Brighton Antique Prints and Maps | Media
Brighton Antique Prints and Maps
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21.01.2022 A map from a 1925 long-term strategic plan for Melbourne. The map shows the area around the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and other sport facilities. Also, Yarra River, Jolimont train depot and Botanical Gardens with Government House. Dimensions are approximately 64cm X 30cm. #antiquemap #raremap #melbournecricketground #mcg #train #yarra #melbourne #townplanning #botanicgardens
19.01.2022 Published in 1876, Christopher Dresser’s book on design provides great reference material for interior decorators. We have several plates from his book in stock. #antiqueprints #rareprints #interiordesign #design #decoration
18.01.2022 This is part of 1960’s map of Victoria. It demonstrates how far we have come building highways to help Melbournians get from A to B. So how come we have terrible traffic congestion? We need more infrastructure investment. #vintagemap #oldmap #victoria #melbourne #highway #infrastructure #traffic
11.01.2022 Map from a 1925 Report on Melbourne’s long-term strategic development. It shows proposed arterial roads. Dimensions are approximately 40cm X 30cm. #antiquemap #raremap #melbourne #traffic
10.01.2022 For all of us who were taught at school that Capt. James Cook discovered Australia, please observe that the Dutch had charted much of the Continent’s coast line a hundred years earlier. This map by Coronelli was published in the 1690’s. #antiquemap #raremap #australia #jamescook #exploration #dutch
03.01.2022 The 1884 schedule of P & O ships sailing from England to Melbourne, Sydney and other Australian destinations. approximately 80cm X 60cm. Shows dates ships leave and arrive. #antiqueprint #rareprint #p&o #pacificandorient #shipping #sailingship #england #melbourne #sydney