Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia | Sport team
Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia
Phone: +61 3 9402 0903
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25.01.2022 Sensei Pat from our Nunawading dojo will be doing Facebook live kids classes on Monday afternoons... not just for kids, Mum, Dad and siblings can get into it too - have a go! Details below
25.01.2022 Remember, it’s all about the journey Shihan B
25.01.2022 Soshi Hasegawa with Sosai Oyama, one of my favourite photos. Osu ! Shihan B
24.01.2022 Zoom training at Altona / Brooklyn Thursday 5:45pm - osu
24.01.2022 Please note that Altona & Brooklyn Kyokushin falls within the new lockdown therefore will be suspended until further notice Keep training at home osu
23.01.2022 Sensei Pat and our Nunawading dojo will be running a 10 week online class. Message him if you are interested
23.01.2022 ** Warragul dojo Special Training Day ** Saturday, the 25th of July, Warragul Kyokushin Karate dojo will be running a kids fitness and karate session. It will start at 10am held at the Geoff Watt track, Burke street Warragul. Cost for the class is a donation to the Starlight foundation, an amazing cause that the Dojo has raised money for over the past few years.... This will be an ongoing class, weather permitting!! If you are interested in attending please feel free to contact Sempai Liz on 0438685515 osu
23.01.2022 It is with great regret that I learned of Sean Connery's death this morning. He passed away at the age of 90. Senpai Sean Connery was an honorary black belt in Kyokushinkai Karate. He trained personally with Sosai Mas Oyama in 1967 for his film "You only live twice". You can see him in this video with Kyokushin practitioners in this movie CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS FILM : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DueIn5C5U0 Rest In Peace Osu
23.01.2022 A big thanks to the This is Eden organisation who works to restore freedom to women trafficked throughout Asia, your masks have made it all the way to Melbourne Australia where the wearing of masks is compulsory during this pandemic, every mask is hand made, compliant to world health standards and made by the women that have been saved, the profits go back into the organisation to help the cause , thanks Syp Stella for the connect - BUDO KYOKUSHIN KARATE AUSTRALIA thanks you for organising this.
23.01.2022 What an honour to have one of our female instructors on the Kyokushin shuffle, an inspiration to all the mums out there and a real story of what can be done . Osu Sempai Michelle ! Please see the kyokushin shuffle episode #18 with Michelle Vogrinec on you tube
23.01.2022 Tonight’s BKKA representation from our Nunawading dojo Kumite Martial Arts Academy. Dan Foti Kristian Lee Vergamalis and John Bougias all fighting in the first of many awesome karate events held by Judd Reid Shihan. 72 Whitehall Street Footscray. Come down at 5:30pm with the first fight starting at 6pm... World class fighters showcasing the power of kyokushin karate - Main event Samuel Shields vs Dan Vrtacic. See you there osu
22.01.2022 ***LOWER TEMPLESTOWE DOJO*** New students at our new Lower Templestowe dojo. Kids Class, ages 4-16, on Tuesdays at 5-6pm.... Come down or pass onto a friend - first 2 classes free #lowertemplestowedojo #kidskarate
22.01.2022 What a great way to finish up for the year with the BKKA fighters finishing it off with 50 rounds of fighting ..... Osu all Shihan B
22.01.2022 An update from Warragul dojo
22.01.2022 ***NUNAWADING DOJO*** Information on kids classes... pass onto a friend
21.01.2022 Generations of Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia champions still to come. Champions Train Harder
21.01.2022 A great demonstration on how to fold your gi from our Altona / Brooklyn dojo. Class times: Senior Class - Mondays 6pm to 7:30pm ... Mixed class - Thursdays 6:15 - 7:30pm First class is free - try it out!!!
21.01.2022 **WARRAGUL DOJO** Want to learn karate? Adults and kids welcome!... Classes run on Monday and Thursday every week, including public and school holidays. Juniors train from 6:30 - 7:15pm Seniors train from 6:30 -8pm. Held at Warragul Regional College Hall, Burke street , Warragul. Contact Sempai Liz via Warragul Kyokushin Karate Dojo Facebook page or 0438685515. #warraguldojo
20.01.2022 https://world-zenkyokushin.com/
19.01.2022 sound off... bit noisy!
19.01.2022 ***NUNAWADING DOJO*** Kids karate is such a great way to build confidence and resilience - and of course they are lots of fun too! Kids classes: ... Little Cubs Age 4-8, Mon and Wed 5-6pm Young Lions Aged 8-12, Wed 6-7pm Contact Kumite Martial Arts Academy for further details - Osu
18.01.2022 Happening right now. The great Joko Ninomiya Kancho. OSU https://www.facebook.com/BlackBeltMagazine/videos/254382058966543/?vh=e&d=n
18.01.2022 Something to lighten the mood - Osu
18.01.2022 Shihan Bill and Shihan Trevor on the latest Kyokushin Shuffle episode.. Ep #33 Shihan Bobby Lowe (RIP) Happy Birthday In this special episode on The Kyokushin Shuffle we are joined with Kancho Jimmy Phillips, Shihan Bill Poly and Shihan Trevor Frith.... August 23rd is significant date for all Kyokushin Karatekas as it's the date one of the legends of Kyokushin Karate Shihan Bobby Lowe was born. Today we celebrate his Birthday and the influence to many around the world. The Shihans and Kancho reflect and share highlights and stories they have of the many trips to Hawaii and the mentorship and friendship they had with Shihan Bobby. Sit back and enjoy some memorable moments. Happy Birthday to the late Shihan Bobby Lowe. Enjoy! Osu, please subscribe to the YouTube Channel, The Kyokushin Shuffle. #bobbylowe #MasOyama #Kyokushin #Kyokushinkarate #Martialarts #Karate
16.01.2022 Wall sits at Nunawading dojo... building strength, stamina and grit osu!
16.01.2022 In full swing at WARRAGUL dojo last week! #warraguldojo
16.01.2022 Senpai Dean Poly on The Kyokushin Shuffle - Fighters Profile episode. In our #3 'Fighters Profile' chat, I highlight and put the spotlight on the awesome talent that we need to keep an eye on and more so get to now them better and encourage the next generation... The Kyokushin Shuffle #31 Senpai Dean Poly and Senpai Nathan Phillips... Two of Australia's Top Heavyweight Full Contact Karate Fighters, these two Senpais have a unique story to share as there Fathers are Shihans ( 6th Dan) in Kyokushin, both were born with a Gi on as such! They share with us the journey they have had so far in there young lives, but more so the influence it has had on them on and off the mat. Professionals in their own right, they have dedicated and committed so much to the art already, the expectation of the legacy there fathers have left is challenging but they have there own story to write and so far its pretty impressive. Enjoy! Osu, please subscribe to the YouTube Channel, The Kyokushin Shuffle. #Kyokushin #Kyokushinkarate #Martialarts #Karate #Blackbelt #zenkyokushin
15.01.2022 Reminder of training tomorrow at Warragul
15.01.2022 **NEW TEMPLESTOWE DOJO ** FIRST TWO TRIAL CLASSES FREE Karate for kids age 4-16... Tuesday’s 5-6pm Located in the Dance & Dash Studio, 1/10 Macedon Street, Lower Templestowe (Entrance at the rear). Bring your child or pass onto a friend. Send a message for more info or contact Senpai Dean or Herc (details below). Osu!
15.01.2022 Out the back... our awesome fighters and their coaches - well done osu
14.01.2022 Check out what our Nunawading dojo are unto... virtual kids classes... osu Sensei Pat... tune in for more virtual classes
14.01.2022 Shihan Bill Poly - Bill Shihan Poly "Champions train harder, don't be afraid to fail" Forever The Student ebook available via payhip
13.01.2022 Sound off... bit noisy!
12.01.2022 Great shots from our Warragul dojo’s training yesterday! Osu
12.01.2022 **NUNAWADING DOJO** Great start to Term 1 Kids Classes First Class FREE for New Members... 5pm Monday - Little Cubs 4-8 Spots Available 5pm Wednesday - Little Cubs 4-8 Limited Spots 6pm Wedneaday - Young Lions 8-12 Spots Available Register your spot [email protected] Or SMS 0410 402 232 Kumite Martial Arts Academy 244 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading #kumitemartialartsacademy #kidskarate
12.01.2022 BKKA Dojo locations and training times. Message us for details
11.01.2022 Information anout our Warragul dojo below. So great to finally be getting back to the mats - osu #warraguldojo #warragul
10.01.2022 BKKA Dojos - you should receive your masks this week - OSU Shihan B
09.01.2022 Senpai Michelle from Kumite Martial Arts Academy in Nunawading representing BKKA attended the Geelong & District, Golden Plains Kyokushin Inc. beach training day in Torquay today. Thank you Shihan Wayne Murphy for organising the morning!
09.01.2022 The Kyokushin Shuffle - a passion project my our Nunawading dojo operator Sensei Patrick - check out the first ep with our very own Shihan Bill - Osu #kyokushinshuffle
08.01.2022 Thanks Salted Caramel for the Coffee ..... OSU
08.01.2022 Yesterday, Kumite Martial Arts Academy hosted Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia in a virutal karate class. Shihan Bill Poly and Shihan Trevor Frith were in attendance and were instructing students throughout parts of the class. Here are some highlights of Senpai Dean Poly at home, in his backyard, keeping the spirit of OSU alive. OSU! ... BKKA Media Officer See more
08.01.2022 Go Dan . Sound off... bit noisy!
07.01.2022 Get onboard this great fundraiser!
07.01.2022 Free online kids class at 4pm with Sendri Pat from our Nunawading dojo. Join in with your kiddies and share so friends can too - Osu
07.01.2022 How cool is this - great pivot in this environment - Osu
07.01.2022 From all of us at Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia and World Zen Kyokushin Australia we wish you all a safe Christmas and a happy new year. Osu and here’s to 2021
06.01.2022 Hanshi Eddie Emin , the reason why Budo Kyokushin Karate is here today- local newspaper Port Phillip Leader - Melbourne, Australia - August 1999- Osu a true legend and my Shihan that introduced me to the world of kyokushin. An honour to have you as my instructor , mentor and friend OSU Shihan B - Bill Shihan Poly
06.01.2022 Osu everyone , Just a brief for message from me and all representing Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia (BKKA) World Zen Kyokushin under the direction of Soshi Hasegawa and my Hanshi Eddie Emin representing the IKKA, I’d like to say today is the day we really reflect and look at our journey and where we are right now. For this man Sosai Mas Oyama has touched so many lives and influenced so many lives and even today continues to do so even though he has passed so many years ag...o. This was a man with a vision and a dream that we today are still continuing. He is living his vision and dream thorough us. We should stop and acknowledge the things he did in his life that has influenced so many. We should take his advice of what it is like to be in isolation as this man did it on his own free will and you have to ask why? To better himself, to improve Spiritually, Morally and Physically and to come out of isolation as a better person. This is the time we have to look at all of Sosais mottos, teachings and reflect how we will come out of this isolation. We honour him and we honour the people he has created and who are with him now training. As soon as we are back in the dojo the first thing we will do is dedicate the training session to Sosai and all the other great Kyokushin Karatekas who passed of late. Osu all , keep fit, keep well and keep positive for this is a true test for all especially as kyokushin karatekas. Sosai has prepared us for this and those who were fortunate enough to have met him , I can hear his words and laugh you can fix this, you fix . They were his exact words he used to say to my Hanshi Eddie Emin who was a Sensei at the time every time we met.
06.01.2022 Two years ago we celebrated - we all frocked up and attended the tribute to Hanshi Eddie Emin who has brought Kyokushin Karate with Australia, making it possible for so many to experience Kyokushin and make it part of their life... the Budo way. What a night it was! Osu!
06.01.2022 The smile on your face when you create Champions Osu
05.01.2022 Honoured to be a part of the Forever the Student E-Book, it captures and show cases many martial artists that share a common goal, brilliant work by my Sensei Patrick Pinto and his lovely wife Alela , truly inspirational and motivational, looking forward to reading it in full. OSU Shihan Bill Poly... #kyokushinkarate #nunawadingdojo #kyokushinshuffle
05.01.2022 Great training at our Warragul dojo - Osu
05.01.2022 ***WARRUGAL DOJO*** Great night of training - Osu!
04.01.2022 Info on Altona and Broklyn dojo osu!
04.01.2022 Ready to rumble... gambatte!
03.01.2022 Wow... footage of a training session led by Sosai. Keep training, stay strong in mind and body osu #SosaiMasOyama
03.01.2022 **Update on training at our Warrugal dojo** Osu - great to see you vack on track Senpai Liz
03.01.2022 Champions Train Harder Osu !
02.01.2022 Proud to be a part of World Zen Kyokushin
02.01.2022 Kids School Holiday Karate program at our Nunawading dojo - check it out and pass on to your friends who would like to try it out.
02.01.2022 ***NEW CONTENT*** It is with great pleasure and excitement that we can finally release our first video in our new mini documentary series; 'Students of Budo Kyokushin Karate Australia'. ... The first video is 'Dean Poly: A Journey to Commitment'. This video focuses on the lead up to Dean's grading for his Nidan. Mini documentaries are very special to both those who are featured and those who will have the privilege to be featured in the future. We hope you enjoy!! OSU. - BKKA Media Officer Mini Documentary Producer and Editor: Anjelica Poly
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