Buck Sing Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu in Yarraville, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Buck Sing Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu
Locality: Yarraville, Victoria
Phone: +61 410 713 064
Address: 16 High Street 3013 Yarraville, VIC, Australia
Website: http://bsgwest.wix.com/bsgwest
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25.01.2022 Its always great to see sifu demonstrating techniques. #buksingchoylayfut #bucksing #choylifut #choylayfut #yarraville #westside #kungfu #saturdaymorning #training
25.01.2022 I am humbled by the response I have had over Social Media about online training. It has been a privilege to train with students of CLF worldwide. During this weird and unconventional time in the human race it is more important than ever to stay healthy both mentally and physically and if I can provide that through my knowledge of Buck Sing Kung Fu to the people that want to learn, I am here to help you. Lets Stay Fit and Healthy TOGETHER!! #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #stayfitstayhealthy #training
24.01.2022 Kids light sparring Saturday mornings. Teaching kids distance, timing, combinations and how to react. This is Bobby - he has a mean sou choi. #kidskungfu #kungfukids #kungfu #choylayfut #buksingchoylayfut #yarraville #training
23.01.2022 To all students there will be NO training on Saturdays in Yarraville for the next two weeks (March 21 and 28). The hall is being used by another group so see everyone back in AprilTo all students there will be NO training on Saturdays in Yarraville for the next two weeks (March 21 and 28). The hall is being used by another group so see everyone back in April
23.01.2022 For Luka practice makes perfect. Keep up the great work #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #yarraville #saturdaymorning #westside
21.01.2022 Luka picked the right time to throw his punch. Well done!!!! Training for the NAS tournament. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #yarraville #westside #saturdaymorning #martialarts
21.01.2022 #foreverundefeated #patriot #mastergeneral #bucksing
21.01.2022 Happy new year! Dont forget classes start Jan 4. Join now and make 2020 your year.. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #pantherfist #martialarts #kungfu #yarraville #westside
21.01.2022 Happy year of the OX to all friends and family of the Buck Sing Gwoon and to all CLF fraternities worldwide. Best wishes to all and keep training together. #cny2021 #choylifut #saturdaymorning #yarraville #martialarts #ChoyLayFut #westside #buksingchoylayfut #bucksing #HappyNewYear
20.01.2022 Back to training for 2020 in Yarraville. Running through forms after sparring #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #pantherfist #kungfu #martialarts #training #saturdaymorning #yarraville #westside
20.01.2022 Saturday morning kids classes. 10am - 11.30am. Come and join us!! #bucksing #kungfukids #kidskungfu #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #yarraville #westside #saturdaymorning @ Yarraville, Victoria
17.01.2022 It will be great to train with everyone next week but there will be restrictions in place. (1) Face masks are mandatory for indoor training so please bring a mask to training (2) Focus Mitts will be allocated at the start of training to each individual - no sharing of focus mitts... (3) Bring your own gloves (4) All students to follow the distancing protocol for warm ups and drills (5) Limited contact (students to work with 1 partner during training - no swapping) Hopefully we can start getting back to normal. See you on Saturday !! #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #martialarts #kungfu #saturdaymorning #training #yarraville #Westside
15.01.2022 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the worldwide CLF family. To all my students, families and friends of the Buck Sing Gwoon I wish you the all the best for the festive season. There will be no training in Yarraville on Saturday Dec 21 and 28. Training will resume Jan 4. See you all then, Caulfield will be open for training. Christmas was a special time for Sigung, he always enjoyed the festive occasion. We are always thinking of you. ... #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylifut #choylayfut #kungfu #yarraville #training
15.01.2022 Atari with her bucksing bunny ears throwing hands... #bucksing #kungfukids #kidskungfu #kungfu #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #yarraville #saturdaymorning #training Yarraville, Victoria, Australia
15.01.2022 Saturday morning training. Come join us 10.00 - 11.30am. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #pantherfist #yarraville #westside
15.01.2022 Sifu showing the senior students advanced fighting combos this morning. Try your first lesson free. Saturday mornings 10am - 11.30am #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #saturdaymorning #training #yarraville #westside
15.01.2022 Saturday training in Yarraville. Come join us. First lesson FREE #choylayfut #choylifut #buksingchoylayfut #bucksing #yarraville #kidskungfu #kungfukids #martialarts #kungfu
15.01.2022 Happy new year and Kung Hei Fut Choi to all CLF families and friends worldwide #bucksing #kungfu #cny2020
15.01.2022 Teaching the students the final moves of a form. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #yarraville #moifakuen #forms
15.01.2022 Saturday training - Luka practicing a sword form. #bucksing #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #buksingchoylayfut #pantherfist #yarraville #westside
13.01.2022 The Master General - Forever Undefeated. Found some footage of a 2014 tournament in Hong Kong where both Sigung and Sifu were in the corner of one of Sigungs students. You cannot miss the unforgettable voice of the Master General as he is shouting out instructions. This video is not about the fight, its about the voice. #pantherfist #bucksing #choylayfut #davelacey #knockemout
13.01.2022 Make getting fit one of your 2020 #goals Come train with us! First lesson free. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #kungfu #choylayfut #choylifut #pantherfist #martialarts #yarraville #westside
13.01.2022 Saturday morning training in Yarraville. All welcomed. 10-11.30am. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #pantherfist #yarraville #westside #saturdaymorning @ Yarraville, Victoria
13.01.2022 It is the 2 year anniversay of Sigung's passing. Our group trained this morning to honour Sigung's memory.
13.01.2022 It is the 2 year anniversay of Sigungs passing. Our group trained this morning to honour Sigungs memory.
12.01.2022 We always make time to practice forms on Saturday mornings. #bucksing #choylayfut #buksingchoylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #yarraville #saturdaymorning #westside #martialarts
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all friends and family of the Buck Sing Gwoon, It has been a challenging year for everyone but I feel that our small group has grown and bonded even closer to each other this year despite not being able to train together in person for 7 months. Training in Yarraville will resume January 9 2021... Hope to see everyone there!! #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #training ... New members welcome
11.01.2022 Running forms with Sifu. I need to do this more often with Sifu. #pantherfist #choylayfut #buksingchoylayfut #bucksing #choylifut #kungfu #yarraville #westside
11.01.2022 Running forms on Saturdays. #choylayfut #choylifut #buksingchoylayfut #bucksing #yarraville #kungfu
11.01.2022 "Learning a new form" - Kids classes Saturday mornings 10am - 11.30am. 16 High Street, Yarraville... #kungfukids #kidskungfu #yarraville #westside #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #saturdaymorning #training @ Yarraville, Victoria
11.01.2022 After a few months of online classes I am now ready to offer 40 minute zoom classes to everyone. Beginner classes will be limited to 3 students per session. DM me if you are interested in a FREE one on one online introductory session. Now is the best time to start!! #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #kungfu #onlinetraining #martialarts
10.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all friends and family of the Buck Sing Gwoon, It has been a challenging year for everyone but I feel that our small group has grown and bonded even closer to each other this year despite not being able to train together in person for 7 months. Training in Yarraville will resume January 9 2021... Hope to see everyone there!! #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #training ... New members welcome
08.01.2022 What a great day in Melbourne! Go for a walk, do some exercise and enjoy the . Not long to go until we can train with each other in person. In the meantime keep practicing. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #forms #pantherfist
07.01.2022 Broadsword drill - the first steps in learning the form. Luka has been learning a little more every week #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfukids #kidskungfu #kungfu #caulfield #yarraville #monashuniversity #monash
07.01.2022 It was a hot night at training so we finished the night practising forms. My sihing practising a wooden dummy form. One of Master General Dave Laceys last form...s he created. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #forms #choylifut #pantherfist #master #general #davelacey #foreverundefeated See more
07.01.2022 Old photos from 2011 with my bucksing brother from America - Dean. The year we both entered the Choy Lay Fut tournament in Hong Kong. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #pantherfist #davelacey #hongkong @ Hong Kong
07.01.2022 Another great Saturday morning training #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #kungfukids #kidskungfu #yarraville #westside #footscray @ Yarraville, Victoria
06.01.2022 Saturday morning training. 10am-11.30am. Drills, forms and sparring every Saturday. #buksingchoylayfut #bucksing #choylifut #choylayfut #clf #kungfu #kidskungfu #saturdaymorning #yarraville #westside @ Yarraville, Victoria
06.01.2022 Running forms every Saturday morning in Yarraville. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #kungfu #martialarts #training #yarraville #westside #saturdaymorning
06.01.2022 In uncertain times we can still train with each other in different ways #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #kungfu #training #pantherfist #foreverundefeated @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
06.01.2022 Saturday morning training has started for 2021. Come join us every Saturday from 10am till 11.30am #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #kungfu #choylifut #martialarts #saturdaymorning #training #westside #yarraville
05.01.2022 Treasures from the vault - rare pictures of Great Grandmaster Kong Hing #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #pantherfist #foreverundefeated @ Buck Sing Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu
04.01.2022 It's been a long 2020 of not training at the school - BUT we have spent 7 months still training regularly together - hopefully with the easing of restrictions we will be allowed to train together shortly. YOU can still join us every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday while restrictions are enforced in Melbourne. Words of wisdome from SIfu "Train hard, fight easy".... #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #training #covidlife #foreverundefeated #masterdavelacey
04.01.2022 Our deepest condolences to the Lacey family for the loss. Rest in peace Master Vince Lacey. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. From all of us at the Melbourne Buck Sing Gwoon
03.01.2022 Saturday morning training. Join us every Saturday 10am - 11.30am at Yarraville. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylifut #choylayfut #kungfu #training #martialarts #pantherfist
03.01.2022 Back to training - practicing forms with the students. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylifut #choylayfut #choyleefutkungfu #kungfu #pantherfist #martialarts
03.01.2022 You can now book your one on one Zoom sessions with me on Facebook. Press the "Book now" button to see what times are available. #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #martialarts #kungfu #onlineclasses #onlinetraining
02.01.2022 Still training every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #training #keepfit
02.01.2022 A rare photo of Sigung Dave Lacey celebrating with Master Lai Hung in Hong Kong #Bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #kungfu #choylayfut #choylifut #pantherfist #laihung
02.01.2022 Flashback to 2012 at the Kong On Banquet in Hong Kong #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #choylayfut #choylifut #kungfu #martialarts #hongkong #mongkok #yaumatei #tsimtsatsui
02.01.2022 Celebrating Sifus birthday last night. #bucksing #choylayfut #buksingchoylayfut #petalingstreet #celebration #kungfu
01.01.2022 Some GOOD News!! Saturday morning training will be restarting on December 5th in Yarraville. Start time: 10am - 11.30am Come down and try your first lesson free.... #bucksing #buksingchoylayfut #kungfu #choylayfut #choylifut #martialarts #yarraville #saturdaymorning #training #westside See more
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