Brighter Day Card in Darlinghurst, New South Wales | Shopping & retail
Brighter Day Card
Locality: Darlinghurst, New South Wales
Address: 41 Riley Street 2011 Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 As I look through the papers this morning, among all the stories and headlines, one story sticks out to make me ask the question, "Are you 12?" Now commenting d...irectly on politicians behaviour is not something I would usually do, in this case I feel I must. Apart from these actions being those of a child, this is from the holder of the most powerful office on the planet and (apologies to anyone who takes offence) is also from a man with ultimate influence and power using both to attack a woman. All due respect to the people of the United States and to the Office of the President but it must be said, your President is the perfect example of a social, online and workplace Bully. If I had acted this way as a child, I would have been given one simple message, "Grow Up!" The defense of "she started it and I am just defending myself" is such a childish response. The President has everything anyone could ever want with the ultimate trappings and perks of power. Who cares what anyone says, you are the President, isn't it about time you started acting like it.
24.01.2022 What she did was terrible and now she must face the consequences of her actions.
24.01.2022 Something every parent and individual should read!!!! Get a programme that lets you stalk, eavesdrop, turn on someone's camera or access someone else's emails f...or next to nothing. With the exception of Law Enforcement, if a person is not a part of a private conversation, it is illegal for that person to secretly record or using a device to listen to that conversation. How is it that these programmes are not included under the law as prohibited items as all they do is enable people to break the law. The suggestion that the everyday person should be taping up the camera on their personal device or having to buy anti-stalking software to protect themselves is ridiculous. #angelshope, #angelshopeaustralia, #angelshopecyberinitiative, #thecyberinitiative
22.01.2022 The eSafety Commissioner claims they have removed 128 intimate images from the Internet following complaints. Have they been able to identify who put them up? they only removing the images on the sites/pages that people have reported to them or are they getting them offline? It is great to be able to react to complaints where people have told you what the image is and what page it is on but when you don't have a real proactive position to prevent it from happening in the first place how much are you actually achieving?
20.01.2022 It is so easy for people to be able to say whatever they want on Social Media about any group via a fake profile. Think of the debates we have and the topics commented on. Australian Marriage Equality, Racism, Islam, Halal foods, the list could go on forever. The ability for us to discuss openly through Social Media is amazing. To share our views, our beliefs and our ideas and to debate them with those who believe differently. But whilst this is a benefit, we often find ourselves involved in debates with people deliberately spreading falsehoods or misinformation as their agenda is more about hatred then about communicating the truth. As Dr Kaz Ross from the University of Tasmania has put it Social Media needs to be more accountable to make it more civilised and honest to stop falsehoods and hatred from spreading. You can see the article from Carol Rabbus from ABC Radio Hobart This is one of the many things the Cyber Initiative can stop. The falsehoods, fake news and outright lies that are told to sway an opinion or just do damage to others or a cause. #angelshope, #angelshopecyberinitiative,
19.01.2022 And the truth of the matter is .....
19.01.2022 Some Myths and Facts on Workplace Bullying. Every company is aware of the problem but little is being done in the way of creating real protection for employees.... On Monday Angels Hope will launch our Workplace Anti-Bullying proposal which places the emphasis on stopping the bullies squarely on companies and proposes a new solution for for employees to have their situation resolved. #angelshope, #angelshopeaustralia, #angelshopeworkplace, #workplacebullyingsolutions Here is some of the key myths and facts on Workplace Bullying.
18.01.2022 When the bullied becomes the bullies. The rationale behind the campaign to remove Mr Molloy is apparently because he works for NewsCorp. No one should be forced... to resign from a community board because of their employer. It seems that those behind the campaign have used the same tactics they have complained about being used against the community.
17.01.2022 With all the money being spent by the governments how can we be as one expert puts it "10 years too late".
17.01.2022 I would never make this sort of suggestion except in the most extreme of cases and this is one of them If there was ever a case of having the government kick so...meone out of Australia and send them home it is this man. So called Pastor Logan Robertson has moved to Australia to expand on his church of hate. Originally from New Zealand this so called Priest believes, among many other horrible things, that gay people should be shot in the head and that women belong at home in the kitchen. His most recent comment relates to the election of NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, where he has said "It was a curse for a nation to have a woman ruling over them We already have enough Bullies, Trolls and Misogynists so we don't need to import more. My vote is that we should deport this man and never let him back into our country. If you agree please like and share it around. For this hateful individual I think the majority of us would agree he should go.
16.01.2022 "Should One Nation Support The Tax Cuts?" Since the election, One Nation leader, Pauline Hanson announced that she would not support the Tax Cuts offered by the... Government unless the Government funding a number of projects that she wanted including a Coal Fired Power Station for Queensland and also the Bradfield Scheme which was originally proposed in 1938 and abandoned by the government of the day in 1947. Given that One Nation campaigned at the last election to ensure the relection of the Government, should they support the Tax Cuts the Morrison Government campaigned on without making additional requests or demands? #thepubtest #onenation #taxcuts
14.01.2022 Thinking before posting. So many people post information about themselves online without even realising. #angelshope, #angelshopecyberinitiative, #thecyberini...tiative
14.01.2022 It is amazing where help and support can come from. #angelshope, #angelshopeaustralia, #nomorebullying
14.01.2022 So if the Canadians can do it, if the Americans, the British and other countries law enforcement agencies can target and charge people for Cyber Bullying - why is it so hard for our Agencies to do the same?
12.01.2022 Another warning about predators online and the dangers of these people coming after you or your kids. The solution is already out there which would drive these ...people off social media or making catching them so much easier yet we are still trying to get politicians to get behind it. #angelshopeaustralia, #angelshopecyberinitiative, #thecyberinitiative,
11.01.2022 How could anyone who professes to love someone, do this? Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women despite all the funding, all the awareness and all the mes...saging isn't changing. As a man, I say it is time for us to end the excuses. It is time for better education, better programmes, better treatment of women. It is a time to stand up and show that we are Better Men!
11.01.2022 There is a difference between Cyber Safety and Cyber Security with most people mistakenly rely on Security (symantec, kaspersky, etc) to provide Safety which time and time again shows is not achievable under our current system.
09.01.2022 Getter closer to launch. If there are business categories you would like to get access to discounts from, send us a message.
09.01.2022 Yet again here is a policy to protect us after the damage has been done. Facebook has put in an option to report a picture as inappropriate specifically because... it is a naked photo of you, Great idea except for two small details. 1. You have to know the photo has been uploaded and shared and usually by the time you find out it has been viewed and shared thousands of times. 2. You can report the photo and have it stopped after the damage has been done but still nothing to stop people from doing this in the first place. #angelshope, #cyberinitiative, #angelshopeaustralia
08.01.2022 So many people are aware of the problem and the potential risks and dangers but why aren't they standing up to stop it.
08.01.2022 No one disputes her greatness as a tennis player and what she had achieved but Margaret Court these days spends her time spreading an "Anti" message to campaign... against same sex marriage. Despite numerous unprovoked attacks on Same Sex Marriage and on gay people, Ms Court is now claiming to be the victim of Bullying as people respond to her own comments. Regardless of whether or not you support gay marriage, is it not fair for people to respond with their side of the discussion when a public and high profile figure puts their argument forward against?
07.01.2022 Why not just get rid of the fake accounts altogether? Australian Labor Party, Liberal Party of Australia, The Australian Greens we have already sent you a propo...sal that would remove fake accounts and make people accountable for their actions online. It is called the Angels Hope Cyber Initiative Australia could lead the world in Cyber Safety and Protection by supporting the Angels Hope Australia Cyber Initiative and getting rid of the bullies and trolls online, shut down the racist and hate pages, stop the stalkers, and track down the predators and paedophiles using social media. The solution is simple and effective, maintains free speech, Guarantees Privacy and could be enacted within days and it doesn't cost the government or the public or Facebook or Google or Instagram or Pinterest or any other social media company anything. It is free to make happen. The Christian Democratic Party NSW support our proposal as do a number of other politicians on their own but still the major parties as a group aren't saying yes. Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten MP here is something that is free, simple and will protect everyone online in particular women and children. What a better way to get votes than making things safer and doing it for free. Even Facebook in the article below says "We've found that when people represent themselves on Facebook the same way they do in real life, they act responsibly," So lets make everyone responsible. #angelshope #angelshopecyberinitiative #nomorebullying
05.01.2022 It is great that Carly's Law has been passed however putting a 10 year penalty for people using fake names or fake ages to contact and meet up with minors serve...s little to protect our children if you can only catch them once they meet or after they have done their damage. Most of these people will continue to act because they know how hard it is for them to be caught due to the anonymity that social media gives them. The only real way to catch these people is to ensure that every account can be linked to a real person. #angelshope, #angelshopeaustralia, #thecyberinitaitive, #jointhenetwork
05.01.2022 When will men learn that some things are just completely unacceptable? Maybe now. #nomorebullying #angelshope #respectforwomen...
05.01.2022 Warning - this story can be distressing. This story is from England. This is one of the worst cases of workplace bullying that I have ever seen. This poor boy ...was humiliated, assaulted and tortured by his work colleagues. The report of what happened to him makes me think of the stories coming out of Abu Ghraib - they tied him up and high pressure hosed him, they held him down whilst another worker assaulted him, they even locked him in a cage and doused him with petrol and set his clothes on fire. But what makes this even worse is that the Coroner ruled they were blameless because the boy had experienced Mental Illness and that the business had made changes to the workplace since he took his own life. The workplace tortures him and after they drive him to take his own life, they make some changes so they should be held blameless????? Because of a Mental Illness the people that made his life hell shouldn't be held to account???? What the hell is wrong with people to think that this behaviour is acceptable and also with the authorities that we are supposed to rely on to ensure that justice is done?? This is an absolute disgrace and the entire community in the UK should be extremely alarmed. My heart goes out to the family and I hope they appeal the decision of the Coroner and also file suit against his employer. #angelshope, #angelshopeworkplace, #endworkplacebullying, #justiceforgeorge
04.01.2022 And the sadness for families continues. The claims that action cannot be taken because of encryption is wrong. Even though Snapchat deletes messages from the r...eceiver after they have been seen, the record of the message being sent and who sent it remains and so does the message on the originator. It is time to end the ability of anonymous cyber bullying and make people accountable for their actions. Make phone registration on social media mandatory. #thecyberinitiative, #angelshope, #angelshopeaustralia
04.01.2022 A secret group to bully someone. Facebook claims to be working to end bullying but if it occurs within a closed group created to bully and share hate of someone, it seems okay
03.01.2022 After a very long while of being quiet, the Shopper Card will be returning as part of another program designed to give people cheaper food and drinks and clothes and most importantly cheaper coffee. As we finalise the last of the elements for the new programme we thought this might be of interest to you all and to see what you think.
02.01.2022 To make the workplace a better environment to prevent bullying by employees and employers, do we need a complete overhaul of the existing system?
02.01.2022 We proposed the Cyber Initiative to make social media safer allowing the government, only after approval from a judge, the ability to identify a social media a...ccount holder based on communications they had made if the messages broke the law. The government has shown little interest in our proposal but now they are talking about making social media safer and to target terrorists by having the ability to decrypt and access social media communications allowing them to read your messages at will. I know what option I prefer.
02.01.2022 What do you do when the people that are there to help us need help themselves?
02.01.2022 We should all fight back! #angelshope, #cyberinitiative, #angelshopeaustralia
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