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Buderim Billiards and Snooker Club in Buderim, Queensland | Sport & recreation

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Buderim Billiards and Snooker Club

Locality: Buderim, Queensland

Phone: +61 428 898 100

Address: Corner of Church and Main Street, Buderim 4556 Buderim, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 A quick update about club junior Josh Thrift...Josh has been selected to represent Australia in the upcoming U16 world snooker championships in Russia This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and Josh will be in action in August this year. All the practice in our club competitions will hopefully pay off in some way. Very exciting!

25.01.2022 The draw for the first round of the 2019 Nev Brockett Memorial Snooker Competition has now been made and the details placed on the notice board in the club room. The due date for the completion of the first round is 10th September.

24.01.2022 Members are advised that the annual presentations of trophies and prizes will take place in the club room at 4.30pm on Saturday 5th December. We would like to see as many members as possible there, especially any winners of competitions over the past year. After the presentation members are invited to proceed to the Buderim Tavern for drinks and/or dinner. In order to make table reservations members should inform the secretary if they intend to attend the tavern.

24.01.2022 After the long enforced closure the Club is finally starting to see some sense of normality return. Members have been advised of the conditions under which play can take place with a limit of eight players in the club room at any one time, together with the need for social distancing and personal hygiene. It has just been announced that the competitions that were running at the time of closure will now recommence. [ 42 more words ]

23.01.2022 A reminder to members that the club's tables are due to be re-covered tomorrow, Tuesday 21st May. The table fitter will be working on the tables from about 9 am and will probably finish by late afternoon. That means the tables will be unavailable for play during the day. It is anticipated that they will be open to be used for the usual Tuesday evening social play.

23.01.2022 This competition has been completed for this year with our Team, the Buderim Pros Dave Armstrong, Mike Naray and Jeff Pickering - finishing second after the completion of the 14 week home and away matches. The knockout finals were then played with the following results: Major Semi Final: Redlands Tigers defeated Buderim Pros 3-2 at Redlands Preliminary Final: Buderim Pros defeated Sherwood Phoenix 4-2 at Buderim [ 59 more words ]

22.01.2022 Here's a quick quiz question for our Billiards fans. When playing English Billiards how many times can the red ball be potted and replaced on its spot? Answer: 2 times then it goes to the middle spot (blue spot for snooker) If that spot is occupied then it goes to the pyramid spot (pink spot for snooker).

22.01.2022 The Annual General Meeting of our Club will be held on Tuesday 30th April in the club room. At this meeting we will be electing a new Committee and setting membership fees for the following year. In order to be eligible to vote at the meeting all members are reminded that they need to be financial. If you haven't yet paid your membership fees for this year please do so as soon as possible (don't forget - if you have taken part in any fund raising in the past year your fees are discounter by $10 for each one you have done). 89 more words [ 87 more words ]

22.01.2022 The Committee has been discussing the idea of purchasing Club shirts for sale to our members with the Club logo on. After consideration of a number of different designs, colours and materials the decision was made to purchase 5 different sizes of a Polo Shirt from Biz Collection called 'Noosa'. These will be made available in the club room so that those wishing to order one can try them on to establish which size they require. [ 69 more words ]

22.01.2022 The first two rounds of the Crosby Shield are currently under way. This is a two frame aggregate handicap snooker tournament.

20.01.2022 It has been decided to update the signage outside the Club room and change the contact telephone number to that of the Secretary. The new signs will also feature the Facebook logo to advertise our presence on that application. One sign is attached to the current sliding entry door and the updated sign for this door will be held back until the new entry door had been installed. The new signs have been designed by AMSsigns ( The proposed new signs are shown below:

20.01.2022 The finals of the Billiards Competitions have been played in the Intermediate and B Grade Divisions. In the B Grade, Alan McDonald was victorious against Jeremy Thrift whilst in the Intermediate Grade Josh Thrift overcame Ray Batchelor. Well done to Alan and Josh! In the A Grade the finalists are yet to be decided.

19.01.2022 Bunnings have invited the club to hold another sausage sizzle - the 5th in 6 months! This one's on Wednesday 10 July. We need 4 volunteers for each shift: the first is from 8.00 to 11.30 and the second runs from 11.30 to 3.30. These events are the only source of income for the club apart from membership fees. For those who put their hand up to help there's the bonus of a $10 discount off their membership fees for each shift they participate in up to February 28 2020. [ 46 more words ]

18.01.2022 Our qualified teacher and referee, Mike Naray, recently returned from NSW where he had the honour of refereeing the final of the Oceania Open Snooker Championship. The Oceania Billiards and Snooker Federation currently consists of organisations from countries in the South Pacific - Australia, New Zealand, Papua Ne Guinea, Tonga, Fiji and the Solomon Islands. Every two years, it organises a snooker tournament between players from those countries with 5 Snooker Championships - Open, 6-Red, Women's, Master's and Under 21. [ 205 more words ]

18.01.2022 After defeating Rob Ward in his semi-final Josh Thrift has gone on to take out the Crosby Shield Snooker competition. His opponent in the final was Mike Naray who reached there by defeating Dave Smith in his semi. The final was played as an aggregate event over two frames. In the first frame Josh made a break of 42 and went on to win the title convincingly. Well done Josh and congratulations to all the finalists!

18.01.2022 The Club Snooker Championships for all grades have now been completed. B Grade Mandy Oliver defeated Tyler Nixey 2 nil. This is the first time in at least ten years that a lady member has won a singles tournament. Also well done to one of our juniors, Tyler for making his first final. Intermediate Grade Mark Nixey defeated Jim Petersen 2 nil. [ 80 more words ]

18.01.2022 All three grades of this year's snooker championships have now. been completed. In the B Grade, John Roberts defeated Gavin Baynham by two frames to nil to win the Gavin Baynham trophy. The Intermediate Grade was won by Ian Thomas who overcame Rob Domanski by two frames to one. It took until the black ball in the final frame for the match to be decided! [ 45 more words ]

17.01.2022 BBSC's Club Captain, Mike Naray, has proposed the idea of a new inter-club minor Junior Snooker competition being held next year. The initial response from juniors at a couple of other clubs has been encouraging. The competition would be hosted by our club but details such as the format and timing are yet to be decided. Updates of progress in getting this competition off the ground will be posted on this website as they come to hand.

15.01.2022 Our team in the A Grade Pennants Competition suffered a couple of narrow defeats in recent matches. On Monday 31 May they went down 5-7 to the Redlands Stitch Ups and on 16 June the score line was the same when they narrowly lost to the Matchroom Dragons. Due to the closure of our club room whilst the new tables were installed the Eagles have a couple of matches that are due to be rescheduled. ...

15.01.2022 The draw for the annual Crosby Shield Handicap Snooker competition has now been posted. Round one matches are to be played by 16th May. Each match consists of two frames with the scores being cumulative over the two frames. The handicap difference between the two players is doubled at the start of Game one.

13.01.2022 The 2019 Crosby Shield competition has been underway for a few weeks and the second round has now been completed. The Crosby Shield is one of the club's major handicap snooker competition.

13.01.2022 It is with great sadness that the Buderim Billiards and Snooker Club announces the recent passing of one of its members - Shane Bridley. Shane was 70 years old and had been a member since 2015. Although being new to playing on full-size tables Shane met with great success in 2016, winning both the B Grade Snooker and Billiards as well as taking out the Champion of Champions Competition. [ 70 more words ]

13.01.2022 Nominations are being called for all three grades of snooker competition - A Grade, Intermediate and B Grade. Members wishing to enter should do so by signing up on the relevant entry form on display in the club room. The closing date for nominations is 16th June.

13.01.2022 The club's new entrance door will be fitted on the morning of Tuesday 26th November. It is expected that the work will take a few hours and during this time the tables will unavailable for play. Our thanks go to committee member, Jon Wood, for his hard work in obtaining quotes and organising the installation of the new door and access system. [ 35 more words ]

12.01.2022 This week has seen a change in the position of Secretary/Treasurer at BBSC. Jeff Pickering, who has been in the position for the last 3 years, is standing down and will be replaced by Matthew Yates. Jeff is making a move from Buderim to Bribie Island. We extend our very best wishes to Jeff and hope he and his wife are very happy in their new home. [ 103 more words ]

12.01.2022 Our club has been growing and growing! Over the last year we have seen a large number of new members joining and enjoying regular play. Unfortunately, as a small club with only two tables, this has also meant that the current level of membership is now as much as we can accommodate. Should we continue to accept new members then the wait time to have a game may become unacceptable. [ 62 more words ]

12.01.2022 The Club has just replaced the existing snooker tables with two brand new Wiraka tables. After a considerable effort by a small team of helpers led by President Rob Ward the two tables are now up and running for members to enjoy. The replacement of the old tables involved their dismantling and removal before the new ones could be put in place. ...

12.01.2022 Earlier this week, the club was sad to learn that one of its members, Brian Bowser, had passed away. Brian was a previous President of the club for 14 years and was a Life Member - his membership spanning a period of more than 30 years. During his time as President, Brian worked tirelessly to keep it in a sound financial position and to maintain the facilities in good condition. [ 81 more words ]

11.01.2022 Our junior, Josh Thrift, has returned from the World Under 16 Snooker Championships in Russia where he acquitted himself with distinction. Against strong opponents, some of whom had made 100 plus breaks in competition and, a select few, maximum 147 breaks in practice, Josh fought strongly and won 2 of his 5 matches. Showing great determination, Josh won his first match in the fifth frame after a battle lasting 6 hours and ten minutes! [ 63 more words ]

10.01.2022 The Management Committee recently approved the application for a grant of $5000 from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. This fund provides money to organisations like ours to assist with funding for projects such as facility improvements, the staging of events and the purchase of new equipment. In our case, we are seeking to replace the current sliding entry door which is in poor condition with a new glass panel and hinged door. 102 more words [ 99 more words ]

09.01.2022 Competition is currently underway in all three levels of billiards In the A Grade, one semi-final features Jeff Pickering against Mike Naray whilst Peter Gilks is taking on Dave Armstrong in the other. The Intermediate final will be between Jeremy Thrift and the winner of the match between Ray Batcheler and John Roberts. The B Grade competition has reached the final stage with Josh Thrift up against Alan McDonald. Good luck to all concerned!

08.01.2022 Success! Earlier this year our club applied for a $5000 grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. We have now received word that our application was successful. The money will be used towards replacing the current entry door and installing a secure keyless entry system. This will help to solve the problem of lost keys and enhance the appearance of the entry to the club.

08.01.2022 The draw has been made for the first round of the club Snooker Championships in all three grades: A, Intermediate and B. Details of the draw are posted on the notice board in the club room. Participants should complete their match by Sunday 7th July. It is customary for the first-named player to make the initial contact with their opponent.

08.01.2022 The Graded Snooker Championships have been running over the last few weeks. In the B Grade, the final was between John Roberts and Gavin Baynham with John Roberts emerging the winner. Congratulations John! The Intermediate Grade final will be between Rob Domanski and Ian Thomas whilst the A Grade final will see Jeff Pickering playing Dave Armstrong. Good luck to all concerned!

07.01.2022 This year's Neville Brockett Memorial Handicap Snooker competition has been won by Mark Nixey. Mark reached the final by defeating Joe Keily in the semi-final and in the final he came up against Bob Pearce who had overcome Rob Ward in his semi. Mark proved to be too good in the final and took out the first two frames to win the title. Congratulations to Mark and thanks to all those who participated in this annual competition.

07.01.2022 As previously announced, Josh Thrift has been selected to represent Australia in the U16 Snooker World Championships which take place in Russia in August. Since the announcement, Josh has attracted a lot of media interest - the most recent being the subject of an article in the Buderim Chronicle as well as a segment on the local WIN news. Hope are high that Josh can perform to the best of his ability in Russia. [ 36 more words ]

07.01.2022 The Club's Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 30th April in the club room. Retiring President Bob Pearce presented his third and final annual report in which he reflected upon the continuing work by the Committee to update and improve the Club's tables and facilities. He thanked those responsible for their devoted effort on behalf of the membership. The report by the Club Captain. [ 225 more words ]

05.01.2022 The draw for the first round of this year's Crosby Shield is now posted in the club room. A large field has entered and members are urged to organise their match as soon as possible. Note that it is customary for the first-named player to contact their opponent to organise a suitable time and date for the match.

04.01.2022 Great news! Josh Thrift, our club junior, has been selected to represent Australia at the Under 16 World Snooker Championships in Russia. This event will be held in Tyumen in August. Now 14, Josh joined our club when he was only 11 years old and has already made his mark in many of the club's competitions. He also recently achieved the runner-up position in the Australian U15 Championships. [ 115 more words ]

04.01.2022 The Buderim Eagles have now completed all their matches in the QBSA Pennants Snooker Competition. The results of the final four matches were: Buderim Eagles 5 Redlands Stitchups 7 Buderim Eagles 5 Qmaster Rockets 7 Buderim Eagles 6 Southport GC's 6 Buderim Eagles 2 Kedron Stunners 10 The Eagles finished rank 7th out of 10. Better luck next year lads!

04.01.2022 What a moment. What a champion!

03.01.2022 We have two sets of snooker and billiard balls for sale. One set of snooker balls in a metal case to be sold together with a set of billiard balls for $60.00 (for both) and a second set of snooker balls in a cardboard box to be sold together with a second set of billiard balls for $50.00 (for both). These are our ex club balls that have now been replaced since the tables were recovered. They are displayed in the club room, just see a committee member if you are interested.

03.01.2022 Both tables were recently re-covered and a new set of Aramith 1G snooker balls provided for use on each. This continues the Committee's policy of providing members with the best possible playing conditions. We wish our members many hours of enjoyment in playing on the new surface.

02.01.2022 One of the club's annual events was held recently in which teams representing the President and the Vice-President take part in a doubles snooker competition. This is a fun, social night with the teams being selected from those attending. Each match is decided by a single frame between two pairs with all pairs playing two frames in total. This year's event was won by the team representing the President and at the conclusion of play all involved enjoyed pizzas and other refreshments.

01.01.2022 Our Junior, Josh Thrift, is due to go off in August to Tyumen in Russia to play in the International Billiards and Snooker Federation World U16 Men’s Snooker Championship. At the last meeting of the Management Committee it was decided to provide $1000 of financial support towards the cost of Josh's trip. As previously advised, individual members can also show their support for Josh - either through the 'GoFundMe' link on this website or by leaving a donation in an envelope and placing it in the slot in the kitchen area of the club room. We wish Josh the very best of luck in his campaign.

01.01.2022 The Annual General Meeting will be held in the club room on Tuesday 24th November at 7pm. This years meeting is especially significant as there will be a vote on the special motion to purchase two new tables for the club. Speakers for and against the motion will each be allowed 5 minutes to present their case. The discussion and vote on the special motion will take place after the other business on the agenda....

01.01.2022 A billiards competition involving eight teams from the Brisbane region has now been running for about 8 weeks. The competition, known as the Brisbane Billiards Pennant Competition, takes place weekly with a team of two representing each of the clubs involved. Matches are played alternately home and away. Our Team, the Buderim Pros, consists of Jeff Pickering, Dave Armstrong and Mike Naray. [ 55 more words ]

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