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25.01.2022 Would you believe ...
25.01.2022 Are you using Social Media in your business? Most likely your potential customers are there!
25.01.2022 Are you looking for help with your Facebook Marketing? Take a look here:
24.01.2022 What’s something you want to celebrate in your life? My Daughter posted this on her Facebook Page today. I took a look, clicked through, but didn't continue reading. Too much else to do! When I next spoke to Natalie she said to me "did you see the article I posted?". I said I did but didn't finish reading it. She went on to tell me how good it was so I thought I had better have another look. I took another look and read the article right through. Today I start the celebration.
23.01.2022 How often do you take a look at your website, check for any errors, missing links, or images that might have disappeared?
23.01.2022 {how are your clients taking the next steps?} If you aren't getting the results you desire on Facebook, I want you to ask yourself - how are you positioning you...r clients to take the next steps within your business? If you think of a traditional business model when your clients might have found your phone number in the Yellow Pages {remember them?}, they would call you and you would have a one on one conversation - they ask a question, you answer. You mention something they comment back. This is a sales process. You are providing them with the required information to make an informed decision about your product and service. You need to do this on Facebook as well. Of course we don't have the one on one phone conversation but your clients still need information about your products, services, you, your company and your industry to make an informed decision. This is where your content comes in. You can use it to guide people through your sales process. I speak a lot about the SeeMe + BelieveMe = PayMe Formula {read more here:} and your sales process moves people through this process. SeeMe and BelieveMe are the best for them and of course PayMe is the best for you. It's your responsibility to set up the flow between these steps to your clients. All of this can be done via your content on Facebook. One if the major benefits of using Facebook content is that you are reaching multiple people at once instead of one on one. In my Facebook Marketing Made Easy webinars I share a very basic sales process which is; Find you on Facebook {SeeMe} Sign up for a Free Offer - this could be a webinar, report, competition, event at your location {BelieveMe} Offer your products/Services {PayMe} Along the way there is lots of building up of the BelieveMe Bank {a step many business owners want to forget}. If you don't map out this process {in advance} and purposely use your content to move people through the process, you are leaving sales up to chance and most likely missing out on a lot of money. Please don't let this be you. ***Action Step*** Take out a piece of paper or open a new computer document Divide into three sections - SeeMe, BelieveMe and PayMe Set a timer for 20 mins Brainstorm and write down everything you can think of to go in the sections above. For example SeeMe: Facebook, Facebook Ads, networking, referrals, previous clients, newspaper article, magazine ad, guest blogging, being interviewed, speaking, other social networking sites. BelieveMe: Facebook Content, webinar, ebook, free strategy sessions, face to face event which you host, speaking, networking PayMe: Facebook Content, sales pages, limited time offers, product information, testimonials, reviews What does your sales process look like? You don't have to limit yourself to just one. Different products and services can have different sales processes as can new and repeat clients. Share with me in the comments below. If you want to have a look at one of my very successful sales process {to the tune of over $16,000 in week ten and counting}, sign up to attending one of my free Facebook Marketing Made Easy Webinars - Ciao Natalie
23.01.2022 Beautiful warm sunny day here on the Gold Coast. What's on your to-do list for today?
22.01.2022 Today is the launch party of the LIVE 30 Day Facebook Challenge starting on Monday 2nd September. Join me at 11am for a live webinar which includes the launch p...arty, Facebook training and prizes!!!! Sign up here: It's free and I can't wait to help you!
22.01.2022 Where do you do business?
22.01.2022 Just about to join the Launch Party of the Live 30 Day Facebook Challenge. Are you on the line?
21.01.2022 I made a difference to that one Last week I was watching the latest episode of Wonderland. It’s a great Australian TV series about a bunch of 30ish people who... all live in an apartment block called Wonderland. There was a storyline about a homeless man who was living outside one of the characters’ work studio {Tom} and how the other character {Miranda} wanted to help him by providing them him food, blankets, clothes and eventually money {a fortnight's worth of rent} Some of the things Miranda was giving away were actually Tom’s, so, as you can imagine he wasn’t very happy, until his mum reminded him of the Starfish story. Here is how the story goes {the one on the show was slightly different but I found this one on Pinterest} One day a man was walking along the beach, when he noticed a boy hurriedly picking up and gently throwing things into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, Young man, what are you doing? The boy replied. Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die The man laughed to himself and said Don’t you realise there are mile and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make any difference! After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, I made a difference to that one When I heard this, it immediately reminded me of a comment in my Facebook Group {which is included as part of the Your FB Marketing Made Easy {}. You know in August I had the goal of helping 103 women in business with their Facebook Marketing, so I asked my existing clients if they could share my latest webinar if they knew someone who needed my help. One lady commented that she should have completed the course first since her post only reached 38 people. I commented back that 38 people is better than none. However in hindsight I should have remembered the Starfish story. Yes there is talk of decreased reach on Facebook and not all of your fans see everything you post, but what about the fans that do see what you are posting? Don’t they deserve the best of you, don’t they deserve to be acknowledged. When 38 people are seeing your content you have the opportunity to make a difference to them. In another discussion with a private coaching client we were discussing the impact of having a room full of 38 people. Imagine yourself, sharing your message with 38 people. Maybe they are all sitting at one long table, or in five rows of 7 or 8. How good does it feel to have 38 people hearing, reading, seeing your content and knowing that your message is making a difference to them? Therefore in the first instance I want you to focus on the people who are actually seeing your content. Why? Because when you do, and you make a difference to them. It will boost your overall engagement and news feed exposure and in turn you can make a difference to more and more people. When we change the way we look at things it can have a huge impact on our outlook, decisions and outcomes? What do you think of the starfish story? How has this, or will this, impact on your outlook on Facebook organic reach? I would love to hear what you think, let me know in the comments below.
21.01.2022 Wanting some business inspiration? Check this out.
21.01.2022 Starts next week if you're interested in learning about Google Analytics.
20.01.2022 Be Happy... Do Your Own Thing Everywhere, we're urged to conform. To join the club. To be like everyone else.... Resist the urge. Look inside and discover the essential you. Be true to yourself. Follow your own path. My motto for today. {quote from Be Happy by Patrick Lindsay, image from}
20.01.2022 How can you achieve your goals if you don't know what they are? Have you written your goals for 2014 yet?
19.01.2022 Free 60 minute webinar on Facebook Marketing.
19.01.2022 Free Facebook Marketing for your business. Join now. Starting in 30 minutes.
19.01.2022 Interested in learning about Facebook for your business?
19.01.2022 Interesting concept.
18.01.2022 If you're interested in learning about WordPress take a look at this free WebCamp.
17.01.2022 If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. Maya Angelou
17.01.2022 I use Gmail for all my emails. Love it, but today I wanted to send a file to a customer. It was a zipped file and Gmail wouldn't allow me to send it. No drama. I just went to This is a great service if you want to send files which are too large to email or your email client won't allow. They have various account types, starting off with a free account. It's a great service.
16.01.2022 Do you know anything about Google Ads? They are an interesting concept, especially their Remarketing ads. Google's own definition: Remarketing lets you show ads to users who've previously visited your website as they browse the Web. So my daughter & her partner were recently on a cruise on the Mediterranean. They were on Celebrity Cruises. During that time I was often on the Celebrity Cruise website, looking at ports, sailing times ... and all that stuff that mothers do! So ...what do Celebrity Cruises and Google Ads have in common? Well Celebrity Cruises advertise through Google using their Remarketing Ads. So I'm seeing the Celebrity ads all over the web on most of the pages I visit that display Google Ads. Check it out for yourself. Just go to the Celebrity website, then take notice of any ads you see on different websites that you visit. Let me know what you find!
16.01.2022 Are you looking to transform your business? You could get it Super Charged!
15.01.2022 This 6 week program will be well worth joining ...
15.01.2022 Using your personal profile for business is like inviting your friends over for dinner and then showing them Amway. It's not cool.
14.01.2022 Is a new website on your goal list for 2014?
14.01.2022 Do you have a website for your business? How did you come up with your domain name? Let us know in the comments below.
13.01.2022 If you're wanting to learn more about Social Media and how to use Facebook effectively for your business, take a look. Enrolments closing today.
13.01.2022 Do you work with a messy desk?
13.01.2022 If you're looking to increase your business this year, take a look at Profit School. Melanie Miller knows her stuff!
13.01.2022 Had a wonderful day soaking in the knowledge at the ProBlogger Event at QT Hotel Gold Coast yesterday ( I'm ready for another day of being inspired, learning and mingling with 450 other attendees. What are you up to today?
12.01.2022 Want to work on your Facebook Page .... It's Free
12.01.2022 30 Day Facebook Challenge starting tomorrow. Are you ready? You can still register at:
11.01.2022 Want to "Rock Your Biz"?
11.01.2022 So happy when I can help people fix errors on their websites so they can fuse their social media marketing and website to grow their business.
10.01.2022 Free webinar on using Facebook for your business. Take a look.
10.01.2022 Even the Big Boys have problems with technology. Global internet traffic plummeted 40% when Google had an outage recently. Most services were fully restored within one minute. Wow, imagine being part of a company with such power! I only knew about this because I read it, but did you notice anything happening online?
10.01.2022 Is your weekend going to be relaxing or busy?
09.01.2022 If buying "backlinks" for your website works so well, why do companies who sell the service have to advertise on Facebook?
09.01.2022 Well said Melanie!
08.01.2022 Anyone in business should listen to this webinar. It's free and only available for the next 90 minutes. I've just listened and well worth the time.
07.01.2022 What activities are you now using a Tablet for?
07.01.2022 Do you love your job?
07.01.2022 Want to do any planning for your business for 2014?
07.01.2022 Do you have a website for your business? If yes, share a link in the comments below? If not, why not?
07.01.2022 I love working with my customers. Yesterday I sent a proof to a customer of a change we proposed to improve a "call to action" we had written for him. His response: As your name suggests brilliant, I love the changes. Made my day!
07.01.2022 Is your business on Facebook? Here is our Facebook 101 Guide: Setting Up Your Business Page On Facebook Once you are done, post your Facebook Business Page in the comments below.
07.01.2022 Check this out.
06.01.2022 Want to know a bit more about Facebook Marketing ... check this out.
06.01.2022 Great magazine with an article by Natalie Alaimo. Check it out.
05.01.2022 It's Free to join the 30 Day Facebook Challenge!
05.01.2022 If you're wanting new customers from Facebook check out Natalie's FREE webinar today.
04.01.2022 Email inbox down from 890 to 495 today. More tomorrow. I don't like being overwhelmed by my emails.
04.01.2022 Are you collecting your website readers details? Many people will visit your website just once, and never come back. If we collect their information we can then sent them a regular email to keep in contact with them. They are more likely to turn into a customer if we keep in contact with them. Do you collect readers contact details? Let us know in the comments below.
04.01.2022 Hmmm .... like this quote, but how do we know that it actually was Aristotle who said it? We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle
04.01.2022 If you use Facebook ......
03.01.2022 Natalie is speaking at a Facebook Bootcamp in Sydney today. This morning she visited the Facebook office to "write on their wall".
02.01.2022 Looking to add Social Share Buttons to Your Website? Digg Digg is our favourite!
01.01.2022 Which category are you in?
01.01.2022 Could be nice for a new office!
01.01.2022 If you're looking for more profit in 2014, check out Profit School. It comes highly recommended!