Build My Tribe Online Coaching | Businesses
Build My Tribe Online Coaching
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25.01.2022 Jumping in to the abyss of online marketing without guidance can cost months in backtracking (sometimes years) NOT not to mention the cost Youre here because youre n o t interested in just getting by Youre not interested in anything less than thriving... Thats why you started your business in the first place You want the freedom to lead your purpose-driven biz, with kickassery AND on your terms The problem is, you want to take your biz to the next level, but youre still confused about whats most important to focus on from here I was in the same position not long ago & have now grown my biz to more-than-support the life of freedom & options... that Ive always wanted And if I can do it, so can you! The difference is: You have the choice... to get there a lot faster If youre curious as to how.... ?? AMPLIFY YOUR ONLINE IMPACT PROGRAM IS IT Registrations are o p e n now! Link is in the bio
24.01.2022 A message from me to you My tribe, an end of the week reminder of the importance of evaluating your progress & making time to map out what you need to do next, in pursuit of your goals. Remember to honour how far you've come, especially in times like these.... Uncertainty & fear may creep back in- this is when you MUST keep moving forward with the knowledge that there are no failures, only learning curves. Trust your instincts & move bravely towards a greater purpose alignment. No matter how small, celebrate your wins! Be curious, be adventurous, be open and never forget that there are countless opportunities for growth...and quite often theyre right in front of you
24.01.2022 Be on alertTheres a gnarly beast that tempts us to crawl into the foetal position when were on a growth path Its name is overwhelm & its faithful companion is procrastination Its not the work that is hard, its sitting down to do the work that takes a no BS resolve.... The way I mentor my clients to slay the beastly force of procrastination is this: Remind yourself that no one else is going to make this happen. Hold tight to your WHY & be on the lookout for limiting beliefs If you want to build a purpose-driven biz, be a present Mum/partner/friend, to take charge of your own income levels, share your talents & live a lifestyle that aligns with your values Youre going to need to flex your discipline muscle The missing piece may be an accountability partner, a mentor who has been there before you, that can save your sorry a*s from the long haul of the trial & error method- which ultimately feeds the monster of overwhelm SWIPE over to see how my clients have progressed with mentoring support You too; will need to have a practice in place to stay focused... Tell me Tribe, whats your secret to overcoming procrastination? @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
23.01.2022 Are you operating in your genius zone? What even is that? And why do you need to uncover it? Its like this: when we are not working to our strengths we dont get strong results Simple... Yet, it can be a process to find it Ill share some tips on how to work through discovering your zone of genius on tomorrows IGTV And in the meantime, think about what you bring to your work, that is over & above excellence Do you know your unique selling proposition? Raise your hand for sure do Or drop a if you could do with some reassurance?? Either way, Ill see you tomorrow for some insights
23.01.2022 Melb Tribe: take the home state advantage opportunity Heres how & why
23.01.2022 Keep pushing the dial, tribe... until youre living ON purpose, WITH purpose and FOR a purposeJust one of our value pillars in the Freedom-Business Foundations program in the study unit on Brand Purpose & Brand Persona.... Have you checked in with your biz value pillars, lately? They can change as your biz grows, its about time you revisited them then??
22.01.2022 When youre thinking about creating a work life balance, that aligns with your values, the support to get you there will present. Your job is; to make the decision, that is what you want Know that when you seek new possibilities and take the first step to investigate whats available, opportunities will open up for you Just like our current group moving through the Freedom-business Foundations program, they have made a decision to create an online business that; ... is built on sharing their natural talents & strengths will provide the freedom to work on their own terms is created with the support of an accountability partner (thats me btw) who has been there before them feeds their soul & their independence And fuels their confidence with the knowing that they have done what it takes to invest in their future What will it take for you to show up as your best self and stop procrastinating? Id love to know where youre at? Love, light & purpose X Sherwood
21.01.2022 Stay positive Tribe
21.01.2022 With every FREEBIE LAUNCH comes endless opportunity! Over the weekend I launched an amazing resource called the Online Presence Kickstarter. Designed to give you A-game advice to get you started with creating a valuable online presence on social media and other platforms.... This freebie is just the beginning, this is a starting point for something greater but more about that tomorrow my loves. If you haven't had the chance to pick up your copy of the Online Presence Kickstarter, head on over to my website and click away! Click here: This may just be the freebie you never knew you needed . P.s Keep an eye out, tomorrow's post will be introducing you to an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY, if you're a product based business who is struggling with their online presence THIS IS FOR YOU!
21.01.2022 Melb Tribe: take the home state advantage opportunity Here’s how & why
21.01.2022 ALIGNED IS THE NEW HUSTLE When youre i n t o what youre doing, you feel fuelled, energised, time flies, youre in yo zone And when you push against who you naturally are, youre not in flow.... you feel likeyou procrastinate, youre resentful & lose your ability to speak without using the F word like a comma... HERES THE THING - its your genius zone, the sweet spot of your natural talents, THIS is where you need to hang out to kick some serious ass Even if you think youre working to your strengths... are you sure? I wrote an e-book on how to Unleash your natural talents & create more hell yeah moments in your worklife Its f r e e link is in the bio
21.01.2022 Winking at you, my High Vibe TribeIm in awe of your Talents & Strengths AND the fact youre all in, to build your purpose-driven online biz, in the Freedom-Business Foundations program Im full of gratitude to be supporting you on your journey, to create the life you want The power in this group is mind blowing, the personal & professional development youve all invested in, is returning transformational results, a l r e a d y after session 1... (swipe over for the feels) Im beyond exited to guide you to uplevel, to see you shine & create the worklife balance & abundant success youve always wanted...and will achieve WAIT, hang tight - if you missed the first intake, as some of you have messaged with sad face The tribe has spoken & weve been asked to work on a second group intake To those who missed out .... I see you, Ive got you Be right back with the details How good does it feel when serendipity is at work & second chances land?? @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
20.01.2022 Its time to stop waiting for clients to come to you! [Save this post] In order to succeed in todays climate, its CRITICAL your business has a solid online presence. A stroll down main street is not what it used to be.... Your product & service may be enticing & inviting with great "word of mouth" referrals but it's not enough to keep you competitive in this growing age of technology. You have to paint an alluring digital picture if you want your business to stand out among the competition, you NEED to up your online game. The EXPAND YOUR TRIBE Online Program will help you build an online presence from scratch in 12 weeks or less through the use of amazing digital strategy that will make you irresistible to new clients. The EXPAND YOUR TRIBE PROGRAM will set you up with all the systems & motivational support you need to create & build your online presence with confidence, no BS accountability & alignment to your goals. What you want: 1 Increased Visibility. 2 Product & Business Awareness. 3 An Aligned Client Base. What you need: The Expand Your Tribe Program. Its that simple, if youre an action taker NOT an excuse maker and are prepared to invest in yourself and your business to achieve results faster. THIS IS FOR YOU. If youre reading this saying YES, drop a comment below or head to the website to find out more!
20.01.2022 The ONLINE PRESENCE KICKSTARTER is here! By now, you probably know that you need an online business presence. You need an online space to help build your business, sell products and services & get your name out there.... The tricky part is figuring out how to do it and where to start. Setting off in the wrong direction without guidance, can cost you months in backtracking (not to mention the cost). This is the no-BS 8 step guide to kickstart your online game without the struggle & overwhelm. This freebie was designed to give you A-game advice to get you started with creating a valuable online presence on social media and other platforms. This is your guide to KICKSTART your journey, to encourage thought and conversation and to unleash your confidence and creativity moving forward. Hit the link BELOW to download this amazing freebie, work through it and if you get to the end and find yourself wanting more Ive created a BRAND NEW COURSE designed to help you remain consistent while creating an amazing online presence. The EXPAND YOUR TRIBE PROGRAM is coming Get ready!
19.01.2022 Do you have a passion project? Something you've invested your heart and soul into but haven't yet set aligned goals to take it to the next level? This is your reminder to GET IT DONE... Start by gathering resources to help you along the way; freebies, newsletters from aligned brands, YouTube tutorials. Learn from those who have gone before you. The things you are passionate about are not random, theyre your calling. Take purposeful steps forward and transform your passion into a biz opportunity. Because why wouldn't you want to do what you love each and every day!! P.s Already started your passion project? Head to my website to download my Online Presence Kickstarter freebie to get you started!
19.01.2022 Whats the driving force? It starts with unlocking your genius zone, otherwise known as your natural talents & strengths When you operate in your genius zone, you work with more connection, youre lit up & able to overcome the beast of procrastination. Motivation comes easily, youre in a space of natural authority & able to attract ideal clients with authenticity... The vision for your aligned lifestyle comes from an empowered place And the dream begins to unfold in reality Need some help uncovering your natural talents & strengths? Check out my free e-book The link is in the bio
18.01.2022 Question Have you ever had that feeling? That next level, high vibe, dancing your way into your next opportunity type of feeling No? Well you SHOULD.... Its time to stop hiding, its time to expand your horizons and increase your visibility. This is especially important for those with an ONLINE BUSINESS. Your end goal is a solid aligned audience with an everlasting goal of recurring clientele. Your starting point is NOW, right here, RIGHT NOW. Its time to KICKSTART your business, especially with EOFY just around the corner. Click Here, To grab your FREE copy of the ONLINE PRESENCE KICKSTARTER The only free resource youll need to kickstart your business growth, NOW. Success isnt going to wait, its time to go and TAKE IT.
18.01.2022 Question? You know those worklife moments, when youre in full-tilt flow? Do you often wonder how to create & magnify more of that powerful motivation across other areas of your biz? If youre nodding with a hells to the yes ... I wrote an e-book on everything Ive learned about overcoming procrastination to create more fulfilment in your life Its called The Ultimate Guide to Uncovering Your Natural Talents & Strengths Its free & is up on the link in my bio
18.01.2022 Lets talk about LIMITING BELIEFS and why theyre so important! [Save this post] Limiting beliefs are the difference between making profound shifts & mediocre moves, they hold you back from expressing your full potential & keep you stuck repeating the same cycle. They will continue to show up, until you push through them & create new beliefs.... How does one create new beliefs you ask? This is the FIRST & MOST IMPORTANT step to uncover and manage the limiting beliefs that are controlling your life WATCH YOUR MOUTH - Negative self-talk is the biggest (and easiest) way to stay stuck, especially with all that internal dialogue we all have. Do yourself a favour and replace those nasty I cant sentiments with POSITIVE affirmations like I can and I will!. You wonder why youre not moving forward when youre constantly thinking with fear and lack, your external life becomes your internal thoughts, so if youre constantly thinking about not having money STOP THAT youre literally attracting that sentiment into your life. Its time to stop holding yourself back! Drop your fave affirmation in the comments below!
18.01.2022 Start with your MINDSET. When our mindset shifts, everything shifts. You can change every aspect of your life and still not be happy, happiness comes from within, to TRULY be happy, you MUST start with yourself.... Be nicer. Thank yourself more. Congratulate yourself on your wins. Appreciate your losses. Acknowledge your fear. Because its ALL PART OF THE PROCESS to uncovering your true self & inner wisdom. You can do anything you want as long as YOU believe you can. Be the change, start the shift. You are THE BIG RED BUTTON. Push it!
17.01.2022 SUPPORT FOR THE TRIBE This year has been a tough one & I’d love to give one lucky follower a chance to amplify their impact online, stand out & be found by their potential customers in the digital space In perfect timing for the recovery - kicking off end of the month Head to the link in the bio to win a free spot ... Sherwood See more
15.01.2022 Good evening my Beautiful Tribe, GUESS WHAT!? It's almost the beginning of a new week and it's important to take time to celebrate YOU & every little (or MASSIVE) achievement you've made this week. Whether it be biz, home life, mentality or your passion project, every step should be rewarded!... It's time to Congratulate & Celebrate your beautiful purpose filled soul! Comment below with one achievement you are proud of this week! Don't be shy, it's your time to shine!
15.01.2022 FEEDBACK LIKE THIS is what I thrive on Each week in the Freedom-Business Foundations course, I ask my tribe how they are going, what they have struggled with & what they could be doing better. As we progress, the positive feedback rises, the mindset shift is evident and the transformations slowly build.... I couldnt be prouder of this community Ive created, theyre a group of AMAZING women who will do anything to make their biz thrive! Feedback like this is evidence of the up level this high vibe tribe are achieving & I cant wait to see how far they move forward, in our next session. So proud of my purpose driven biz tribe.
14.01.2022 PSA: STOP DOUBTING YOUR ABILITIES. It's a new week, full of new beginnings and opportunities, a chance to start again. If you've been feeling overwhelmed, unproductive or left behind, today I want you to press the reset button.... This is your reminder that YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED to make the d e c i s i o n to continue moving forwardTake note of the challenges youve faced & won, in the past. Use your wins as fuel to propel action, in pursuit of your goals. Because you can't ignite the fire inside your soul with a wet match You've got this!
14.01.2022 Invisible business issues? Youre not alone. It's the #1 challenge facing businesses at this time And the thing is, the opportunity to be seen is greater than ever...... Over the last couple of months, the world stayed home and went online. Almost every biz & person has switched to internet communication So being visible online has never been more important than it is right now But, if you feel like no matter what offers you put out there, you're still not reaching your potential clients and customers? Head to the link in my bio & download the Online Presence Kickstarter freebie to get you on track
14.01.2022 Daily practice The Five Minute Journal is not a magic pill Although, there certainly is some magic at work here... You still have to the work in the real world Get out of your comfort zone Take action and make magic happen This journal is your guide You are ready @intelligentchange @dominikabodenko
13.01.2022 Dropping in to share some nuggets from the goal-kicking group moving through our Freedom-Business Foundations program atm This high vibe tribe are all building their own purpose-led online businesses & creating their freedom based work lives Gem numero uno... The LEARN-APPLY-TEACH method of sharing your purpose, heres how LEARN- Life experience is your launch pad to delve deeper into ensmartening yourself on similar relevant concepts APPLY - the lessons of your life experience & your newfound knowledge to propel you forward TEACH- skill acquisition; to build on the foundation of your experience in order to effectively share it Simple Yes & bang-on effective After only ONE live coaching session, the group are already solidifying the foundations for their service & offers If your interest is sparked & you missed this program intake.... We have you covered. Next program is coming, July 2nd kick off Swipe over to check out the transformation feels And if youre keen for more info, just drop your yes please below? Love, light & purpose to you tribe xx @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
12.01.2022 Ever felt stuck knowing a little about a lot? Are you tired of doing the same thing expecting a different result? It's because you haven't found your Genius zone! Your genius zone is your unique talent , the one of a kind quality you bring to your life and work.... Its the skills & interests that youre naturally gifted at, they will be different to anyone else and only YOU can harness their power! When you combine this natural talent & skill with practice & repetition, you find yourself among the small percentage of people who can break through & redefine an industry. Feeling overwhelmed with where to start, I'VE GOT YOUR BACK. I provide a level of coaching which will not only help you find your genius zone but harness it to create a PURPOSE LED BUSINESS that aligns with your values & lifestyle. It's time to operate from your strengths & share your badass expertise to attract m o r e like-minded clients & speak to them effectively. Make the decision to tap into your genius zone, ignite that fire in your soul & unlock your highest potential. Visit my website for more about my dedicated coaching packages and online programs
10.01.2022 Your ONLINE PRESENCE is critical to the success of your business. Showing up online is the easiest way to build your audience and be seen amongst your competition. In this IGTV I talk you through 3 tips to help you stand out and become a leader in your field.... 1 Your Website. 2 Your Content. 3 Your Opt ins. If you have any questions or need some advice please feel free to send me a DM or drop a comment below! P.s I have some exciting news dropping tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled!
07.01.2022 DEADLINE EXTENDED! You have less than 24 hours! EOFY is here and theres no better time than now to invest in your future. The EXPAND YOUR TRIBE Online Program will help you build an online presence from scratch in 12 weeks or less through the use of amazing digital strategy that will make you irresistible to new clients.... This is your chance to increase your online presence, up-level your visibility and build a brand new client base who are aligned with your mission and goals moving forward. THIS IS FOR YOU if you are tired of working on your social media without any success, your follower count isnt growing and your audience isnt engaged. The EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT will save you $200, you have until 5pm 29th June 2020. Its time to step up and honour yourself by investing in your business. To find full details on the Expand Your Tribe program click here Time is running out, but dont worry, you have plenty of time to apply for this program as applications close on July 31st. You just wont get that juicy discount!
05.01.2022 FROM FEARFUL-ASS TO BADASSI faked faith in myself when I started my own business 4 years ago. Truth is, I thought I was meant to go it alone & hung around in the pits of trial & error It was painful, unproductive & did zero for my confidence Operating with an underlying fear of the unknown, meant I was feeding my limiting beliefs. And as a result, stayed in the cycle of just surviving for wayyy too long ( ok 2 years.. t w o damn years)... I knew I deserved to thrive & could TAKE IT NEXT LEVEL faster, with the help of a mentor - an accountability partner who had been there before me The thing is - HOW on earth did I expect to thrive, if I wasnt prepared to invest in my own continual business growth It was notgoingtohappen So Tribe....SAVE THIS POST as a reminder to slay yo FEAR with a get the f*ck outta my way attitude, get down with your friend FAITH & blossom into that badass youre here to be PSST... AMPLIFY ONLINE IMPACT Program is o p e n for registration Link is here
05.01.2022 Challenge accepted Femicide is never okay Supporting & empowering women to build a purpose-led & soul aligned lifestyle is my mission & promise Im so grateful to the strong women in my life who have believed in my purpose & unconditionally backed me & I am here to do the same for you #womensupportingwomen @townersherrill @lolairviing @jane_kinnear @juliamclennan5 @ceri_lloyd01 @katestorer @rebeccalhealey @jensincero @socialcactuscoaching @hollyshergold @ig...nitedthinking @janebyronpaynter @larasb @shelz_bar and a host more- you know who you are x Thank you @jane_kinnear for nominating me
04.01.2022 SUPPORT FOR THE TRIBE This year has been a tough one & Id love to give one lucky follower a chance to amplify their impact online, stand out & be found by their potential customers in the digital space In perfect timing for the recovery - kicking off end of the month Head to the link in the bio to win a free spot ... Sherwood See more
03.01.2022 It sucked the life out of me - so I called it, took the scary leap, 4 years ago & handed in my resignation The role was kind of lucrative, but it was just a job. It stole my creative, my presence as a Mum & worse,my soul Im grateful for the transition it fostered, for the fact it highlighted the parts of me that werent being fed... I was great at Digital Marketing. But my true calling was to help others also create a life of their own design in a purpose-driven online biz Skip to investing ( a lot) in Coaching training & here I am working with my ideal clients, helping them monetise their talents & build a worklife they love Im sharing my story, because I really want you to know....if I can reposition as a solo parent & build a profitable biz that aligns with who I am You, brilliant & beautiful human can do it too! Especially now. The world is staying home & going online If youre constantly hoping your ass off, for the life you want, to appear via some magical universal intervention... Its notgoingtohappen If youre nodding your head...Maybe its time to make the D E C I S I O N to get some insights into building a biz that reflects your soul purpose And if you need help to just START the process Check out the link in the bio & grab The Ultimate Guide, free e-book Slip me a DM with any questions... or just for a chat You have options, talented tribe & Id love to support you X
03.01.2022 Let's get real. The only person in control of your life, is you. You hold the power that fuels your destiny. Your attitude has the wheel.... Are you telling yourself you're WORTHY of success? Or are you operating from a place of negative self belief? If youre looking to move bravely in the direction of your goals & still succumbing to fear-based thinking, it isn't going to work! The first step towards creating a purpose-led lifestyle is to d e c i d e that you are unavailable for any other outcome. Repeat after me, I AM, I CAN & I WILL! And then stop at nothing, to make it happen.
01.01.2022 Hands Up for the freedom feels of a worklife that makes your heart sing every single day Getting lit with the energy of living your purpose & expanding your potential Attracting & working with a high vibe tribe of clients ... And making the almighty decision to free yourself from the suck hole of just surviving ROCKS THE BIG ONE right? The opportunity to reposition is here, right now. The whole world has gone online & you have the opportunity to build an online business that aligns with your talents & strengths Dont know what your natural strengths are or where to start uncovering them ? Head to the link in the bio of your FREE guide to Uncover Your Natural Talents & Strengths Go
01.01.2022 Most people build their businesses in their zone of excellence, the area where skills are proficient The problem with the zone of excellence- and the reason why so many people in it are unhappy- is that its a fine line away from the genius zone Which is where you will actually thrive ... Your zone of genius is whats most effortless for you. If youre able to relax & begin the work, youll feel like you can create just like that When you combine this natural talent & skill with practice & repetition, you find yourself among the small percentage of people who can break through AND redefine an industry Thing is your genius zone is n o t just what youre passionate about Its not just what you like the idea of Its what youre naturally gifted at. When you can identify these skills & interests, you can capitalise on them by working on them consistently This combo is where your strike G O L D - youre working on purpose & at your highest potential Want to know HOW to figure out your genius zone? DM me for a worksheet
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