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Buildingbiology Australia

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25.01.2022 A thought for the weekend.. and beyond: Being in awe of the gifts of nature. Appreciate the life we have.

24.01.2022 Definitely something to be aware of.

23.01.2022 I have been sensing more anxiety and feelings of disempowerment in recent months, which can lead to a helpless, hopeless frame of mind and great confusion. Here is an article with helpful tips. The only thing I’d like to add: talk with the people close to you.

22.01.2022 After thorough testing of this low-emission wifi router, Im most impressed. Keeping in mind that the most exposure would always come from your device, because you are so close to it, this router reduces the 24/7 stand-by emissions significantly. Just make sure to turn the wifi on your devices off, when you are not actually using it. You might want to consider buying the modem in your country and purchasing just the firmware from JRS to save on time and freight. Disclaimer: Wired connections are always better, but if that is not a practical option for you, this is pretty cool.

22.01.2022 Found this at a client, today. There is so much hate in the world, and here is the anti-dote:

22.01.2022 EOFYS special on Fishpond, including postage!

21.01.2022 This site demonstrates the insane variation of safe values, when it comes to EMR, 5G, etc. Im wondering, if there is such enormous discrepancy in scientific evidence, - what is the matter with research? How can safety vary by a factor of one million? No wonder we look for answers in conspiracy theories. We really need reliable, transparent research, before rolling out more electro-pollution!

21.01.2022 Heres another opportunity to get some tips about healthy home improvements and Buildingbiology. Its been a very enjoyable chat- thanks, ladies!

21.01.2022 Be warned, stick to actual shielding. There is plenty of snake oil out there!

20.01.2022 The Choice magazine reviewed dehumidifiers. - Whichever you buy: Clean it regularly and thoroughly, or you breed mould and bacteria inside.

19.01.2022 Chatting with lovely Leila, - join us!

19.01.2022 Podcast lovers, - here is another one. Matthew Cutler-Welch from Home Style Green In New Zealand and I had a great chat. Note the other resources on his website, too.

19.01.2022 A pragmatic and progressive renovation grounded in respect for the bushland as well as a celebratory and efficient response to the natural surroundings de...fines the updated L House family home designed by @asa_alexandersymesarchitect. To see more tune in to episode 5 of @aubydesign Architecture series 4 airing this Sunday August 2 at 2:30PM on @channel10au with an encore broadcast Saturday August 8, at 12:30PM on 10BOLD. . . . With thanks to @lysaght_au @australianconcrete @iguzzini @mckaytimbertas @turfdesignstudio @wattylpaint . . #australianarchitecture #aubydesign #Architecture #Architecturedaily #Architecturelovers #inspirationalhomes #australiandesign #design #channel10 #lysaght #australianconcrete #iguzzini #mckaytimber #wattylpaint #tvshow #builder #archilovers #archidaily #architect #architecturedesign #architecturedetail #bushland #renovation #architecture See more

17.01.2022 The new wifi standard is about to come out to work with the upcoming 5G network. It will provide incredible speeds - at the price of more radiation, of course. The good news is: WE are making the choice about the wifi in our home, and nobody can force us to turn it on.

17.01.2022 Zugegeben, nicht Jede/r kann ein Baugrundstück kaufen oder pachten. Über Bürgerbeteiligung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und politische Arbeit eröffnen sich aber auch ...für dich Möglichkeiten, auf die Auswahl und Bebauung von Grund und Boden Einfluss zu nehmen und vielleicht später dort selbst zu wohnen. Leitlinie Nr. 25 Baugrundstücke wählen, die möglichst nicht durch Altlasten, Strahlenquellen, Schadstoffemissionen und Lärm belastet sind Gemeint sind vor allem Grundstücke für Wohnbauten. Aus verschiedensten Gründen z.B. Platzmangel in Städten und Regionen mit hohem Zuzugsdruck oder Gewinnmaximierung für Investoren werden heute oft Grundstücke bebaut, die aus vielerlei Gründen eigentlich dafür nicht geeignet sind. Menschen die dort wohnen (müssen), sind unter Umständen zeit ihres Lebens gesundheitlichen Belastungen ausgeliefert, wie: : Radon, ehemalige Müllkippen, umwelt- odergesundheitsschädliche Stoffe aus ehemaligen Gewerbebetrieben ... : Elektrosmog (nieder- und hochfrequente Felder), Radioaktivität, geologische Störungen ... : Verkehr, Gewerbe/Industrie, Heizanlagen, Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau, Abfall ... ä: Autos, Bahn, Flugzeuge, Gewerbe/Industrie, Freizeiteinrichtungen ... Abgesehen hiervon gibt es oft auch Bedenken rund um den Naturschutz. Auch deshalb sollte man stets überregional darum ringen, Baugrundstücke zu finden, die Naturschutz und menschliche Bedürfnisse bestmöglich in Einklang bringen. Auch sei hier daran erinnert, dass es im Sinne des Naturschutzes i.d.R. die beste Lösung ist, gar nicht neu zu bauen, sondern vorhandene Gebäude zu sanieren und/oder aufzustocken. Weitere Infos unter #ibn #gesundleben #baubiologie #friday4future #fernlehrgang #architektur #ökologischbauen #baubiologischbauen #gesundbauen #gesundwohnen #umwelt #buildingbiology #baubiologen #seminar #25leitlinien #baubiologe #radon #altlasten #lärm #instututfürbaubiologie #schadstoffemissionen #strahlenquelle #baugrundstück See more

17.01.2022 Leaving the land in a better shape than we found it. Farming the land, not the harvest. Love the land with Biodynamics. Everyone can do it in their backyard, simply look up your national association and order a backyard starter kit.

16.01.2022 So good to read this! Exactly why the Healthy House Australia Certification is so important.

16.01.2022 A great collection of interesting resources.

16.01.2022 Thank you to A Higher Branch for showing my book in such good company! :-)

16.01.2022 I love science!

14.01.2022 Some things are really hard to listen to. Why havent his questions been answered decades ago? If there is even a small chance he has a point, it would be tragic beyond imagination.

13.01.2022 I predicted this only a few weeks ago in a podcast. And here it is... faster then even I expected... arent we lucky....

12.01.2022 I wish our governments would support projects like this!

12.01.2022 Cordless phones vs. mobile phones I think it is time to remind everyone that cordless phones maintain a wifi network at all times, whether the phone is used for a call, or not. The phones are plugged into power and can blast out all the energy that is needed to cover a wide area. The level of microwaves emitted by these phones is in the extreme concern range of the Buildingbiological Measuring Standard, and if you hold the phone close to your head or have it next to your ...workplace all day, the radiation levels are utterly unacceptable from a buildingbiological health point of view. Ask yourself: Could you replace it with a wired phone? Do you need it, at all? On that note, a mobile phone is much less harmful, yet we are all worked up about the health impact of 4G and 5G. The reasons for this are that the phone transmitter is far away, the phone tries to preserve battery by sending with the least possible amount of energy, and it really only kicks in when a call is made. As we see the negative health impact of that, why dont we see what cordless phones are doing to us? Make sure, you have turned your mobiles wifi and bluetooth off, otherwise you give yourself additional unnecessary radiation.. See more

12.01.2022 Smart meters are great for spying on us. This is where things have been heading for a while, now:

10.01.2022 This system still emits wifi, but - much less while on standby. The functional emissions can also be reduced, so I would recommend this for families who use wifi, instead of hard-wiring their homes. Still, - dont position the router close to people and remember that the biggest source or EMR is your device.

09.01.2022 Worried about that old sofa? Or the carpet? Who knows what is breeding in there! I replaced my sampling method for house dust, after having looked around for a better option for ages. ( Had to send the previous samples to Germany). The new samples are analysed in Australia and they are naturally more affordable!

08.01.2022 Here we go: The nature of entropy.

07.01.2022 Great podcast by a skilful interviewer. His Kiwi website has a lot of valuable information for anyone interested in sustainable and healthy building.

07.01.2022 Might have to press the translate button for this one.

06.01.2022 Theres a new kid on the block, selling EMR protection. Check them out, - pricing and quality seem good.

05.01.2022 Apologies for all of you, who are suffering 5G information overload....however, this explanation is important and puts things into perspective. This is not rumours or fear mongering, - its physics. E.g. higher frequencies are not equal to more radiation damage.

05.01.2022 Here are the podcasts, - all in one place. Enjoy!

04.01.2022 Congratulations to 21 new colleagues and their fabulous teachers!

04.01.2022 The latest and greatest filter for dirty HF electric currents creeping around in your home wiring. Fresh from Germany:

03.01.2022 A new kid on the block selling protection. Worth checkin out.

03.01.2022 Wasser ist die Grundlage allen Lebens . Fr optimale Trinkwasserqualitt sorgen ... Die Qualitt des Trink- bzw. Leitungswassers in Deutschland ist meist gut. Basis dafr ist die Trinkwasserverordnung (deren Lektre und Beachtung wir empfehlen). Nicht selten kommt es jedoch vor, dass es auf den letzten Metern vor Gebrauch mit Chemikalien, Schwermetallen oder Keimen wie z.B. Legionellen verunreinigt wird. ? 1 Rcksplfilter (am Hausanschluss) regelmig splen/warten. 2 Nach einer Stagnationszeit von mehreren Stunden Wasser nicht sofort trinken, sondern zuvor einige Liter anderweitig, z.B. zum gieen verwenden. 3 Manahmen gegen Legionellen treffen. 4 Wassernachbehandlungsgerte wie z.B. Wasserfilter sind in Deutschland i.d.R. unntig. Bei Nutzung diese laufend entspr. den Herstellerangaben reinigen und warten. 5 Von deinem Wasserversorger erhltst du Messwerte zum Wasser, wie es das Wasserwerk verlsst. Wir empfehlen eine ergnzende Analyse des Wassers, wie es aus Ihrem Wasserhahn kommt. 6 Bei schlechter Wasserqualitt alternativ bzw. anteilig Flaschenwasser verwenden, das allerdings eine erheblich schlechtere kobilanz hat. 7 Wir empfehlen Trinkwasserleitungen aus Edelstahl oder innen verzinnten Kupferrohren. 8 Unbentigte Wasserleitungen bzw. stillgelegte Stichleitungen ausbauen lassen. : #ibn #gesundleben #bauherrentipps #baubiologie #friday4future #fernlehrgang #kologischbauen #baubiologischbauen #gesundbauen #gesundwohnen #nachhaltig #umwelt #buildingbiology #baubiologen #sustainableliving #seminar #25leitlinien #baubiologe #krperlichebeschwerden #naturbaustoffe #eigenheim #instututfrbaubiologie #trinkwasserqualitt #schwermetall See more

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