BullsAndArrows | Non-profit organisation
Phone: +61 3 9844 1944
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25.01.2022 >> NEW FILM TEASER << Here’s a sneak peek at some stills from our new film released THIS WEEK! ... #VHS #videotape #VCR #toploader #80s #backtothefuture #backintime #michaeljfox #fashion #filmmaking #shortfilm #filmstills #streettalk #andrewkitchen #charleycox #opinion #poll
25.01.2022 We're stoked to announce 'IMMUNITY' has been OFFICIALLY SELECTED for the exclusive Melbourne Lift Off Film Festival #liftofffilmfestivals. It will screen in front of a live voting audience NEXT THURS NOV 28 @ 9PM - Backlot Studios, Southbank. . Come along and watch it on the big screen and vote!! We'd love to see you there!... . Cast. @mikedsmith22 @nichola_jayne82 @darcyjhalliday Dir. @filmharvs Co-Writer. @jasontarkus 1st AD. @jonnoweir 2nd AD. Tyler Warwick EP. @timdaykey @benwhimpey @mmiatke DP. @alper_kasap_cinematographer 1st AC. @wkwdp 2nd AC. @fake_joelsoh Grip. @antonio_raiola01 Gaffer. @danieltan87 Best Boys. @jeelosh @lochiehookway Runners. @christafionahill @timevansfilm H&MU. Jessica Taylor + Chelsea Sheppard Boom Op. @bobzerunkle Unit Manager. @katylheath Data Wrangler. Thilini Danansooriyalage Colourist. @jacobdyer Photography. @mph_photography @ziggy.cross BTS. @timdaykey @nathanshev1 Catering. @lillianyau @mustang_motorsport_official @indimaxproductions @yesheis_
25.01.2022 >> NEW FILM RELEASE << Life On Mission - with yesHEis How often do we let our fears of the unknown determine how we interact with people and limit how honestly and deeply we share ... #lifeonmission #yesheis #startaconversation - - - - - Special shout out to all who came and filmed with us! Nick Rhyder Barnabas Jackson Beamish Dean Cait Wouters Catherine Arnott Geena Norman Kate Boehringer Dipa Walters Olivia McDowell Kyle Hanna Sam Drew Zeph Tinsley Hilda Kaguma Oputjo Rukambe Esther Nyikang Snazzywezzo Wesley Helen Hadiyan Fernando Nara Li Yen Ong Alizée Morin Way Lim Josiah Duncan Cameron Spendlove James Stephens Paul McMahon Wendy Waddell Jess Lockhart Cineman Sam Sharon Cunliffe Aze Cunliffe Rubiki Eat & Drink
25.01.2022 FILM PREMIERE TOMORROW NIGHT! Here's the Parking Map for the venue - we just need to ensure we keep the farm roads clear for the residents - https://goo.gl/maps/wM37QmNuWfSD6kJG7 See you all at 7.30PM SATURDAY!!
24.01.2022 FREE Donuts, popcorn + chocolate! PLUS awesome hot drinks by Traveller Coffee Co. Why wouldn't you wanna be there? http://www.facebook.com/events/591375321367964/ . . . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee
24.01.2022 Had an awesome time on the weekend at our huge 10 Years Of Film celebration + premiere of 'IMMUNITY'. Thanks to Ziggy Cross for capturing some of the moments throughout the night for us! An amazing venue from Country Heart as well, check them out - http://countryheart.com.au
24.01.2022 This brings back great memories from the Selfie Empire Shoot! https://vimeo.com/116935674
24.01.2022 Some production stills from our current film shoot with yesHEis
24.01.2022 THE FALLING is screening here right now!! #mimfilmfest @mimfilmfest
23.01.2022 This is happening in just 2 days!! We'll be there so come watch it with us! #mimfilmfest Made In Melbourne Film Festival
23.01.2022 Our film IMMUNITY - currently in post-production - couldn’t have been possible without the generosity of Mustang Motorsport!! #mustangmotorsport #teamroush #roushworldwide #immunityfilm #immunity -... - - #bullsandarrows #indimaxfilms #shortfilms #filmmakers #filmmakerslife #dop #dp #cinematography #creative #melbournefilms #melbourne #filmdirector #director #producer #yesheis See more
23.01.2022 IMMUNITY FILM - 3 DAYS TIL SHOOT! Last bits of production design, shot lists, call sheets, schedules and location maps just about done. Rehearsals tonight with our amazing cast!! #immunityfilm -... - #bullsandarrows #shortfilms #filmmakers #filmmakerslife #dop #melbournefilms #filmdirector #yesheis See more
22.01.2022 Make sure you grab a coffee / hot choc / tea / chai or two from Traveller Coffee tomorrow night inside the cinema! Cash / EFTPOS Available. . . . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee
22.01.2022 Aaaaaand... that’s a wrap! One massive week of filming for our IMMUNITY short film done. The whole week felt as epic as this shot!! #immunityfilm #immunity - -... - #bullsandarrows #indimaxfilms #shortfilms #filmmakers #filmmakerslife #dop #dp #cinematography #creative #melbournefilms #melbourne #filmdirector #director #producer #yesheis See more
22.01.2022 Just launched casting calls for our new short film, IMMUNITY, with Indimax Films + yesHEis! Tag any of your actor friends who might be interested in applying... https://www.starnow.com.au/listing/951283/immunity-casting/
22.01.2022 Editing. Editing. Editing. . The other part of the filmmaking process I love - the moment of crafting the story together!! And although it can be tedious at times, I love the feeling of locking down the final cut in anticipation of others getting caught up in the story. Enjoying watching the performances over and over again of @mikedsmith22 @nichola_jayne82... @darcyjhalliday over the last 2 weeks too!! . . #immunityfilm #immunity - - - #bullsandarrows #indimaxfilms #shortfilms #filmmakers #filmmakerslife #dop #dp #cinematography #creative #melbournefilms #melbourne #filmdirector #director #producer #yesheis See more
22.01.2022 Location scouting for our new short film... nice moody underground car parks should be just right!
21.01.2022 ** NEW FILM TEASER ** Who doesn't love the 80s?? So here's our sweet crusty gold-plated glowing logo flying through a blurry starfield...
21.01.2022 Hunters Chasing - Hearts Racing - Blood Pumping - Feet Thumping. Watch our film 'The Falling' as part of Made In Melbourne Film Festival 2016 - TIX HERE: thefalling-film.com
21.01.2022 Count it a privilege to have worked with @alper_kasap_cinematographer (on left) recently on our newest short film #IMMUNITY #immunityfilm. He is both an incredibly talented and humble man and has a great eye for a beautiful cinematography. . Happy Birthday Bro!! .... . . @mikedsmith22 @darcyjhalliday See more
21.01.2022 COFFEE!! When the wind is super icy and the rain's hammering down like typical Melbourne weather, there's nothing quite like a hot, rich coffee to warm you up... . And we just had @travellercoffeeco jump on board as our baristas for this 10 YEAR FILM PARTY! Can't wait to see their rad little coffee cart setup. .... . . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
20.01.2022 >> NEW FILM TEASER << Here’s another sneak peek at our new film released THIS WEEK! ... #VHS #videotape #VCR #toploader #80s #backtothefuture #backintime #michaeljfox #fashion #filmmaking #shortfilm #filmstills #streettalk #andrewkitchen #charleycox #opinion #poll
20.01.2022 New B+A Film with yesHEis coming this arvo!
20.01.2022 There are some days I wish I didn't come into work... #thiscouldtakeawhile
19.01.2022 Pretty stoked our newest film ‘IMMUNITY’ has been selected as a finalist for the Pilgrim Media Award with CMAA @mediaarts_au #cmaaconnect Can’t wait for you all to see this little story!
19.01.2022 Everyone loves a good post-workout selfie... even this guy! Just over 2 weeks to go until out huge ONE NIGHT ONLY FILM PARTY - SAT JUNE 15 7.30PM! . Come hang out + celebrate 10 years of films with us as we watch some handpicked short flicks with plenty of cinema snacks and goodies. Check out our FB Event - https://www.facebook.com/events/591375321367964... .. #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
19.01.2022 So... pretty stoked to announce 'IMMUNITY' has been OFFICIALLY SELECTED out of 2500+ films for the Melbourne Lift-Off Film Festival - THUR NOV 28 @ 9PM - Backlot Studios, Southbank. Thanks so much Lift-Off Global Network We'd love you to come watch our film with us and be part of the LIVE VOTING in the cinema. ... Immunity Team Aaron Harvey - Jason Tucker - Ben Whimpey - Jonathan Weir - Tim Doecke - Alper Kasap - Michael Miatke
19.01.2022 Massive thanks to @rubiki_cafe for letting us capture a couple special shots in the beautiful cafe atmosphere for our new film! #lifeonmission #yesheis #startaconversation #filmmaking #filmlife
18.01.2022 Our colourist, Jacob Dyer, adding final touches onto newest film, 'IMMUNITY'! Love seeing this part of the process happen - the colours bring out the emotions in every scene. It's almost ready to release and we're so PUMPED!! Can't wait for everyone to watch it. #immunity #immunityfilm Directed By. Aaron Harvey... Produced By. Indimax Productions + yesHEis DP. Alper Kasap - Cinematographer See more
18.01.2022 Just came across this site while doing pre-production on our new short film. GOLD.
18.01.2022 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul. Presenting #IMMUNITY, the latest BullsAndArrows film, produced in association with Indimax Productions and yesHEis. Watch the Director’s Cut now online through Vimeo or visit the website here: http://www.immunity-film.com/
17.01.2022 Crew assembled. Gear packed. 8 hours til on set. Let’s shoot this thing! #immunityfilm #immunity #bullsandarrows #indimaxfilms #shortfilms #filmmakers #filmmakerslife #dop #dp #melbournefilms #melbourne #filmdirector #yesheis
17.01.2022 Filming with this ROUSH RS3 beast today for our #IMMUNITYFILM from the crew at @mustang_motorsport_official #mustangmotorsport #teamroush #roushworldwide
17.01.2022 Backstage running a Love Films Session with our team at Aquinas College
17.01.2022 >> NEW FILM TEASER << This guy is THE BEST!! You'll see him when we release the film TOMORROW! ... #VHS #videotape #VCR #toploader #80s #backtothefuture #backintime #michaeljfox #fashion #filmmaking #shortfilm #filmstills #streettalk #andrewkitchen #charleycox #opinion #poll
16.01.2022 Pretty stoked with @hrowan74 @danamarien at our AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD today for 'The Falling' . . . #madeinmelbournefilmfestival #madeinmelbourne #melbourne #melbourneevents #mimfilmfest #shortfilm #cinematography #red #redepic #filmmaking #macedon #forest #action #thriller #chase #notmichaelbay #hunters #arrows #bts #acting #director #shooting #mountains #wilderness #forgiveness #backlotcinema #filmawards #awards
16.01.2022 Then painted it midnight black! Film set here we come...
15.01.2022 Pretty excited to launch this Teaser Trailer of 'Immunity'!! A beautiful little film shot by us and a bunch of super talented filmmakers... #immunity #immunityfilm Indimax Productions yesHEis... Alper Kasap - Cinematographer See more
15.01.2022 >> NEW FILM RELEASE << THE 80s ARE BACK!! VHS tapes and fluro parachute tracksuits! We teamed up with musician Andrew Kitchen + actor Charley Cox and hit the streets of Melbourne for another gnarly film!
15.01.2022 >> NEW FILM RELEASE << THE 80s ARE BACK!! VHS tapes and fluro parachute tracksuits! We teamed up with actor Charley Cox + musician Andrew Kitchen and hit the streets of Melbourne for another gnarly film! . FULL FILM LINK IN BIO .... #VHS #videotape #VCR #toploader #80s #backtothefuture #backintime #michaeljfox #fashion #filmmaking #shortfilm #filmstills #streettalk #andrewkitchen #charleycox #opinion #poll #melbourne #streettalk #voxpop #madeinmelbourne See more
14.01.2022 Hanging in the Docklands Studios with a @tedbaehr Film Masterclass with @indimaxfilms @benwhimpey @yesheis_ @welovegoodtv @ Docklands Studios Melbourne
14.01.2022 You'd be CRAZY to miss out on our biggest event yet - the 10 YEARS OF FILM Party + Film Premiere - SAT 15 JUNE @ 7.30PM . http://www.facebook.com/events/591375321367964 . .... . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
13.01.2022 We just whipped up some sweet stage design props for a massive @youthdimension event!
12.01.2022 >> NEW FILM TEASER << TOMORROW we're going BACK IN TIME to when VHS tapes were super rad and recorded over to the point of oblivion. ... #VHS #videotape #VCR #toploader #80s #backtothefuture #backintime #michaeljfox #fashion #filmmaking #shortfilm #filmstills #streettalk #andrewkitchen #charleycox #opinion #poll #melbourne #madeinmelbourne
11.01.2022 If you know the Yarra Valley, you'll know @ourcountryheart! We're so pumped to be decking out THE FARM HANGAR for our huge 10 Years Of Film Party + Film Premiere on SAT JUNE 15! . So thankful for the support of Narelle and the Country Heart team for this awesome event. And yes... there'll be blankets and heaters!! . .... . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
11.01.2022 What's Easter got to do with anything anyway? https://vimeo.com/121106598
11.01.2022 Can't wait until tonight for the screening of IMMUNITY at the exclusive Melbourne Lift-Off Film Festival!! It will be shown in front of a live voting audience TONIGHT @ 9PM - @the_backlot_studios, in a short films session with heaps of other incredible stories from local filmmakers. . . .... #liftofffilmfestivals #bullsandarrows #film #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #filmmaker #mustang #mustang_video #roush See more
11.01.2022 So... we kinda just won a script competition for our new film IMMUNITY! Wow, what?! Stoked to be producing it with @filmharvs__ @jasontarkus @alper_kasap_cinematographer @benwhimpey @indimax_productions @yesheis_ @_timdee and many more to come...
11.01.2022 Who likes Penthouse apartments? We do! Know anyone who may have a place like this? We're needing to film in one for just 2 days late October for our new short film 'Immunity'.
10.01.2022 Antiskeptic + Anberlin. Two Freaking Amazing Bands... Playing TOGETHER tonight. The FIRST BullsAndArrows film from 2009 - https://www.bullsandarrows.com/watch/anberlin
10.01.2022 We LOVE making film props! Especially high end ones like this... Can’t wait to shoot in 2 days with @alper_kasap_cinematography @indimax_productions @benwhimpey... @jonnoweir @filmharvs @jasontarkus @yesheis #immunityfilm - - #bullsandarrows #indimaxfilms #shortfilms #filmmakers #filmmakerslife #dop #melbournefilms #melbourne #filmdirector #yesheis
09.01.2022 Not a half bad day for filming at the beach for a new @youthdimension clip!
09.01.2022 Hitting storyboard mode for a new film. Love this process of dreaming up how it’ll look and flow together!
08.01.2022 Just finished casting + locking in all of our actors for ‘Immunity’! WOW!! We’ve been so blown away by over 80 applications for the 4 roles and big shout out to @theambitiousact for hosting us in their rad loft space too! So back into more pre-production with @jonnoweir @benwhimpey @alper_kasap_cinematographer @jasontarkus @filmharvs__ @indimax_productions
07.01.2022 Model Mustangs - Creepy Robots - Forest Chases - Rescued Princesses - First Person Shooters - Underground Bunkers - Smashed Sportscars... OUR FILMS HAVE IT ALL! . http://www.facebook.com/events/591375321367964/ . .... . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
07.01.2022 On set today with @cityonahillmelb filming a short set in the 90s
07.01.2022 TODAY'S THE DAY! New film release is on its way...
05.01.2022 Wanna get up all in the grill of this beast from @mustang_motorsport_official? See it at our Film Party + Premiere tonight!! https://www.facebook.com/events/591375321367964 + Photo by MPH Photography . . .... #mustang #mustangmotorsport #roush #roushworldwide #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
05.01.2022 When a 4m donut wall is part of work at @youthdimension! #YDcelebration
05.01.2022 'IMMUNITY' is coming... THIS SAT NIGHT! Check out the teaser trailer and come hang with us at the 10 Years Of Film Party + Premiere - https://www.facebook.com/events/591375321367964 . .... . #bullsandarrows #10years #party #filmpremiere #movienight #immunity #immunityfilm #shortfilms #youthdimension #yd #ourcountryheart #travellercoffee See more
05.01.2022 WE WON!! WE WON!! 'The Falling' just scored AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD at @mimfilmfest Made In Melbourne Film Fest #mimfilmfest All thanks to our amazing cast + crew!! #madeinmelbournefilmfestival #madeinmelbourne #melbourne #melbourneevents #mimfilmfest #shortfilm #cinematography #red #redepic #filmmaking #macedon #forest #action #thriller #chase #notmichaelbay #hunters #arrows #bts #acting #director #shooting #mountains #wilderness #forgiveness #backlotcinema #filmawards #awards
04.01.2022 A had an amazing Cast + Crew Premiere tonight for our latest short film - IMMUNITY #immunityfilm!! Thanks @the_backlot_studios for hosting us and to all of our incredible team for coming to hang out despite the beautiful Melbourne rain... So stoked to be releasing all of everyone’s hard work finally!
04.01.2022 As a little treat, here's a few little extra *special* unseen bits from 'The Falling'. Enjoy! Buy tix to our cinema screening tomorrow: The Falling - MIM Film Fest #likeamuppet #fartjokesnevergetold #bts #behindthescenes #drone #thefalling #focuspullerandnothingelse
03.01.2022 NEW FILM TEASER .. The opening scene for our new film .. We're bringing #VHS back *yeah* those other films they don't know how to act *yeah*
02.01.2022 How about a FREE 80s soundtrack for your summer listening?? Released this film last week and the music is so rad... Merry Christmas!
02.01.2022 Hey guys - we need your help! One of the locations we need for our new film is a farmhouse. We would need to use the interior and exterior. Here's some pics of the vibe we're looking for. Our ideal house would be located on a large rural property. If you think you might know of somewhere that might work then hit us up! Thanks
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