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Healthspan Nutrition

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25.01.2022 Procrasti-cleaning Tell me I'm not the only person who cleans when they should be working? #procrastination #clean... #dontwanttowork #bored #boredathome #wishiwasthere #beachweather See more

25.01.2022 Are you the kind of person who eats even when you know you aren't [or shouldn't be] hungry? This is called emotional eating and you are probably self-soothing with food. Why is it important to understand that? Because you need to develop non-food "soothers" for times when you're anxious, sad, angry, tired, or any other emotion on the spectrum.... If your habit is to eat ice-cream in response to a break-up, or have a glass of wine to soothe the pain of a bad day at work, you will always be in the cycle of yo-yo dieting until you can establish new coping strategies. Go for a walk, call a friend, take a boxing class if you have to. Want to lose weight the betterway? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #selflove #nutrition #diet #dietitian #selfcare #selfsoothe #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #gettinghealthy #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

24.01.2022 Lifespan is how many years you are when you die. If you live to 67 years, your lifespan is literally 67 years. Healthspan is how many QUALITY years you live before you aren't able to do all the things you could previously. For example, you might have a stroke at 55 years, lose your ability to eat solid food, lose your ability to speak coherently and lose your ability to walk without assistance. You might live this way for another 15 years. Therefore, your lifespan i...s 70 years, but your HEALTHSPAN is only 55 years. Want to learn how your diet is impacting your lifespan? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #lifespan #nutrition #diet #dietitian #healthspan #gastricbandsurgery #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #selflove #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

24.01.2022 Avocado & Sunflower Seed Salad This simple salad is thrown together in 5 minutes. It is hearty enough to be enjoyed as a meal, or served with your favourite piece of meat for a quick, no fuss dinner. In a salad bowl, toss 1 each diced tomato, cucumber, capsicum and avocado. Stir through 1/2 cup chopped fresh flat leaf parsley and a serve of my olive oil mayo mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and a 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder. Top with 1-2 tablespoons of su...nflower seeds for added crunch and you're ready to go. #salads #nutrition #diet #dietitian #avocado #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #easydinners #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

23.01.2022 Yesterday was international bacon day! Cheers to you, magical pig, for providing so many yummy meats. #bacon #lchfdiet #lchf #eatrealfood #eatmeat #lovebacon #dontfearfat #healthyfood #healthyeating #protein #eat #nutrition #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightloss

23.01.2022 The humble mushroom Whether you eat them raw or cooked,, mushrooms can provide some surprising health benefits. Mushrooms are rich in B vitamins and a few varieties also contain Vitamin D. Vitamin B12 is especially important for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet as this vitamin is mostly found in meat products. B vitamins convert food into fuel at cellular level, proving us with energy. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that our bodies can make with exposure the sun. It helps our bodies absorb calcium and promotes strong bones and healthy teeth. Mushrooms have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They contain ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant which helps to lower inflammation in the body, suppresses tumour growth, and helps fight infections. Studies have even shown that mushrooms contain cancer-fighting properties; suppressing cancer cell growth and synthesis. If that has put you on the mushroom-eating band wagon, then over over to the Australian Mushrooms website for some fantastic recipe ideas (link in bio). #healthyeating #eathealthy #mushrooms @australianmushrooms #vitamins #bvitamins #nutrition #seeadietitian #dietitian #dietician #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #meatlessmonday #loseweight #lowcarb #vegetarian #vegan #plantbased #pcos #diabetes #T2DM #type2diabetes #eatrealfood #healthyrecipes #easy #easyrecipes See more

23.01.2022 Goals. We all have them but do you achieve them? It does take planning and commitment. As I always say, if it was easy, every one could do it and I wouldn't have a job. -think about what you want to achieve... -plan how you will achieve it -what do you already have that'll help you reach your goal? -what changes can you make? -get organised -how will you track progress? -set a start date and you're on your way! #goals #goalsetting #winning #health #healthylife #fitness #fit #strong #weightlossmotivation #lchf #lowcarb #fasting #t2dm

22.01.2022 If you had a lactose intolerance, would you be drinking milk, or eating ice-cream and creamy foods? Or would you limit these foods or swap to lactose free products? It's the same for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes [T2DM]. Their bodies have developed an intolerance to carbohydrates and have trouble transporting the glucose out of their blood and into the cells to make fuel. This disease is cruel. A person with T2DM may choose to ignore this disease, thinking they're... getting away with it. But they aren't! Over time, the damage is being done and it can't be repaired. The small capillaries in your fingers, toes, eyes and kidneys are being destroyed, leading to neuropathy, blindness and kidney failure. This cruel disease destroys other organs too but you can't see it. Just like the damage that can be done to your car's engine, without the correct maintenance, if you never look under the bonnet. Want to lose weight the safe way? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #nutrition #diet #dietitian #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

21.01.2022 Want to lose weight the safe way? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio ... #brisbanedietitian #nutrition #diet #dietitian #weightlossgoals #starving #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #safety #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

21.01.2022 Eating for energy and carb-loading just aren't beneficial UNLESS you're an elite athlete. If your goal is weight/fat loss or to improve your health, then all the recent good-quality evidence suggests there are more benefits when we exercise on an empty stomach. If your goal is fat loss, why would you add more fuel instead of using the onboard fuel (stored body fat)?... Eating carbs before exercise signals insulin which promotes fat storage. Plus, lactic acid signals your body to repair damage and generate more stem cells to keep your body younger. #fit #exercise #exercisemotivation #fitnessmotivation #fasting #goalsetting #fitnessaddict #weightlossmotivation #weightloss #losingweight #fitnessjourney #fitnessmodel

20.01.2022 Low carb/high protein Raspberry Pudding Cups These yummy desserts literary take less than 5 minutes to prepare and they are not only YUM, but they have no added sugar (sugar-free jelly crystals) and they're high in protein (Greek yoghurt). So many great reasons why you would want to add them into your day - including for breakfast! ... #lchfdessert #lchfdiet #lchf #noaddedsugar #diabetesrecipes #diabetesfriendly #T2DM #type2diabetes #type1diabetes #nutrition #healthyeating #healthyfood #dietitian #dietrecipes #highprotein #seeadietitian

20.01.2022 You do you! If what you're doing feels right. If it's working for you and you feel it's sustainable, then you don't need to do anything else. Everyone has an opinion but just because their plan works for them, doesn't make it right for you. #youdoyou #ownpath #yourlife #healthyfood #eatforhealth #weightlossjourney #weight #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #selfcare #selflove #today #goal #goals #gethealthy #getfit #motivation #morningmotivation

19.01.2022 We aren't meant to ignore hunger because had we done this a thousand years ago, we wouldn't have survived as a species. Diets that severely restrict your caloric [energy] intake will inevitably leave you hungry and searching for more. They rely on willpower, which just doesn't work in the long run. This is one of the main reasons why so many people have success with low carb or keto diets! It takes a lot longer to metabolise proteins and fats, keeping you feeling fulle...r for longer. Want to lose weight the better way? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #weightlosssuccess #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eatmeat #selflove #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #safety #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

19.01.2022 Loving yourself means you're more likely to take better care of yourself; both inside and out... And that's a good thing! If you want the best for your loved ones, why wouldn't you also want the best for yourself? It's okay to want more for yourself. In fact, it's vital for good health! #selfcare #selflove #love... #healthy #vanity #healthychoices #healthylifestyle #feelinggood #happy #happyplace #look #good #living #livingmybestlife #takecareofyourself #bestlife #loveyourself #loveyou #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation See more

19.01.2022 Why does everything have to be a competition? Or have a label? How about just prioritising health? Any benefits from that is a bonus. #choosehappiness #health #healthyliving #eatrealfood #eatlowcarb #lowcarbdiet #lchf #lowcarb #notcompeting #weight #weightlossjourney #weightloss #selflove #selfcare #lovinglife #mylife #mylifemyrules

18.01.2022 It takes less effort to be kind that is does to be hurtful Life is hard enough without judgement and meanness. We should aim to help people be the best they can be. - Be generous with praise... - Be positive with feedback - Be supportive with change #kindness #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #bekind #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

18.01.2022 All diets work but which one works for you? The weight doesn't come in over night and it won't be gone that quickly either. There's no magic pill: just consistency and kindness to yourself... And time..... #goals #selflove #selfcare #consistency #time #weight #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #motivation #gettingthere #lchf #lowcarbdiet #lowcarb #life #thebest

18.01.2022 What is a low-inflammatory diet? Under the guidance of a qualified dietitian, you can lower the chronic inflammation that is rampant in adults in the western world by using food as medicine. Chronic inflammation is thought to lead to heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes, among other chronic health conditions.... A low inflammatory diet has also been linked to improvements in the effects from rheumatoid arthritis and polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS]. If you live in Australia, and you have newly diagnosed diabetes or cardiovascular disease, or you're having trouble getting control of the impacts, you can see one of our dietitians under the Medicare scheme, and it won't cost you a cent! Click on our website link in our bio for more information. #seeadietitian #nutrition #diet #dietitian #polycysticovariansyndrome #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #lowinflammatorydiet #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

17.01.2022 You! You control the outcomes! Your Healthspan and your quality of life is in your hands. It is never too early and never too late to put your health first. ... Eat well, small amounts, and limit carbohydrates. Prioritise good sleep Partake in regular physical activities Laugh with friends - daily Take time for self care #health #healthyliving #livingwell #healthyfood #life #selflove #sleep #lowcarbdiet #lchf #fitnessgoals #fitness #eatrealfood #goodmorning #goal

17.01.2022 Slow cooker roast chicken This is such an easy meal and can be started before you head to work. My tips and tricks are:... Buy a fresh whole chicken, unwrap it at home and place it in a very large zip lock bag. Add 1/4 cup olive oil and your favourite seasonings (I usually go for something like Moroccan seasoning). Seal the bag, shake to coat the raw chicken in seasoning, and freeze in the bag until required. When you want to prepare it, line your slow cooker with a disposable liner, add about 1 cup stock or water and the unwrapped frozen chicken. Cover and cook on low for about 6 hours. What I do is set the timer on the slow cooker to start at 11am and finish at 5pm. The delay gives the chicken time to defrost (I get it ready before work) before it cooks and it's ready when I get home. Serve with your favourite veggies and enjoy leftovers for lunch the following day #eatrealfood #eatforhealth #protein #easymeals #slowcooker #lchfdiet #lchf #ketoeats #keto #ketorecipes #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #loseweightnow #seeadietitian #nutrition

17.01.2022 Breakfast baked eggs in mushrooms There is a fantastic website (@recipe_tin ) of wholesome, simple and tasty recipes that I use ALL THE TIME.. I made these recently (yum) and tonight I'm making her slow cooker chilli con carne. The recipes are easy to follow and never seem to fail. If you love the look of the mushrooms, head over to Nagi's site. You won't regret it. ... #eatrealfood #eatforhealth #eat #easymeals #easyrecipes #seeadietitian #nutrition #T2DM #t2dmrecioes #diabetesrecipes #diabetesfriendly #pcos #polycysticovariansyndrome #pcosweightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #loseweightnow #lchfdiet #lchf #lchfrecipes #lowcarbrecipes #lowcarb #hearthealth

16.01.2022 Technology plays a big part in our success. What do you use? How has it helped out hindered? #healthylifestyle #healthmotivation #fitnessmotivation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #healthylifestyle #nutrition #diabetes #T2DM #pcos #pcosweightloss #techno #healthgoals ##goalsetting #success

16.01.2022 With medical nutrition therapy, you can push T2DM into remission. Your blood sugar levels return to normal, your risks of amputation, chronic kidney disease, blindness, and heart disease reduce. You can come off your diabetes medications. Your insulin resistance improves. You reduce your susceptibility to contracting viruses and infections. You can do all this with food! DM us to find out how... #nutrition #T2DM #diabetes #covid19 #covid_19 #type2diabetes #heath #healthyfood #healthyeating #lchf #lowcarb #lchfdiet #lowcarbrecipes #eatrealfood #antiinflammatorydiet #antiinflammatory

15.01.2022 If it takes years to put it on, then it should at least take months to take it off. There is no quick fix that is sustainable, or doesn't include surgery (which has it's own risks and complications like life-long malabsorption and needing B12 injections for ever!). Studies also show most people who have bariatric surgery, but don't get follow up with a dietitian, put all the weight back on within five years!!... Want to lose weight the safe way? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #bariatricsurgery #nutrition #diet #dietitian #weightlosssurgery #gastricbandsurgery #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #safety #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

15.01.2022 Daily Diet Tip ... #diettips #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

15.01.2022 You don't have to age as fast as your parents.... you don't have to have the same risk of heart disease, diabetes, dementia as your parents.... you can take control of your future health now! Maintain low insulin levels with a low carbohydrate diet Feed the brain with ketones instead of glucose by fasting occasionally - it can be as easy as delaying breakfast a few times a week... And get lean.... burn off that stored fuel [body fat]. It only increases insulin resistance - leading to the very same diseases I mentioned above #brain #nutrition #diet #brainfood #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

15.01.2022 Low carb buns @ #aldiaustralia These are genuinely low carb BUT they are not gluten free so won't suit people with Coeliac Disease #lowcarbdiet #lowcarb #lchf #lchffood #lchfdiet #lowcarblife #keto #ketolife #ketoeats #ketosis #bread #bargain #best #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation

15.01.2022 Sustainability and consistency are the keys to making any "diet" work for you. But, you really need to know what works with your lifestyle now and into the future. Not all diet plans are suitable for every person so it's important you seek the guidance of a qualified registered dietitian to guide you down the right path to success that suits you! If you live in Australia and have a chronic disease, you could be eligible to see a dietitian with all costs covered by Contact us to find out more #seeadietitian #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

15.01.2022 Pizza - Homer's favourite! I made it better - low carb! 4 ingredient base and our favourite toppings.... Even Homer said it was good. Who said pizza can't be healthy?... #pizza ##pizzatime #saturdaynight #eatingfortheinsta #lowcarb #lowcarbdiet #lchf #lchffood #eatforhealth #eatrealfood #imadethis #healthy #ketoeats #loveyourself #weightlossmotivation

14.01.2022 No time to cook dinner?? Make use of the good old slow cooker and get dinner ready in the morning! 1. Roll up a few balls of aluminium foil and place at the bottom of your slow cooker [I also use a liner so I don't have to clean it later]... 2. Add ~1 cup water then top with whole raw frozen chicken 3. Pour 2-3 tablespoons olive oil over the chicken and top with your favourite seasonings. I like a blend of oregano, onion powder, cumin, black pepper and powdered stock. 4. Set timer to come on at 11am and go off at 5pm [I don't have a fancy cooker so I just use a plug in timer] Don't forget to make sure the cooker is turned on to SLOW or you'll come home to raw chicken Serve with some steamed veg or a salad! YUM #easydinners #easy#quickdinners #dinner #chicken #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

14.01.2022 Iodised salt Iodine is used by the thyroid to make hormones that support healing, growth and metabolism. Chronic low intake of iodine can lead to hypothyroidism People at risk of low iodine are those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, those not using iodised salt, pregnant women and those living in an area where there are low levels of iodine in the soil. ... Hypothyroidism can lead to fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, allow heart rate and always feeling cold. Just 1/2 teaspoon of iodised salt provides your daily requirements. Himalayan salt contains very little though so isn't a good source. #saltlife #weightlosstransformation #weight #weightlossmotivation #weightloss #losingweight #fitnessaddict #fitness #fitlife #healthylife #lowcarbdiet #lchf #keto #ketorecipes #ketolife

13.01.2022 Plan for success for the best outcome. * Define your goal - set a time frame and make the goal measurable [for example lose 5kg weight in 2 months] * Develop your strategies for success - what, how and when?... * Set a start date - you might need time to get your strategies in place and to be organised *Prioritise - you set this goal because it's important to you. If it's weight loss, then plan your weekly menu, buy everything you need beforehand, keep your expectations real, and set time aside each day to assess your progress. * Be kind to yourself. Nobody is perfect, life gets in the way of a great plan, and sometimes our day can fall into a pear-shaped heap. Get up, get over it, and move on. One bad meal doesn't negate everything else you've done beforehand, or ruin all the good you'll do in the future. Get back with the plan and you'll be fine. For more info and support to help you achieve your nutrition goals, DM us or visit our website. #nutrition #diet #dietitian #goals #polycysticovariansyndrome #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #success #weightlosssuccess #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #nutritiongoals #gettinghealthy

12.01.2022 Imagine the time you save when you plan your weekly meals. Especially if you do what I do, and cook double every night so that I always have a healthy lunch ready to go the following day. I only head to the grocery shop once a week! I don't need to waste time thinking about what to prepare for the family each night! ... I don't buy unnecessary grocery items that I "might" need that could go to waste! We never need to eat foods that I had to buy for convenience when unprepared, so we get to eat the healthiest options, which ultimately makes me feel good for treating our bodies well. #planning #nutrition #diet #dietitian #goals #goalsetting #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #eatingwell See more

11.01.2022 Private practice dietitians and nutritionists DM us for personalised advice and support to help you achieve your nutrition goals. #seeadietitian #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #diabetes #T2DM #t1d #polycysticovariansyndrome #pcosweightloss #babyweightloss #nutrition

11.01.2022 Why do most low calorie diets fail? Often this comes down to something so simple as not meeting your protein requirements. Protein is the only macronutrient the body can't make. It can make glucose from stored fats and of course, we know the body can make fat [just have a look at that growing muffin top ]. But, if you don't eat enough protein, your body will start to break down muscle and recycle that protein to feed to other areas that need protein NOW! This is so de...trimental to long-term health so your body signals you to keep eating until it thinks it has enough protein to work with. Even more important for vegetarian and vegan diets. So, how much protein? As I've mentioned before, it's generally around 1g protein per 1kg of body weight. Loads of variables will mean this may not be enough to meet your needs, so it's important to see a dietitian to know your number. #seeadietitian #nutrition #diet #vegan #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #vegetarian #lowcarbdiet #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

10.01.2022 Want to improve your gut health? Feed the good and starve the bad Increase fibre... Increase food diversity Aim for unprocessed foods Drink more water Move your body more Decrease sugar & simple carbs Limit processed foods Limit chronic stress & a sedentary lifestyle #nutrition #guthealth #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #lchfdiet #lchf #lchfrecipes #lchffood #T2DM #type2diabetes #tastessogood #selflove #selfcare

10.01.2022 No-cook low carb meals It's as easy as buying a rotisserie chicken and a pre-made salad. Literally no excuse for busy people. #easymeals #easylowcarb #busy #notime #lchf #lowcarbdiet #lowcarb #easydinner #tootired #protein #salad #chicken #winnerwinnerchickendinner #winner #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #eatrealfood #healthy #healthyfood

10.01.2022 Why is water so good for us? There is no universally agreed upon quantity of water that should be consumed each day, however as dietitians, we typically recommend adults consume 30-35ml/kg body weight/day. That will differ if you are quite overweight or you exercise a lot; especially in hot weather. Benefits of choosing water to drink include... - Helps your brain function - flushes toxins out of the body - keeps your skin hydrated which helps protect you against infections Water also lubricates the joints, keeps your mouth moist to keep bacteria at healthy levels, helps you to feel full and not overeat, helps to normalise blood pressure, regulates body temperature and helps prevent constipation. If you live in a developed country with a clean water system, you don't even need to drink bottled water, saving additional plastic waste. So drink up! Cheers! #water #drinkwater #healthyliving #eatforhealth #healthylifestyle #diabetes #T2DM #lchf #lowcarb #loseweight #weightlossmotivation #weightloss #nutrition #seeadietitian #weightlossgoals #healthgoals #goals See more

09.01.2022 Struggling to find low calorie/carb flavours? Herbs and spices are your friends that always have your back. It's so easy to add flavour to cuts of meats with a marinade (oil, vinegar, herbs and spices of choice). Or, try making a slow cooker curry (chicken thighs, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, cumin, coriander, tomato paste and chicken stock). Or how about roasting some crispy chicken wings (coat wings with a mix of baking powder, stock powder and herbs/spices of choic...e). Want more ideas? DM us to see how we can help you. #seeadietitian #nutrition #eatforhealth #healthyeating #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #diabetes #T2DM #T2DMrecipes #PCOS #polycysticovariansyndrome #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #LCHF #spices #herbs #easyrecipes See more

09.01.2022 Coffee, or caffeine, is a perfect example of having " too much of a good thing". Caffeine is a great simulant to get you going in the morning, but it has a long half life of 4-6 hours. This means it could still be in your system at bedtime, impacting your sleep, if you consume coffee after lunch. Best option is to switch to decaf after lunch, or better yet, switch to water to flush out toxins. ... #coffeeaddict #coffee #caffeine #blackcoffee #awakening #morning #goodtimes #morningmotivation #lchf #ketoeats #T2DM #type2diabetes #lowcarbhighfat #sleep #cantsleep

08.01.2022 Chronic inflammation leads to many diseases but by far the most distressing to family and friends are the impacts of dementia and Alzheimer's on loved ones. Phyto-nutrients found within the berries have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, enhance immunity and repair damage caused by toxins. They are also very low in sugar, a known cause of inflammation in the body, leading to many chronic diseases. Fresh or frozen, they're perfect as a snack, added to yoghurt or ba...ked into a low carb muffin! #blue #berries #strawberries #fresh #farmfresh #healthyfood #brainfood #eatrealfood #health #antiinflammatory #antioxidants #lowcarbdiet #lchf #lchffood #T2DM #t2dmrecipes #type2diabetes #nosugar #keto #love #selflove #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #goal #goalsetting

08.01.2022 Omega 3 and Omega 6 - what's the difference? Both are polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (oils). They're "essential" because the body can't make them and they're needed for more than just making energy. Omega 3 is well known for it's anti-inflammatory properties. We see it on pharmacy and supermarket shelves as supplements and we're encouraged to eat more cold water fish, which is a good source of omega 3's.... Omega 6 is lesser known. It's thought to be the pro-inflammatory fatty acid. That sounds bad but we need our bodies to become inflamed at times to help us fight infections and viruses, so you can see why Omega 6 is essential too. However, scientists now believe many adults in the western world have developed chronic inflammation and that other chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes stems from that. Those scientists have noted that a balanced intake of both Omega 3 & 6 seems to reduce inflammation, whereby excess intake [read today's western diet] increases chronic inflammation. The optimal ratio of Omega 3 to 6 is 1:4 up to 1:1. The current western diet can be 1 Omega 3 up to 50 Omega 6 [1:50]! So, how can we improve our 3:6 ratio? It isn't just a matter of increasing Omega 3 (taking a capsule for example). We also need to be aware of the rich sources of Omega 6 and start reducing them too. "What are they?", I hear you ask. Great question. See below for a list of foods HIGH IN OMEGA 6 - Processed seed and vegetable oils - Grain fed meats & dairy - Highly processed meats, pastries, grains So, what's the take home message? Don't just increase Omega 3 food sources (cold fish or flaxseeds for example) but aim to decrease Omega 6 foods too. It's not only beneficial for reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases, but it can improve brain function and relieve arthritis too. #seeadietitian #nutrition #diet #dietitian #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #omega6 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower hearthealth #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes

08.01.2022 Low carb noodles at #woolworths A great price too, making it easy and affordable to eat #lowcarb and #keto meals. #lowcarbdiet #lchffood #cheapeats #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #losingweight #goal #healthyfood #konjac #noodles #fit

07.01.2022 A low carb lunch for today's presentation at a doctors clinic. Need to start the re-education process at the grassroots. Yes, the bread is just 5% carbs, the jam is homemade and the recipes for the other sweets are on our website. #lchfdiet #lchf #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #ketoeats #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #losingweight #goals #selfcare #education

07.01.2022 Cheap Low Carb Meals Is there such a thing? There's a belief that eating low carb, or keto, is really expensive but it doesn't have to be. Below are my top 5 tips for eating low carb on a budget. 1. Eggs - these little pockets of goodness can be served as simply as scrambled or boiled, or made into a taste sensation as an omelette filled with cheese, greens and tomatoes!... 2. Tinned fish - save the day with a simple tuna/veg bake, salmon patties, or mix with a creamy sauce and serve over zucchini noodles 3. Sausages & mince - There is simply no end to the number of recipes you can create with these guys. Meatloaf, sausage casserole, and savoury mince are just a few. A quick search of Google will give you even more ideas. 4. Slow Cookers are your friends - You can turn the cheapest, toughest cuts of meat into a delicious, tender delight using your slow cooker. Buy in bulk, cook, and freeze to eat at a later date for those times when you are too busy to prepare a fresh meal. 5. Veggies - load up on fresh seasonal, canned or frozen non-starchy vegetables. Turn veggies into the star of the meal with just a small serve of meat on the side. Veggies are great served as a hearty soup topped with crunchy bacon bits, or a fresh salad served with a small can of flavoured tuna or a boiled egg or two. Who else has some tips they can add? #seeadietitian #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

07.01.2022 1 minute Olive Oil Mayo recipe In a tall container, mix 1 egg, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and mustard powder, and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Insert stick blender and while running, drizzle a slow stream of olive oil into the mixture [total is about 150ml]. You'll notice the mix becomes pale and thicker. ... Once the mixture is cream/white coloured and can hold it's shape [about 40 seconds to 1 minute mix time], transfer the mayo to a sealed container and store in the fridge. #homemade #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #guthealth #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

05.01.2022 Want to lose weight the safe way? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio ... #selflove #nutrition #diet #dietitian #bekind #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #safety #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

05.01.2022 I want you to know how it feels to feel great! To feel healthy, energised, fit and strong. When you take control of your health, especially nutrition, it really does give you confidence to succeed in other areas of your life too. ... Let's make 2021 the Year of Great Health! #happynewyear #2021 #2021goals #newyearresolution #resolutions #healthyliving #life #health #eatforhealth #selfcare #selflove #lowcarbdiet #lchf #T2DM #weightlossjourney

04.01.2022 When graffiti makes sense.... #graffiti #mcdonalds #junkfood #cheapandnasty #unhealthy #unhealthyfood #choosehealthy #advertising #fastfood #lchf #lowcarbdiet #ketoeats #ketolife #loveyou #selfcare #selflove #weightlossmotivation

04.01.2022 Gluten Free & Grain Free Muesli Breakfast Bars This is my latest go-to breakkie option. Choc full of flavour, healthy nuts and seeds, and fibre! Head to the website [link in bio] for the recipe ... #glutenfreerecipes #nutrition #diet #dietitian #fibre #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #healthybreakfastrecipes #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

04.01.2022 Vegan, vegetarian and plant-based diets have been in the news a lot lately, touting the benefits of limiting animal products in the diet, but is this really better for everyone? Or our environment? Evidence shows eating unprocessed meats and other animal products is the best source of quality protein. It's also the best strategy to correcting malnutrition in children and adults. Most plant-based 'meats' are highly processed products with loads of ingredients, created in a fa...ctory. Often, these products don't even contain all the essential amino acids that are needed to make the protein content useful in our bodies. Studies have even shown these products cannot be sustainably produced at the levels required to replace natural meat products without significant detriment to our environment. You may choose to limit animal products in your diet for religious or ethical reasons, but if your goal is to optimise your health, buy the best quality meats you can afford, and limit the highly-processed stuff #eatrealfood #eatmeat #lchfdiet #keto #lowcarb #protein #weightlosstransformation #ketosis #healthyeating

03.01.2022 Think you shouldn't have too many eggs? I was reminded again this morning on the confusion surrounding how many eggs we can eat before they start to raise our blood cholesterol levels. The science of nutrition is relatively new and it continues to evolve and change as we increase our knowledge and understanding. Previously because eggs do contain cholesterol, and high levels of cholesterol have been linked with cardiovascular disease, it was recommended we don't eat ma...ny eggs each week. Now, we know that about 80% of cholesterol levels in our bodies is actually produced by our livers and cholesterol consumed in our food makes very little difference to the levels in our blood. Cholesterol is actually a necessity in our bodies which is why the liver can make it. It's what provides the structural integrity to every single cell in the body, makes our hormones, helps fight infections and does loads of other things too. Where do we stand on eating eggs now? Thankfully, there isn't a limit to the amount of eggs we recommend be eaten. So, if you like your eggs, get cracking (pun intended!). NB: This is general advice only and may differ if you have certain chronic diseases. Please see your regular doctor if you have concerns, or, DM us for personalised support. More info- #seeadietitian #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

03.01.2022 #eatrealfood #nutrition #diet #dietitian #eggs #protein #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #omega3 #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #brainpower #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes

02.01.2022 Instead of "treating" yourself to a chocolate bar, why can't eating healthily and treating yourself with respect be the treat? If your goal is good health, then how can junk food be the treat? If weight loss is your goal, then how can junk food be the treat?... If improving your diabetes is your goal, then how can eating excessive carbohydrates be the treat? Stop kidding yourself and start really treating yourself #kiddingyourself #fakenews #weightloss #Healthyeating #lchf #lowcarb #t2dm #selfcare #selflove #sugarfree

02.01.2022 Type 2 Diabetes is mostly a lifestyle chronic disease that is AVOIDABLE. New evidence and the results from many studies show this awful, cruel disease can be pushed into remission by following a low carbohydrate diet or a Mediterranean diet. Type 2 diabetes, when poorly managed often leads to complications such as chronic kidney disease, heart attacks, blindness and amputations of limbs.... It is so important to seek the ongoing support from a qualified dietitian if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Want to improve your health the safe way? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #bariatricsurgery #nutrition #diet #dietitian #lowcarbdiet #selflove #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #PCOS #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #safety #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

01.01.2022 How much protein do you need? How long is a piece of string? As a general rule of thumb, it's about 1g of protein per kg of body weight per day. So that means an 80kg person needs about 80g of protein every single day. Red meat contains about 25% protein, so, if you only ate steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you would need to eat 320g per day to meet your protein requirements. Not much, is it?... You may need more if you do a lot of exercise, or you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or recovering from illness or injury. High protein foods are mostly from animals [meat, eggs, dairy] but nuts, legumes and seeds are also good sources. In fact, protein can be found in most foods in varying quantities, but the best sources are those from animals as they contain all the essential amino acids our bodies can't make. Want to know more? Contact us to find out more. Our website is in our bio #protein #nutrition #diet #dietitian #weightlosssurgery #eatmeat #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #loseweight #bodybuilding #diabetes #diabetesrecipes #T2DM #antiinflammatory #safety #eatforhealth #healthyeating #type2diabetes #t1d #proteinmotivation #easyrecipes #healthyfats #health #weightlifting #gethealthy #losingweight #lchf #lowcarb #keto #ketorecipes See more

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