Buddhist Council of Victoria | Buddhist temple
Buddhist Council of Victoria
Phone: +61 3 8822 2013
Address: 36 McDowall Street, Mitcham VIC 3132
Website: http://www.bcv.org.au
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25.01.2022 Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships Date: Wednesday, 25th November 2020 Time: 2:00-3:30pm (via zoom) Faith leaders play an influential role in shaping attitudes and behaviours amongst their faith communities and therefore are in a unique position to prevent violence against women. Join our panel of experts as they discuss their challenges and successes in building the prevention and response capacity of faith leaders and their communities.... - Dr Cathy Vaughan, Melbourne University - Robyn Andréo-Boosey, Anglican Diocese of Melbourne - Anu Krishnan, Kulturbrille & Faith Communities Council of Victoria Moderator: Monisha Sandhu, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health Free Registration: faith-safe.eventbrite.com.au See more
25.01.2022 Meditation, prayer, perspective: How faith is helping some through the struggles of coronavirus. This article features Bhante Akliko and Bhante Sujato who have been live-streaming meditation three times a day during the pandemic
25.01.2022 Buddhist Council of Victoria Annual General Meeting Postponed We have had to reschedule the Annual General Meeting. The AGM will now be held on ... Saturday 28th November 2020, from 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Further information and registration details will be sent shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Michael Wells, Hon. Secretary on behalf of the BCV committee.
23.01.2022 The orange terracotta buildings have been a fixture of the Illawarra for nearly 30 years, but have you ever wondered what it's like to live at Nan Tien Temple? What is it like to devote one's life to religion and live in Australia's largest Buddhist temple? Do they crack jokes? Do they leave the temple grounds? Read more about a visitor's experience as she visits the Temple.... https://www.illawarramercury.com.au//what-its-like-to-be-/ #interfaith #multifaith #faith #religion #fccv #embracediversity #buddhist #monk #temple #nantientemple #australia #Placeofworship #holyplace
23.01.2022 Today we celebrate International Youth Day. If you are young or know young Buddhists join CITYZEN a Young Adults Group (18-35 years old) of The Buddhist Society of Victoria Inc., a non-for-profit organization. Established in 2016, CITYZEN provides young Buddhists a social platform to study Dhamma, practice kindness and join a network of people with similar interests. https://www.facebook.com/groups/cityzencommunity/?ref=share
23.01.2022 Nominations are now open for the Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence. If you or someone you know has made a positive impact on Victorias multicultural communities, we want to hear about it! Premier's Award for Community Harmony Recognising an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution to increasing understanding, acceptance and cooperation between different faith and cultural groups.
23.01.2022 Wat Lao Melbourne Victoria Buddhist Monastery is preparing for Boun Ho Khaosalark. In September people present bamboo baskets of offerings to monks and novices on the day of Boun Hor Khaosalark or Hor Khaosalark festival. Hor Khaosalark is a time when devotees presented baskets of offerings to monks to collect more merit and dedicate items to deceased people and also a time of lucky draws for monks.
22.01.2022 We have updated our Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships webpage with new resources, links to sources of support and schedule of upcoming training. Check out our website!!! https://bcv.org.au/buddhist-family-violence-pilot-project/
22.01.2022 Don't be half masked
22.01.2022 Visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data Dashboard to get the latest case information: https://dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorian-coronavirus-covid-19-data #COVID19Vic #COVID19VicData
21.01.2022 Buddhist monks have reversed roles in Thailand now they are the ones donating goods to others ...
21.01.2022 We have recently updated a list of Buddhist temples and organizations in Victoria who are members of the BCV. If you would like to become a member or a 'friend' of the BCV visit our website https://bcv.org.au/directory/
21.01.2022 Interview with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama about his debut album 'Inner World,' the global response to COVID-19, how people can manage their own anxiety about it, meditation and Donald Trump.
20.01.2022 Apply for Multicultural Festivals and Events program Grants of up to $50,000 available to support multicultural and multifaith festivals and events online. https://www.vic.gov.au/multicultural-festivals-and-events-p
20.01.2022 The Victorian Government CALD Communities Taskforce is working in partnership with organisations to develop locally delivered solutions to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Organisations can apply for funding to support services that meet one or more of the following objectives: deliver health resources and communications (e.g. translations and interpreters) that are tailored to individual languages and communities... deliver culturally appropriate emergency relief essentials (e.g. food) to support people to remain at home supporting individuals to access DHHS health services and to get tested if they have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) deliver direct community engagement support (e.g. mental health support via online services) All services proposed by organisations must be delivered in line with current health directions from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Chief Health Officer. Organisations must stay up to date with changing directions as they are issued. Services must be delivered within three months of receiving the funds. Proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] https://www.vic.gov.au/multicultural-taskforce-funding
19.01.2022 Religion and ceremony: Metropolitan Melbourne stage 4 - You cannot attend a religious service we encourage you to use online services, where feasible, instead to engage people in worship. - Weddings cannot occur in metropolitan Melbourne. - Funerals held in metropolitan Melbourne will be restricted to 10 mourners plus people required to conduct the funeral. You can travel to a funeral outside of metropolitan Melbourne. Restrictions apply based on the location of the funeral.... You should not attend a funeral if you are feeling unwell. - You must wear a face-covering whenever you leave home unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. You should maintain your physical distance of 1.5 metres from others. See our website for more details https://bcv.org.au/news/
19.01.2022 The article follows the story of faith leaders from different religious communities responding to the challenges presented by the onset of Covid19 in different parts of the world. Read this insightful article by clicking on the link below.
19.01.2022 Stage 4 restrictions are now in place for Melbourne. Exercise is limited to once a day for 1 hour. Shopping is limited to 1 person once a day. And when doing either, you must stay within 5kms of your home. You must also stay home between 8pm and 5am.... For more information call TIS National on 13 14 50 or visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au/language See more
18.01.2022 The Abbot for Quang Duc Buddhist Temple the Venerable Tang has been sharing Covid-19, Messages from Moreland City Council. https://quangduc.com//moreland-council-service-announcemen
18.01.2022 Reminder. This forum in on tomorrow.
16.01.2022 Racism information sessions: Understanding your rights and taking action for Asian Communities on Tuesday 1 September 5.30-7pm.
16.01.2022 Translator's Introduction The occasion for this discourse, in brief, according to the commentary, is as follows: The city of Vesali was afflicted by a famine, causing death, especially to the poor folk. Due to the presence of decaying corpses the evil spirits began to haunt the city; this was followed by a pestilence. Plagued by these three fears of famine, non-human beings and pestilence, the citizens sought the help of the Buddha who was then living at Rajagaha. Followed by... a large number of monks including the Venerable Ananda, his attendant disciple, the Buddha came to the city of Vesali. With the arrival of the Master, there were torrential rains which swept away the putrefying corpses. The atmosphere became purified, the city was clean. Thereupon the Buddha delivered this Jewel Discourse (Ratana sutta[1]) to the Venerable Ananda, and gave him instructions as to how he should tour the city with the Licchavi citizens reciting the discourse as a mark of protection to the people of Vesali. The Venerable Ananda followed the instructions, and sprinkled the sanctified water from the Buddha's own alms bowl. As a consequence the evil spirits were exorcised, the pestilence subsided. Thereafter the Venerable Ananda returned with the citizens of Vesali to the Public hall where the Buddha and his disciples had assembled awaiting his arrival. There the Buddha recited the same Jewel Discourse to the gathering: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipita//snp.2.01.piya.html
14.01.2022 Atisha Buddhist Centre Bendigo is open for visitors in regional Victoria
13.01.2022 Expert Advice Matters The world may have changed, but one thing remains the same: GPs are a great source of information and support when it comes to your health. Delaying care is a serious problem, and could cause worse health issues for patients in the future. The RACGP have extended their Expert Advice Matters campaign to reach CALD patients. A website for patients, has been translated into Arabic, simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Hindi and Vietnamese, and has practical information on how to access a local GP, telehealth and interpreter services. https://www.expertadvicematters.com.au/
12.01.2022 Thank you Daylesford Dharma School for the reminder.
12.01.2022 From 11:59pm 13 September, some restrictions will be eased across Victoria. Regional Victoria and Melbourne Metro each have their own roadmaps, relating to how many active cases are currently in the community. https://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-ro
11.01.2022 Did you know that you dont have to be an Australian citizen to vote in local council elections? If you own and pay rates on a property, you can apply to be a council-enrolled voter. Contact your local council to apply for #LG2020
10.01.2022 The Faith Communities Council of Victoria newsletter for November 2020 is now available. Click below to browse the articles and view upcoming events and holy days. #interfaith #multifaith #faith #fccv #embracediversity #religion #spirituality #newsletter #November2020 #holydays #calendar #COVID19 http://www.faithvictoria.org.au/index.php
10.01.2022 Venerable Tang from Quang Duc Monastery in Fawkner has recorded a message in Vietnamese encouraging our communities to access services and seek help. Chúng ta ang tri qua thi gian khó khn. Quý v không n c. We are living through a difficult time. You are not alone.... Everyone in the community has the right to access services and seek help. Moreland Councils website lists services that may be able to help you. Learn more in Vietnamese by watching this video https://youtu.be/Rp3TQHsls28 See more
09.01.2022 Explore Buddhist Society of Western Australia YouTube channel with videos by Ajahn Brahm, guided mediation classes, talks on loneliness and depression and links other channels including The Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV) https://www.youtube.com/user/BuddhistSocietyWA
09.01.2022 Lockdown has been tough, for everyone. For people living on their own, being away from our family and friends has been a real challenge. Thats why single people, and single parents with kids aged under 18, may now choose one person who can come and visit them at home. Case numbers are going down but theres still work to do. If we can be patient for a little while longer, all of us will be able to see our loved ones again very soon.... For translated information, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au/translations
09.01.2022 Putting Their Compassion Into Action Lion's Roar looks at three organizations who focus on humanitarian work as an essential expression of their Buddhist values. One of them is associated with our member Tzu Chi Melbourne https://www.lionsroar.com/putting-their-compassion-into-ac/
09.01.2022 Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships Project During COVID-19, family violence reports have risen significantly across the world. On average 1 woman a week is killed and many more are suffering daily violence and abuse. Research shows that women will talk to their faith or spiritual leaders about family violence before, or instead of, going to a family violence service. If you have any questions or comments about this project, please get in touch with Jessica at [email protected], she would love to hear from you! https://bcv.org.au/buddhist-family-violence-pilot-project/
08.01.2022 There are new restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and keep our community safe.
08.01.2022 The Casey Multifaith network recently held a panel discussion on "Voices of Youth un Interfaith". The recording of this panel is available on the following link:
08.01.2022 Have you renewed your BCV membership or you want to join or become a friend of the BCV? By becoming a member of the BCV you will: Support the work of our prison and healthcare chaplains... Encourage your centres members to become Buddhist teachers in primary schools Receive updates on events and new initiatives Be invited to Buddhist and interfaith events Have chance to inform government policy in Victoria and Australia Have a say in what BCV focuses on in serving the Buddhist community Join more than 40 leading Buddhist organisations in Victoria https://bcv.org.au/membership/
08.01.2022 Melbourne Buddhist Centre has Gone Solar! MBS has been given a government grant to install a solar electricity unit on the MBC building. This project received grant funding from the Australian Government. Reach out to see their experience!!!
08.01.2022 Family and domestic violence is a serious moral and spiritual concern. Faith or spiritual leaders play an influential role in shaping attitudes and behaviours amongst their faith communities and therefore are in a unique position to prevent violence against women. Faith leaders are often the first people survivors of domestic violence turn to for spiritual guidance and support before or instead of secular domestic violence services. They, therefore, sit in a distinctive posi...tion where they can provide counsel, support and safety to victim survivors. However, faith leaders may be limited in their capacity to respond appropriately to family violence. Building the prevention and response capacity of faith leaders is critical in raising awareness about the issue of family violence within faith communities. Watch this short video on the need to invest in faith leaders as potential partners in preventing violence against women: https://vimeo.com/350660061
07.01.2022 Today is the Lao festival of list souls and our ancestors
04.01.2022 NOW.....Prevention and responding to family violence the Buddhist way. Listen to the minister of family violence, chair of multicultural commission and ven: Phuoc Tan and ven: Chi Kwang Sunim.
03.01.2022 Need to get tested for coronavirus but worried about missing work? Help is available. A $450 payment will be provided for workers who miss out on wages because they need to stay home. If you test positive or are a close contact of someone who does, a further $1500 is available. Staying Apart Keeps Us Together
02.01.2022 Save the date! The BSV's Robe Offering Ceremony will be held on 1 November 2020.
01.01.2022 Message of home from Faith Community Council Victoria (FCCV) by Interfaith leaders on Hope during Covid19 including Ven Phuoc Tan of the Friends of Quang Minh Temple (FQMT) https://youtu.be/Ir3cPIq70Nc
01.01.2022 The Monks from Bodhipala Monastery (SA) practicing the traditional "Pindabat" or Alms round, where Buddhist Monks since the time of the Buddha take their Alms bowls into the village to collect Alms food from layity who wish to offer food for their daily meal.
01.01.2022 Faith Communities in Pandemic Times Date: Sunday, 15th of November 2020 Time: 2:00-3:30pm (via zoom) What challenges are faith communities facing during the COVID19 pandemic, and what important role can they play in this difficult time? What is the end strategy for the COVID 19 pandemic? What is the likelihood of an ‘ethical’ vaccine and how will it be administered?... Join our Question & Answer forum for answers to these and many other questions with guest speaker Professor John Catford, who is currently a specialist health adviser to the Victorian Government. Introduction: Rev Ian Smith, Secretary, Faith Communities Council of Victoria Moderator: Norman Currie, Janssen Spirituality Centre Free Registration: faithinpandemictimes.eventbrite.com.au See more
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