Brisbane Birds | Other
Brisbane Birds
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25.01.2022 Please welcome Ellie to our flock at Brisbane Birds. She has spent the last 4 weeks in quarantine eyeing off her soon to be partner "Bird" from a far. Ellie is a 3.5yo Hahn's Macaw, and has yet to find her life long love. She will shortly be paired up with "Bird" who has been quite keen to get to know her. Hopefully this will be the start of a beautiful romance with breeding season not far away. Oh and Ellie has a special feather or two . . . .... . . #hahns #hahnsmacaws #hahnsmacawsofig #hahnsmacawsofinstagram #hahnsofinsta #hahnsmacawsaustralia #macaws #minimacaws #macawsaustralia #macawsofig #macawlovers #macawsofig #parrotbreeder #aviculture #macawbreeders #birdblog #birdnerd #featheredfriends #parrots #macawlife #petoftheday #petparrot #petmacaws #birbs #birblife @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more
25.01.2022 New release T-shirt design available now at our shop site for all the CONURE lovers! Let me know what you think in the comments below! Available in a variety of colors and sizes for both men and women. And of course we have many more designs on our shop site ready for you to discover! #ParrotLovers #Conures #BirdTShirts #SunConure #SunConurelove #SunConuresOfInstagram #SunConures #AnimalTShirts #ConuresOfInstagram #ConureLove #ConuresOnly #ConuresOfig #ConureParrot #ConureLover #funnypets #CuteParrot #giftideas
25.01.2022 Introducing two birds to each other can be tricky, especially if they are both mature potentially hormonal birds that haven't paired up before. In this particular situation I had "Bird" living in this aviary all of his life, so he feels right at home in this aviary and potentially territorial. Ellie on the other hand has only just come out of her quarentine a week or two ago so everything is this aviary would be new to her. To try and give Ellie a bit more confidence and help... remove any territorial dominance Bird might have, I removed Bird from the aviary for the last two weeks and put Ellie in the aviary. This gives Ellie a chance to explore and get a sense that this is her home too before bringing Bird back in. A couple of days ago I brought Bird back into his aviary but kept him in his temporary cage within the aviary. This gave the two birds a chance to get to know each other whilst giving the new bird Ellie an easy way to out without being harrased by Bird. All going well this weekend I'll let Bird out into the aviary and hopefully it's the start of a new pairing. See more
24.01.2022 Darth Parrot has destroyed the rebellion and taken over at Brisbane Birds! Check out our latest range of t-shirts at #DarkSide #DarthParrot . . . .... . . . . . #macaws #cockatoos #conures #lorikeets #cockatiels #minimacaws #parrottshirts ##macawsofig #conuresofig #cockatoosofig #cockatielsofig #lorikeetsofig #macawlovers #birdblog #birbs #hahnsmacawsofig #tshirts #funnypets #parrotgifts #cockatoolove #lorikeetsofinstagram #conurelove #macawlife #cuteparrots #birdblogger #parrotsofig @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more
23.01.2022 Well this looks promising from Ellie... She's sitting on at least two eggs... Bird's been scaring her away whenever she gets near him ever since they met, but something changed a few days ago and I guess we know what #loveisintheair . . . .... . . . . #hahns #macaws #parrotsog #breedingmacaws #hahnsmacaws #redshoulderedmacaw #macawsaustralia #minimacaws #macawlover #hahnsmacawsofinstagram #hahnsmacaw #parrotsofig #parrotbreeder #parrotsofinstagram #breedingseason #minimacawsofinstagram #parrotlove #instaparrots #macawsofig See more
22.01.2022 Big news from Kangaroo Island: a minimum of 454 glossy black-cockatoos survived the fires. The last count was in 2016 when 373 birds were recorded. Population counts over spring found an encouraging (if surprising) result - most birds survived the initial inferno. #KIGlossyBlackCockatoos #SaveTheGlossies A big thankyou again to everyone that has supported the KI Glossy Black Cockatoo by buying one of our Tshirts! We continue to sell these exclusive tshirts and support the KI Glossy Black Cockatoo Recovery Program by donating 100% of the profit to them.
21.01.2022 We have hatched! Gizmo & Holly's eggs have hatched! Another couple of Hahn's Macaws are on the way... And OMG it will get noisey in the weeks to come with these two and Bird & Ellie's chicks about to leave the nest! . . . .... . . . . . #hahns #hahnsmacaws #redshoulderedmacaws #macaws #macawsaustralia #macawlovers #babybirds #babymacaws #aviculture #parrotbreeder #macawbreeder #babybirb #macawsofinstagram #parrotsofig #parrotsofinstagram #petparrots #birdoftheday #macawbabies #hahnsmacawsaustralia #psoa #parrotsocietyofaustralia #macawlife #petbirds #companionbirds See more
18.01.2022 Haven't posted for a while so here's a new pic of Ellie. Her partner in crime "Bird", is finally starting to get used to the idea of an aviary mate too! . . . .... . . . . #hahns #hahnsmacaws #minimacaw #hahnsmacawsofig #redshoulderedmacaws #macaws #macawsaustralia #parrots #parrotsofig #parrotlife #birdnerd #parrotlove #featheredfriends #parrotbreeder #macawbreeder #parrotoftheday #parrotphotos #parrotbreedersaustralia #minimacawsofinstagram #macawmini #hahnsofinsta #birdblog #birdsofinstagram #birdbreeders #parrotenrichment See more
18.01.2022 This little guy has been keeping me busy the couple of days... Hand rearing finches requires super skills, setup and dedication, of which I need more of all these so I don't recommend hand rearing finches unless its an emergency. This gouldian was on the floor of our aviary at age 18 days, cold, with an empty crop, and wasn't as developed as it's 7 siblings. Keeping this in mind, I think putting it back in the nest may not end well so I decided to take it under my wing and hopefully we'll see it back in the aviary in a few weeks. . . . #gouldianfinches #gouldian #handrearing #finches #finch #yellowheadgouldianfinch #tamefinch #babybirb #babybird #colonybreeding #finchesofinstagram #finchlovers #finchbreeders #aviculture #birdblog #birdblogger #qfs #finchsociety #babyfinches #handraising #handraised #handraisedbirds #Vetafarm #neocare
16.01.2022 Afternoon almond snack for Bird...
15.01.2022 Bird & Ellie's chicks are all grown up, starting to explore what's in their food bowl each day... I've been able to finally get back in the aviary without being attacked which is nice the chicks very closely watch as their mum flies to my arm for an almond treat each morning... hopefully they'll join in soon! . . . .... . #hahns #redshoulderedmacaws #macaws #minimacaws #macawlove #birdlovers #macawbreeder #aviculture #macawsaustralia #birdlife #birdnerd #birdblog #macaw #parrots #parrotlife #instamacaw #macawsofig #parrotsofig #birbs #petoftheday #birdoftheday #cutebirds #brisbanebirds #psoa See more
12.01.2022 Spent the morning rounding up finches and moving between aviaries. Once that was done I spent a couple of hours scrubbing, disinfecting and setting up this aviary ready for tomorrows surprise news anyone want to take a guess?
12.01.2022 "Bird" is looking pretty content today... The nestbox being hung up soon might change the mood in the air a bit . . . .... . . . . #hahns #parrotbreeder #macaws #parrots #hahnsmacaws #minimacaws #birdoftheday #petoftheday #macawsaustralia #parrotbreedersaustralia #birdnerd #birdblog #birdfreaks #birbs #birbsofinstagram #birblife #redshoulderedmacaws #aviculture #cuteparrot #cutepets #parrotsofig #parrotsoninstagram #macawlover #birdcommunity #macawphotography #minimacawsofinstagram See more
10.01.2022 The chicks have finally come out of the nest and are looking good... Super inquisitive and following mum Ellie everywhere she goes... Unfortunately, their Dad "Bird" has been chasing Ellie around the cage so he's been given some time out in an adjacent aviary for a couple of days while the chicks and Ellie get some quality time . . . .... #Hahns #hahnsmacaws #aviculture #macaws #redshoulderedmacaws #minimacaws #macawlovers #macawlife #petparrots #parrots #petoftheday #birdbreeder #parrotbreeder #macawbreeder #macawsaustralia #psoa #parrotsocietyofaustralia #babymacaws #birb #birdfeak #birdblog #birdnerd #brisbanebirds See more
10.01.2022 Nestboxes are now down, season has finished for us... Looking forward to seeing my gouldian aviaries blossom with color over the coming months!
07.01.2022 Today's shopping spree not quite everything I need but close.. Time to switch the birds diet leading into breeding season, Vetafarm Nutriblend breeder pellet replacing the South American mix, some Vetafarm Synbiotics to help boost the gut bacteria and Vetafarm Worm Out gel for their half yearly worm treatment (once rain stops). Add to that some more sprouting mix, almonds, walnuts and Australian grey striped sunflower (mainly used for treats)... All purchased from Parrot Su...pplies Australia, so as a member of the Parrot Society of Australia Inc. I saved $50 on this purchase which is more than half the annual membership! Well worth joining the Parrot Society of Australia for these savings alone! #ParrotDiets #ParrotFood #worming #synbiotics #birdsupplements #hahns #hahnsmacaws #macawsofig #minimacaws #macawlife #nutriblend #birdblog #ParrotSocietyOfAustralia #psoa #redshoulderedmacaw #macawsoninstagram #macawbreeders #macawsaustralia #parrotbreedersaustralia #hahnsmacawsaustralia
06.01.2022 There are only around 50 Orange Bellied Parrots left in the wild. Conservation efforts have meant we have bred a few hundred in captivity and learnt much about their needs and some of the their struggles including deforestation. We continue to raise awareness of some of Australia's rarest birds through our tshirt designs and social media channels. Save the Orange Bellied Parrot is printed locally in Brisbane, Australia and sold globally. We are proud to support a local business as well as raising awareness for these critically endangered birds. Tshirts are now available at Please take some time to look into these amazing little parrots and spread awareness of their plight.
05.01.2022 Check out the video on YouTube at Kangaroo Island Glossy Black Cockatoos are critically endangered and back in January 2020 I had an idea to raise money to aid in their recovery program. This video announces how much we have raised for these precious cockatoos and thanks everyone for their support. Without the support of the online community our T-shirts wouldn't have reached so many people across the world. So I want to take this opportunity to t...hank everyone for supporting this especially some of these people and organisations: John Griffith, Queenslander Aviaries , Brisbane Bird Minding, BirdTricks, Parrot Society of Australia Inc., Parrot Trust of Australia, AvianLife, Brisbane Bird Vet, Jadewelch, The Print Bar Australia @Daniella Teixeria and the Black-Cockatoo Project. Check out all of our Tshirt designs at Other places to find us: Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Please LIKE, and SUBSCRIBE to this channel if you enjoyed the video and be sure to check out our other videos!
05.01.2022 Check out our latest video that's just been posted to the Brisbane Birds YouTube channel ( A great video covering some of the features that make this nest box a winner! #hahnsmacaws #breedingmacaws and if you would like one of these, they are available at various locations around South East Queensland and at Parrot Supplies Australia
02.01.2022 SOUND ON! Gizmo was a little talkative today.. watch until the end for his "Fozzy Bear" impersonation wuca wuca wuca
01.01.2022 Gizmo and Holly's chicks are still going strong in the nest... Looking forward to watching these two grow up over the coming weeks! . . . .... . . . . #Hahns #hahnsmacaws #reshoulderedmacaws #minimacaws #babymacaws #babyparrots #babybirds #chicks #birbs #babybirbs #cutepets #pets #companionparrots #petparrots #macawlife #macawlove #petmacaws #aviculture #psoa #parrotsocietyofaustralia #brisbanebirds #macawphotos #macawbreeding #babybirdoftheday See more
01.01.2022 Just a couple weeks after putting this year's Yellow Head Gouldian breeding stock (8 birds) into the aviary, the magic has started... 6 out of the eight birds have paired up and started laying eggs... . . . .... . . . . #aviculture #gouldian #gouldians #finches #finch #yellowheadgouldians #finchbreeder #breedingfinches #babybirds #birdnerd #birdblog #featheredfriends #instafinch #finchesofinstagram #fincheggs #qfs #queenslandfinchsociety #brisbanebirds #fincheggs #fincho #birds #ladygouldian See more
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