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School of Historical Defense Arts

Phone: +61 435 655 013


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25.01.2022 A reminder - Regenyei sword order being put together. All orders need to be requested by 13th April. For delivery July 2018. Check out the website for options:... See more

25.01.2022 Please note that due to examinations we will not have an open arena for pick-up fights on June 12, 19 or 26 2018, we apologise for an inconvenience caused.

25.01.2022 65 Gager st hall is behind the bowling club down the drive

23.01.2022 Want to be as cool and swarthy as Alonso de Entrerrios of the Ministry of time? (El Ministerio del Tiempo) Come and learn to use Rapier at SHDA Tuesday nights from 6 PM Sunnybank community hall... 121 Lister Street Sunnybank See more

22.01.2022 Just a reminder that we’re running a combat arena each week on Tuesday night. However, due to our hall having ceiling fans, we have to restrict sparring duels to single hand weapons and their companions. $8 entry.

22.01.2022 Always dreamt of being a musketeer? Come and learn to use Rapier at SHDA Tuesday nights from 6 PM Sunnybank community hall... 121 Lister Street Sunnybank See more

22.01.2022 The School of Historical Defense Arts and subsidiary schools have just signed our 100th member! Come and be one of us. Many different styles to choose from. Brisbane Swords: Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship: Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola:

21.01.2022 Renaissance and Elizabethan rapier - First class of 2019! Tuesday 15th January. School of Historical Defense Arts teaches the art of the rapier and off hand items like cloak and dagger, and small shield. ... Learn the fencing written about by William Shakespeare. Learn historically accurate swordsmanship from actual manuscripts. Learn for fun, fitness or competition. Friendly and inclusive learning environment - all skill levels welcome. Come along for a free into class! SPECIAL DEAL: (For a short time only) Pay upfront for your first term get one class free ($165) Bring a friend, both pay upfront for first term and each get 2 classes free ($150 each) Tuesday nights from 6pm Sunnybank Community Hall 121 Lister St Sunnybank Wear comfortable clothes, bring a water bottle, and some leather gloves.

21.01.2022 Brisbane Swords and SHDA at Cancer Council Relat for Life

21.01.2022 And a quick reminder that School of Historical Defense Arts has become part of Brisbane Swords over at so dont forget to head over there and Like the page for all the updates and info for classes in 2020

20.01.2022 Final chance to order swords for July

20.01.2022 New sword order: Hey folks, I've had quite a few inquiries about swords lately so I'm planning another Regenyei order. I will only be ordering swords as individ...ually requested and will be asking for a deposit. If you have asked me recently, I will try to get back in touch, but please send me a message.

20.01.2022 The fencing isn't the only thing that is historical! Come for a free intro class to Elizabethan Rapier! Tuesday nights from 6pm Community Hall... At 121 Lister St, Sunnybank See more

19.01.2022 I would like to congratulate Adam Kaye on becoming the first Safety Marshal of the School. I look forward to working with him to ensure a safer future in the School.

19.01.2022 Check out this awesome HEMA Documentary: Back to the Source. The video is a couple of years old but gives a wonderful overview of what is HEMA - and it has only gotten better since then!

19.01.2022 Due to most of our trainers having participated in some form at Swordplay 2018 on the weekend and the resulting required recovery, and done a fine job I will say, tonight's training session is cancelled.

19.01.2022 Update: As of this week (End of Nov 2019) all posts normally appearing on this page (SHDA) will now be moving to Brisbane Swords. (We tried to merge the pages to make it easier for everyone but have had administrative difficulties with FB) Long sword and Rapier classes will continue as scheduled;... Monday nights from 6:30 pm at YMCA 43 Mary Street Kingston (longsword) Tuesday nights from 6:30 pm at Mount Gravatt Showgrounds, the big green shed (rapier) We invite you to go and LIKE the Brisbane Swords page

18.01.2022 Calling the ladies, and gents as well, come and find a new hobby! We have weapons to suit all shapes and sizes. :)

18.01.2022 Class update: Restart was supposed to happen Mon 11/1 and Tue 12/1. Today a 3 day stay at home lockdown has been issued for Greater Brisbane.... Therefore: Monday night class 11/1 is cancelled. Tuesday night class 12/1 is suspended pending further news. Very sorry but your health is more important.

17.01.2022 Just a reminder that SHDA has become part of Brisbane Swords... please head over to that page to get all the up to date info on classes and events.

17.01.2022 Have you seen our YouTube Channel? More video has been added recently:

16.01.2022 The School of Historical Defence Arts (SHDA) is running an Winter giveaway! Come and experience your free introductory session to learn Renaissance and Elizabethan rapier fencing. And then be in the running to win 4 free classes; simply Like the SHDA page and Share this post with our new video.... Classes are on Tuesday nights from 6pm and the Sunnybank Community Hall, 121 Lister St, Sunnybank. And don't forget our sister schools: Brisbane Swords on Monday and the Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship on Wednesday.

16.01.2022 Got a duel to settle? Ladder to climb? Just need more fencing time? Come to our Tuesday nights - we will have one arena dedicated to pick up bouts from 6:30 till 9:30 pm for the bargain price of $8.

14.01.2022 Introducing sword and buckler at SHDA! Come and learn the art of I33 Tower of London fight book - The earliest instructional manuscript for mediaeval combat, from the early 1300s. Find out how the six verses of Andre Lignitzer (from the late 14th century) combine to describe a complete and complex combat system.... Hurry limited places available. At SHDA, Tuesday nights from 6 PM at the Sunnybank community hall, 121 Lister Street Sunnybank. Now we've got your attention: If you'd like to to come and learn S&B, you will need a pair of leather gloves (get them from Bunnings). You don't need your own Sword or Buckler - loaners will be available (limited numbers). Training beyond the basics will require a fencing mask and minimum padded gloves (preferably sparring quality gloves with rigid coverage). Advanced training and sparring will require full HEMA protective gear; mask, gloves, jacket, hard knees and elbows, forearms, shins.

14.01.2022 Don't forget- new venue from tonight. Big green shed at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, Cnr Logan and Broadwater Rds. Best entrance is from southbound side Logan Rd.... From 6pm

14.01.2022 Swords are for everybody! Come and learn Renaissance and Elizabethan rapier arts with SHDA. Tuesday nights from 6pm Sunnybank Hall, 121 Lister St Sunnbany.... Art Credit to Lois Spangler:

14.01.2022 A little bit of advertising for one of our teachers... Send your indication of interest to [email protected]

14.01.2022 Hey everyone! the School of Historical Defense Arts (SHDA) is changing its name to Brisbane Swords. Same great classes on Renaissance and Elizabethan Rapier (and more to come in the New Year).... Rapier class is on Tuesday nights from 630pm in the Big Green Shed at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds. New students welcome. Loaner swords available. Classes are $15. Bring a water bottle, leather gloves, and wear comfortable clothes. Last class is 10th Dec 2019. First class in the New Year is 17th Jan 2020. This page will be merged over to the Brisbane Swords page very soon (in a about a week!) so head on over there and keep up with all the swordy goodness!

14.01.2022 In one week the School of Historical Defense Arts opens its doors again for 2019. Thought about trying swordsmanship, and didn't know how or where? Here is your chance. Come and have a look. Your first night is FREE. Tuesday, 15 January 2019... 6:30pm to 9:30pm Sunnybank Community Hall 121 Lister St, Sunnybank, Brisbane, Queensland See more

14.01.2022 Just because you stab them in the face doesn't mean they won't stab you in the cookies!

14.01.2022 Classes are on Tuesday nights from 6pm at the big green shed Mt Gravatt Showgrounds New students welcome! Note no class July 30th, but back 6th August.... If you want to see HEMA in action then check out this weekends Swordfight on the Gold Coast at Tallebudgera Sports Centre!

13.01.2022 Seeking a life of adventure like Captain Alatriste? Come and learn to use Rapier at SHDA Tuesday nights from 6 PM Sunnybank community hall... 121 Lister Street Sunnybank See more

13.01.2022 Tonight we are back at our usual location: Sunnybank Community Hall, 121 Lister St, Sunnybank, Queensland. From 6:30pm to 9:30pm Your first night is still FREE!

13.01.2022 Change of Venue for SHDA Tuesday night classes: From 2nd July 2019 SHDA classes will be from 6 till 10 pm at the large grren shed at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds (cnr Logan Rd and Broadwater Rd) Please note no availability 23 & 30 July 2019. No class those nights - we may arrange something else instead.... Remaining classes for June 2019 will be in the Sunnybank Community Hall 121 Lister St Sunnybank.

12.01.2022 Going to put in another mask order. These masks come with removable inner for washing and have a good lifespan. Starting at $100 (or cheaper if we get a group order.

11.01.2022 On Tuesday just past examinations were run. Congratulations go to, Adam Kaye and Sharon McHugh-Reichmann who achieved their Scholar's rank for Smallsword. Also congratulations to Andy Baker who achieved the rank of Free Scholar in Rapier.

11.01.2022 Always wanted to learn sword? swashbuckling? be like Errol Flynn? No better time than now! SHDA term 3 starts on Tuesday 2nd July 2019 in a new home at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds and we have a special offer for you! The term fee for 11 classes, normally $140, will be just $120*... If you bring a friend then it is only $100* each!! (* term fees must be paid up front, there is also a yearly $20 insurance membership) Come along for your free introductory lesson. The last classes of term 2 (Tue 11th, 18th and 25th June) are at Southbank Community Hall 121 Lister St, from 6pm.

09.01.2022 4x Regenyei Firenze sideswords 90 cm blade, 16 cm handle Weight: just over 1000g PoB ~8cm forward of the cross guard... With a hammer grip these swords cut nicely. With a finger forward through the ring guard it has excellent point control. 450 each plus postage

09.01.2022 Congratulations to Sharon McHugh-Reichman who *double-graded* last night from Novice to Scholar in Rapier.

09.01.2022 Being hassled about not getting out? Being hassled about not doing physical activities? Gym just feel boring? How about trying a historical fighting art? Tuesday night. 6:30pm to 9:30pm Sunnybank Community Hall, 121 Lister Street, Sunnybank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia... Your first night is still FREE! See more

08.01.2022 Please note that SHDA classes for the next 2 weeks (April 9th and 16th) will be at Sunnybank Community Centre located at 65 Gager St, Sunnybank.

08.01.2022 More about the female Irish soldier and duelist, the Dublin-born Christian "Kit" Cavanagh (16671739), a.k.a. Christian Davies. Following is an account of Cavan...agh's duel, which occurred after she joined the British army (masquerading as a man) in order to search for her missing husband. The combat resulted when Cavanagh challenged a superior officer, who had attempted to sexually assault a woman (Cavanagh's friend) while in camp: "I thought of nothing but putting the Villain out of the World. We both drew, and the first Thrust I made, gave him a slaunt Wound in his right Pap, which had well nigh done his Business. He returned this with a long Gash on my right Arm (for his Sword was both for cutting and thrusting, as all Soldiers Swords are; I fought with that I had purchased in Dublin) but before he could recover his Guard, I gave him a Thrust in the right Thigh, about half a Span from the Pope's Eye; the next Pass, he aimed at my Breast, but hit my right Arm; tho it was little more than a small Prick of a Pin, he being feeble with the Loss of Blood which flowed plentifully from his Wounds. By this Time some Soldiers on Duty having seen our first Attack, a File of Musqueteers, under the Command of a Serjeant, came up, took us Prisoners, disarmed both, and sent him directly to the Hospital, and, as my Wounds were slight, as I was the Agressor, and beside, a Common Soldier, conducted me to Prison, for the Serjeant was thought mortally wounded, and did not recover of a considerable Time. I sent my [female friend] an Account of what had happened, and where I then was. She acquainted her Father with the villainous Attempt which the Serjeant had made upon her, and let him know, it was her Quarrel which I had taken up, was the Cause of my Confinement. The good Burgher made a proper Representation of the Affront offered his Family, and found means, in four Days Time, to procure me a Pardon from King William, an Order to release me immediately; to return me my Sword, pay my Arrears, and give me my Discharge from the Regiment; all which were punctually performed."

07.01.2022 Open Hall for sparring tonight From about 6-630 till 10 121 Lister St Sunnybank

06.01.2022 Are you a lass that wants to fight with swords? You don't need to look far to find an excuse! Or a role model! Here are a few from the silver screen: Come and learn to use Rapier at SHDA Tuesday nights from 6 PM Sunnybank community hall 121 Lister Street Sunnybank

06.01.2022 Always wanted to learn sword? swashbuckling? be like Errol Flynn? No better time than now! SHDA teaches Renaissance Italian and Elizabethan Rapier (inc dagger, cloak, and buckler shield). Term 3 starts on Tuesday 2nd July 2019 in the big green shed at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds (6-10pm) and we have a special offer for you!... The term fee for 11 classes, normally $140, will be just $120* If you bring a friend then it is only $100* each!! (* term fees must be paid up front, there is also a yearly $20 insurance membership) Send us a message now!

06.01.2022 SHDA, along with many other local HEMA schools / clubs will be attending BrisCon this weekend at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds. There will be demonstrations, workshops and competition swordfights! Come and say hello....

05.01.2022 We are closed for the Christmas and New Year break and hope that you all have a great festive season. We will be back again on Tuesday 15 January 2019, same time 6:30pm, same location 121 Lister Street, Sunnybank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Of course, our Facebook page will still be manned most of the time, please excuse us if our responses are a little slower than usual. Have a great holiday, we hope to see you in the New Year.... Cheers, Henry Walker Master of School

05.01.2022 Don't forget to Like the Brisbane Swords page for all the updated info on classes etc

03.01.2022 Come and learn rapier from the 16th and 17th centuries (from Saviolo and DiGrassi) as well as all the cool additional bits like dagger, cloak, buckler, rotella and even 2 rapiers! Don't forget you can also learn sword and buckler from the 14th and 15th centuries (from i33 and Lignitzer). Practice the self defence arts of the medieval and Renaissance eras, still applicable today!... Sunnybank Community Hall 121 Lister St, Sunnybank From 6pm Tuesday nights.

02.01.2022 Ive had a few requests for feder. If I put together a new Regenyei order, it will be ready by around early July. Please let me know if you are interested. This order will only be pre-sold swords - I wont be getting any spares.

02.01.2022 Come and learn rapier from the 16th and 17th centuries (as well as all the cool additional bits like dagger, cloak, buckler, rotella and even 2 rapiers!) Don't forget you can also learn sword and buckler from the 14th and 15th centuries. Practice the self defence arts of the medieval and Renaissance eras, still applicable today!... Sunnybank Community Hall 121 Lister St, Sunnybank From 6pm Tuesday nights.

02.01.2022 The SHDA will unfortunately not be able to have its usual "open combat floor" this evening or the next two weeks due to examinations being conducted. We apologise for any inconvenience.

02.01.2022 5 years ago the School of Historical Defense Arts opened its doors to the public. It has grown since then to include three subschools. Things are still going strong. If you are interested in swords and swordsmanship, there is a good chance that we can fill your need. Come and have a look on a Tuesday night between 6:30pm and 9:30pm at 121 Lister St, Sunnybank, Brisbane, Australia. Or check out one of our subschools for something different: Brisbane Swords: Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship: Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola: See more

01.01.2022 It is with great pleasure that today I announce the successful examination of Shay McAulay to Provost. This examinaton was completed over two weeks and included both teaching and combat elements. Congratulations.

01.01.2022 Eat too much over the Easter break? Being hassled about not getting out? Being hassled about not doing physical activities? Gym just feel boring? How about trying a historical fighting art? Tuesday night. 6:30pm to 9:30pm Sunnybank Community Hall, 121 Lister Street, Sunnybank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia... Your first night is still FREE! See more

01.01.2022 New year classes starting soon!

01.01.2022 Treat yourself to an early Christmas present! Come and learn Renaissance and Elizabethan rapier arts with SHDA. Tuesday nights from 6pm Sunnybank Community Hall, 121 Lister St Sunnbank.... (Art by Gregory Manchess)

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