? 12pm-8pm... 7 days 57551024 #brightburgerville #intoit
13.01.2022 I love the discussion about who is a real local and what qualifies you to be one... If youve driven down this road and wanted to stay on the right youre a local. .....cmon kinder mums, I know you have Burgers for tea some time this week? ... Bright Burgerville 7 days 12pm-8pm 57551024 #brightburgerville #burgers #locals #comeinforaburger #dontdriveonthewrongsideoftheroad #justthinkit
13.01.2022 Appreciate everyone who came through for this weekend. Hope all the hotrod crew enjoyed their unofficial event in Bright I cut a few mainies in my 2012 VW Golf, you probably saw it. If you took a snap please hashtag vwgolfsrtuff. Oh yeah still cooking burgs tonight and every other day and night 12pm-8pm. ... Phone orders 57551024
13.01.2022 Day for it.... Open 12pm-8pm 57551024... #brightburgerville #paddletowork #bitwet See more
12.01.2022 No worries babe, I’ll cook tonight And then ring 57551024 Follow this script (like in Scotty Papes book)...... You: Hi could I please place an order? Me: Yeah sure You: One All American, one Foghorn, a Baby Easy Cheesy, some nuggets, and two chips. Me: Excellent, just a name for the order? You: Ahh (awkward silence as you try to remember your name) Tim. Me: Thanks Kim, we’ll see you in 10-15. You:....ah, that’ll do, see ya soon. No cooking, no dishes, nice little Monday night 12pm-8pm 7 days #brightburgerville #takeaway #nodishes #nicelittlemonday #mondaytreat #lovebright
11.01.2022 Dougies Double Big Chief Parma Burger ... 57551024 12pm-8pm #brightburgerville #lovebright #ridehighcountry
11.01.2022 Huuuge shoutout to the lady tonight that came in and ordered: 5 Foghorns 5 chips No can you takeoff the cucumber, change the aioli for chipotle, cut it in half add three 5cm pickles nup just a straight 5 Foghorns, 5 chips please - bang. Thank you lady. 5 star customer review for you
10.01.2022 I love when businesses do a meet the team post.... thought we should do one. Name: Reilly Height: 184cm Marital status: single... Likes: Snowboarding, sitting by the river eating a burger, playing rock/paper/scissors, sitting at a park bench eating a burger, holding hands *when its safe to do so - Covid , riding the bike whilst eating a burger, climbing trees. Dislikes: Covid, wet socks, losing thumb wars, sudoku, watching the last episode of each bachelor series when somebody gets rejected Marital status: single Childhood idol/somebody you look up to: Tom Mullane-Grant Marital status: single Favourite TV Show: Farmer Wants a Wife, Love Island, Bluey Marital status: single Favourite movie: The Notebook, Titanic (cant believe Jack didnt fit on that floating piece of wood ) Marital status: single Your favourite quote of all time: To me you are perfect - Love Actually If you werent Burgervilles number 3 employee what would you be doing? Training dogs, trying to break my own one-arm push-up record, teaching Spanish. If you want to meet Reilly in the flesh he works nearly every day, come say hi Open 7 days 12pm-8pm 57551024 #brightburgerville #meetthestaff #comeinforaburger #lovebright #smooth #notarealinterview #wemadeitup
10.01.2022 Usually run with some of the funniest gear youll ever witness on here (questionable) but thought wed do a shoutout to anybody in Bright or surrounds whos battling at the present moment. Were open everyday from 12pm-8pm even if you dont want a burger or a milkshake, feel free to swing in for chat, chew the fat, or just stare at us uncomfortably, whatever you like. Tough times for many, and it can be lonely for those unable to see family and friends who are in lockdown ar...eas or across borders. Here if you need Love from Tom, Doug & the Burgervillians. #brightburgerville #comesayhi #haveachat #chewthefat #chinwag #lendinganear #brightpsych
10.01.2022 Ya kiddin arent ya?
09.01.2022 Parma Burger is going off Call: 57551024
08.01.2022 You know when you go up to order a feed at the pub and youre thinking Im gonna have something different, Im gonna have something different and then the person behind the counter goes what would you like? and before you can say anything your mouth just blurts out Parma, chips and salad thanks... We got you. Introducing the Parma, Chips & Salad burger.... or just go the straight Parma Burger, you choose. ... Parma Burger $14 Parma, Chips, Salad Burger $16 Into it. Ph: 57551024 12pm-8pm #brightburgerville #parmaburger #parmachipsandsaladburger #mmmmmmmm
08.01.2022 Bright Bright Vegemite! How good would a Vegemite burger taste? Come find out. - Beef patty... - Tomato - Lettuce - American cheddar - Tasty cheese (yes double cheese ) - Joe’s special Vegemite and butter sauce. 14 bucks. You can add beetroot for one and a half dollars. Open 12pm-8pm 7 days Phone orders 57551024 Tag your mates, we’ll give 2 away #brightburgerville #brightbrightvegemite #vegemiteburger #mmm #delicious #lovebright #loveburgers #ridehighcountry #howscaredwasthisburger? #oneweekonly
08.01.2022 We enlisted a high profile recruitment agency to get us the right people to work at Burgerville. We outlined our key selection criteria: 1. Recite one verse of Gangsters Paradise word for word 2. Hop from a standing start 1.5metres 3. Happy persona 4. Sweet dance moves ... This is what we got Come in and see us: 12pm-8pm 7 days Ph: 57551024 #brightburgerville
07.01.2022 If you need a little menu and zoom Call us: 57551024... #brightburgerville #qualityburgers #chefindahouse #burgerfridays #fridaynightburgernight #lovebright #brightandsurrounds #comeinforaburger
07.01.2022 Burgers for tea? Yep. Call 57551024... Open til 8pm. #brightburgerville
07.01.2022 *** Genuine Lifesaver*** . . . .... . . If this hero didn’t grab burgers 3-4 times a week throughout COVID we wouldn’t have survived. Thanks @brightcarpetcare
06.01.2022 Cant believe we actually employ these people.... Get out. Get out of my shop. #brightburgerville #kathmandont #justjokesweloveyou... Open 12pm-8pm
06.01.2022 261,000 are going, wowser! Might do a live stream of Fish Lizard Vs the toaster.
05.01.2022 COVID safe Phone orders 57551024 7 days 12pm-8pm... #brightburgerville #covidsafe #fullysick #lovebright See more
05.01.2022 Huuuuuuge shoutout to our Y12 legends celebrating their last day of school today! You’re all champions. We look forward to you dedicating your post-school life to Burgerville *now you’re all 18 or close to could you please get your RSA so I can retire. Ta. ... Burgerville - open 12pm-8pm every day. Ph: 57551024 #brightburgerville #lastdayofschool #year12 #legends #larastheboss #fishlizard #yarnold #ecat #sorryjanidonthaveaphotoofyou #lovebright #teamplayers #freehangoverburgerstomorrow
05.01.2022 How goods this from leading Melbourne sports journo Jon Ralph. Great fella #destinationburgerjoint #brightburgerville #thanksralphy
04.01.2022 Heres a picture of something really tasty. The other picture is of a Dougies Double. #havealookathim #youngbrett #stud #ChiefHealthOfficerBrettSutton #brightburgerville... Phone 57551024 to order burgers 12pm-8pm daily
04.01.2022 Things I love: - Chicken nuggets - People who just order whats on the menu - no ummm could you take away the tomato, add onion, switch the mustard for chipotle, and Ill have a choc milkshake with a dash of strawberry...... ... - People who follow the arrows in the Burgerville Carpark - Thinking about the good old days when we could shake hands - Wood fires - Dr Mauves when its humming - People that dont park in the loading zone - Connect 4 - Bright Come in for a burger. Checkout the menu here 12pm-8pm #brightburgerville
04.01.2022 So glad we can now share the smell of these trees with our regional guests Come in for a burger and even dine outside from this Thursday! Yeeeeewwwww! 12pm-8pm daily ... 57551024 #brightburgerville #springtime #cumtrees #burgers #lovebright #burgervillemile
02.01.2022 Gonna play Hansons Middle of Nowhere album front to back this arvo..... Ph: 57551024 and listen to the sweet sweet tunes of Taylor, Zac and Isaac in the background. Bright Burgerville 12pm-8pm... 7 days #brightburgerville #hanson #ladiesintheir30slovinit #mmmbop #pickupyourorderabitearly
02.01.2022 Fucksake Kaye, dishing out 1 star and didn’t even come in. I know what it’s like, I reviewed holidaying on the moon. 1 Star, cold, dark, no oxygen, too bouncy. You and me Kaye
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