Bubba Sleep in Caloundra, Queensland | Medical and health
Bubba Sleep
Locality: Caloundra, Queensland
Phone: +61 406 690 002
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25.01.2022 Children need lots of unstructured #play time to benefit their developing #brains, and they tend to have a natural awareness of what they need to naturally grow... up healthy and strong. Every child develops in a particular pattern. For example, they have to be able to sit up by themselves before they can crawl and eventually walk. And this is part of why a child naturally progresses to loving swinging sensations when they are in the midst of developing coordinated motor movements. Their sensory system is ready to organise and interpret moving information, and swinging is a fun way to do that. The #proprioceptive system, located within muscles and joints, provides a child with a sense of body awareness and also detects force and pressure while they swing. Meanwhile, their developing #vestibular system, located in the inner ear, detects movement and gravitational pull. The timely development of these senses can help a child learn to calm down if they are easily overwhelmed by sensory stimulation, or can help bring alertness to a child who needs sensory stimulation to facilitate attention and learning. The balance that feels so natural to an adult is a complex process where large groups of muscles work together to maintain postural control. Its very easy to forget how much we all loved swinging when we were little, or to minimise it as frivolous play without serious and necessary developmental benefits. If your child loves to swing, try to make some extra time for them to explore this super-activity. You will be helping their little brain grow in harmony with their body, and they will love you for it. #neurochild #childdevelopment #letthemplay
23.01.2022 8.5month old previously feeding to sleep
22.01.2022 Sorry, Im just tapped out. I said this to one of my kids teachers this morning as she requested a private zoom with my child and I. At the same time as thi...s, I had two other kids hopping on their google meets, I had to pull my oldest from her work to hold the baby, the kids Dad had a call just starting, and as I struggled with my laptop to even find which Godforsaken link I needed to even click, I was ready to crumble. The laptop wouldnt connect to the internet. The baby was fussing. My oldest was frustrated I had to pull her from what she was in the middle of. I had noise coming from each room with all the kids trying to, you know, school, and it took every fiber of my being not to throw the laptop off the table. Im one person trying to juggle the schedule for 5 kids and everyday I fluctuate between moments of having it together and seriously, well ... losing it. This isnt normal. Any of it. Trying to function in the unfunctionable. Thats the best way to explain all of this: trying to function in the unfunctionable. As the teacher immediately noticed my temperament and disposition, she was kind and started by sympathizing to all Im attempting to run here. When she asked about a couple lower scores on my daughters reading comprehension quizzes, whom by the way throughout the score year has had all high marks, I immediately let go. This is not an environment conducive for learning. Its just not. My children have a loving and safe home, but no, its not a school. To be honest, most days its a shit show. There isnt much peace and quiet through the day, and when one is trying to focus on some level of the house or in a certain room, you can hear another zoom call or herd of cattle coming through in another. So no, shes not getting to concentrate nor having things able to completely sink in. And you know what? It felt so good to say that. I wanted to scream it. I wanted to cry while sharing that. I wanted to pound my fists on the table after I got it all out. But I found some last ounce of strength to hold some amount of composure conveying my exhausting frustration. This all will be over soon. Right? Or at least I keep telling myself. This just isnt normal. Any of it. Were not supposed to be able to turn to our manuals of living through a global pandemic and total, utter chaos and just snap our fingers and handle this all with grace. Its impossible. So for those who are looking for their white flags to raise and shake ferociously high in the air, youre not alone. Its okay to not love this time and feel okay or good about it in every hour of every day. I cant think about tomorrow or the next day or how Im going to get through next week. Im literally taking it one day at a time and focusing on surviving the next hour. Thats IT. This is no longer survival of the fittest. Its survival of those willing to adapt to the most abnormal time of our lives. If youre reading this and asking yourself how you can do it, well ... good news is, you already are. It may not always be pretty, but youre doing it. Its suffice to say that my little breakdown to one of my kids teachers this morning was so well received and so appreciated on her end. Heres to getting one more hour in the books, my Friends. Theres crumbs on my counter. The dishes need done. The laundry needs switched. The dog needs to go out. The baby needs fed. A kid needs help on their work. Theres massive bags under my eyes as I havent slept in 12 years. I wore this outfit yesterday and to bed and today which is now tomorrow. Here we go. Were freaking rockstars ... every single one of us.
21.01.2022 Because bringing lizards in to Mum and Dads bed for morning snuggles brings smiles! What brings smiles to your morning ?
21.01.2022 OR like itll be the last time we see them tonight...
20.01.2022 Overnight stat results from Sunday night. 9month old baby boy -up to 6 night wakes each night. Self settles at bedtime...sleeps through...slept through every night since.... Bedtime self settling is key
20.01.2022 Do you have a newly named position Uncertain of original artists, photographers, or those shown. Comedy by Laura Clery
20.01.2022 Fast results for this little lady
19.01.2022 Night 1!! Previously rocking to sleep and Bub fighting in arms.
18.01.2022 What sleep question do you need answering the most right now?What sleep question do you need answering the most right now?
18.01.2022 We love GoZen: Anxiety Relief for Children ! They have such great resources. This graphic helps us to think about anxiety a little differently. Sometimes anxiet...y shows up in our kids in ways that do not look like anxiety at all. For more help with recognising anxiety in your child, check out this free video guide (limited time only) https://www.happyfamilies.com.au/freebies/anxiety/
17.01.2022 Mrs Happy Families posted this in the bunker down with Justin and Kylie Facebook group, and I thought it was important enough that I also share it here with you.... The pressure is on! Tag your husband or partner so he has a friendly reminder. Two weeks until disaster? Or two weeks until delight?
17.01.2022 Thank you Beautiful clients, thank you so much for all the recent referrals, this truly is such a compliment! I am so greatful to be able to help you all in such an exhausting and emotionally taxing time with your children. ... Sleep deprivation sucks! Claire
17.01.2022 Day 2. 13mo co sleeping / feeding /rocking to self settling
17.01.2022 What CAN your brilliant and adorable 3-month old do? Well a lot, actually! Try some of these FUN and SIMPLE learning activities with your little munchkin and watch them delight in showing off their fancy skills! https://www.howweelearn.com/learning-activities-3-month-ol/
17.01.2022 Overnight stay Thursday night. This was night 2, 11 month old baby Yes, it can be that quick.
16.01.2022 Just two days for success with this 7month old
15.01.2022 Phone consult available Friday 26th 12pm $185 6months+ Money back guarantee Who wants it?Phone consult available Friday 26th 12pm $185 6months+ Money back guarantee Who wants it?
15.01.2022 3 year old co sleeping toddler ....has co slept her whole life. 5 days, slept through, all night, in her own bed. Yeah!! ... Look out for my upcoming article in Kids on the Coast for toddler sleep tips!
14.01.2022 Hahaha, my daughter!
13.01.2022 Baby Enzo, 9.5mo, waking upwards of 5x per night. Have a listen to what Mum got out of the process of working with me
13.01.2022 Lack of support, lack of sleep, lack of social contact, lack of self care ...motherhood can be lonely, you’re not alone! Improve the sleep, often the rest just follows....
13.01.2022 Right from the start of life, nutrition shapes #brain development, metabolism, and overall health. Poor nutrition can lead to disturbed gut health, which leaves... our vulnerable young people prone to #immune issues and digestive problems. Plus, over-fat children have higher long-term risk of chronic conditions such as stroke, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, and gall bladder disease. Childhood obesity can cause asthma, pre-diabetes, or disturbed hormonal development, all before adulthood. We can prevent a lot of these problems by feeding children whole, healthy foods. It isnt always easy to make the changes we know we should, but by keeping household eating strategies smart and simple, we can be assured that healthy eating will gradually get easier as the months go by and new principles are normalised. Strategy 1. Choose whole, minimally-processed foods most of the time: Look for hidden sugars, hydrogenated oils, and other unwanted junk. Sugar, in all its forms, is definitely one to watch. A little bit is fine from time to time, but excess sugar disrupts childrens natural appetite regulation and can contribute to excess body fat, cardiovascular disease, and insulin resistance. Strategy 2. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables: Children need lots of fruit and veggies. In general, about 3 to 5 one-cup servings a day yet far too many children arent meeting this requirement. Common nutrient deficiencies among children include iron, vitamin A, iodine, zinc, selenium, and many of the B vitamins. Vitamin deficiencies in childhood can grow into bigger problems in adulthood. Strategy 3. Help children eat the right amount: Given the right conditions, children tend to be intuitive eaters. Their body cues tell them how much they need. Some days theyll eat more, some days less, and their bodies naturally regulate their intake over the long term. However, childrens amazing abilities to self-regulate can be messed up by things like inappropriate portion sizing or eating while rushed, distracted, or on the go. Strategy 4. Take the lead: Its your job to provide food for your children, but just as importantly its also your job to set an example. Ultimately, children pay more attention to what their parents do than what their parents say. Adopt healthy habits yourself, and start knowing about whole, unprocessed foods if you dont already, so that you can share this knowledge with your family daily. Strategy 5. Model empowerment using food as medicine: Explore health challenges that occur in your family by discussing dietary science. Children are natural problem-solvers and can make amazing connections with a bit of knowledge. Kid got acne? Try exploring anti-inflammatory milk alternatives. Cant concentrate? The antioxidants in blueberries could help increase blood flow to the brain. Constipated? Avoid fibreless white bread. Dry peeling lips? Eat omega-packed walnuts. Experimenting with different foods and finding out which ones work for your family can be fun and educational, regardless of each small success. Images by athlete Jon Venus. #neurochild #selfcare #familygoals
09.01.2022 Quick turn around for this family
09.01.2022 One of those days yesterday. Just. So. Much. NOISE. Who else sometimes feels like they are raising baby monkeys instead of humans?
06.01.2022 almost 2 year old twins co sleeping and waking frequently. These little loves were born at 29 weeks, and have co slept their whole lives. Their comprehension blew me away, so into big girl beds we went. Fast results in 6 days.
06.01.2022 When did your child drop their nap?
04.01.2022 Bedtime results following a day stay today!! 5.5months
03.01.2022 OR like it'll be the last time we see them tonight...
03.01.2022 Connection is the key. Its the key to gaining cooperation. Its the key to finding the joy in parenting. Right now, especially, connection is your first and be...st parenting tool. Special Time is the one of the easiest way to create connection. Start with ten minutes! If youve tried it, you know it works. Keep it up. If you havent or youre unsure, check out some of the videos on ParentTV that relate to connecting with your kids (from toddlers to teens) below: https://parenttv.com/?s=Connection
02.01.2022 Its important to have standards, but its also important to remember our children are just children.
02.01.2022 About right ....
02.01.2022 happy Mothers Day
01.01.2022 Night one success!!
01.01.2022 SO proud of this Mumma and her boys. 2yrs and 3yrs old. Mum has made massive changes to diet, routine and screen time as well as working on independent sleep. Amazing effort paying off!! The boys were co sleeping and Mr 3 had to be constantly touching Mum. Constant night wakes left Mum feeling exhausted. Bedtime at times was as late as 10pm.... Boys are in separate beds falling asleep at a reasonable hour.... but last night one climbed in with the other! gorgeous.
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