Briony B | Public figure
Briony B
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24.01.2022 Exciting update No, I'm not becoming a Colgate ambassador. I’m writing a book! You may remember a video I made last year called, 'You Only Get One Life.' It was a punchy, short doco that charted my experience through stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma, IVF, Chemo, and all that other fun stuff. It was a call to arms to enjoy your precious life and make the very most of it, no matter what shit is hurled your way! After it went viral the beautiful Kelly Doust from @murdochbooks rea...ched out. She'd been so moved by the video she wanted to discuss creating a book that could share the learnings of my experience and help other people navigate tough times in their lives. I clicked with Kelly instantly (which isn't hard, she's completely divine) and so we began working on my book! So I'd love to hear from you if there has been anything specific that I've shared that has resonated with you or helped you. Or perhaps you have some golden advice you'd like to share that has helped you through a particularly challenging or crappy experience? I’d love to hear from you or hear any words of encouragement for agreeing to write the biggest assignment of my life! xx . @monicapronkphotography See more
24.01.2022 Beautiful First, the importance of gratitude. During my worst moments the shock of cancer diagnosis, the mental lows and debilitating symptoms of chemotherapy it was difficult to picture any future moments of joy, closeness or love. Even so, at those times I found comfort in remembering what I have: an amazing family, the friends I’ve made and times I’ve shared with them, the privilege of the life I’ve had. Second, a life, if lived well, is long enough. This can mea...n different things to different people. It might mean travel. I’ve had the good fortune to be able do this, and can confirm that the world is a wonderful place full of moments of awe and amazement soak up as much as you can. It may mean staying active, as much as possible the human body is a wonderful thing. You only appreciate this when it starts to fail you. So when you find yourself slipping into autopilot, catch yourself, and take simple pleasure in movement, if you can. Look after your body because it’s the only one you have, and it’s bloody brilliant. Knowing that my life was going to be cut short has also changed my perspective on ageing. Most people assume they will live into old age. I have come to see growing old as a privilege. Nobody should lament getting one year older, another grey hair or a wrinkle. Instead, be pleased that you’ve made it. If you feel like you haven’t made the most of your last year, try to use your next one better. Third, it’s important to let yourself be vulnerable and connect to others. We live in a society that prizes capability and independence, two things that cancer often slowly strips away from you. This was naturally a very difficult pill to swallow for a healthy, able late-twentysomething male, but having to allow myself to be vulnerable and accept help has given me the best two years of my life, which was pretty inconceivable at the time of diagnosis. Vulnerability has shown me what phenomenal people my sister and parents are words can’t do justice to how much they have done for me. The same applies to my friends what better way is there to spend two years than being surrounded regularly and closely by these people? Fourth, do something for others. Against the backdrop of Covid-19, Black Lives Matter and the desperate attempts of migrants to cross the Channel, my thoughts really turned to those who have not had my privilege whether that’s by virtue of socioeconomics, ethnicity or the country I was born in. I always try to remind myself of this. Fifth, protect the planet I can’t leave this off because it’s so important. I’ll be gone soon, but humanity will still be faced with the huge challenge of reducing carbon emissions and saving habitats from destruction. In my time here, I’ve been lucky enough to see some natural wonders and understand how precious they are. Hopefully future generations will be able to say the same. But it will take a massive collective effort. See more
20.01.2022 Happy Bright Pink Lipstick Day. A day to have a conversation with your family about your own and your family health history so you know your risk and can change the future. So start a conversation that could change the course of the life of someone you care about.... Via @pinkhopeaus @faultytittycommittee #brightpinklipstickday See more
18.01.2022 It’s plastic free July! . Currently we’re on track to have more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Urgh gross What are you trying to cut down or avoid of the plastic variety?... . Maybe it’s remembering your reusable bags when you go shopping? Taking a bottle and reusable coffee cup with you when you leave the house. Making a point to ask cafes and restaurants to switch to paper straws? Writing to a company that uses unnecessary plastic in its products and asking them to change. switching to plastic free alternatives. attending a beach cleanup or picking up plastic when you see it (not your rubbish but it is your planet.) Getting behind awesome groups like Tangaroa Blue who are tracing ocean plastic to its source or Take 3 who are creating a movement of picking up rubbish when you see it. Highly recommend the book Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough and Michael Braungart about transitioning to a circular economy and designing things with the end in mind. . I’d love to know your plastic saving hacks! See more
16.01.2022 We are not blaming you for what your ancestors did. We are begging you to be a uplift a system built by them that oppress the oldest living culture in the world.
15.01.2022 C’mon Queensland #stateoforigin
14.01.2022 This kicks off tonight on @ABCTV 8:30pm
12.01.2022 This brilliant piece by Entrepreneur and Jewellry designer Samatha Wills is well worth a read.
12.01.2022 A great way to get parents talking about sex and healthy relationship with their kids.
11.01.2022 Really insightful. Thanks Summer May Finlay.
09.01.2022 Just do something. If someone you know is struggling or going through a tough time even the smallest gesture can make a huge impact. What are the most helpful and thoughtful things that friends, families and total strangers have done for you when a tough time reared it’s head?
09.01.2022 Let’s do this
09.01.2022 100% keeping my phone charging outside of my bedroom in the kitchen at night has been one of the best things I’ve done for my sleep, health and productivity. Anyone else do this?
08.01.2022 REST IN POWER RBG. The extraordinary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has died at 87 years - Supreme court justice and champion for the rights of women and men. I've actually never heard of anyone that has worked so hard for all of their life (was routinely working up till 2-3am even through her 80's) She had 5 bouts of cancer throughout her life and she NEVER missed a single day of court even through illness. A warrior of a woman who has left the world far better than she found it. Rest in power RBG. #RBG #ruthbaderginsburg #NotoriousRBG Artwork via Bijou Karman
07.01.2022 #blackouttuesday #indigenouslivesmatter
07.01.2022 Some beautiful and courageous characters in this piece.
06.01.2022 Just delightful!
06.01.2022 Accurate representation of June 2020? This is from my beautiful friend and amazing designer Amanda. She’s always had this idea to choose a colour a day on her calendar. During ISO her little housemate - divine daughter Clementine (Chi Chi) took over this idea but decided that one colour just wasn’t enough for most days. This is the end result and I think it’s quite magical and accurate don’t you? Artwork by Chi Chi Designs hah! ... What emojis would represent your month? See more
02.01.2022 Getting wiggy with it! . This is me wearing my wig, which I did love. (I mean a perfect blow dry in 30 seconds - what girl isn’t going to love that) . I’m keen to pass my wig on to someone in need that doesn’t have one and would love one. So if you know someone in need who would like to be a blonde! (See first and last pictures for actual wig) please send me a DM xx
02.01.2022 That’s some puppy love
01.01.2022 It’s NAIDOC Week from today! Check out events nearby at