Brighton Bowls & Community Club | Other
Brighton Bowls & Community Club
Phone: 62681325
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23.01.2022 We are trying to contact Rachel Burnett who attends our Monday Bingo sessions with regards to our Easter Raffle. Rachel didnt leave a phone number so hoping somebody can help us out. Thank you !
22.01.2022 Random Draw will commence on Wednesday 1st July 2020 commencing at 1230 pm for Brighton Club members. Due to COVID restrictions we are limited to the number of players we can have on the green at once. Therefore bookings are essential. Please message or call Mark Conway on 0427 002 658 and he will confirm your spot. Cost is $10 per person. Please bring your own afternoon tea - sharing of afternoon tea is not allowed at present. We look forward to seeing you back on the Green. Please spread the word as not all our members have Facebook or emails.
21.01.2022 Amity and Simon are trialling a new format for Saturday, 11th; next Saturday. Great opportunity to ease back into Social bowls. Note, slightly earlier start.
21.01.2022 Proposed Constitution Amendment A special general meeting of the Members will be held on 15/9/2020 to discuss the proposed amendment which was previously advertised on this page. Members are invited to attend this meeting which should only go for no more than 15 minutes.... PLEASE BE ADVISED THIS MEETING IS NOW BEING HELD AT 10 A.M. AT THE CLUBROOMS STILL ON 15/9/2020. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THE CHANGE OF MEETING TIME.
21.01.2022 Good morning Members. Update on access - the locks on the gates have now been changed back to the originals. The key that you previously used will now admit you to the greens. Access is available now at any time. However, there are still Covid conditions that must be observed, and details are prominently displayed on notice boards. ... Sanitiser and disinfectant are available by the mat box - for your safety, please ensure that you use them as per the directions. Social bowls on Saturday and a nice day forecast. Good bowling and please stay safe. All the best. Van See more
20.01.2022 Congratulations to Thursday Division 5 Ladies who have been promoted to Division 4 for season 20/21, should bowling be active again at that time. This is the only Brighton team promoted, following its outstanding past season. And, importantly, they not only bowl well, but have a great time doing it. Well done Ladies.
20.01.2022 Did you receive your April electronic newsletter update in your email inbox last Saturday (18th April)??? Bowls Tasmania are sending out regular member upda...tes to all of our members registered on the database that have an up to date email address registered with their profile. We want to ensure that all of our members are up to speed on all things Bowls across Tasmania. "I didn't receive this email, but I would like to receive all Bowls TAS updates what can I do?" That's no problem at all we can sort this out for you. Firstly check your junk or spam folder to ensure that it didn't get redirected there by mistake. If you still haven't received it, then please email [email protected] with your Name, Club and email address and we can update your details.
19.01.2022 Did you receive your May Update in your inbox via email this week? If the answer is no, then please check your junk mail or spam folder to make sure it hasnt... gone there. And if you still havent got it then please email [email protected] with your Name, Club and correct Email Address and we will ensure that your member profile is updated to ensure you are getting all of the latest information from Bowls Tasmania. See more
19.01.2022 During the last five Mondays our Club has ran a very successful Jack Attack Programme to introduce the younger members of our community to Bowls from Kempton Primary School. Big thank you to Elisabeth Hoare, Elizabeth Downward, Tony Bartninkaitis, Judy Hollaway and Louise Cooper for volunteering your time to run this amazing program. The children had a great time discovering our amazing game.
18.01.2022 CLUB REPRESENTATIVES Congratulations to all our teams who represented our club in the Southern Triples Competition during the past week. Well done to our Open Men's team J Nichols, M Daniels and G Wakefield and our B Grade Mens team of Ryan Williams and Kyle Byard and David Williams - both teams represented our Club in great games of Bowls but did not progress to the next round. Our ladies Opens Team of E Downward, J Hollaway and K Sproule had a fantastic game of Bowls on ...Friday but could not get over the line at the end of the day. Well done to all these teams. Congratulations to Kevin Booth, Simon Hartgrove and Ross Mitchelmore who made it through to the Semi Finals in the B Grade Triples next week - we wish them the very best of luck. Due to a favourable draw, our B Grade Ladies A Wilton, S Wilton and L Cooper commence their competition straight into the Semi Finals later this week. GOOD LUCK TO BOTH OUR TEAMS AS THEY HEAD INTO THE SEMI FINALS.
18.01.2022 Very happy to report that Simon Hartgrove has offered to continue on with Wednesday Bowls and maintain the format that was very successfully introduced by Mark. Thanks to Simon, who also combined with Amity a few weeks ago to keep social Saturdays going. Secretary Elizabeth has offered to assist Simon on Wednesdays and I thank her for that. Great to see younger Members coming through and filling these roles. Thanks Mark for your involvement and best wishes in your job.
18.01.2022 Club PlayingTops - if you require a new playing top for this season please contact our Club Secretary Elizabeth. Tops will be around $45 and extra length is available for $11. If you need a new top please dont rely on us having stock on hand as we have only a few left. Due to Covid they will take about 6 weeks to come so our orders will be placed next Tuesday 8th September.
17.01.2022 Bowls Tasmania is aware that there will be many questions regarding todays announcements from the Tasmanian Premier and Australian Prime Minister and how this ...will impact the sport of Bowls in Tasmania. The Premier has announced that some easing of restrictions that will influence bowls will come into effect beginning Monday 18th May 2020. An easing of restrictions will be introduced gradually and in increments by the Tasmanian Government. Please be aware that Bowls Tasmania will be submitting a draft Return to Play Document to the State Government through Sport & Recreation Tasmania for consideration early next week. Once this document is approved and there is a clear and approved path back to bowls beginning with informal roll ups we will ensure all Regions, Clubs and Members are aware of this. In the meantime please abide by all current Government Regulations. Keep up the good work Tasmania and Stay Safe.
17.01.2022 Our Club AGM was held on Sunday and we congratulate incoming President Doug Hollaway. Huge thank you to our past President Van Ransley and to all our leaving board members - thank you so much for your hard work and the great input you have made. Welcome to our new Board members for 2020/2021. Attached are a few photos of some of our Awards winners for Penant and Club Championships which were presented after our AGM.
17.01.2022 Members, a couple of matters following the Premiers Wednesday announcement: The Board is meeting on Tuesday evening next week for the first time since March 12 and the COVID close down that week. No doubt the question of reopening will be addressed along with the directions to be observed; and During the close down, considerable work has been undertaken on both greens. The synthetic green was sprayed for moss growth and brushed to remove debris and surplus sand. ... On Saturday, a limited number of bowlers will be putting down a few bowls to confirm that surface levels have not been disturbed by the work. This is not a sign that the green is open - it is part of the maintenance process to get it in first rate order for when it is opened. Thank you all for your patience, I look forward to seeing you on the green. See more
16.01.2022 Lest we forget.
15.01.2022 BINGO - Reminder about Bingo at the Club every Monday night - eyes down at 7 pm. During the month of October there will be set prize amounts on every game.
14.01.2022 A sad and sorry sight - the Hobart Bowls Centre remains closed with stock covered up due to the Coronavirus. We will be back as soon as possible and are hoping for a resumption of business on 1 September 2020.
13.01.2022 Brighton Bowls Club will have pies and salad rolls available at tomorrow’s games. Cost $5 each. Please order prior to the game!
12.01.2022 New club tops will be available from Tuesday next week. Those who have ordered tops will get their tops first - cost is $40. There are some spare sizes available after all the orders are filled also if you missed out on ordering a new top. All payments are to be made to our Treasurer. Thanks for your patience.
12.01.2022 JUNIOR JACK ATTACK - In conjunction with Sporting Schools and Bowls Australia, Brighton Bowls Club will be holding four Junior Jack Attack sessions for Kempton Primary School on 17, 24, 31 August and 7th September. Sessions times are 9:45 am and should run for 50 minutes. We are after a couple of volunteers to help us run the program (you will need your working with vulnerable persons card). Please if you can spare an hour to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Please call Elizabeth on 0409 604417.
12.01.2022 Proposed Constitution Amendment A special general meeting of the Members will be held on 15/9/2020 at 1245 pm to discuss the attached proposed amendment to our Constitution. Members are invited to attend this meeting after which our Board of Management will meet at 1 pm.... I appreciate the attachment may not be easy to read - other copies will be on display in the Clubrooms and emailed to those members with email addresses.
11.01.2022 BRIGHTON BOWLS AND COMMUNITY CLUB are again open and adhering to all social distancing requirements to keep our Club Safe. New members are welcome to our Club - we welcome those new to bowling along with any experienced bowlers who wish to join us - bowling is an inclusive sport for all ages young and old. Social Bowling is currently being held every Wednesday and Saturdays. Please feel free to visit our Facebook pages for up to date events, or you can call our Secretary Elizabeth on 0409 604417 if you require any further information. We look forward to inviting you into our fantastic Club. (Club members - please share this post).
11.01.2022 OPENING DAY Brighton Bowls and Community Club welcome members to our Opening Day to be held on Sunday 4th October, 2020. Time is from 1 pm onwards so please come along and join us to celebrate the start of a new season - a sausage sizzle will be provided and cold drinks will be available from our Bar. We look forward to seeing you there. Club Uniform to be worn.
10.01.2022 Thanks to Simon and Amity for looking after Saturdays game. Couple of very positive, unsolicited comments about the new format too. Well done to you two and thanks from those who participated.
10.01.2022 During the last five Monday’s our Club has ran a very successful Jack Attack Programme to introduce the younger members of our community to Bowls from Kempton Primary School. Big thank you to Elisabeth Hoare, Elizabeth Downward, Tony Bartninkaitis, Judy Hollaway and Louise Cooper for volunteering your time to run this amazing program. The children had a great time discovering our amazing game.
10.01.2022 TRAINING Club training for men has commenced each Tuesday and Thursday from 3 pm onwards. Our Ladies will commence next Tuesday 8th September from 1030 am onwards. New members are welcome to join us. We look forward to seeing all members at training leading into the 2020/2021 Pennant Season.
10.01.2022 Bowls Tasmania South Ladies 4’s will be held at our Club on this Friday 30th October with games happening all day. Brighton Club will be represented in both the A and B Grade competitions so feel free to come along and cheer our ladies along. Thank you to all those from our Club helping to organise this competition - events such as this wouldn’t happen without our wonderful volunteers. Salad rolls will be available at $5 each but must be ordered prior to the start of play.
09.01.2022 Bowls Tasmania Handbook is available on line at the following link Where you can download the entire content of parts specific to your needs.... Bowls Tasmania App Should you have a smart phone you can go to the App Shop and search Team App and then you can sign up to Bowls Tasmania and have all this information at your fingertips. This is very easy to do and you will always have this information with you. You can access Calendars, Pennant Rosters, Social Media, Contacts and the Website from this App.
09.01.2022 BINGO will commence again at the Clubrooms on Monday 7th September, 2020. The Clubroom is open from 6:15 pm and eyes down at 7 pm. Please enter via the front door only and it is a condition of entry that you record your name and phone number as you enter. You Must Adhere to all COVID SAFE PRACTICES whilst on our premises. Snacks and drinks will be available from the Bar. Thank you for your support and we look forward to welcoming you back to Bingo!
09.01.2022 RANDOM DRAW Our Random draws bowls for this Saturday 22nd August will not be held due to a Private function being held at the Clubroom. Thanks to all members for their understanding during these Covid times as we allow other members of our Community to enjoy our great facility and contribute to our Great Club.
09.01.2022 BRIGHTON BOWLS AND COMMUNITY CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Please be advised our AGM will be held on Sunday 16th August at 2 p.m. at our Clubrooms. Nominations forms for vacant positions are available from our Club Secretary Elizabeth Downward and must be returned 10 days prior to our AGM being 6th August, 2020. Due to our Presentation Function not going ahead due to Covid 19, the presentation of 8 badges, Veteran and Super Veteran Badges, Club Championship Winners and our Division 5 ladies championship medallions will be held following our AGM. Please spread the word - we hope to see you on the day. Our Ladies and Men's AGM will be held at 12:30 pm prior to the Cub AGM. We hope you can make it along !
08.01.2022 Teams for Saturday !
08.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN AGAIN !!!!!! The Hobart Bowls Centre is open again with full Summer trading hours from 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday and 10am - 12 noon on Saturdays. The eBay store is always open for online purchases - just click on to the eBay logo on the home page of our website.
08.01.2022 Advice to all Members - our Club will be running a Jack Attack program in conjunction with Sporting Schools and Bowls Australia on 17, 24, 31 August and 7 September (all Mondays). Therefore the Synthetic Green will be unavailable for practice until 11 am on those days. Thanks so much for your understanding.
07.01.2022 Brighton Bowls and Community Club advise that our Club will remain closed until the current Stage 2 restrictions end at which time we will advise an update on our anticipated reopening date. We look forward to getting back to Bowls sooner than later but at this stage believe staying closed is in the best interests of the health of all our members.
05.01.2022 TWIGHLIGHT BOWLS It is that time of year again when members of the Public are invited along to our Club to enjoy a fun and social game of Bowls followed by a BBQ tea and a lucky door prize. Drinks are available at our bar also. No experience necessary and bowls can also be provided. Our first Twighlight session kicks off on Wednesday 7th October 530 pm for 6 pm start - cost is $10 per player with children 12 and under free. We encourage everyone to come along and have a go - even if you have never picked up a Bowl. Please feel free to message us if you need more information. We look forward to seeing you there
05.01.2022 Thanks to Simon and Amity for looking after Saturday’s game. Couple of very positive, unsolicited comments about the new format too. Well done to you two and thanks from those who participated.
03.01.2022 Good evening Members. Some good news! Mark Conway coordinated the first social bowls afternoon today for 18 players with Simon Hartgrove the winner and Sue Grant runner up. The $50 jackpot carried over, so $100 for next week. Saturday social may be just a week or so away. ... Simon has offered to help get it up and going, but he has work commitments each second week. He and Amity Booth are talking to see if they can make Saturday afternoons work. But, some more helpers would ensure that it can start. If you think that you could help on some Saturday afternoons, please contact me. I hope that tomorrow I can also advise of some availability of week day access. At this stage there are still considerations to be made in the interests of safety, which need someone to be present when open to monitor that the necessary Covid requirements are observed. Thats being worked on and again, if you are in a position to be at the Club for a couple of hours to help keep us all safe, please get in touch with me. All the best. Van
03.01.2022 Great to see Life Member Kevin Booth arrived home from hospital this afternoon after a recent hip replacement. Expect to see him on the green tomorrow, given his tenacity and grit. Noelene Fehlberg is also recuperating at home from surgery on a troublesome knee. Noelene has remarkably endured several actual knee replacements plus additional operations to remedy shortcomings in between replacements. ... Best wishes Noelene for a complete fix this time. Also heard that Alice Clark WAS back on the green this week after her recent surgery. Some of your Clubs senior Members are made of good stuff!
02.01.2022 Saturday teams!
02.01.2022 Good news Members as we move towards the weekend. Note that the easing of guidelines will allow a maximum of 105 people in the Club house. Please let me know by tomorrow if you are coming to Saturdays BBQ. Van
02.01.2022 RANDOM DRAW AND CLUB MEALS - Please ignore any advertisements in the Brighton Community News about these events happening and published dates. Obviously these are now incorrect and cancellations did not make it in on time due to the Pandemic. Thanks so much for your understanding and keep well everyone!
01.01.2022 Please read this important information about our return to Club guidelines. Lets keep safe and follow the rules and we can get back to enjoy our great Club and our great Game.
01.01.2022 congratulations on this weeks winners in our lotto supplementary numbers Jimmy Skelly with number 30 for $30 and Sue Tringrove $10
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